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Leave All Fears. Become Fearless - HOW?

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Yes, But how can the normal social personality who IS fear, possibly be

fearless. Especially as all of his/her life-strategies, including their

religious and Spiritual strivings are essentially designed from preventing one

from feeling the hell-deep fear that one is.

Plus one can only surrender ones fear by the Grace of the Guru, who by his or

her silent transmission and Darshan reveals the Radiant Reality that IS always

prior to fear.


John Forth


Shree Hari Ram Ram

John, In the posting below, Swamiji has given one of the ways to become


" When there is nothing wrong that we have done, then why the fear? Remain firm

in your conduct, religious observance, behavior and inner sentiments (bhaava).

You will gain immense strength on doing so. When we are Ok, we are geniune,

then why the fear? "


Swamiji has tried this and seen for himself! All of us need to try it and and

see for ourselves, as Swamiji has requested us to do ! From Gita Talk

Moderators, Ram Ram





: Shree Hari:

Ram Ram


27th July, 2009, Monday, Shravan Shukla Shashti, Vikram Samvat 2066, Somvaar


Leave All Fears. Become Fearless


If man accepts his own things (Paramatma) as belonging to himself, and that

which is not his own (i.e. body, world) as not belonging to himself, then all

work is done ! He will be totally freed - There is not the slightest bit of

doubt in this. In Gita wherever the characteristics of a " gunaateet " great soul

are written, there it is said " samadukhahsukhah swasthah " (Gita 14/24). He who

within his own self, remains in his own place, established in the Self, such a

one remains evenminded in happiness and sorrow and he is freed. The

expectation that we have from others is " extreme " cowardice. It is a very great

weakness. This cowardice, this weakness, has been created by us. In essence it

does not really exist. You stick to your position, accept what is yours as

yours, and that which is not yours as not belonging to you - in this where is

the weakness? where is the difficulty?


What will others say to me? what will they understand of me? Such fears can be

very damaging. Putting aside this fear, one should become fearless. When

others speak ill of us, we become fearful, then will they not speak ill? They

will say what they please! If we are fearful then too they will say the same

thing and if we are fearless, then too they will say the same thing. Whatever

thought arises in their mind, they will say that. By us becoming fearful, will

they consider us to be good? This is impossible. Do not look at what the

others are saying - Remain firm on your convictions. Be thorough and perfect

in your work. It is a very beneficial point.


This is something that happened a couple of days back. We were talking about a

particular topic and I said - There is only one point in your becoming free of

all doubts and free of all fears and that is - If any one says anything bad

about you, then you see yourself with your own critical eye and see if you have

done anything wrong, whether you have done any injustice. In this manner, as

much trust as you can gain, remaining firmly rooted, as much as you can sustain,

do so then all your fears will come to an end. When there is nothing wrong that

we have done, then why the fear? Remain firm in your conduct, religious

observance, behavior and inner sentiments (bhaava). You will gain immense

strength on doing so. In front of the person, I also said to him, that I have

done this and seen for myself. You too do and see ! When we are Ok, we are

geniune, then why the fear? It is due to not trusting ourselves that we do

injurious and futile things. When we are very fine in our own standing, when

our intentions are OK, when our actions are OK, when our thoughts are OK, when

our sentiments (Bhaavas) are OK, then do not have the least bit of expectation

for anything at all from anyone. Have no such desire that the other person sees

us as good. Out of fear of being considered bad by others, do not become

fearful . However bad the other person thinks we are, we will remain the same,

no matter what. If we are not good and others think we are good, then would we

have proven our goodness? Think over this !!!


From " Acche Bano " in Hindi pg 1 by Swami Ramsukhdasji.



Ram Ram


For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net

For full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org








1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to

Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up

spiritual path

2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study

3. Only one question at a time.

4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim

of deeper understanding of Gita.




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they

further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be concise, to the point, refraining from criticism or personal attacks. Be

respectful of all sadhaks and avoid judging others.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address

etc) or personalize message to particular person

7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modify

the posting.

8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit

the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Yes, But how can the normal social personality who IS fear, possibly befearless. Especially as all of his/her life-strategies, including theirreligious and Spiritual strivings are essentially designed from preventing onefrom feeling the hell-deep fear that one is.Plus one can only surrender ones fear by the Grace of the Guru, who by his orher silent transmission and Darshan reveals the Radiant Reality that IS alwaysprior to fear.

John Forth---------


One becomes fearless only when he / she is convinced that irrespective of what he / she does, he / she will never be affected by its consequences because consequences are only worldly pain and pleasure to which is / she is not attached.

Fearlessness in Upanishad and Gita has nothing do with what we normally mean by courage or bravery or not being afraid of sufferings the consequences. These are normal human attributes that differ from person to person in degree.

The spiritual fearlessness can only come when one does not identify with worldly / sensual pleasure / pain resulting from or associated with any action whatsoever. When someone has freed himself/ herself from attachment to the consequences of actions, he / she becomes truly fearless.

