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deb's ghost / Judi

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Saturday, April 19, 2003 9:24 PM

Re: deb's ghost / Judi


Realization , "Judi Rhodes" <judirhodes@z...> wrote:> Think what you will, like I said, if you think myself and several others have our heads up our asses, so be it.> > Judi> OK works for me. When you pull your head out and see daylight again let me know. Until then enjoy the view . And goodnight Misses Callabash wherever you are . Ink-a-dink-a-dee-a-dinka-dee-a-dinka-do********* No thanks, THAT kind of daylight I don't need to see. Been there, done that.




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" manjusrilotus " <manjusrilotus>

" Era " <mi_nok> wrote:


<And lest I remind you again Karta, your adolescent jealousy's showing.>


************ Yes, Jeff is all wrapped up in the satisfaction of his

" experience " . :-) I wish I could be so satisfied! :-)

> hahahha


> Judi


> Jeff: I wish you could, too, Judi. I love

> life. I love this living experience.

> I am in a field of joy.I defend my right

> to be completely and utterly satisfied.


> ******* It was a joke! There would have to be someone here in order

> to be satisfied. :-) You silly you! :-)

> Judi



> Manju: Isn't it amazing how one minute she wants to castrate Ganga for

> saying there is no self that remains and yet here she is saying

> the same thing.


> In one moment there is no self and in the next she claims

> nothing changed. So which is it ? Or is it another Dan flip flop

> of whatever suits the moment to establish their position and to

> negate someone else .



> I find it utterly fantastic that people can not see through this

> shammery. (new word do you like it ?)



tell me about it ! LOL


I admire your patience Manju, to

midwife Judi's rambling

" masturbations " [her own description]

online.. maybe Dan should stand by for this <grin>


<J:** No " selling " here, it's sharing my understanding and observations and



her understanding? huh


God save me!!


and from this kind of no-ego too




I still stand by the benefits of

vichara, but rather do it in privi

without any screaming Reverend

lurking *behind* me as a coach


Love, Karta

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Realization , " satkartar7 " <mi_nok> wrote:


> I still stand by the benefits of

> vichara, but rather do it in privi

> without any screaming Reverend

> lurking *behind* me as a coach


> Love, Karta


************ " Lurking " behind you am I? Gee, I wonder what THAT is

all about? The only one " lurking " behind you Karta, is your own




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" manjusrilotus " <manjusrilotus> wrote:

" Judi Rhodes "

> > Think what you will, like I said, if you think myself and several

> others have our heads up our asses, so be it.

> >

> > Judi

> >



at least there is the Light of GOD

dimmed by Judi, but pointing to

where her head is at


she might find it one day with

GOD's Grace


Amen, Karta

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<******* And lest I remind you again Karta, your adolescent

jealousy's showing.


You and Ganga are about the same age emotionally, about 14 I think.

Am I about right?>


Reclaim your reason, Princess. We, including you, are all the same

age, emotionally and otherwise. There's no teacher and no mom on the

playground. The teacher is in her lounge and mom will show up to

drive us home afterwards.








Realization , " Judi Rhodes " <judirhodes@z...>


> Hi Oniko,


> One of her ego-creation character's

> name is Reverend Highwater oh!


> Hari Jai -LOL, I call her the Jiving

> Judi, since she learned the non-dual

> jive and regurgitates it as she jumps

> into conversations mindlessly with the

> oneliners


> same Teacher named me Sat Kartar Kaur

> " Princess of Truth " because I have no

> problem recognizing what is true and

> what is BS



> >

> >

> >

> ******** Yes, several of us see

> through it and have called her on

> her [Ganga] game, you, me, Jason,

> Bruce, Gene, Lobster, Jody, Greg,


> these are the names of Ganga's club

> the Guru_Satsang and they have

> Judi's number down like I have


> ******* And lest I remind you again Karta, your adolescent

jealousy's showing.


> You and Ganga are about the same age emotionally, about 14 I

think. Am I about right?


