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Dushyant Trivedi/ Information regarding career and questions

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Om Datta GuruDear Shri Dushyant,I like examples like urs though I had come on web to sign out of the list as I had earlier said so but forgotten. Sorry for delay in reply. Giving explanation of an event is something not desirable always but we can use it to learn at times.1) Jup is ur 10L of career & also 7L of career placed in 6H of scorpio so its transit over Scorpio will be most significant in terms of career.2) It is with Mer the bestower of fortune in ur chart again in the 6H of career & also the Amk (career significator).3) Jup was Exact Degreecal on ur natal Jup when the job loss happened on that day, why is this apart from a multitude of reasons Jup is in Nirriti amsa (mostly bad I use word mostly) but it will give transformation as finally it is in Herramba amsa, making u a hero thats the quality of Heramba. Also let us not forget that Jup is Neecha in D10 so event will be of a Graph of FALL & RISE.4) Whenever u face problems in career Pray to Lord Ganapati Without Fail. Saw this with a lot of deep factors5) Coming back to transit when Jup transits in Sc, Mars its dispositor will give change as it in the 3rd house of job change. Similarlywhen Jup in Sc in ur D10 it will be on ur natal D10 Moon who is with 10L of ur D10 in 2H of profession and income.6) In the 56th year, was someone sick in ur family or had accident. 7) In the 60th year, did someone die in ur family, maybe it could be a womanI continuously test new methods so pls do not mind the negative aspect of the event. Also I have limited the explanation of ur event though I checked many many other factors like Jups Istha Phala is less, so its propensity to do bad is more and thats what happened on that day when it was on natal jup. In case someone pounces on me I am aware that there are 4 types of Istha Phala Calculation (which i do not know) and I understand that making that the basis of ones analysis can be disastrous.RemediesThough you have not asked for it but still giving out.1) Fasting & prayers on Poornima will increase your wealth2) Helping elders & learned men will increase ur career 3) Pls give me feedback what happens over Sukla Chaturdashi every month, kindly maintain a dairy for 6 months for any events on this tithi and if u can give a feedback to me at suniljohn_2002 I shall be most grateful to u ( ref code for me Tithi Vrata method)Many thanks. Would wait for ur feedback.Regards,Sunil JohnMumbaiP:S: Sunil Nair pls give me some time will reply to ur mail though I had missed it completely. , dushyant trivedi <trivedi20 wrote:>> Dear Sunil John and other learned members.> > I have Mithun lagna and the planets are as under. Navamsa lagna is Capricorn/Makar> > Whenever Jupiter has passed through Scorpio I have lost my job and got a better job. This time also I lost my job on 20th June and got a better offer which I intend to join on 21st July. Can you throw some light on this phenomenon.> > Saturn retrograde in Karka at 29 degrees> Mars in Leo at 12degrees> Ketu in Libra at 28 degrees> Jupiter in Scorpio at 19 degrees 30 minutes> Mercury in Scorpio at 27 degrees> Sun in Saggittarius at 4degrees 40 minutes> Venus in Capricorn at 1degree 35 minutes> Moon in Pisces in at 2degrees 27 minutes> Rahu in Aries at 28 degrees> > Birth Details > 20th Dec 1947> 18.28 IST> Place 24n03> 73e00 > > Trivedi> > > > > > > > > Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.> Play Sims Stories at Games.>

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