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Mark Kincaid.... 5/22....re...transit experience.... Wonderful Correspondence re....Malefics...

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Dear Friends;


Here's a wonderful discussion regarding one's malefics...and frustrating experiences...


and yet.... regarding...the blessings in disguise...that are there for us!



Mark K.







Dear Debra:


See below:




" Debra

Wed, 19 May 2004 14:37:43 -0500

" 'Mark Kincaid' " <m.kincaid

RE: 5/19 Wednesday's Star Report & Waking Moon Cycle Begins Today... ynag







I have a very complicated chart as I am sure you have demised by now.


Don't feel that way!


Each one of our charts....is literally...perfect!


And the more you look at your chart,...and especially discover what hidden meanings and

opportunities are there for you!


the more you'll discover this!




With that in mind, I wanted to share with you and others that since the Sun went into Taurus (at almost the exact moment) I have not been well.


I know what you mean. With each transit, there's some lesson there, some message for us.


But, now that we've begun 'watching'....we can't resist....to keep looking...


Because in looking, we begin to 'see'....


And 'seeing'....allows us to begin a great passage into Wisdom....


What is the Wisdom for you in this transit?


Each month that I've continued to 'watch'....


I've asked myself this question....


And each moment...more and more......and ....more.... knowledge has come...


With each passing Month, the nature of our Planets....benefic and malefic start to become clearer...


Then,.... the transits,.... also begin to teach us about our 'Houses' as well as the nature of our



Then, there's the wisdom of our dasas...







finally dasas...


These are the primary 3 Pillars of Jyotish/Astrology....


There's a lot of details...in this particular transit...


The Sun is different in Taurus...

and though....


the Moon's supposed to be sooooo happy in Taurus...


it's also a New Moon...this Month...so power of Moon,...is minimal...


In other words...more delicate.... inward...


Also, this Month, this year,.... as the Moon's moving through Taurus,...it's also found

between all the Malefics!


1) With the Sun.....


2) hemmed in...between Rahu in Aries...on eht one side... and...

3) Mars & Saturn in Gemini...on the other......


See, how you feel, in the next few days....when the Moon finally leaves this particular 'clump' of



and moves into Cancer...on the other side!


See if you feel better, then....



However, whatever the reason, 'why' we're feeling what we are...


There is another side...


Which is...that we can do something,...adjust.... so that this particular transit... is easier...

better,...and eventually nullified...


For me, I had similar experiences...with Moon & Saturn....

as well as New Moon, Moon....


Each time, I watched these transits, I noticed feeling shaken....in my Moon....


but eventually, I started to glimpse.... what might be the purpose, or lesson there for me...


I have Moon & Saturn in the 12th House, in my birth chart, with Sun in the 11th...


So, weak Moon, in the 12th...

Small Moon ...one house away from the Sun....

and poor Moon!..ehhehe...with Saturn....

also in the 12th...


So, my Monthly cylces were very accurate, portrayals...of these maleficnesses....


but then I started to feel...


1) Well, maybe I'm supposed to learn to be more inward with the Moon when it's being so small


2) Be more outward when it's Waxing...


And after awhile...that started to be my experience....


Imagine...discovering...such a frustrating....emotional, Moonish...'hole' there...

and finally,

discovering...how to fill it!


With Saturn it was a completely different lesson...


Saturn in 12th...is like a life...lesson, loss or lack of Saturn wisdom...


and yet..... with each day, as I especially, studied...the transits...


it occured to me... I need to develop more Wisdom of Saturn....


and then, after sometime,...even that.... started to grow...


and with each moment....of appreciation....


Saturn's....moments...transits, even...dasas....


started to be different...


they began to feel better,....less malefic.... and....


eventually....more benefic!


more joyful!





In fact as the moon has moved into Taurus yesterday as well, I have been literally off my feet in excruciating spinal pain. This is something that I have always have had to deal with but thought I had under control with a change in lifestyle. Your assessment of slowing down and taking stock, learning from one¹s malefics and re-evaluating how one should go about their charts (lives) is encouraging. However, I would like to know how one deals with such set backs after doing all to be at rest and calm.


We should trust in Nature,...in God...or even Saturn...


to keep pointing...out to us.... how we can get stronger and stronger....


I had many, many...similar Saturn set backs...