> Judi

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<Been there, done that.>


You imply yourself to be in a better 'place'. You say it's pitiable

and you are in the position of a destroyer.




Realization , " Judi Rhodes " <judirhodes@z...>





> Realization , " Judi Rhodes "

> <judirhodes@z...> wrote:


> >

> > I don't see her promoting silent mind I have seen her say she

> > resides within a stilled mind.

> >

> > ******** No, a stilled mind does not understanding make. She

> " resides " nowhere except in her fantasy. Understanding blows

> the hell out of the whole " residing " business itself.

> > She's a " fantasy " of her own making.


> Once again that is your take about fantasy (and may it be said

> judgementally so) Perhaps she would say the same of you.

> She has said a stilled mind remains, that does not necessarily

> say that the stilled mind was the break through nor the knowing

> as she terms it. Having read her account it seems quite valid

> and consistent with others such as Aja, and also in line with

> buddhist texts on Satori and also Nirbana. The fact that you


> to call it 'fantasy' does not make it so. Once again you are

> resorting to semantics of words. Residing, Being, Now,

> No-Mind, so where are you ? Are you not residing in the Now

> whether the mind is stilled or raging? There are in fact

> numerous texts that indeed point to just this quality of stilled

> mind which prevails after everything has been blown out. It is

> what remains Not the falling away or death itself.


> ******** No, it is all " fantasy " , and that's what you're not


> And the " texts " are full of them! That's where we part ways.

> To me, that's all kindergarten stuff. Been there, done that.


> Judi

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Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:43 PM

Re: deb's ghost / Judi


<******* And lest I remind you again Karta, your adolescent jealousy's showing. You and Ganga are about the same age emotionally, about 14 I think. Am I about right?>Reclaim your reason, Princess. We, including you, are all the same age, emotionally and otherwise. There's no teacher and no mom on the playground. The teacher is in her lounge and mom will show up to drive us home afterwards.****** I have no idea what you're saying. It must mean something to you though?


Must have pushed a button in you though for you to even respond.




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<Sure, nothing has changed, except the seeking. If I could describe

my position it would simply be one of " no seeking " .>


The understanding of no seeking and nowhere to go may be most

prevalent and most important to you because before you saw, you had

been a seeker, a serious seeker. There were very few years in my

life that I even considered seek


ing anything and enlightenment was never on the list. I always knew

that awareness was all there was because I woke up to that in

childhood and I was more interested in the nature of phenomona, the

mind and the senses. In being so, the same disassembly type of

experience...and the disassembly as you describe it was an

experience, showed me what I wanted to know leaving me content just

as you were left content after being freed from the seeking.


All religeon and all paths preprogram one for interpretations of

results. Just as specific words have to be heard in order to

understand because of the pre-programming of the mind.




Realization , " Judi Rhodes " <judirhodes@z...>




> -

> manjusrilotus

> Realization

> Saturday, April 19, 2003 3:20 PM

> Re: deb's ghost / Judi



> Realization , " Judi Rhodes "

> <judirhodes@z...> wrote:

> >

> > -

> > Onniko

> > Realization

> > Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:10 PM

> > Re: deb's ghost / Judi

> >

> >

> > ******* You totally mis-understand, no one goes *anywhere*

> nor

> > *becomes* anything, that's all a bunch of nonsense. It's


> game

> > of greed that runs itself in circles. The " world " itself is


> > but a big circle jerk. :-)

> >

> > BUt, didn't you say that Judi died?

> >

> > ******* No one " died " . It's just a way of pointing to

> understanding.



> So what happened ? Wasn't the thought of Judy the illusion.

> Doesn't that in a way constitute a death, the death of an


> Or did in fact nothing change with that understanding ? Did and

> does the persona remain just as intact as before.?


> ******** Sure, nothing has changed, except the seeking. If I

could describe my position it would simply be one of " no seeking " .