If a person becomes truly fearless, one may do something that he may not want to do but is forced to do by the master/ enemy/ the circumstances/ the society/ the religious scripture, and yet the person is not attached to the consequences of his/ her actions. For him whether he does action X or its opposite action Y, he is not worried of the consequences either way. In effect he is indifferent to alternative actions. Whether he acts according to his own conscience or forced is immaterial to him. Whatever he does is right for him as he is unattached to the consequences of his/ her actions.

If Arjun had decided not to fight without fearing the consequences in terms of loss of relatives, he would have been equally free as he actually became when he finally decided to fight the Kauravs without fearing the losses that the war would bring.

Caution: The above is not the usual interpretation. The usual interpretation is biased. It ignores the fact that Lord Krishna, a Kshatriya and a supporter of justice, did not fight in the Kurukshetra war. He was fearless and that is why He did not fight in the Kurukshetra War of Justice.

Accepting or exploring the above interpretation also requires fearlessness. One has to get over the fear of right or wrong, of loss or gain, of pain and pleasure. Without equanimity, one cannot be fearless and unattached.

Basudeb Sen


Dear Sadhak-insight,

In short if you entrust yourself to the mercy of God and if you regularly offer prayers to almighty God then you automatically become fearless This is my experience


Truly yours


S S Bhatt


Shree Hari Ram Ram

In Gita 16/1, the very first Divine Trait expressed by Lord Sri Krishna is "ABHAYAM" = TOTAL ABSCENCE OF ANY FEAR.

Swamiji says - Put Gangajal (holy water) on everyone around you.. FREE them... and become FREE and FEARLESS. No more MINE, no more expectations from them, no more GIVE ME... Saints are FEARLESS and EVER BLISSFUL.. because "Kuch lenaa ne denaa, magan rehnaa" - Nothing to take, nothing to give, remain ever happy. There is no fear, because there is nothingto steal from saints. "Sabhi bhoomi Gopal ki." The entire world is God's.

Meera Das, Ram Ram




Take an individual especially in the Abrahamic triad, how full of fear is she/he, hell and damnation awaits he/she who turns their back on the only 'true religion', (whatever that may be), fear is used, it takes courage to stand alone, to turn away from the fearful domination of a native religion/customs.I am having trouble understanding your second paragraph, my understanding, one may have to pass through 'The Dark Night of the Soul', where the the hounds of hell guard the gates to paradise. These demons are generated by the minds illusion, it is only after you are prepared to face these hounds, that you can move on.Bhagwan is the lamp that lights ones way.But we must have the courage of our convictions, do what we know is right!

With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji says - fear is from another, not from our own self. Nature (Prakruti) and the workings of Nature, this body and this world are dual, therefore by associating with them, there is fear; because one cannot ever have an everlasting relation with this body or this world.

Paramatma (God) is not dual. We are an eternal part (ansh) of Paramatma's consciousness. Therefore by taking refuge in God, how can there ever be any fear ? In fact, after taking refuge in God, one becomes eternally fearless. Seeing at the surface level, the child is fearful of staying aloof from the mother, but when he rests on his mother's lap, all fears disappear; because the mother is his very own. God's devotee is even more amazing ! Between a devotee (bhakta) and God, there can never be any separation or apartness. It is impossible.

Meera Das

Ram Ram

-----Shree Hari Ram RamJohn, In the posting below, Swamiji has given one of the ways to becomeFEARLESS."When there is nothing wrong that we have done, then why the fear? Remain firmin your conduct, religious observance, behavior and inner sentiments (bhaava). You will gain immense strength on doing so. When we are Ok, we are geniune,then why the fear?"

Swamiji has tried this and seen for himself! All of us need to try it and andsee for ourselves, as Swamiji has requested us to do ! From Gita TalkModerators, Ram Ram


: Shree Hari:Ram Ram

27th July, 2009, Monday, Shravan Shukla Shashti, Vikram Samvat 2066, Somvaar

Leave All Fears. Become Fearless

If man accepts his own things (Paramatma) as belonging to himself, and thatwhich is not his own (i.e. body, world) as not belonging to himself, then allwork is done ! He will be totally freed - There is not the slightest bit ofdoubt in this. In Gita wherever the characteristics of a "gunaateet" great soulare written, there it is said "samadukhahsukhah swasthah" (Gita 14/24). He whowithin his own self, remains in his own place, established in the Self, such aone remains evenminded in happiness and sorrow and he is freed. Theexpectation that we have from others is "extreme" cowardice. It is a very greatweakness. This cowardice, this weakness, has been created by us. In essence itdoes not really exist. You stick to your position, accept what is yours asyours, and that which is not yours as not belonging to you - in this where isthe weakness? where is the difficulty?

