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Fessing Up (((Realization. / Bill.

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This seems to be my day for " fessing up " .



> I am looking for a man/person/poster/member

> with 'no-personality', on this list, Bill!



> Please let me know...

> if you know 'one'!


After being pestered by a similar question on

another list, I finally reflected that well,

I could say a bit out that...


The individual on the other list was asking about

enlightenment, name someone who has... etc. etc.

I don't like the term enlightenment. It is an

overloaded term that has come to mean basically

nothing. But I did finally determine that I

could say *something*, and this is what I wrote:


I would define as a " turning point " (a point

of no return at that) as when the " seeking " has

utterly and finally come to an end. It is the

point at which there are no longer spiritual

" questions " , no longer a wondering. It is not

because there is " knowledge " , however. That is to

say, it is not on account of having " answers " to

the spiritual questions. Rather, such questions

have come to be seen as empty.


Putting it in those terms, I will say that there

is no sense of such seeking on this end. Others

can speak for themselves.


I would not call that enlightenment, and I shun

that term in general. But maybe one day I won't.

Who knows. [There *is* a sense of radiace imbuing



I don't really like the word realization either.

It is a better word than enlightenment, but again

is a word that means too many things to too many



But a very *good* word is Peace. Deep, deep peace.


Which is natural given the ceasing of any seeking.


And there *is* a realization in this sense: there is

a realization that whatever happens is not through

a " doer " . All is seen to happen of its own nature.

And for this very reason all is seen as " one " ,

because there is no separation of different " parts "

that originate action. Everything is seen as

emerging of its own accord, simultaneously and



Something someone said recently on another [errr *this*]

list comes to mind here:


An " I " without any sense of a " me " .



[silver: are you listening? :)]


That's kinda it.


There's no feeling in the sense of " I feel this " .

That is impossible. Everything is moving too much

for that to be possible. The living moment is

so alive and sparkling. It will never stop for

any " me " having *a* feeling.


My guess is that the living moment is totally

alive in everyone, but the consciousness apparently

gets stuck on feelings, ideas, various " personal "

baggage. The living moment is totally impersonal.

So if there is any " personal stuff " then the

consciousness can't keep up with the quickness

of Now.


It is just in the last few weeks that a recognition

has dawned that personal feelings are no longer



To some that will sound like a tragedy. But the real

tragedy is being stuck in a " personal space " .





So ac, perhaps that addresses your question about

whatever it was you were asking :)



I will add that while there is a " turning point "

(my view) where seeking does cease, immersion in

the Now is progressive. It is an ever-deepening



So once the seeking stops the sense of doer is

no longer there. And with no doer there is no

sense of " this person " . *However*, the old feelings

will continue to arise for some time (perhaps).

They will be seen through fairly readily. But

the vivid intensity of Now takes a while to

come forth.


And I repeat: no one *does* anything in all of

this. Any " doer " is only apparent.


Something that fits here [thanks Larry!]:


The sense of " doership " is a false

" overlay " on experience. Any sense of

doership is irrelevant. But it has an

impact because it mars the simple purity

of what is.







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