Like that song, I'm still the same great rhumba-girl I always was. :-

) But better! :-) But seriously, like I told you before, I don't

even give myself a thought, unless someone asks and then I have to

think about it. There's no mindset of " Judi " anymore. It's like

walking around headless. Nothing between the ears. :-)

> There's no " quality " to it, if that makes any sense to you? I

guess you could say it's the absense of any " quality " . Not to be

trite and overstate the obvious, but it's just being with what is,

whatever is the case.


> Judi


> > You thought you were Judi, then

> > you saw that what you thought you were was just a phantom

> > thoughtform, then you were returned to awareness without the

> > interferance of concepts.

> >

> > *********** No. No one " returned " anywhere. What you could

> say, is that where there was mis-understanding, now there is

> understanding. There is no " coming and going " or " becoming " by

> anyone.



> Some see nothing momentarily of this world - this is spoken of

> by Aja and Ganga also some just apparently drop some veiling.

> But no one says that there was anywhere to go. ( Can there be

> anywhere to go with everything is the same formless God,

> Source, or whatever term you wish to describe it.) No one has

> said that there was any becoming but it appears that what drops

> is the shadow of what was never truly there.



> >

> > That is still an activity that may or may

> > not have happened depending on what index of reality you

> want ot

> > use, but one which you may form enough of a memory of to

> put into

> > words. So, you must use memory.

> >

> > But, the question is, why not accept people as they are?

> >

> > ******* Oh contraire, I " accept " you more than you " accept "

> youself.

> > It's what you refuse to accept in and as yourself, you blame


> me as my non-acceptance.

> > But that is not the case, it's your own " non-acceptance "


> you're looking at, not mine.

> > In other words, if what I said didn't strike a chord in you,


> wouldn't be an issue with you as something that you could

> accept or not accept. It wouldn't even be an issue.

> >

> >

> >

> > They know

> > what they really are or aren't. There is no way that they


> know

> > because they are the awareness that makes them. You can

> never help

> > them.

> >

> > ***** Another mis-understanding, I'm not looking to " help "

> anyone.

> > That's Ganga's deal. :-) You'll have to find a " guru " to

play that

> game with you.

> > I look to destroy, not to " help " . If you truly understood my

> position, you'd pity me. :-)




> Whether help is stated or destroy is stated it comes out to the

> same difference in the end. Once again semantics. One sees

> through the positive the other the negative in the end the same

> value remains.






> >

> >

> > You said you had no choice when Judi died. This is true,


> > is no choice. I experience a miserable death on a day that

> started

> > out perfectly nice and normal and with no background to

> make me want

> > to disassemble whatever I was and with nothing but an

> average

> > personality and an average ego and an average life. I was

> never a

> > seeker, just a close observer that always felt the world was

> part of

> > me, but also felt that people were doing something that took

> me away

> > from myself. The something was giving me the need to

> cultivate the

> > ego more, of course. BUt, both nice people and mean people

> and most

> > of those in-between had a way of doing that. In other words,

> the

> > bullies or the bluntly honest either one never had a say in


> or

> > when or why life decided to show me to myself from the

> inside out.

> > BUt, being shown allowed me to accept and appreciate

> others without

> > any fear of losing anything.

> > ***** Yes, heaven forbid you should lose anything! :-) Can't

> have THAT now can you?



> I believe that Ganga as well says this same thing in the opening

> of her site . Basically she says it is not about gaining


> but in losing what never was , or something to that effect. It


> not about collecting but about letting go. Still sounds pretty


> and similar although Judy says it with a more facetious edge.




> > It's a constant " protecting " of yourself, if you could but


> what you're doing?

> >

> > It's but a mis-understanding, that you are a " somebody " that

> could " have " , could " own " something in the first place. In other

> words, who *you* are, is nothing but an act of greed.

> > That's all anyone " amounts " to. Period, end of " story " .

> >

> > Judi





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Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:48 PM

Re: deb's ghost / Judi


<Been there, done that.>You imply yourself to be in a better 'place'. You say it's pitiable and you are in the position of a destroyer. ********** Better is better and has nothing to do with where I am.

