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Best English translation of Bhagavad Gita?

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Hello all, this question is for anyone. The answer may be somewhere in

these pages, but I don't remember if it was. I'm looking for opinions

of the " best " translation of the Gita. I had read several translations

in the past but am open to suggestions as to accessible translations.

I've lived with the Ashtavakra Gita for sometime now but wanted to

start the Bhagavad Gita again...So many quotes and references to it are

here and I want to refer to them...thanks so much! Steve

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Namaste dear Sri Steve:


Your question in appearance is simple but the opinion of best

translation will likely vary between the persons. Gandhiji who

practiced Gita to the greatest extent in " The Story of My Experiments

with Truth Gandhi " revealed his thoughts on the question regarding the

best translation of Gita as follows:


Towards the end of my second year in England I came across two

Theosophists---brothers and both unmarried. They talked to me about

the Gita. They were reading Sir Edwin Arnold's translation---The Song

Celestial---and they invited me to read the original with them. I

felt ashamed, as I had read the divine poem neither in Sanskrit nor

in Gujarati [Gandhi's mother tongue]. I was constrained to tell them

that I had not read the Gita, but that I would gladly read it with

them, and that though my knowledge of Sanskrit was meagre, still I

hoped to be able to understand the original to the extent of telling

where the translation failed to bring out the meaning. I began

reading the Gita with them. The verses in the second chapter,


" If one

Ponders on objects of the sense, there springs

Attraction: from attraction grows desire,


Desire flames to fierce passion, passion breeds

Recklessness; then the memory--all betrayed--

Lets noble purpose go, and saps the mind,

Till purpose, mind, and man are all undone. "


made a deep impression on my mind, and they still ring in my ears.

The book struck me as one of priceless worth. The impression has ever

since been growing on me with the result that I regard it today as

the book par excellence for the knowledge of Truth. It has afforded

me invaluable help in my moments of gloom. I have read almost all the

English translations of it, and I regard Sir Edwin Arnold's as the

best. He has been faithful to the text, and yet it does not read like

a translation. Though I read the Gita with these friends, I cannot

pretend to have studied it then. It was only after some years that it

became a book of daily reading.

(Mahatma Gandhi, The Story of My Experiments with Truth:

(Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1948) Part I, XX:90.


An electronic version of Sir Edwin Arnold's translation of Gita,

Song Celestial is available for interested readers at :



If you are really interested a complete comprehensive translation

with Vedantic interpretation, I suggest that you refer to Swami

Dayananda's " Homestudy Notes for Bhagavad Gita " which contain over

2000 pages. It is available (both in electronic form – CD and printed

form) at Arsha Vidya Gurdukulam and website address is

http://www.arshavidya.org/ .


With my warmest regards,


Ram Chandran



advaitin , " otnac6 " <otnac6 wrote:


> Hello all, this question is for anyone. The answer may be somewhere


> these pages, but I don't remember if it was. I'm looking for


> of the " best " translation of the Gita. I had read several




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hi steev

i would suggest one by swami chitbhavananda of ramakrishna math.his writing is

simple and motivating and translations are available in all languages.

in fact this was my first reading way back in seventies that lifted me up from

my lowest level.











otnac6 <otnac6


Thursday, 12 July, 2007 7:21:56 PM

Best English translation of Bhagavad Gita?














Hello all, this question is for anyone. The answer may be somewhere



these pages, but I don't remember if it was. I'm looking for opinions


of the " best " translation of the Gita. I had read several translations


in the past but am open to suggestions as to accessible translations.


I've lived with the Ashtavakra Gita for sometime now but wanted to


start the Bhagavad Gita again...So many quotes and references to it are


here and I want to refer to them...thanks so much! Steve

















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Dear Ram Chandran ji,


Recently we have also released Bhagavad Gita by Swami Dayananda Saraswati

with the original verses, transliteration in English, and word by word

meaning in English without the commentary.


with love and prayers,






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For word by word translation of the Bhagavad Gita by Swami Parmarthananda



For an in depth explanation 'BhagvadGita Home Study' By Swami Dayananda



Verse verse meaning by Swami Dayananda Sarasvati, published by Arsha Vidya

Research Centre Chennai.