And I finally came to understand...how backwords....I've been in appreciating this important side of life...


So,...keep going.... resting and being more calm.... is the beginning...


A time will come...when...all this patience,...and calmness....


will finally translate into .... Joy!


Saturn...is also about surrender....


What is that old expression?


" Not, my will be done.... but thy will be done....! "


Saturn's intimately caught up in this....


And as I learned to surrender my way, my individual...way...

goals, desires....


into Nature's timings...for me....


Then, I finally started....to feel the wrath of Saturn...becoming ...the peace of Saturn...


I think I was afraid...I'd loose my individuality...or passion for my goals, desires and dreams...


But, what I've found is not only did they not go away....


But, by learning to surrender to the timings...of when Nature....has organized....their fulfillments..


Then, they started to be fulfilled.... but in their own, or Nature's timings...


One Vedic Seer, once said: " We only have control over our actions... not over their fruits.


We have our desires, our actions...and the vibrations of those, go out and strike the entire Universe..... The consequences then start coming back to us...


That process...we have no control over.... The fruit, of our actions, though, is inevitable...


So, let go of worrying upon when they'll come back. Instead focus on the next giving, the next doing, the next service....


Then, our rewards will be maximum! "


I love this expression. It's such a great Saturn Wisdom....


We need to let go of when we think we'll receive...and instead focus on the present...


What do we do now!


If you're feeling rough, and upset, out of balance.... etc....


Then, pay attention to that....adjust...


and give yourself, your body, mind and heart.... what is indicated....


As you pay better attention,...and adjust to what 'Nature', or your body, or feelings...are telling you...and then....adjust...


Then, you'll find yourself....quickly moving out of that maleficness....!




In two weeks I have to be strong and flexible to travel by air back and forth, two thousand miles and be up and on the go for 6 days. In the meantime, I have to prepare to leave with shopping and packing and what not. I don¹t know how I am going to do it.


See, how we set up our schedules... We have soooo many things to do...


And we're not listening to the needs of our hearts, or physiology...


Desire...for more inner integration and peace....


And let the rest of our lives, the details...the schedule.... follow that!


As I've done that...it's a wonderful surrender to Saturn, to Nature...and to God....


Then, the reward comes!


And what joy!....


Nature doesn't want us as slaves....


But, equal...soul partners....


Only Nature wants us to learn the lessons that we need!


And joy and pain....are the 2 ways....that Nature teaches us!


When we're moving towards...the light!...

Or...to the 'right'....we'll experience joy!


When we're moving towards...the 'wrong' direction....

we'll feel, pain, heaviness, loss, confusion...etc....


It's our choice....


Light...or ....not....


Nature really only wants the best for us!


And it's whole nature and Being...is there...dishing out our rewards...for us....


So....we can See..... the Truths!



Discover... the bliss of these better ways.....


The choice...will always be up to us....



Maybe I have been too sedentary and now find myself incapacitated. On the other hand, maybe this setback is a reminder that I am not as I wish to be - vital physically.


2 great possibilities....


You find out!...and keep going...


However, as much as I try to cope and look for new ways to be active and of value being completely stopped in one tracks (so to speak) is not one of them.


Then, let go...of what you think...are the 'right' 'new ways'.... and surrendering ...to Nature's

kind guideness....


discover...what else Nature has in mind....


At some point I realized....every thought I've ever had....


was no where really, clear of the Truth....


I mean, I never would have guessed...that the Berlin War would fall, and communism collapse,


or 12 years of a wonderful bull market, then followed by almost 5 years...of recession....


but, since Nature has allowed me to 'see'.... through these wise, eyes of the Transits....


Clarity....and then,....Wisdom.... started to come....


And now, it's a much greater joy...to be working more, with Nature....


then against...'her'....


What is that old expression....


" It's not nice to fool Mother Nature! "



And we can't anyway!






Those malefics ­ gets you every time



Yes, indeed...and this is because Nature is Almighty....


and we'll 'NEVER' be able to persist...with our ignorance....


finally, we'll realize....that....Nature is indeed,....


On Our Side!


And surrendering...doesn't mean.... slavery....


It instead, means...co-creation....together...









Take care...


thanks for sharing your experience...



all the best...



Mark K.










Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:22 AM

5/19 Wednesday's Star Report & Waking Moon Cycle Begins Today... ynag





Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000






Coming to you, this Morning, 5/19 Wednesday,

in the pm, CDT., for today's transits.......