What will others say to me? what will they understand of me? Such fears can bevery damaging. Putting aside this fear, one should become fearless. Whenothers speak ill of us, we become fearful, then will they not speak ill? Theywill say what they please! If we are fearful then too they will say the samething and if we are fearless, then too they will say the same thing. Whateverthought arises in their mind, they will say that. By us becoming fearful, willthey consider us to be good? This is impossible. Do not look at what theothers are saying - Remain firm on your convictions. Be thorough and perfectin your work. It is a very beneficial point.

This is something that happened a couple of days back. We were talking about aparticular topic and I said - There is only one point in your becoming free ofall doubts and free of all fears and that is - If any one says anything badabout you, then you see yourself with your own critical eye and see if you havedone anything wrong, whether you have done any injustice. In this manner, asmuch trust as you can gain, remaining firmly rooted, as much as you can sustain,do so then all your fears will come to an end. When there is nothing wrong thatwe have done, then why the fear? Remain firm in your conduct, religiousobservance, behavior and inner sentiments (bhaava). You will gain immensestrength on doing so. In front of the person, I also said to him, that I havedone this and seen for myself. You too do and see ! When we are Ok, we aregeniune, then why the fear? It is due to not trusting ourselves that we doinjurious and futile things. When we are very fine in our own standing, whenour intentions are OK, when our actions are OK, when our thoughts are OK, whenour sentiments (Bhaavas) are OK, then do not have the least bit of expectationfor anything at all from anyone. Have no such desire that the other person seesus as good. Out of fear of being considered bad by others, do not becomefearful . However bad the other person thinks we are, we will remain the same,no matter what. If we are not good and others think we are good, then would wehave proven our goodness? Think over this !!!

From "Acche Bano" in Hindi pg 1 by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be concise, to the point, refraining from criticism or personal attacks. Berespectful of all sadhaks and avoid judging others.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -



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Guest guest

Yes, But how can the normal social personality who IS fear, possibly befearless. Especially as all of his/her life-strategies, including theirreligious and Spiritual strivings are essentially designed from preventing onefrom feeling the hell-deep fear that one is.Plus one can only surrender ones fear by the Grace of the Guru, who by his orher silent transmission and Darshan reveals the Radiant Reality that IS alwaysprior to fear.

John Forth---------







Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding becoming fearless. When we surrender ourselves totally to the Lord, then there is no need for fear since He takes care of us. Once we are in devotional service of the Lord, then we are in his court. The responsibility is on Him, to take care of us. This is the beauty and greatness of Bhakti Yoga. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Sarva dharman parityajya,Mam ekam saranam vraja,Aham tvam sarva papebhyo,Mokhsayisyami ma sucah." ( Gitaji, 18, 66)Which means,"Abandon everything, just surrender unto Me. I deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear. "Once we become His, then we become fearless. Complete surrender to the Lord through devotional service is the way to become fearless and get to His Kingdom. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D






Namaste, Dear ones!I read over and over John's question which is more of an answer in the sense that normal social person IS FEAR himself/herself, and as such he/she cannot be fearless! "A person" is put together(persona) by social conditioning including political/economic, and religious, all designed to create and protect individuality. Individual is expected to achieve, and become someone and hence is in constant doubt/fear of not achieving, not becoming. In its individuality, fear is intrinsic in the sense that he/she identifies with fear as "my fear" not knowing that "my fear" is really "me". Highest fear is that of extinction of "me". It is equally true that fear is always from the false taken as true, and never from truth!Thus, it is not true that "me" has fear but rather "me" IS fear! This false duality of "me" and "my fear" makes "me" fight the battle "me" cannot win and fear continues through life.If he/she continues to live as such a person, there cannot be freedom from fear is what I read in the message. Swamiji and Meeraji say the same by saying that if there is "another", there is fear! Fear can exist in relating to "another" whatever that "another" may be! No other, no fear either! True Freedom from fear is freedom from being such a person! It is not in preventing him/her from fear while keeping "me" alive! Surrender of "me" is essential!Namaskar....Pratap Bhatt


Dear Sadhak-insight

We become fearless when we have entrusted ourselves at the feet of God.We must have faith in God and that entrustment will make us fearless.


S S Bhatt



Dear sadaks,fear or fearlessness is caused in the mind by ones own actions. say a thief commits theft first time with fear. if he succeed, he does again. eventually becomes notorious with rare cases of realization.So is a social worker gets attached to social work, a preacher gets accustomed to preaching (Not teaching), a normal man without any goal in life, goes hither and thither, does little of prayer and more of worldly things, goes behind fake swamijis who preach only values to others, asks to follow different types of meditations. but most vital for all fearlessness or divinity is to fear ones own conscience. even in a bad man, his conscience speaks some were corner of his heart. for some conscience speaks firmly as he obeys his conscience. For the disciple who betrayed Sri Christ, he dis obeyed his conscience, eventually became mad and hung himself. here hindu philosophy says, athuma hati (sucide) makes the sprit to remain hanging in sufferings. in chirstianity, Mr John you know in church they say- for the son, father and the holy ghost. Son is body- father is Athuman- holy spirit / ghost is paramathuma (God)Jai Sri Krishnab.sathyanarayan




