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I have joined in as a new member and not sure what really to expect. However I

have a query that I need to put on the forum.


One of the Native has the following planetary positions :


Ascendant : Mithuna ( Gemini)

Second House : Saturn and Sun

Third : Venus and Mercury

Fourth : Moon

Sixth : Rahu and Neptune

Eleventh House : Jupiter

Twelth House: Mars and Ketu


I am particularly interested in understanding the effect on this native with

respect to his Sixth house ( Rahu and Neptune Together) and the twelth house.


I am student of astrology and seek guidance accordingly.


Pl advice..






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Dear Wendy,


Sure , I understand. Patience would be exercised.. The Birth Details are as

follows in addition to those given in my earlier mail.


Birth date : 11Th August 1975. time 03.12 am Place : Solapur Maharashtra



As per your third point , are you saying that the outer planet do not have any

significance in the birth chart?


Kindly revert.





Wendy Vasicek <jyotishvidya wrote:

Dear Suniel,


First: There are only a (very) few members answering queries here and it's

just not possible to respond to everyone as quickly as they'd

like...patience is required!


Second: You must give the full birth details so members can look at the



Third: The outer planets (Neptune, Uranus, Pluto) are not used in Vedic



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





" Suniel Mande " <sunielmande

<jyotish-vidya >

Friday, May 16, 2008 10:29 PM

Re: Query.


Dear all,


Any feedback on the mail below.. I just wanted to know the effect of such

a conjunction .. If some one can advice. I am not expecting any prediction

for the native.





Suniel Mande <sunielmande wrote:




I have joined in as a new member and not sure what really to expect.

However I have a query that I need to put on the forum.


One of the Native has the following planetary positions :


Ascendant : Mithuna ( Gemini)

Second House : Saturn and Sun

Third : Venus and Mercury

Fourth : Moon

Sixth : Rahu and Neptune

Eleventh House : Jupiter

Twelth House: Mars and Ketu


I am particularly interested in understanding the effect on this native

with respect to his Sixth house ( Rahu and Neptune Together) and the twelth



I am student of astrology and seek guidance accordingly.


Pl advice..












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Dear Suniel,


You had asked:

//I am particularly interested in understanding the effect on this native with

respect to his Sixth house ( Rahu and Neptune Together) and the twelth house.//


As Rahu is a first-rate malefic, his placement in a dusthana is generally

favourable in terms of his ability to defeat one's enemies and rise above

competitors. Rahu here often indicates ability in detail work, wealth through

such work and good health (generally). However, 6th lord Mars conjunct Ketu in

12th is a definite negative, indicating difficulties/losses in all of the

above...troubled by secret enemies, indebtedness etc..

Of course these are generalities (not taking into account the rest of the



//As per your third point , are you saying that the outer planet do not have

any significance in the birth chart?//


That's correct! trans-Saturnine planets have no part to play in Vedic



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Suniel Mande " <sunielmande

<jyotish-vidya >

Saturday, May 17, 2008 8:46 PM

Re: Re: Query.



Dear Wendy,


Sure , I understand. Patience would be exercised.. The Birth Details are as

follows in addition to those given in my earlier mail.


Birth date : 11Th August 1975. time 03.12 am Place : Solapur Maharashtra



As per your third point , are you saying that the outer planet do not have

any significance in the birth chart?


Kindly revert.





Wendy Vasicek <jyotishvidya wrote:

Dear Suniel,


First: There are only a (very) few members answering queries here and it's

just not possible to respond to everyone as quickly as they'd

like...patience is required!


Second: You must give the full birth details so members can look at the



Third: The outer planets (Neptune, Uranus, Pluto) are not used in Vedic



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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PS: The following appears in BPHS (Ch.24, sloka 72)



*72. If the 6th lord is in the 12th, the native will always spend on vices, be

hostile to learned people, and will torture living beings.*


You should also read the article " Vedanga " for a better understanding of

trans-Saturnine planets. http://jyotishvidya.com/vedanga.htm

Part of which is pasted below...


*According to the teaching of the rishis, the Janma Kundali (Vedic horoscope)

is an act of Creation. We are taught that, at the moment of birth, the divine

planets (NavaGrahas) manifest as a new entity (a new creation) and the Rasis

(signs of the zodiac) manifest as the twelve Bhavas (houses of the horoscope).

The sign that has become the bhava is an act of Creation as certain and

unchangeable as the re-creation of the navagrahas (nine divine planets) at the

moment of birth.

