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Vice Presidential Debate

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At 06:13 PM 10/4/04 -0500, Cynthia wrote:


>Dear Therese

>That token is the Jupiter return for W. It's hard to imagine that he

>doesn't " feel " like a winner with that transit on inauguration day. I look

>at him and he just looks tired...like Saturn. But then again, so does



I totally agree. During the debate W just looked very...almost puzzled and

very young. Sort of like a little boy in a way. I definitely got the

impression that he was fading. You know as we get older, sometimes we

develop that sort of childlike look....like a regression almost...? Actully

W did well for the first part of the debate, compared to how he would have

done four years ago. Kerry has also been looking tired, but not during the

debate. Sometimes on TV he looks tired and in photos in the newspapers.


>I think Edwards will look really good. I do think Cheney is sharp too, but

>Edwards is the new kid on the block so he's a novelty that can really stand

>out. i just pulled up their charts. Cheney's super Mars opposes Edwards'

>Sun but Edwards gets transiting Jupiter approaching his Moon Jupiter

>conjunction in Rohini, no less. Now that is a seductive speaker that just

>plain looks great. The Moon tomorrow night is on JE's Mars approaching his

>Mercury. Looks pretty shart to me <grins>


We don't have long before seeing how this debate turns out! During an

interview with JE after the last debate, he had some kind of heavy makeup

or whatever near his mouth. Has that always been there? It was distracting.


>Cheney does get Jupiter trine his Sun but it is a longer reach than JE's

>This should be an interesting debate. I honestly don't know if they have a

>topic....anyone know????


As far as I know, the moderator decides the questions and there's no clue

to anyone until the debate.


I've been meaning to post some anecdotes on the lunar mansions, but I've

been too occupied and too tired. Soon, I hope.




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