If anything it's worse having to look at you guys in all your effort of trying to be "better". It's like I'm sitting on the sofa with my feet up on the coffe table watching all you guys running around tyring to get somewhere, to get enlightened, to be in a "better" place. It's absurd. Hanging out with seekers is like living in a loonie bin. And then you got people like Ganga, and the gurus running around playing that game right along with you.


To me, it's totally and absolutely absurd. Running around is running around. Sitting on the sofa is another thing entirely. It has nothing whatsoever to do with that whole game.







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Realization , " Judi Rhodes "

<judirhodes@z...> wrote:



> -

> Onniko

> Realization

> Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:43 PM

> Re: deb's ghost / Judi



> <******* And lest I remind you again Karta, your adolescent

> jealousy's showing.


> You and Ganga are about the same age emotionally, about

14 I think.

> Am I about right?>


> Reclaim your reason, Princess. We, including you, are all the


> age, emotionally and otherwise. There's no teacher and no

mom on the

> playground. The teacher is in her lounge and mom will show

up to

> drive us home afterwards.


> ****** I have no idea what you're saying. It must mean

something to you though?

> Must have pushed a button in you though for you to even



> Judi



It seems you have been responding to quite a few posts Judi so

what buttons have been pushed for you? It seems the Ganga

button is really a big one in your case. Otherwise you wouldn't

give it another thought. Oh woah is she .

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<My " position " is " no position " , which has nothing to do

with " need " , but of understanding. " Understanding " is not need. Mis-

understanding is where need comes from, in fact, mis-understanding

IS need itself. In other words, you are needy because you mis-

understand. They go hand in hand.>


So, why would you think a position like that would be something to

pity you for? And it still strikes me as curious as to why you have

a compulsive desire to express in your words, the ignorance in other

people that you percieve.



Realization , " Judi Rhodes " <judirhodes@z...>




> -

> Onniko

> Realization

> Saturday, April 19, 2003 5:58 PM

> Re: deb's ghost / Judi



> <If you truly understood my position, you'd pity me. :-)>


> You have a position? Why do you need a position?


> ******** My " position " is " no position " , which has nothing to do

with " need " , but of understanding. " Understanding " is not need. Mis-

understanding is where need comes from, in fact, mis-understanding

IS need itself. In other words, you are needy because you mis-

understand. They go hand in hand.


> Judi

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> > > - > Onniko > Realization > Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:43 PM> Re: deb's ghost / Judi> > > <******* And lest I remind you again Karta, your adolescent > jealousy's showing. > > You and Ganga are about the same age emotionally, about 14 I think. > Am I about right?>> > Reclaim your reason, Princess. We, including you, are all the same > age, emotionally and otherwise. There's no teacher and no mom on the > playground. The teacher is in her lounge and mom will show up to > drive us home afterwards.> > ****** I have no idea what you're saying. It must mean something to you though?> Must have pushed a button in you though for you to even respond. > > JudiIt seems you have been responding to quite a few posts Judi so what buttons have been pushed for you? It seems the Ganga button is really a big one in your case. Otherwise you wouldn't give it another thought. Oh woah is she .


******** I don't know, it looks to me like you're the one obsessed trying to defend Ganga?

What is THAT all about? Like I said, if you want to run around with Ganga and have that mindset, fine, but know that I'm on the sofa. So, have yourself a ball! :-)






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The meaning is that you appear to be a lost wild kitten hissing at

everything and everyone looming around you.




Realization , " Judi Rhodes " <judirhodes@z...>




> -

> Onniko

> Realization

> Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:43 PM

> Re: deb's ghost / Judi



> <******* And lest I remind you again Karta, your adolescent

> jealousy's showing.


> You and Ganga are about the same age emotionally, about 14 I


> Am I about right?>


> Reclaim your reason, Princess. We, including you, are all the


> age, emotionally and otherwise. There's no teacher and no mom on


> playground. The teacher is in her lounge and mom will show up to

> drive us home afterwards.


> ****** I have no idea what you're saying. It must mean something

to you though?

> Must have pushed a button in you though for you to even respond.


> Judi

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