One becomes fearless only when he / she is convinced that irrespective of what he / she does, he / she will never be affected by its consequences because consequences are only worldly pain and pleasure to which is / she is not attached.Fearlessness in Upanishad and Gita has nothing do with what we normally mean by courage or bravery or not being afraid of sufferings the consequences. These are normal human attributes that differ from person to person in degree.The spiritual fearlessness can only come when one does not identify with worldly / sensual pleasure / pain resulting from or associated with any action whatsoever. When someone has freed himself/ herself from attachment to the consequences of actions, he / she becomes truly fearless.If a person becomes truly fearless, one may do something that he may not want to do but is forced to do by the master/ enemy/ the circumstances/ the society/ the religious scripture, and yet the person is not attached to the consequences of his/ her actions. For him whether he does action X or its opposite action Y, he is not worried of the consequences either way. In effect he is indifferent to alternative actions. Whether he acts according to his own conscience or forced is immaterial to him. Whatever he does is right for him as he is unattached to the consequences of his/ her actions.If Arjun had decided not to fight without fearing the consequences in terms of loss of relatives, he would have been equally free as he actually became when he finally decided to fight the Kauravs without fearing the losses that the war would bring.Caution: The above is not the usual interpretation. The usual interpretation is biased. It ignores the fact that Lord Krishna, a Kshatriya and a supporter of justice, did not fight in the Kurukshetra war. He was fearless and that is why He did not fight in the Kurukshetra War of Justice.Accepting or exploring the above interpretation also requires fearlessness. One has to get over the fear of right or wrong, of loss or gain, of pain and pleasure. Without equanimity, one cannot be fearless and unattached.Basudeb Sen


Dear Sadhak-insight, In short if you entrust yourself to the mercy of God and if you regularly offer prayers to almighty God then you automatically become fearless This is my experience Truly yours S S Bhatt


Shree Hari Ram Ram

In Gita 16/1, the very first Divine Trait expressed by Lord Sri Krishna is "ABHAYAM" = TOTAL ABSCENCE OF ANY FEAR.

Swamiji says - Put Gangajal (holy water) on everyone around you.. FREE them... and become FREE and FEARLESS. No more MINE, no more expectations from them, no more GIVE ME... Saints are FEARLESS and EVER BLISSFUL.. because "Kuch lenaa ne denaa, magan rehnaa" - Nothing to take, nothing to give, remain ever happy. There is no fear, because there is nothingto steal from saints. "Sabhi bhoomi Gopal ki." The entire world is God's.

Meera Das, Ram Ram




Take an individual especially in the Abrahamic triad, how full of fear is she/he, hell and damnation awaits he/she who turns their back on the only 'true religion', (whatever that may be), fear is used, it takes courage to stand alone, to turn away from the fearful domination of a native religion/customs.I am having trouble understanding your second paragraph, my understanding, one may have to pass through 'The Dark Night of the Soul', where the the hounds of hell guard the gates to paradise. These demons are generated by the minds illusion, it is only after you are prepared to face these hounds, that you can move on.Bhagwan is the lamp that lights ones way.But we must have the courage of our convictions, do what we know is right!

With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji says - fear is from another, not from our own self. Nature (Prakruti) and the workings of Nature, this body and this world are dual, therefore by associating with them, there is fear; because one cannot ever have an everlasting relation with this body or this world.

Paramatma (God) is not dual. We are an eternal part (ansh) of Paramatma's consciousness. Therefore by taking refuge in God, how can there ever be any fear ? In fact, after taking refuge in God, one becomes eternally fearless. Seeing at the surface level, the child is fearful of staying aloof from the mother, but when he rests on his mother's lap, all fears disappear; because the mother is his very own. God's devotee is even more amazing ! Between a devotee (bhakta) and God, there can never be any separation or apartness. It is impossible.

Meera Das

Ram Ram

-----Shree Hari Ram RamJohn, In the posting below, Swamiji has given one of the ways to becomeFEARLESS."When there is nothing wrong that we have done, then why the fear? Remain firmin your conduct, religious observance, behavior and inner sentiments (bhaava). You will gain immense strength on doing so. When we are Ok, we are geniune,then why the fear?"