......5/19 Wednesday's Star Report, .....










Special Quote(s) of the Day!


" Let the mind function freely

and not dwell on anything.


Diamond Sutra


If you love what you do,

you'll never work another day in your life.



These two quotes today, from...


Meditation tip of the Day!













Nature's Astrology: Star Report




Wednesday, 5/19....9am...CDT, US


Moon Starts from the 9th degree of Taurus, today....

New Moon:

last night!


Waxing Moon Cycle Begins today!












Dear Friends:


Moon went past the Sun, last nite. Today, Moon starts it's all-Waxing Cycle,

getting bigger and bigger,....more energy, more dynamism....


And..... it's Exalted for the next 2 days!


Sun's at 5 degrees of Taurus today, and Moon's starting off the day at 9 degrees, so see if you can literally, 'feel' the Moon swinging past the Sun!


A lot of good qualities, today, Waxing Moon & Exalted...



also a tad complicated...because the Sun and Moon are between the 2 functional Malefics, Rahu in Aries, and Saturn & Mars in Gemini...


If, however, we make peace with our Malefics, then, their 'functional' Maleficness, will not come to us!


Think of the Malefics, as Nature's natural feedbacks.


If we're going too fast, (Mars) we can slip or have an accident.


If we're not getting enough rest or silence, (Saturn), then, we can catch a cold, or fall sick.


Learn to identify the Planet and it's Symbolisms that are coming to you!


Then, study the Wisdom of that Planet...

and as you embrace the 'higher' value of that Planet....


then, it's Maleficness will go away...


When we hear Mars speaking to us as we're going too fast, and we adjust, slowing...down... then we even can avoid that 'danger on the horizon'...


If we hear Saturn speaking to us, especially in the beginning when our cough is first starting, and adjust, taking more rest, and being more easy....

then, that 'sickness', can be avoided!


Listen to the Signs of Nature!


Hey, that sounds like a great title for an Advanced Newsletter!




Other Important Transits:






Jupiter, Rahu & Saturn.... Planetary Alert,....





Jupiter's at 15:14 degrees, Leo, 2 days ago: Yesterday....15:16 degrees Leo...

and Today: 15:18 degrees Leo.

Saturn's at 16:33 degrees Gemini.. 2 days ago: Yesterday 16:39 degrees/Gemini,

and Today: 16:46 degrees Gemini.

Rahu's at 17:22 degrees...in Aries..2 days ago: Yesterday 17:21 degrees/Aries,

and Today: 17:20 degrees Aries.





All, still very close,.... and kind of 'stuck' together....


Bottom Line:


Don't push, strain, your Nature Support....








Subscriber's Comments, Remarks, Feedbacks....


Comments regarding yesterday's Special Quote.




From Katie, California.....USA



" Dear Mark, Thanks for the great overview of the Saturn, Jupiter, & Rahu

influences over the past few years and into 2006.


It's very refreshing to stand back from the daily details and view the big picture.


Your reflections reminded me that in June of 1999,

when the Saturn/Jupiter planetary battle was first starting up;

I moved from a busy job as administrator of an Ayurvedic Health clinic,

into a more restful but fairly restrictive living situation with and to help

my mother.


Though lately I've been having a strong intuitive feeling that by mid-October,

things would be shifting sifnificantly into some new situation.


So, thanks sooo much again for offering your take on the planetary

weather patterns,


Sincerely, Katie.... "




" Dear Katie: I'm glad you liked the analysis of the Jupiter & Saturn trends.


Once you get used to the very concrete, manifest, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus & Mars....



Then, the more slow moving one's can be more clear.


And they're extremely important since they have such a powerful influence upon

our general progress & prosperity.....


We seek to grow, to expand ....due to Jupiter...


Nature's receptivity......and the path are well represented by Saturn....


Learning how to be in-tune with both of these is crucial


Success in Life! "








Special Quote(s) of the Day!


" Let the mind function freely

and not dwell on anything.


Diamond Sutra


If you love what you do,

you'll never work another day in your life.



These two quotes today, from...


Meditation tip of the Day!



I love these quotes today. 'Let the mind function freely'....

is a complete Jupiter quality... and 'not dwell on anything'...

is a good Saturn expression, not to be attached...


