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Dasa Mahavidya

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Namaste Group:


I have a question about the ten Mahavidyas. Someone said that worship of the

Mahavidyas is dangerous without a guru. Is this true?


Which Mahavidyas would be more dangerous to worship without a guru than others?


Any opinions on this would be appreciated.


Shanti Om,


























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Sri vidya upasana Dasamaha vidya is very important,all the gods are no

dangerous, as like for your thinking,


Mantra sastra Guru is very very important , eventhough you konw the mantra any

other way only you got initation from Guru that Mantra is effective .








Shankari Kali <shankari_kali


Saturday, 18 October, 2008 7:53:53 PM

Dasa Mahavidya



Namaste Group:


I have a question about the ten Mahavidyas. Someone said that worship of the

Mahavidyas is dangerous without a guru. Is this true?


Which Mahavidyas would be more dangerous to worship without a guru than others?


Any opinions on this would be appreciated.


Shanti Om,












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Worship of mother is never dangerous...without the guidance of guru it is

less effective or not effective atall but it is not dangerous.




On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Parameswaran <param_vyas wrote:


> Sri vidya upasana Dasamaha vidya is very important,all the gods are no

> dangerous, as like for your thinking,


> Mantra sastra Guru is very very important , eventhough you konw the mantra

> any other way only you got initation from Guru that Mantra is effective .


> by

> Parameswaran


> ________________________________

> Shankari Kali <shankari_kali <shankari_kali%>


> Namaste Group:


> I have a question about the ten Mahavidyas. Someone said that worship of

> the Mahavidyas is dangerous without a guru. Is this true?


> Which Mahavidyas would be more dangerous to worship without a guru than

> others?


> Any opinions on this would be appreciated.


> Shanti Om,

> Shankari



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Namaste Parameswaran:


MahaKali is a Mahavidya and Lalita Tripurasundari is as well, right? They are

all aspects of Mother Durga, correct?


Why do some websites claim that it is dangerous to chant to the Mahavidyas

unless you have a guru? Saying such things frightens people away from the study

of the Divine Mother.


Thank you for your help,


--- On Sat, 10/18/08, Parameswaran <param_vyas wrote:

Parameswaran <param_vyas


Sri vidya upasana Dasamaha vidya is very important,all the gods are

no dangerous, as like for your thinking,




Mantra sastra Guru is very very important ,�eventhough you konw the mantra any

other way�only you got initation from Guru that Mantra is effective .









____________ _________ _________ __


Shankari Kali <shankari_kali@ >



I have a question about the ten Mahavidyas. Someone said that worship of the

Mahavidyas is dangerous without a guru. Is this true?



Which Mahavidyas would be more dangerous to worship without a guru than others?



Any opinions on this would be appreciated.




Shanti Om,



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, Shankari Kali

<shankari_kali wrote:


> Namaste Parameswaran:


> MahaKali is a Mahavidya and Lalita Tripurasundari is as well,

right? They are all aspects of Mother Durga, correct?


> Why do some websites claim that it is dangerous to chant to the

Mahavidyas unless you have a guru? Saying such things frightens

people away from the study of the Divine Mother.




This topic have been discuss again again in the group. The answers

lies in the website where I have compiled them all into one single

topic as Guru.


Now I think nobody is trying to frighten anybody. If you want to

worship the mother in your own way find..... go ahead. Nobody is

going to stop you. Its like this..... if I want to learn how to

sing.... for the divine mother....there's plenty of song for the

divine mother. Sing all you want nobody will say no to you. But if

you want to sing for example for the divine mother in Carnatic

version... which is very specialise, its good if you learn it from a

proper guru who will guide you accordingly because when you sing i

carnatic is different from singing as thevarm or the normal bollywood

style. We all are aware that carnatic have a healing effect on a

person singing or hearing it. So its just proper to do it correctly

or you not only mess yourself mentally but everybody around you.


But again.. there's a lot of stubborn people who just have the mind

of their own who believe they should not be deny anything and they

feel its their right to get whatever they want. If you still want to

recite the mantra of DS and you think you do need the guide and

protction of the guru, for goodness sake go ahead.... then do go and

blame DEVI if things does not work as you want to. I have come across

many who does these..... they are sooooooo stubborn.. and try to do

their own way and when things go wrong they blame it on the DEVI.


Now this is the main issue.. causing bad effect on people around you.