Swamiji has tried this and seen for himself! All of us need to try it and andsee for ourselves, as Swamiji has requested us to do ! From Gita TalkModerators, Ram Ram


: Shree Hari:Ram Ram

27th July, 2009, Monday, Shravan Shukla Shashti, Vikram Samvat 2066, Somvaar

Leave All Fears. Become Fearless

If man accepts his own things (Paramatma) as belonging to himself, and thatwhich is not his own (i.e. body, world) as not belonging to himself, then allwork is done ! He will be totally freed - There is not the slightest bit ofdoubt in this. In Gita wherever the characteristics of a "gunaateet" great soulare written, there it is said "samadukhahsukhah swasthah" (Gita 14/24). He whowithin his own self, remains in his own place, established in the Self, such aone remains evenminded in happiness and sorrow and he is freed. Theexpectation that we have from others is "extreme" cowardice. It is a very greatweakness. This cowardice, this weakness, has been created by us. In essence itdoes not really exist. You stick to your position, accept what is yours asyours, and that which is not yours as not belonging to you - in this where isthe weakness? where is the difficulty?

What will others say to me? what will they understand of me? Such fears can bevery damaging. Putting aside this fear, one should become fearless. Whenothers speak ill of us, we become fearful, then will they not speak ill? Theywill say what they please! If we are fearful then too they will say the samething and if we are fearless, then too they will say the same thing. Whateverthought arises in their mind, they will say that. By us becoming fearful, willthey consider us to be good? This is impossible. Do not look at what theothers are saying - Remain firm on your convictions. Be thorough and perfectin your work. It is a very beneficial point.

This is something that happened a couple of days back. We were talking about aparticular topic and I said - There is only one point in your becoming free ofall doubts and free of all fears and that is - If any one says anything badabout you, then you see yourself with your own critical eye and see if you havedone anything wrong, whether you have done any injustice. In this manner, asmuch trust as you can gain, remaining firmly rooted, as much as you can sustain,do so then all your fears will come to an end. When there is nothing wrong thatwe have done, then why the fear? Remain firm in your conduct, religiousobservance, behavior and inner sentiments (bhaava). You will gain immensestrength on doing so. In front of the person, I also said to him, that I havedone this and seen for myself. You too do and see ! When we are Ok, we aregeniune, then why the fear? It is due to not trusting ourselves that we doinjurious and futile things. When we are very fine in our own standing, whenour intentions are OK, when our actions are OK, when our thoughts are OK, whenour sentiments (Bhaavas) are OK, then do not have the least bit of expectationfor anything at all from anyone. Have no such desire that the other person seesus as good. Out of fear of being considered bad by others, do not becomefearful . However bad the other person thinks we are, we will remain the same,no matter what. If we are not good and others think we are good, then would wehave proven our goodness? Think over this !!!

From "Acche Bano" in Hindi pg 1 by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be concise, to the point, refraining from criticism or personal attacks. Berespectful of all sadhaks and avoid judging others.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -



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Guest guest

Yes, But how can the normal social personality who IS fear, possibly befearless. Especially as all of his/her life-strategies, including theirreligious and Spiritual strivings are essentially designed from preventing onefrom feeling the hell-deep fear that one is.Plus one can only surrender ones fear by the Grace of the Guru, who by his orher silent transmission and Darshan reveals the Radiant Reality that IS alwaysprior to fear.

John Forth---------







Hari OmDear John ! Beautiful Question! Spiritually very important . Almost entire humanity must be sufferring it in one form or other vide one medium or other : Fear !Let me at the outset tell you that:SO LONG AS A HUMAN BEING , DOES NOT DO, WHAT IS WORTH DOING, and DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IS WORTH KNOWING , and DOES NOT GAIN , WHAT IS WORTH GAINING , HE CANNOT BE TOTALLY FEARLESS, FEAR SUBSISTS IN HIM.Got fearful? Be now happy by knowing: THE MOMENT YOU TURN TOWARDS GOD , YOU START GALLOPING TOWARDS FEARLESSNESS ! HENCE BECOME SADHAK !! The first quality which God immediately grants to the Sadhak , without any efforts by Sadhak, is FEARLESSNESS ! It is a divine property to be fearless. It manifests in you automatically , effortlessly as a natural property in you. (Refer Gita 16:1) Let us see now as to what is fear. Consider the following definition:Nervous excitement, caused by the thought of losing something which is agreeable , and meeting with something, which is undesirable , is called fear !!Fear can be of 2 types - 1. External 2 Internal EXTERNAL : (a) A man is afraid of thieves, robbers, lions, snakes etc , BECAUSE he identifies himself with his body. BUT when he realises , that he is different from the perishable body, he has no fear !!! Fear caused in giving up bad habits, of smoking, and drinking etc and leaving the company of friends addicted to vice, is because of one's cowardice ! This fear gets removed by abandoning cowardice.(b) A person is afraid, lest he should act against the will of parents/teachers etc and agst the ordinance of scriptures. In reality, this is no fear. This fear leads to fearlessness. Actually this sort of fear is desirable for a striver, because it leads him to spiritual progress.INTERNAL :(a) When you want to perform forbidden actions, which involve sin, injustice, and atrocity etc, you are full of fear. But then such evil deeds can be performed only when you identify yourself with your body. WHEN you realise that the only aim of human life is God Realisation you are freed from evil deeds , and forbidden actions, and you become TOTALLY FREE, from fear.(b) When a man is engaged in evil deeds, he is full of fear. BUT WHEN a person gives up evil deeds and purifies his feelings and conduct, his fear disappears. The more a striver, believes in God and the more he depends on him, the more FEARLESS, he becomes. He starts thinking, that he being a fragment of the Lord, is imperishable, and so there is nothing to be afraid of, while the body is perishable . By having this DISCRIMINATION, fear perishes and a striver , becomes TOTALLY FEARLESS. By "accepting" affinity for the Lord , a person, has no attachment to the body and family etc . Having become freed from attachment , a man is not afraid of death.( Text mostly as it is from Sadhak Sanjeevani - "abhayam" BG 16:1 - fearlessness )Tell me Mr John Froth any other type of fear not covered by the above Divine Teachings from Sadhak Sanjeevani by Param Shraddheya Swamiji Shri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B