All the above books are available at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Rishikesh, Anakaitty

Coimbatore and Saylorsburg , and ShastraPrakashika Trust.


om namo narayanaya






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Smt. Lakshmiji ! Welcome back!


Is it also possible for you to post the audio links to Swami

Paramarthanandaji's web sites on Srima Bhagvad gita ? that would be

wonderful - Steve and others would appreciate that very much !


btw , i did find a web site where Adi Shankara

Bhagvadapada's 'PRABODHA SUDHAKARA' is uploaded. This was uploaded

by none other than our Sunderji ...




However, this is all in Sanskrit and there is no English Translation

available .


Venkatesanji has raised some interesting questions on Bhakti versus

Jnana ( more like bhakti and jnana ) and may be Lakshmiji you can

give your valuable perspective on this subject espeacially since you

hve read Adi Shankara Bhagvadapsada's Prabodha Sudhakara wherein he

has attempted a beautiful synthesis of Bhakti and jnana ?



thanks , once again and looking fiorward to your active

participation in this e-group of kindred souls !


love and warmest regards









advaitin , Lakshmi Muthuswamy <lakmuthu



> For word by word translation of the Bhagavad Gita by Swami

Parmarthananda Sarasvati



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Smt Saraswathiji,

ManasthE!I would like to read SwamiDayananda's " Homestudy Notes for Bhagavad

Gita " in electronic form .Would you please suggest the link to read the book on

line.I have the pleasure of reading some other translations suggested by the

learned people in our list.






dhyanasaraswati <dhyanasaraswati wrote:

Smt. Lakshmiji ! Welcome back!


Is it also possible for you to post the audio links to Swami

Paramarthanandaji's web sites on Srima Bhagvad gita ? that would be

wonderful - Steve and others would appreciate that very much !


btw , i did find a web site where Adi Shankara

Bhagvadapada's 'PRABODHA SUDHAKARA' is uploaded. This was uploaded

by none other than our Sunderji ...




However, this is all in Sanskrit and there is no English Translation

available .


Venkatesanji has raised some interesting questions on Bhakti versus

Jnana ( more like bhakti and jnana ) and may be Lakshmiji you can

give your valuable perspective on this subject espeacially since you

hve read Adi Shankara Bhagvadapsada's Prabodha Sudhakara wherein he

has attempted a beautiful synthesis of Bhakti and jnana ?


thanks , once again and looking fiorward to your active

participation in this e-group of kindred souls !


love and warmest regards


advaitin , Lakshmi Muthuswamy <lakmuthu



> For word by word translation of the Bhagavad Gita by Swami

Parmarthananda Sarasvati










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Dear Jabali:


This is the one i use ...




enjoy !










advaitin , Jabali Muni <jabalimuni wrote:


> Smt Saraswathiji,

> ManasthE!I would like to read SwamiDayananda's " Homestudy

Notes for Bhagavad Gita " in electronic form .Would you please

suggest the link to read the book on line.I have the pleasure of

reading some other translations suggested by the learned people in

our list.





> .



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Dear Jabali :


i forgot to add - you need to enroll and register in order to take

advantage of this home study course and this priceless wisdom of

Srimad Bhagavad gita is available to you for an annual subscription

at £179- my son is really benefitting from this course and along

with him, i am also benefitting !


so enroll and get started! where you looking for this or soomething

else ?



love and regards









advaitin , " dhyanasaraswati "

<dhyanasaraswati wrote:


> Dear Jabali:


> This is the one i use ...


> http://www.asis.com/education-for-living/protected/study.htm


> enjoy !











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I agree with the home study by Swami Dayananda - very in depth.


Best wishes



(but maybe I'm biased :-)


advaitin , Lakshmi Muthuswamy <lakmuthu wrote:


> For word by word translation of the Bhagavad Gita by Swami

Parmarthananda Sarasvati


> For an in depth explanation 'BhagvadGita Home Study' By Swami

Dayananda Sarasvati


> Verse verse meaning by Swami Dayananda Sarasvati, published by Arsha

Vidya Research Centre Chennai.