This will always be in the mind of a wira... whatever he/she does

will have effect on the people around them. They are not worried abt

the effect on themselves but to those around you and they will try

not to inflict unnecessary bad effect on others. That is why most DS

sadhana are also vira sadhana.


So if I be you...... be careful when you give such advises to people

about this need of NO GURU.


I have been silence.... but not necessary not reading all the

messages that come this way..... Mind your words please...

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Each mahavidya represents individual devi. Refer Navaratri




--- On Sun, 10/19/08, Shankari Kali <shankari_kali wrote:

Shankari Kali <shankari_kali


Namaste Parameswaran:


MahaKali is a Mahavidya and Lalita Tripurasundari is as well, right? They are

all aspects of Mother Durga, correct?


Why do some websites claim that it is dangerous to chant to the Mahavidyas

unless you have a guru? Saying such things frightens people away from the study

of the Divine Mother.


Thank you for your help,




--- On Sat, 10/18/08, Parameswaran <param_vyas > wrote:


Parameswaran <param_vyas >



Sri vidya upasana Dasamaha vidya is very important,all the gods are

no dangerous, as like for your thinking,



Mantra sastra Guru is very very important ,�eventhough you konw the mantra any

other way�only you got initation from Guru that Mantra is effective .







____________ _________ _________ __



Shankari Kali <shankari_kali@ >



I have a question about the ten Mahavidyas. Someone said that worship of the

Mahavidyas is dangerous without a guru. Is this true?



Which Mahavidyas would be more dangerous to worship without a guru than others?



Any opinions on this would be appreciated.



Shanti Om,



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Thank you for your reply. In other words you are saying that it IS dangerous

without a guru, correct?


What about people like me who are miles and miles away from any Hindu temple? In

my daily sadhana I usually recite the Lalita Sahasranama Stotram or the Vishnu

Sahasranama Stotram. I sometimes recite the Sri Suktam.


I am a bit wary of worshipping Mahakali without proper advise from a guru. I

began reciting the Chandi Path about a year ago and I did have some strange

effects from this.� I recently recited the Chandi Path, however, during

Navaratri on the suggestion of a guru and I had no ill affect.


I'm a bit nervous about worshipping the other Dasa Mahavidyas without initiation

due to my previous experiences.


Shanti Om,


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, Shankari Kali

<shankari_kali wrote:


> Namaste:


> Thank you for your reply. In other words you are saying that it IS

dangerous without a guru, correct?


> What about people like me who are miles and miles away from any

Hindu temple? In my daily sadhana I usually recite the Lalita

Sahasranama Stotram or the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram. I sometimes

recite the Sri Suktam.


When I first got into this group I am miles and miles away from my

guru. I do not seek my guru.... he found me.. through DEVI. I did not

try to be a hero doing some sadhana I have no knowledge of.... but to

continue to recite you daily prayers and do what you can, when the

right time comes a proper guru will come or you will be shown the

way. The main point you need to remember is patience and

preserverance. When you becomes so gullible and have no patience that

is when you fall into a trap. Why this need that you must do DS

sadhana as soon as possible? To be famous...... to be rich... to get

what ever you desire..... is this what the whole thing all about.

Main question I am asking you : what is the purpose of your sadhana?


For yourself or to inflict injury and harm on another?


You know its like doing an experiement... you see in a book. YOu

though wow this experiement is cool why not I try it..... and in the

book and advise from others who are in it tell you : dont .... do it.

It will hurt you....you must have a instructor or teacher by your

side to make sure you get the right proportion, or who will know what

to do when things go wrong, but NO..... NO you want to be on your

own. You want to show how smart you are... you think you are equally

good. so what happen when you do it.... when the experiement go

wrong.. when the time bomb you try to defuse blow you into

pieces..... its not only you who will die and go into pieces its the

people around you too will suffer. Rememebers this........





> I am a bit wary of worshipping Mahakali without proper advise from

a guru. I began reciting the Chandi Path about a year ago and I did

have some strange effects from this.� I recently recited the Chandi

Path, however, during Navaratri on the suggestion of a guru and I had

no ill affect.


> I'm a bit nervous about worshipping the other Dasa Mahavidyas

without initiation due to my previous experiences.


> Shanti Om,

> Shankari


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" danger " is a relative term. The need for Guru is great in as much as as you

progress there will be regions of doubt and only an accomplished Guru can guide

an aspirant in thiose regions failing which one will be led astray. Hence the

term " danger " .


