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Paer 2 -Shree Vijayarayarapaada Nijavaagi Nambalu-Ratuna Dorakithalla Enage...Shree Vijayadasaru Series

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Ratuna Dorakithalla



Article based on

Chippagiri Nilaya Sri Vijayadasaru


-Chippagiri Mohan


Shree Vijayarayarapaada Nijavaagi


Ajanapita Taane olive.

Part 2


Vijayadasaru and Sri Mohanadasaru


Hampi- Sri Vijayadasaru came to Hampi to commemorate the aradhane of his dearly

loved Guru Sri Purandara Dasaru, who has enlighten him in the path of

Hanumana matha . In the wee hours, Sri Vijayadasaru had gone to Tungabhadra

river to take bath and to perform his daily rituals the climate was very chill

and a very few people were taking bath and the water in the river was ice cold.

People who were present are afraid of taking bath in the cold water at that

time Dasaru noticed a woman carrying a child and She was weeping and was

deserted by her parents as well as in-laws. She came there to commit suicide by

first throwing the baby in the river. From that distance, Sri Vijayadasaru sensed

and slowly approached her and questioned her “why are you staying

here in these early hours and for whom you are waiting let me know”. By hearing the words of Sri Vijayadasaru she started crying and told

her agony. She also said that why she came to the riverside. Sri Vijayadasaru

said “that’s alright, why are you killing this innocent infant”. Dasaru enquired

why you have covered the baby ‘s entire body with clothes Dasaru asked

her remove cloth on the body of the child immediately she said “no

Dasare, you cannot see the child”. Dasaru said its alright please remove let

me see and nothing will happen. Slowly she removed the cloth on the body of

the baby at that time the child was quaking in the cold weather and also suffering

from severe skin disease. The body was full of rashes and the blood was oozing

from the body of the baby. Baby was crying unable to bear the pain. By seeing

the plight of the baby Sri Vijayadasaru touched the body of the baby the touch

was divine it is a touch of Sri BrughuMarashigalu at that time Sun God is

peeping from the clouds to see this great event and the Moon God is worrying

about the missing of this event. The birds are moving from their nests for

searching their lively hood and they are flying happily by making beautiful

sounds. slowly the baby started becoming normal.


The mother of the baby astonished by seeing

this incident and she cannot believe with her own eyes. She thought that Lord

Sri Hari had sent this Dasaru to rescue her . she did namaskara to the



After the baby became normal. Sri

Vijayadasaru told to that woman you need not go any where I will look after

this baby like a my own Son and Sri Vijayadasaru assured her and he also said from

now onwards you will stay as my sister. by hearing the words of Sri

Vijayadasaru and her joy as no bounds


Sri Vijayadasaru gave the name to the

baby as Mohana because the face of the baby is round and very beautiful looking

like moon on Pournime day. One auspicious day shri Vijayadaasaru ordained

“Mohan vitthala” ankita to young Mohana then he became Sri Mohana

dasaru and wrote many kruthis ,Suladis and Ughaboghagalus with his Ankithanama

as Mohanavittala.


His “KoluHaadu” is one of

the most famous among his kruthis. Sri Mohandasaru is fond of Sri Vijayadasaru

and who has given re-birth with the name and fame .


Sri Mohanadasaru has written many kruthis

admiring Sri Vijayadasaru as one of the kruthi goes like this “Vijayarayara paada Nijavaagi



SriBarathi Ramana Mukhya Prana antargatha


To be Continued………..



Chippagiri Mohan M CA

Lecturer in Computer Science


Tannu Ninnadhu

Jeevana Ninnadhu Ranga

Anudinadhalli Bahu Sukha Dhuka Ninnadayya


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