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Zodiacs (was Relocating & Ciro)

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At 07:40 AM 8/9/09 -0400, Dr. John D. Andre wrote:


>As for the Tropical vs. Sidereal debate . . . there are actually 3

>potential answers: Tropical, Sidereal, or both. I am a both person. I

>have seen time and time again that both work...


Hello John,


I believe your view is the most common one regarding zodiacs. But if both

zodiacs work, then you have to find an explanation for tropical sign traits

that aren't related to the ruling and exalted planets.


How do you explain, for example, that the observed traits of tropical

Taurus are the antithesis of Venus (lord of Taurus) and the Moon (exalted

in Taurus)? Yes, tropical Taurus is said to be " fixed, " but why is its

fixidity stronger than the symbolism of the ruling and exalted planets?


Why does the seasonal symbolism work only in the northern hemisphere?


Why is tropical Virgo really not very Mercurial, so much so that

astrologers continually suggest new rulers for the sign?


Why is a sign ruled by Mars (Scorpio) so interested in one-to-one

relationships? Mars is the war god, much more at home with conflict.


Why isn't tropical Pisces, ruled by Jupiter until recently, outgoing and

blustery, at home with socializing and groups?


>You wrote: Granted, our human nature

>wants to know which is THE correct and proper one. I find that in order

>to work with both, I need to settle into a comfortable kind of

>'not-knowingness' - it seems to be almost a Zen kinda thing...


Well, that effectively shuts down the analytical mind, doesn't it? In that

state any belief is seemingly possible. Is astrology meant to operate

without reason?


>Over the years I've spent some time thinking about the Two Skies and how

>they were at a given point in time the same - and then began to evolve

>into two distinct constructs. I wonder if at that 'point-of-beginning'

>there was not a kind of a wrinkle in time that carried with it the

>opportunity for birthing a duality from a singularity.


I'm sorry--that paragraph is a bit too Neptunian for me to find a response.

Being a pragmatist, I have to stay with how we can actually see the signs

operate--what we observe in ourselves and our fellow human beings--how the

actual symbolism works out.


Yes, I too have a strong Neptunian influence, but my pragmatic self seems

to be stronger. Actually, now it's time for my two hours of daily

meditation, so I'll check back here later!


Many thanks for the discussion.




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