Do not expect teh dasa mahavidyas to appear and swallow up or maul the upasaka

*smile*. Tho the eating and mauling can take place figuratively by

misunderstanding the intent and purport of experiences.


There are many upasakas - without proper siddha gurus being led to believe that

they are on an earth shattering mission and deciding things on his or her own

light and ultimately ending up with some charlatan self styled gooroo and hence

have to wait many births to be guided to the right path/direction.


Hope I am not sounding snobbish :(


--- On Sun, 10/19/08, Shankari Kali <shankari_kali wrote:


Shankari Kali <shankari_kali

Dasa Mahavidya


Sunday, October 19, 2008, 6:23 AM







Namaste Group:


I have a question about the ten Mahavidyas. Someone said that worship of the

Mahavidyas is dangerous without a guru. Is this true?


Which Mahavidyas would be more dangerous to worship without a guru than others?


Any opinions on this would be appreciated.


Shanti Om,












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Dear Shankari:

You are wise. But remember!! The guru will appear when the time is right be u in

far away urban jungle or in deep desert


--- On Mon, 10/20/08, Shankari Kali <shankari_kali wrote:


Shankari Kali <shankari_kali

Re: Re: Dasa Mahavidya


Monday, October 20, 2008, 6:25 AM









Thank you for your reply. In other words you are saying that it IS dangerous

without a guru, correct?


What about people like me who are miles and miles away from any Hindu temple? In

my daily sadhana I usually recite the Lalita Sahasranama Stotram or the Vishnu

Sahasranama Stotram. I sometimes recite the Sri Suktam.


I am a bit wary of worshipping Mahakali without proper advise from a guru. I

began reciting the Chandi Path about a year ago and I did have some strange

effects from this.� I recently recited the Chandi Path, however, during

Navaratri on the suggestion of a guru and I had no ill affect.


I'm a bit nervous about worshipping the other Dasa Mahavidyas without initiation

due to my previous experiences.


Shanti Om,























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I couldnt agree more with Sankara...That is what I was trying to convey in

my previous message but Sankara has worded it perfectly.thanks!




On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 9:58 AM, sankara menon <kochu1tz wrote:


> Dear Shankari:

> You are wise. But remember!! The guru will appear when the time is right be

> u in far away urban jungle or in deep desert



> --- On Mon, 10/20/08, Shankari Kali


> wrote:


> Shankari Kali <shankari_kali <shankari_kali%40>>

> Re: Re: Dasa Mahavidya

> <%40>

> Monday, October 20, 2008, 6:25 AM


> Namaste:


> Thank you for your reply. In other words you are saying that it IS

> dangerous without a guru, correct?


> What about people like me who are miles and miles away from any Hindu

> temple? In my daily sadhana I usually recite the Lalita Sahasranama Stotram

> or the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram. I sometimes recite the Sri Suktam.


> I am a bit wary of worshipping Mahakali without proper advise from a guru.

> I began reciting the Chandi Path about a year ago and I did have some

> strange effects from this.� I recently recited the Chandi Path, however,

> during Navaratri on the suggestion of a guru and I had no ill affect.


> I'm a bit nervous about worshipping the other Dasa Mahavidyas without

> initiation due to my previous experiences.


> Shanti Om,

> Shankari








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You answered this quite well, and I understand it now. I consider myself

cautious, and I live quite a long way from any temple, but I do take the advice

of what suggestions I do encounter from well known reputable gurus.


Thanks ;)



--- On Sun, 10/19/08, sankara menon <kochu1tz wrote:

sankara menon <kochu1tz


" danger " is a relative term. The need for Guru is great in as much

as as you progress there will be regions of doubt and only an accomplished Guru

can guide an aspirant in those regions failing which one will be led astray.

Hence the term " danger " .




Do not expect the dasa mahavidyas to appear and swallow up or maul the upasaka

*smile*. Tho the eating and mauling can take place figuratively by

misunderstanding the intent and purport of experiences.




There are many upasakas - without proper siddha gurus being led to believe that

they are on an earth shattering mission and deciding things on his or her own

light and ultimately ending up with some charlatan self styled gooroo and hence

have to wait many births to be guided to the right path/direction.




Hope I am not sounding snobbish :(




--- On Sun, 10/19/08, Shankari Kali <shankari_kali@ > wrote:




Shankari Kali <shankari_kali@ >



Namaste Group:



I have a question about the ten Mahavidyas. Someone said that worship of the

Mahavidyas is dangerous without a guru. Is this true?