How to win over fears? Well, the only fool-proof ways are:(1) by "acquiring" everything in the world so that nothing can be "lost" ever; or(2) by "acquiring" nothing as such so that nothing can be lost ever; or(3) by "acquiring" everything by being "nothing".How can that be possible?You become THAT which IS everything … then everything IS aquired automatically …how can one who IS/HAS everything can loose anything?Or, you become nobody by relinquishing all the identities you have borrowed inyour life … then there is no room to acquire anything in the first place … howcan one who has nothing loose anything?What can bother the one who cannot loose anything at all? How can there be anyfear when there cannot be any desire?? How can there be any desire when there isno identity?? How can there be any identity when there cannot be any "other"???Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharaNam vraja |The innate wisdom reminds one … drop all your notions of subject and objects,identities and possessions, desires and fears … drop the very ownership of allactions, thoughts and desires at the very root … to be THE ONE that YOU ARE.Aham tvaa sarvapaapebhyo mokshayishyaami maa shuchah ||The inherent quest for peace is assured again and again ... When you are THAThow can an 'other' bother You? When you are THE ONE, how can there be a secondto inflict any relative notions?? When no notions can bother you, how can anysin arise in the first place??? When no sin can arise in the horizons of one'spresence, how can there be any fear at all????Therefore, KrishNa, The Innate Wisdom of All, commands the ones who seek Him …drop everything that were never yours in the first place to be what You ARE …drop the desires … drop the possessions … drop the identities … drop your verynature … DROP DEAD within as the world continues its natural course as it oughtto ... Approach Me ... Attain Me ... Be Me ... The Fearless.Now the real question is … whether it is relevant for a "normal socialpersonality"? I cannot talk for others or for you ... to me, this is everrelevant transcending all the boundaries of space and time. In fact, nothingelse can ever be relevant. The importance of the message is all the more high toa "normal social character" rather than a "realized soul". The need of medicineis directly proportional to the intensity of a decease. The decease of miseries(fears in other words) increases its intensity exponentially as one intensifiesone's 'normality' of social behavior ... the fears are exponentiallyproportional to the so-called social ties one is bound with.But, my dear friend, nobody can tell you what to do … you will find your way outwhen you cannot bear the pain or when you see The Truth … when your prioritiesreorganize. The soultion is for the ones who seek … for the ones who need … forthe ones who pursue. The solution remains aloof and hypothetical for the one'sin whom the need has not raisen.Respects.Naga Narayana


Dear Sadaks," Our dear sadak says ""Sarva dharman parityajya,"" Which means,"Abandon everything, just surrender unto Me. I deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear. Once we become His, then we become fearless".This is not surely to insult anyone. M D. is degree for the education one gets, that too to serve people on earth. Nothing beyond this in Sat Sangh or Sadaka. A sadaka is NOBODY by status, education, etc with referance to world. Unknowingly some of us hang behind this degree, says Vivekachudami. No scripts, vedas, knowledge in yagnas etc will be helpful says Baja Govindam. Punarapi Jananam --to--- Dukum Karane. Adi Sankara. Only Athuma Gyana.Most of us know the facts of surrender to Bagavan and become fearless. We know the world is maya. We know Bagavan is only ours. Nothing comes when last breath stops, except your deeds and Vasanas. YES WE ALL KNOW THESE FACTS. But what stops us from this realization. Deffinately not Maya. But something else. IntrogateKnow the cause and then one gets free.Jai Sri Krishnab.sathyanarayan


Fear is mostly result of our imagination about outcome of something - an action or an event either done by us or by somebody around us.Be fearless is suggesting to be free of fear from this imaginary outcome. Try this and YOU will think and act more efficiently for better results.Arun Gadre-----------

Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.

This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding becoming fearless.

When we surrender ourselves totally to the Lord, then there is no need for fear since He takes care of us. Once we are in devotional service of the Lord, then we are in his court. The responsibility is on Him, to take care of us. This is the beauty and greatness of Bhakti Yoga.