> All the above books are available at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam,

Rishikesh, Anakaitty Coimbatore and Saylorsburg , and

ShastraPrakashika Trust.


> om namo narayanaya


> Lakshmi




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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Dhyanasaraswatiji:


In your post # 36513, you had requested Smt. Lakshmiji to post the

audio links to Swami Paramarthanandaji's web sites on Srima Bhagvad

gita. I was in the process of compiling the links to the above, while

I noticed Shyamji in his post # 36844 had given the link. This is a

currently active link and Swamiji's lectures are posted every week.

Currently, his talks on Bhagavat Gita chapter 12 and Mundaka bhashyam

are being serialized.


You made reference to B.G.Ch 12 V6 in your post # 36666. Swamiji's

current talk, listed on the home page is on this verse. The previous

4 talks can be accessed on the page " talks " . In order to appreciate

the full import of Swamiji's talks, I request you to begin with

Summary of ch 11, as it is a very good prelude to the study of Ch 12

and listen to them in the order of the slokas.


The Introduction to vedanta, a series of 16 lectures based on Tatva

Bodha is a must for every student of vedanta, as it forms the

foundation upon which an individual's vedantic knowledge can be

built. Swamiji's lectures are superb for both his clarity of vision

and erudition of scholarship. He is one of those rare souls who is

schooled in both a veda patasala sampradaya and Inquiry of the

meaning of the sastras.


For the benefit of other readers, Swami Paramarthananda is held in

very high regard by senior members and moderators of this site, such

as Sadanandaji, Shyamji, Profvkji and our very affectionate Subbuji.

In one of his posts, Subbuji had said that he listened to Swamiji's

lectures six or seven times a day and that he owed all his knowledge

to him. I was deeply touched when I read that Sadanandaji listens to

him two hours a day, during his walk exercise.


There is another site,www. yogamalika.org, which lists some of the

earlier lectures. This site is not being updated. You can access

five lectures on B.Gita ch 7, five on Mundaka Bhashyam and some of

the talks given on Sivarathri and Guru Purnima day, not found on the

current active site of www. vedantavidyarthisanga.org. Please note

that in the latter site, as a new lecture is being added, the

earliest of the five lectures drops off.


Swamiji's tapes, Cds etc. may be purchased from



Regards. Jan Nagraj

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In my earlier post # 36846, I forgot to provide the hyperlink to Swami

Paramarthananda's sites. They are here below. Hopefully they work.







Swamiji's tapes, Cds etc. may be purchased from



Regards. Jan Nagraj

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<<For the benefit of other readers, Swami Paramarthananda is held in

very high regard by senior members and moderators of this site, such

as Sadanandaji, Shyamji, Profvkji and our very affectionate Subbuji.

In one of his posts, Subbuji had said that he listened to Swamiji's

lectures six or seven times a day and that he owed all his knowledge

to him. I was deeply touched when I read that Sadanandaji listens to

him two hours a day, during his walk exercise.


6846/stime=1186944390/nc1=4507179/nc2=3848549/nc3=4725795> >>


I can add my endorsement to the above. I have been listening to the mANDUkya

kArikA talks over the past couple of months (80 hrs worth!) and they are

exceptional. When I get to the end, I will restart them, too!







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> Is it also possible for you to post the audio links to Swami

> Paramarthanandaji's web sites on Srima Bhagvad gita ? that would be

> wonderful - Steve and others would appreciate that very much !





Probably this could help.


Swami Tadatmananda's lectures on Bhagavad Gita online. I believe this

is a current ongoing lecture series.




Swami Tadatmananda studied under Swami Dayananda



Pranams again,


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< < I can add my endorsement to the above. I have been listening to the


kArikA talks over the past couple of months (80 hrs worth!) and they are

exceptional. When I get to the end, I will restart them, too! >>


In response to an offline request, these talks may be purchased as mp3 CDs

or cassettes (former infinitely cheaper!) from shAstraprakAshikA -












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