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: The Large and Small of It

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If you''ve read part 1, scroll down to part 2.

Hope you find it interesting.


Larry Epston




Parts One and Two


Part 1/4


The Large and the Small of IT


Human Life, what is it, why is it, where does it come from?

Think of a blue ball with a bit of mold growing here and there on its

surface. The mold is like all organic life on land. If you magnify it you can

see it

is mostly green stuff that is plant life, and brown stuff that is desert,

and some white stuff that is frozen water called snow. Now if you super

magnify it, you can see living things, worms, ants, cockroaches, and in the blue

part, the ocean, you can see multitudes of sea life, fish, snail, mussels and

whales. All this living stuff is really really tiny, compared to the size of


ball, really really tiny.

Among the living forms is us, humans, tiny living spores,

micro-organisms, and out of all of these, if you super, super magnify it, there

you are.

Now, think of this blue ball floating in a huge athletic stadium. This

is like the earth, floating in a huge apparently empty space. That’s it folks,

a small speck floating in an infinitely large space. Now as you hold that

image, think about your human life. Can you hold both images Simultaneously?


do you have to switch back and forth from one to the other. Now ask, why is

the mold growing on the blue ball. What is nurturing it, what does it feed

on? Obviously the mold on the blue ball is feeding and growing on the surface

of the blue ball itself.

In our case, there’s also the sun and the earth together, and out of

their relationship, life arises. Exactly how that happened, we do not know.


s the ocean and the land, the atmosphere, the mountains, the forests, the

plains and deserts, and then, a small part is life, living things. This life


includes insects, worms, bugs, flies, ants and many others and us. Life in

the sea, life on the land. Out of all this life on the land, is us, playing a

very small part.

We are only recently developed. 100,000 years out of 2.5 billion. If

evolution theory is correct, before that we were less than human, more like the

other animals, indistinguishable from a rat, a lemur or a squirrel, when the

dinosaurs ran around eating the plants and each other.

Our ancestry goes all the way back to the beginning of life, without a

break, a total continuum, a pulse, a current of living forms that goes all the

way back, even into the chemicals and atoms of the primordial and beyond.


Part 2/4


That’s from the outside. From the inside it’s " where is my shirt, I’m

late to work, and let’s go to a movie. How do you feel as a body? How do you

experience yourself as a mind, as a person, as an ego, a self, and an


From the outside, totally insignificant; from the inside, " I love you, I’ve

got a headache, and who am I?

It’s all very strange - Think about it. Feel it. Obviously we have

grown from the earth and sun interacting. The earth and sun arise out of


which we think is empty, but is not empty. Space is Infinite Potential,

Invisible, Nonmaterial and Void.

Infinite Space gives rise to all of this world, this life and it

continues to exist. Empty space embraces all that exists as substance and form.


is the original mother and original father and still IS. It exists and

maintains, and continually supports our life. What we call physical space, or


space is not physical at all, it envelopes the physical and the physical resides

within it and as an expression of it. Infinite Space is not physical space.

We can think about physical space, but not about Infinite Space because there

is no thinking in it. It just IS, and is the same essence that is realized

in meditation practice as Samahdi, or Enlightenment.

Infinite Space connects with meditation practice as a human realization,

an understanding of one’s own self nature, the real existent Self or true

identity. This essence in which the planets exist, and our personal realization

of our true Self are the same, they intersect, and they are identical. How do

I know this? A combination of reason and intuition brought together through


This space, this emptiness, always exists in all things. We know that

atoms are mostly empty space which really isn’t empty as I said. Space is

Infinite Potential. Out of Infinite Potential all things arise.

All substance comes forth. The paradox is that no matter what comes out of

it, it doesn’t decrease in its potential. It stays infinite.

That’s impossible you say. No it’s not. But, there’s no way to verify

this. It’s intuition, my intuition; that you and everything is infinite


or empty space, or nothingness with a small amount of substance in it, and

that combination of substance, material, and emptiness is what we are, or, if

you want, take the substance out of it, and Infinite Space is what we are.




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