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita,

" Sarva dharman parityajya,Mam ekam saranam vraja,Aham tvam sarva papebhyo,Mokhsayisyami ma sucah." ( Gitaji, 18, 66)

Which means,"Abandon everything, just surrender unto Me. I deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear. "

Once we become His, then we become fearless.

Complete surrender to the Lord through devotional service is the way to become fearless and get to His Kingdom.

Hare Krishna.

Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Namaste, Dear ones!I read over and over John's question which is more of an answer in the sense that normal social person IS FEAR himself/herself, and as such he/she cannot be fearless! "A person" is put together(persona) by social conditioning including political/economic, and religious, all designed to create and protect individuality. Individual is expected to achieve, and become someone and hence is in constant doubt/fear of not achieving, not becoming. In its individuality, fear is intrinsic in the sense that he/she identifies with fear as "my fear" not knowing that "my fear" is really "me". Highest fear is that of extinction of "me". It is equally true that fear is always from the false taken as true, and never from truth!Thus, it is not true that "me" has fear but rather "me" IS fear! This false duality of "me" and "my fear" makes "me" fight the battle "me" cannot win and fear continues through life.If he/she continues to live as such a person, there cannot be freedom from fear is what I read in the message. Swamiji and Meeraji say the same by saying that if there is "another", there is fear! Fear can exist in relating to "another" whatever that "another" may be! No other, no fear either! True Freedom from fear is freedom from being such a person! It is not in preventing him/her from fear while keeping "me" alive! Surrender of "me" is essential!Namaskar....Pratap Bhatt


Dear Sadhak-insight We become fearless when we have entrusted ourselves at the feet of God.We must have faith in God and that entrustment will make us fearless. S S Bhatt---------- Dear sadaks,fear or fearlessness is caused in the mind by ones own actions. say a thief commits theft first time with fear. if he succeed, he does again. eventually becomes notorious with rare cases of realization.So is a social worker gets attached to social work, a preacher gets accustomed to preaching (Not teaching), a normal man without any goal in life, goes hither and thither, does little of prayer and more of worldly things, goes behind fake swamijis who preach only values to others, asks to follow different types of meditations. but most vital for all fearlessness or divinity is to fear ones own conscience. even in a bad man, his conscience speaks some were corner of his heart. for some conscience speaks firmly as he obeys his conscience. For the disciple who betrayed Sri Christ, he dis obeyed his conscience, eventually became mad and hung himself. here hindu philosophy says, athuma hati (sucide) makes the sprit to remain hanging in sufferings. in chirstianity, Mr John you know in church they say- for the son, father and the holy ghost. Son is body- father is Athuman- holy spirit / ghost is paramathuma (God)Jai Sri Krishnab.sathyanarayan ---



One becomes fearless only when he / she is convinced that irrespective of what he / she does, he / she will never be affected by its consequences because consequences are only worldly pain and pleasure to which is / she is not attached.Fearlessness in Upanishad and Gita has nothing do with what we normally mean by courage or bravery or not being afraid of sufferings the consequences. These are normal human attributes that differ from person to person in degree.The spiritual fearlessness can only come when one does not identify with worldly / sensual pleasure / pain resulting from or associated with any action whatsoever. When someone has freed himself/ herself from attachment to the consequences of actions, he / she becomes truly fearless.If a person becomes truly fearless, one may do something that he may not want to do but is forced to do by the master/ enemy/ the circumstances/ the society/ the religious scripture, and yet the person is not attached to the consequences of his/ her actions. For him whether he does action X or its opposite action Y, he is not worried of the consequences either way. In effect he is indifferent to alternative actions. Whether he acts according to his own conscience or forced is immaterial to him. Whatever he does is right for him as he is unattached to the consequences of his/ her actions.If Arjun had decided not to fight without fearing the consequences in terms of loss of relatives, he would have been equally free as he actually became when he finally decided to fight the Kauravs without fearing the losses that the war would bring.Caution: The above is not the usual interpretation. The usual interpretation is biased. It ignores the fact that Lord Krishna, a Kshatriya and a supporter of justice, did not fight in the Kurukshetra war. He was fearless and that is why He did not fight in the Kurukshetra War of Justice.Accepting or exploring the above interpretation also requires fearlessness. One has to get over the fear of right or wrong, of loss or gain, of pain and pleasure. Without equanimity, one cannot be fearless and unattached.Basudeb Sen


Dear Sadhak-insight, In short if you entrust yourself to the mercy of God and if you regularly offer prayers to almighty God then you automatically become fearless This is my experience Truly yours S S Bhatt


Shree Hari Ram Ram

In Gita 16/1, the very first Divine Trait expressed by Lord Sri Krishna is "ABHAYAM" = TOTAL ABSCENCE OF ANY FEAR.

