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Transcript of ISKCON Reading part 3

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The final installment of Pandit Sanjay's Reading on ISKCON

Part 3



Why am I not having a doubt about Krishna? Because He is pure, He Himself is

completely pure.


There is a particular time when Gajaraja, the elephant king went to drink

water and a powerful crocodile caught his legs. Gaja means elephant, raja

means king. The crocodile is makara. Makara means Capricorn. Gajaraj means

Jupiter, the elephant king. Gajaraja, Jupiter fought and struggled with the

crocodile too much. He tried to come out, but the crocodile was not leaving

him. The crocodile was in the water, his own place. Sani is in Makara.


It is the debility of Jupiter that troubles the leaders of ISKCON. If you

see the dashamsha D-10 the Jupiter is troubled in the 10th house of leaders,

and Sani has caught hold of Gajaraja. That is why the leaders, the gurus,

the good leaders, real gurus, they are really in trouble. These gurus are

real tapasvis, in the house of Sani.


ISKCON is very fortunate it has some of the best tapasvis. When this period

or sub period of Sani comes the crocodile will catch the Gurus.


When is the period of Sani? From August 99 to March 2001. During this period

the Gurus will be in distress, they will want to go away. Another period

sometime between 92-93, there would have been problems. The crocodile will

catch some of the Gurus. Between 92 and 93 also there would have been

problems. Look back!


Whenever the elephant is caught by the mouth of the crocodile, what did

Gajaraj do? The Guru himself has to do something, what did he do? He

surrendered to Krishna. What mantra did he chant? How did he call Krishna?

It is said that Gajendra worshipped so hard that immediately Garuda went and

picked up Narayana Jagannath with Laxmi and They came flying to the rescue of

Gajaraja. Narayana finished the demon makara using His discus to severe the

crocodiles head from his body. In this way, Narayan rescued Gajaraja.


The particular vesha in which Narayana comes is called Gaja Udharana vesha.

Udharana means saved. Gajapati is the king of Puri . Gajaraja is also the

head priest in Puri. Whenever they are in trouble, they must worship with

this mantra. Now when Krishna comes, He comes in a very peculiar form called

ashtabuja rupa. He has eight hands. Astabhuja means each hand carries one

weapon or mudhra. Each weapon or mudra is one akshara. So how many aksharas

does Astabhuja vesha have? Eight aksharas.


If I am a rishi where is my tapawala? My strength, my tapawala is in my

hair. You know when you do gayatri siddhi you are not supposed to shave.

Some time back I was not shaving at all. My hair had been quite full. After

I finished those 40 days, I shaved. These rishis, Maharishi Viswamrita did

constant Gayatri for Krishna. They did not stop. So naturally when did they

have time to shave their hair. The tapasya is not finishing, so when will the

shave? So they are having hair. So what do we call this hair? Kesha. So if I

am a rishi, Rishi Kesha.


So this is part of the mantra for calling Krishna for protection. We chant

this when we are in trouble, we chant this shakti? Which shakti, Krishna has

yoga with three shaktis.


The first shakti is sattva guna- one who will give food, who will take care

of day to day needs---Laxmi, Sri Laxmi, Rasta Laxmi, Maha Laxmi, Suvarna

Laxmi---basically the over all rupa is Rukmini.


Raja Guna is Saraswati, so many forms of Saraswati, Sharadari over the

controlling queen is Satyabhama.


Tamas- in Kali Yuga, Maha Kali, all the divine mothers. Ultimately this

boils down to which rupa? Shree Radhey, Hara rupa, Hare Krishna is Radha

Krishna. Hara is Radhe. I have taught these things in class. The three

chief queens of Krishna are Rukmini, Satyabhama and Radhika.


So in Kali, Gajaraja is in trouble. He is in kali. How will he come out?

These three queens are worshipped with three vidyas: Aim Hrim and Klim



Sattwa--Hrim- Laxmi, Rukmini

Rajas-- Aim- Saraswati, Satyabhama

Tamas--Kleem- Radha


Kleem will take a person out of tamas. Kleem. Why did Srila Prabhupada

advise us to worship Radha Shyamasundar? To take us out of tamas. Someone

in the USA is in complete tamas, eating all kinds of meat. They have to be

taken out of tamas. That is only possible with Radha Shakti. Kleem Vidya.

It is not possible with the other vidyas only with Kleem.


The mantra is Kleem Hrishi Keshaya Namah. The mantra is Kleem Hrishi Keshaya

Namah, Astakshari. This is the Gajamantra " Kleem Hrishi Keshaya Namah. "


That is why Krishna is called Keshava. He is the protector of the choti (top

knots) of the pandits. The pandits keep chotis (top knots). He protects

them. There are eight akshayas in this mantra.




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So this is why He has eight hands in the Astarupa vesh. The sadhus, the

heads of institutions they are supposed to say this mantra so they can come

out. Whenever my devotee is doubting me, whenever my shisa is doubting me,

there is a fault in me. I immediately say this mantra of Krishna, if I am

your servant, if I am to do this work of a guru, you have given me this work,

I say this mantra " Kleem Hrishi Keshaya Namah " . Please protect my pony

tail, please protect my top knot. Krishna will not let the pandits head go

down. All the problems of Sani will vanish. So the way, leadership can

overcome this difficult period is by chanting the Astabuja mantra - 8 weapons

(aksharas) in 8 syllables.

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