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* Through out the year when sun passes through the each zodiac sign.

* Each of the 12 signs has its own importance in contributing the necessary

import to the solar ritual which is  termed as CONDUCTION of a year as a


* During each period when the sun passes through the each sign the

constellations corresponding to that signs in the cosmos will exert influence

upon the beings on the earth.

* During this kartikamasa the constellation pleaids will exerts its influence

through the sign scorpio- libra . these stars will be in the shape of scirossors

.. The term karika is allegorized in scriptures as the krittikas who are the 6

mothers who feed the son of lord shiva  karttikeya who again is 6 faced kumara.

* During this month the sun enters into the sign scorpio asper solar and libra

as per lunar either of which had same source of origin so these are under the

influence of these sacred 6 stars  in the cosmos which would generate a serene,

sacred and pure environment on the earth which would give the disciples a

splendid opportunity to raise ones consciousness indulged in the gross matter to

the level of kumara pure untouched by any other human nature.


* It is said that it establishes link between human and divine consciousness.

In this season only the consciousness is raised from the sacred base center to

the head centre where the kundalini as a serpent lying in scorpion base centre

is raised into the aries in the head centre as 6years boy where the

consciousness will be like a pure child nature and serene ,who plays with the

snake .he is venerated as lord of snakes called lord subramnya. Here child will

be united with his parents in mount kailasa  in our head centre  which is place

of nirvana. .one who dwells in this centre will always be kailasa. So sacred is

this month it is for those who utilizes this opportunity. so every year this

season isa opportunity to raise oneself from human to divine conciousness.


In order to attain this level ancienct seers of wisdom have b given certain

rituals .Among such seers the great sage vasista who is the lord of rites have

given few methods of practice, which are the corresponding workings that occurs

in us  as changes in our life.

These techniques would transform ones natures with ease and joy.The 5 sacred

modes of practice:




In this season one should take bath 3 times,in a day .

water is only solvent which can wash not only all kind of physical impurities

but also mental impurities and can cleanse the astral and emotional currents.

..Treating water as god or as a form of a energy (energy hidden in the atomic

constituents) if we take bath it bath by chanting those sacred hyms related to

the creative intelligences in water  called as lord varuna it would refresh all

the atomic substance of the body. and mind .Also it would benefits us in terms

of both spiritual and mundane plane in many ways. It is the presence of that

consciousness which makes the water as the universal solvent. , causing

satiation when we drink.These sacred waters are offered to lord shiva as

offering in abisheka  . Treating our body as a form of maha shiva linga if

waters are offered to our body as sacred bath which might clean the past karma..

in spirituality also frequent baths are prescribed in order to cleanse all the

mental and astral impurities.

Especially in this month all the waters are charged with the special electro

magnetic currents. wise are those extract benefit from taking frequent baths.


2. THE HOLY LIGHTINING;After sacred bath one should lit the holy lamps in the

house and around the house. Also in shiva and vishnavas temples durind sunrise

and sunset. Lamps should be lit with the ghee made from the cows milk. It is

said due to this all the evil we have done from past either knowingly or

unknowingly will be expelled and it lits the lamp of knowledge expels the

darkness of ignorance. These lightening of lamps brings prosperity, wealth

health and vitality into our lives. It ignites the fire of divinity hidden in

our heart and burns all the materialist attractions which bind us to the wheel

of birth and death.This light transmutates ones nature into the divine realms

and changes our vision of the world as sons of light .



AFTER LIGHTINING the holy lamps one should worship the holy plant TULASI. Tulasi

is a herb it is considered in the scriptures as the most loving plant for both

lord shiva and lord Vishnu.The very presence of it dispels all the evil in the

house and in us with sacred air that flows through it. In the atmosphere all the

toxic chemical bacterial agents are neutralized with the air of tulasi ..the

plant is so pure the very presences of it makes us and the atmosphere serene and

holy tulasi worship is mostly recommended for the ladies to have soubagya says

the scriputures..one who worship tulasi in their house it creates a healthy

environment in the house by preventing all the disease causing reagents in the

atmosphere ..This plant is advised by the doctors for curing asthma and many

other lung diseases. Lightening candle or deepa near tulasi  gives prosperity

and opens the door of salvation. WATERING tulasi is a very skillful process  ,

if more amount of water or less amount of water is poured , the plant may die so

adequate amount of water needed to be poured in order for its survival . this

teaches oneself how to behave one self  with others with in right proporinate

feelings and with balance of emotions. (More information can be obtained in

soubagya tulasi , of mihira)





LORD VISHNU, just like one image assuming two two forms. They reflect one

anothers hearts.They are  like the consciousness of self existence and the

consciousness of the world around. They are like circle and the point which are

inseparable, when there is a circle there is centre unless there is a centre

there is no circle . centre of self existence is called lord shiva and the

circumferrance of other existences is called lord Vishnu thus one who worships

the both as one attains the highest state of nirvana that is observing the every

form in the world as your own image. This is thought as the highest secret in

spiritual sadhana where  your not reflected by any actions of others as they do

not exist you.


5. Monday rituals.

Monday is considered as the a favorite day of lord shiva .Monday is ruled by the

planet moon which in turn governs the mind of humans. He is wise one who tunes

himself into higher hemispheres in tune with the flow of currents in the cosmos.


as The moon links the matter with the spirit so on Mondays one who performs

pradosha varthra and meditates on lord shiva can not only glimpse the supreme

spirit but can also attain the highest point of knowledge as a siddhi.This can

be compared as the internet link. In which manner  pc (personal concisousness)

is linked to the cc (Cosmic Concisousness)and viewed, similarly we get attuned

with the cosmic consciousness  and perform our regular works with it. Then our

plan will be an epitome of the divine plan. As how the world of internet cannot

be seen physically but only be viewed through ones individual computers so is

the cosmic consciousnesses can be perceived through ones own instrument called

mind  . so on Mondays our mind gets tuned..


BY performing the Monday rituals our individual consciousness gets tuned into

the higher realms. .. In scriptures it is said that  one who fasts on Mondays

until evening feed a Brahmin and takes the food after seeing the star  will

receive the full grace of lord shiva .monday fasting also helps oneself to gain

mastery over ones mind ,and can transcend all the moods and pervasions of the

mind be the master of  his mind so lord shiva with a moon beam on his head

signifies that  he controls the movements of the moon, so he is    named as

lord Chandra shekara.


In shiva purana much significance of these WITH ILLUSTRATIONS ARE GIVEN .MAY THE






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