Swamiji says - Put Gangajal (holy water) on everyone around you.. FREE them... and become FREE and FEARLESS. No more MINE, no more expectations from them, no more GIVE ME... Saints are FEARLESS and EVER BLISSFUL.. because "Kuch lenaa ne denaa, magan rehnaa" - Nothing to take, nothing to give, remain ever happy. There is no fear, because there is nothingto steal from saints. "Sabhi bhoomi Gopal ki." The entire world is God's.

Meera Das, Ram Ram




Take an individual especially in the Abrahamic triad, how full of fear is she/he, hell and damnation awaits he/she who turns their back on the only 'true religion', (whatever that may be), fear is used, it takes courage to stand alone, to turn away from the fearful domination of a native religion/customs.I am having trouble understanding your second paragraph, my understanding, one may have to pass through 'The Dark Night of the Soul', where the the hounds of hell guard the gates to paradise. These demons are generated by the minds illusion, it is only after you are prepared to face these hounds, that you can move on.Bhagwan is the lamp that lights ones way.But we must have the courage of our convictions, do what we know is right!

With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji says - fear is from another, not from our own self. Nature (Prakruti) and the workings of Nature, this body and this world are dual, therefore by associating with them, there is fear; because one cannot ever have an everlasting relation with this body or this world.

Paramatma (God) is not dual. We are an eternal part (ansh) of Paramatma's consciousness. Therefore by taking refuge in God, how can there ever be any fear ? In fact, after taking refuge in God, one becomes eternally fearless. Seeing at the surface level, the child is fearful of staying aloof from the mother, but when he rests on his mother's lap, all fears disappear; because the mother is his very own. God's devotee is even more amazing ! Between a devotee (bhakta) and God, there can never be any separation or apartness. It is impossible.

Meera Das

Ram Ram

-----Shree Hari Ram RamJohn, In the posting below, Swamiji has given one of the ways to becomeFEARLESS."When there is nothing wrong that we have done, then why the fear? Remain firmin your conduct, religious observance, behavior and inner sentiments (bhaava). You will gain immense strength on doing so. When we are Ok, we are geniune,then why the fear?"

Swamiji has tried this and seen for himself! All of us need to try it and andsee for ourselves, as Swamiji has requested us to do ! From Gita TalkModerators, Ram Ram


: Shree Hari:Ram Ram

27th July, 2009, Monday, Shravan Shukla Shashti, Vikram Samvat 2066, Somvaar

Leave All Fears. Become Fearless

If man accepts his own things (Paramatma) as belonging to himself, and thatwhich is not his own (i.e. body, world) as not belonging to himself, then allwork is done ! He will be totally freed - There is not the slightest bit ofdoubt in this. In Gita wherever the characteristics of a "gunaateet" great soulare written, there it is said "samadukhahsukhah swasthah" (Gita 14/24). He whowithin his own self, remains in his own place, established in the Self, such aone remains evenminded in happiness and sorrow and he is freed. Theexpectation that we have from others is "extreme" cowardice. It is a very greatweakness. This cowardice, this weakness, has been created by us. In essence itdoes not really exist. You stick to your position, accept what is yours asyours, and that which is not yours as not belonging to you - in this where isthe weakness? where is the difficulty?

What will others say to me? what will they understand of me? Such fears can bevery damaging. Putting aside this fear, one should become fearless. Whenothers speak ill of us, we become fearful, then will they not speak ill? Theywill say what they please! If we are fearful then too they will say the samething and if we are fearless, then too they will say the same thing. Whateverthought arises in their mind, they will say that. By us becoming fearful, willthey consider us to be good? This is impossible. Do not look at what theothers are saying - Remain firm on your convictions. Be thorough and perfectin your work. It is a very beneficial point.

This is something that happened a couple of days back. We were talking about aparticular topic and I said - There is only one point in your becoming free ofall doubts and free of all fears and that is - If any one says anything badabout you, then you see yourself with your own critical eye and see if you havedone anything wrong, whether you have done any injustice. In this manner, asmuch trust as you can gain, remaining firmly rooted, as much as you can sustain,do so then all your fears will come to an end. When there is nothing wrong thatwe have done, then why the fear? Remain firm in your conduct, religiousobservance, behavior and inner sentiments (bhaava). You will gain immensestrength on doing so. In front of the person, I also said to him, that I havedone this and seen for myself. You too do and see ! When we are Ok, we aregeniune, then why the fear? It is due to not trusting ourselves that we doinjurious and futile things. When we are very fine in our own standing, whenour intentions are OK, when our actions are OK, when our thoughts are OK, whenour sentiments (Bhaavas) are OK, then do not have the least bit of expectationfor anything at all from anyone. Have no such desire that the other person seesus as good. Out of fear of being considered bad by others, do not becomefearful . However bad the other person thinks we are, we will remain the same,no matter what. If we are not good and others think we are good, then would wehave proven our goodness? Think over this !!!

From "Acche Bano" in Hindi pg 1 by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

Ram Ram

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FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be concise, to the point, refraining from criticism or personal attacks. Berespectful of all sadhaks and avoid judging others.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

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