Which Mahavidyas would be more dangerous to worship without a guru than others?



Any opinions on this would be appreciated.


Shanti Om,



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Thanks once again for replying. I was doing a bit of research on the Dasa

Mahavidyas when I came across a website that gave out dire warnings about

practicing without a guru. I thought that was odd.


Nora wrote:

When you becomes so gullible and have no patience that


is when you fall into a trap.

Okay this makes sense to me.

To be famous...... to be rich... to get


what ever you desire..... is this what the whole thing all about.

No. LOL. I gave up on these things long ago. I just happened upon the website

and I had to wonder. I sometimes have issues with reciting prayers that are

graphically violent or bloody. For that reason I will recite the Sri Lalita, or

Sri Lakshmi or Gayatri texts.


Main question I am asking you : what is the purpose of your sadhana?



I hope to move toward an enlightened state.



Nora wrote:

For yourself or to inflict injury and harm on another?



Oh no. I can't even stand some of the graphic literature.

Shanti Om,


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LOL!  Kochu...you got me laughing (I am at my job!).  Yeah ...the eating and

mauling is that which will occur to the ego and the mind.


--- On Mon, 10/20/08, sankara menon <kochu1tz wrote:


sankara menon <kochu1tz

Re: Dasa Mahavidya


Monday, October 20, 2008, 12:17 AM







" danger " is a relative term. The need for Guru is great in as much as as you

progress there will be regions of doubt and only an accomplished Guru can guide

an aspirant in thiose regions failing which one will be led astray. Hence the

term " danger " .


Do not expect teh dasa mahavidyas to appear and swallow up or maul the upasaka

*smile*. Tho the eating and mauling can take place figuratively by

misunderstanding the intent and purport of experiences.


There are many upasakas - without proper siddha gurus being led to believe that

they are on an earth shattering mission and deciding things on his or her own

light and ultimately ending up with some charlatan self styled gooroo and hence

have to wait many births to be guided to the right path/direction.


Hope I am not sounding snobbish :(


--- On Sun, 10/19/08, Shankari Kali <shankari_kali@ > wrote:


Shankari Kali <shankari_kali@ >

Dasa Mahavidya


Sunday, October 19, 2008, 6:23 AM


Namaste Group:


I have a question about the ten Mahavidyas. Someone said that worship of the

Mahavidyas is dangerous without a guru. Is this true?


Which Mahavidyas would be more dangerous to worship without a guru than others?


Any opinions on this would be appreciated.


Shanti Om,



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __






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Nora asked : Main question what is the purpose of your sadhana?


shankari_kali wrote:I hope to move toward an enlightened state.



The state of enlightenment as the goal. Now you see that is where I see

the problem. Its like climbing the mountain..... [we've discuss this

before too but its okay .... let refresh our mind again.. perhaps

something new may surface from this] what is more important : reaching

the top of the mountain or the process of climbing.


In my opinion the goal will always be there, if your process is

correct. So instead of focusing on the goal all the time, should we not

focus on the process, because its from this process stage that the

transformation takes place. If your transformation is correct, you will

eventually reach the goal or you may never even realise you have reach

the goal because the goal is not important anymore to you anymore.

State of enligthenment is a natural process. You will not know it, its

the people around you will see the changes in you.....


This is my humble opinion.

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Wow Nora that was a very inspiring response.


I suppose that we would have the goal of enlightenment, but as we move along we

have other needs as well. Let's say we are always broke, and we begin to pray to

Lakshmi everyday. Then suddenly we realize that there are other forms of wealth.

Our craving takes us to the practice, but the practice breaks the craving.




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, Shankari Kali

<shankari_kali wrote:


> Wow Nora that was a very inspiring response.


There's no need for wow at all...... I am sure you've heard of this

from me many times. You're effort in trying to bring life to this

group is commendable. Wow to you too!



> I suppose that we would have the goal of enlightenment, but as we

move along we have other needs as well. Let's say we are always

broke, and we begin to pray to Lakshmi everyday. Then suddenly we

realize that there are other forms of wealth. Our craving takes us to

the practice, but the practice breaks the craving.



You are only curing the symptoms and not the root cause of the

problem. You should first look : why are you broke in the first

place. What did you do to get you to this stage? Once you have found

the answer and take the corrective action, wealth will remain with

you at all times. You do not need to ask Laksmi all the time. DEVI

only help those who help themselves.

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