And the 2nd quote: 'If you love what you do'....

is very signficant...




And once we find our 'bliss', which our charts are all about...

then we can truely live the lives we were born to live!


funnily enough, our ideal lives, are the best of our charts!









Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....


Mark Kincaid


Jai Guru!











For those of you who are new to this Newsletter,

we also have a Web site on Nature's Astrology, see below.









For More Jyotish;

please go to:


Our New Nature's Astrology....

New Website Coming Soon!




Check it out!


Angelia Mansfield is doing a great job in the website design!

Send her some of your business!






Still in Progress!


Will Announce when finally ready....



Also, recently, I created a

New , Group or Message board

which is serving as a wonderful, medium, from which to discuss

in much more detail many of the pressing ideas of Astrology,

Western, Eastern,....and even Modern Astrology!




Help usher in the quality of the new Astrology that will be needed for helping deal

with life's real and complex problems.




Go to:










to join this group!








For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....




Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.


See below for the 3 Basic Charts that I do.


3 Basic Charts:


#1 Natal - Birth Chart


Life Reading, includes a very complete description of one's strengths

and weaknesses. This is the basis of all Jyotish transformations and

how we can literally change and improve any aspect of our lives!

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session, (1 1/2 Hrs) - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart. (30mins)


#2 Progression or 1 - 2 year Chart


People who have had charts done in the past, enjoy this shorter

Reading, focusing on the next 1 to 2 years, especially.

Also, good at identifying the 2 or 3 malefic areas in our chart

that are causing us our greatest problems! (60Mins.)

Cost: $ 50.00



#3 Questions & Answers: Chart


People who have particular questions about their life or charts,

enjoy this Reading as it focuses on applying the Wisdom of Jyotish

to 1 or 2 different areas, or questions presently, going on.

Cost: $ 25.00





All payments can be made through my paypal.com account

Please use my below account name/email address when submitting.





Otherwise payments can be sent to:


Starlight Unlimited

Checks or money orders c/o

Mark Kincaid

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556
















Samples of People who've had charts 'Done', or 'Read'.



From Andy, Florida.... US


" Hi Mark: I took your input seriously from my reading and is it every paying off!

Since last May I have been traveling constantly from New Mexico to Ohio, Minnesota

and Florida. I have always loved to travel and it is so fulfilling now, since you've really

helped me refine the better ways for me to move! And now, I'm especially getting better

paid for what I love to do. Thank you so much! "




From Angie, California..... US


" Dear Mark: By the way, I was re-listening to the tape of my consultation with you from last year and I wanted

to tell you that of all the jyotish consultations I have received, (and there have been many), you gave me some

of the most useful advice when you explained how to use my 'malefics', (Sani with Mangal) to deal with my

challenges. Many thanks, Angie.!



From Sally, Milwaukee, Wisconsin..... US


" Mark, You did a reading for me about my relationship with my husband. He and I have a

contentious marriage. You looked at our charts and saw exactly why he's been in a dark time

for several years. You then told me that he could be lifting out of that, in 5-6 months. Other

advice you gave me was to be 'love' for him, to show him the way out of the darkness.


You said that by holding steadfast to my spiritual disciplines and showing him a path, not pushing,

but just being an example, it would help him out of his troubles.


You said to be love for him, but NOT to just take it when he is being difficult. Not let him be a bully.

But, be love, and stand up to him and you helped me realize, ...I could walk away when he's

being less than respectful, in a conversation.


I really needed to hear these things and I immediately put them into practice. It has helped

immensely. I appreciate your sage advice. "





From Sheryll, Chicago, Illinois US


" Mark, I've dubbed, the 'Practical Astrologer'.

I've had charts done before that focused on my natal chart, or maybe transits, but I didn't feel like I had the whole picture. The information I got didn't exactly fit my experience. I started reading Mark's star reports and his descriptions of the impact of chart, transits and dasas. All three must be considered to get an accurate picture. I decided that I needed a reading that would focus on all three as they relate to many aspects in my life. The information that Mark gave me, the questions that he asked in order to clarify what he saw in the chart/transits/dasas, the experience of moving through these areas....all I can say is that I wish I had done this sooner. The chart reading is like an overview of your life, while the " 3 point reading " is a thesis on one aspect of your life. I'd whole heartily, recommend it! "

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