The Trans-Saturnine planets (Neptune, Uranus and Pluto) do not have this

quality to recreate - perhaps due to their distance from our Sun who is known

as the soul of all living beings. The indisputable fact, according to the

sages, is that only the planets from Sun through to Saturn, along with the

devious nakshatra (hidden in their midst), drank of the nectar of immortality

which gave them the ability to recreate each time an entity is born. As the

sages tell us, we are " the personification of the universe " . When we're born,

the divine planets (navagrahas) are no longer just physical objects in the sky

and the signs of the zodiac, having manifested as the twelve bhavas, are no

longer just visible constellations.*



Dear Suniel,


You had asked:

//I am particularly interested in understanding the effect on this native with

respect to his Sixth house ( Rahu and Neptune Together) and the twelth house.//


As Rahu is a first-rate malefic, his placement in a dusthana is generally

favourable in terms of his ability to defeat one's enemies and rise above

competitors. Rahu here often indicates ability in detail work, wealth through

such work and good health (generally). However, 6th lord Mars conjunct Ketu in

12th is a definite negative, indicating difficulties/losses in all of the

above...troubled by secret enemies, indebtedness etc..

Of course these are generalities (not taking into account the rest of the



//As per your third point , are you saying that the outer planet do not have

any significance in the birth chart?//


That's correct! trans-Saturnine planets have no part to play in Vedic



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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On May 17, 2008, at 8:59 PM, Wendy Vasicek wrote:

> You should also read the article " Vedanga " for a better

> understanding of

> trans-Saturnine planets. http://jyotishvidya.com/vedanga.htm




I enjoyed your article. As I read it, your conclusion is that Uranus,

Neptune and Pluto (which now isn't even a " planet " , lol) can not,

under any circumstances, ever be useful or included in " Vedic "



The title of your article, however is " Vedanga " . This is VERY

informative. The Veda is not a static text. It is a dynamic body of

knowledge that expands organically through history. Param-Sadhus like

Sri Vyas, etc. have Divya-Chakshu for sure - they have " divine eyes "

or their vision is informed by the Supreme Godhead. Thus they can see

and understand whatever the Supreme wants them to see and understand,

even if that vision and knowledge under normal circumstances would be

impossibly beyond human comprehension and perception.


Yet, is there mention of Uranus, Neptune, etc. in either Jyotish

Shastras or other more astronomical vedangic texts? I have not

researched. The answer could be yet or no. Either way, by the grace of

the same Supreme Godhead humanity now knows that they do exist.


So although these planets were not mentioned in the Vedic text we have

in the present day, they MAY BE mentioned in the Vedic text we

contribute to in the future. My point is that my opinion on Trans-

Saturnian planets in Vedic astrology is less clear cut than yours.


Do these cast an influence on human beings living on earth?


Personally my hunch is " no. "


My reasoning is that they are not VISIBLE to human beings. Astronomy

is the study of what is really out there. Astrology is not concerned

with what is really out there, it is concerned with what apparently is

out there from the viewpoint of human beings on earth. I personally

believe that planets you cannot see cannot see you either.


Might I be wrong? Of course.


Then maybe we SHOULD include Uranus, Neptune etc. in our calculations?



Not yet anyway. Or at least not on the same level as the other

planets. Vedic Astrology is so reliable because it has been compiled

over thousands of years (if not more), facts have been tested, re-

tested, and cross-checked across probably billions of horoscopes and

today we have reliable information about, for example, how mars

influences the dispensation of karma, or how venus does so, jupiter

etc. We DO NOT have this information about other planets.


Thus, EVEN IF the far distant planets DO have influence on the karma

of human beings on earth (which is up for debate), even in that case

we must wait a few thousand years to confidently ascertain what the

characteristics of these new planets are before we should start

including them in our advice to the public.

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On May 17, 2008, at 8:34 PM, Wendy Vasicek wrote:

> As Rahu is a first-rate malefic, his placement in a dusthana is

> generally

> favourable...


My understanding of the inauspicious planets is that they go in this



- Sun is the least inauspicious

- Mars is inauspicious

- Saturn is the most inauspicious


I know that Rahu and Ketu are not good guys. But where do they fit

into the scale above? Also what bearing does their intrinsic nature as

ashubha / malefic have on the fact that they are shadows and mimickers

and behave like whomever they are in association with?


The auspicious planets are


- Moon is the least auspicious

- Venus is auspicious

- Jupiter is the most auspicious


The remaining planet is our friend, Mercury. s/he is (in so many ways)

" either / or " . Sort of balanced between the two categories and very

easily influenced by his/her association (due to being so balanced.)


As such, everything is nicely equal, fair and balanced. There are

three inauspicious planets, three auspicious planets and one in

between. If you throw Rahu and Ketu onto the bad-guy's side, all the

sudden the picture becomes very lopsided (especially since they each

aspect 3 houses!)


So are Rahu and Ketu truly malefic planets? Or are they more neutral

with malefic tendencies but highly impressionable, more in the middle

of the scale like swift Mercury?


Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


- Vic




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