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Discourse:bhAgavata 4th skanda-Sri.Bannanje Govindacharya -1

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janmAdyasyayatOnvayAditaratashchArthEshwabhij~jaH svarATtEnE brahma hRudAya AdikavayE muhyaMti yatsUrayaH|tEjOvArimRudAM yathA vinimayO yatra trisargO mRushAdhAmnAsvEna sadA nirastakuhakaM satyaM paraM dhImahi||



Here is the first of the discourse series on the bhAgavata, 4th skanda by pUjya Sri.Bannanje Govindacharya held last year.

This recording covers the first forty verses of the first chapter.


Recording and audio file courtesy: Sri.Kaddi Raghuttamachar.


Note: All recordings being posted are in .rm format and requires Real Player installed in the system. This format reduces the size of the audio file small enough to be mailed as attachments. The .mp3 format consumes about 60 -80MB memory for a recording of about 1 hour. The same in .rm format takes about 5-6MB memory space.

Real Player is available free for download.






1 of 1 File(s)






01-BGVT-04SKD-01A-10-40SL-BY BNJG 120508.rm

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