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how do u manage ur spiritual life with profession.u seem to be a businessmen(i

guess!).spiritual practices must be performed daily to gradually progress.


i am going to join into a job as software professional on 28 dec. i request u to

advice me on how to continue basic practices.


currently i am doing nama japa on my own chanting " sri datta sharanam mama " 1 0r

2 malas and reading gurucharitra,praying to ambaa with most favourite praise

" manikya veenam upalalayantheem.... " ,vajra kavacham of datta 3-6 times a day.



i tried to meditate on ambaa long back by chanting srimatre namah,but somehow i

was unable to as i felt it was difficult to meditate on shakti directly without

approaching guru so i started chanting datta nama which is more peaceful and

pleasent.i think nama japa is not effective in case of ambaa/shakti where as we

know many bhaktas who had darshan of deities like

rama,shiva,krishna,datta,narayana simply by chanting their names.


i am sorry if i am ignorant,but can u mention any great bhakta who got darshan

of devi by chanting just her name?

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Hello Sir,


This is a single reply to your 2 emails.Please make one email and direct it to

the proper group or to my personal email ID.


This group is meant for ambA discussions

mainly,sometimes,I give a common posting to both groups.


You have to join,the other group too,just like how you have joined this group to

be able to access the messages.


Your guess is wrong,Im not a businessman as of now.I finished my MBA in USA

recently and am doing a few more courses in s/w.This is my current

statu-quo.Maybe,in the future,I might go into some business somewhere,there is

nothing wrong in being a man of spirituality in business and making business

spiritual.I have no embarrasment about it like some youngsters do in India.


Only a busy man finds time for everything and a lazy man does not find time to

lift even his finger!


Yes, anything done incrementally,daily,would yield results,than doing it once in

a blue moon for a marathon session.


Vajrakavacham when done with or without beejas has power and yes,with

beejas,it has more power.But everything has a catch,and comes with a

price.So, intiation is the price one pays to get the power channalised

into one's system.And this needs the prop of an authentic guru.


You have to decide which deity you like and then focus on that.I focus on ambA

and am clear on that.I have opened datta Group because we come from such a

sAmpradAya and also because my birth is due to one datta upAsaka.But Im very

clear that my line is ambA.


So, have clarity and have no fear.Fearlessness will alone give success

in anything.Sometimes, the position or situations might be damning.I

have faced so many problems in my life,right from fighting street

rowdies to being scathed in football matches and being kicked out of

house in cold Canada and living underneath a staircase but my resolve

would not die.


You need a resolve and carefree attitude.However, this should be not be confused

for brashness or carelessness.


I might be brave but if I take that and apply it to do mantras from

books, its most assinine.


If you chant " Om shree Mathre' namaha " you must be clear which form of

ambA you are orienting to best.You must know the attributes of such a

Mother.Forget the BS which modern spiritual gurus and other

" enlightened " people say about all Mothers being one,all Gods beign

one...blah blah....they say that to fill their coffers with power and

pelf and know not what they talk.


I know what it is to see ambA but as dramatically eulogized in cinemas, it means

nothing except that I had the greatest good fortune of interaction with Her.I

still have to work out my karmAs,albeit with Her protection and guidance.




If you have then centered yourself on one particular deity.Be clear

about the concepts.This is not for somebody but for yourself.Your

subconscious mind needs some form,initially, some saguna

form.Shakthi...what do you mean?


Even Vishnu is a Shakthi! Even Shiva is a Shakthi....


So, by Shakthi if you mean Parvathy Devi, youm then decide whether you

want to worship Her in that form or some other form.


Who says ambA is not a peaceful nAma? These are just games your mind plays with



And who says DattamargA is bereft of a Guru? DattamArga is the epitome

of guru-tatwa and thus you have to get this grooved in your mind that

datta-mArga without guru is of no use.Forget people who say there is no need for



There might be a 10000 charlatans on the street each claiming to be an

avatar or a great Guru, but this does not mean an authentic guru does

not exist! This is a game played by Mother Maya to just take the right

people to the right gurus and leave others to their karmAs to be washed out with

such fraudsters.


And who says amba's darshan cannot be had by a mere chant of the name?

Try chanting the name " Rajarajeshwari amma " or even " Amma " (forget Om

shree Mathre namaha) with full faith and devotion and She would come to



You are just being a businessman here:


You are weighing pros and cons here and debating the relative strengths instead

of going with the flow and listening to your heart here:


Hmm, let me try chanting " Om shree mathre' namaha " and see if ambA

appears before me...


<After a few months>


You say: Ok, this is not working...and I read from popular (shitty

litreature in the market which people write for power and pelf as I

said) that the nAmAs of other Gods would work.


So, let me choose the most powerful God....Hmm, I see Dattatreya with 3

heads(Narayana,Shiva and Vishnu) so 3 times the power and benefit--a

Good bargain...so let me try His nama...(Any deity when properly activated

becomes a puissant force,the be all and end all, for the upAsaka, REMEMBER



The name and naamas are there in the market books published by many

over-enthusiastic people considering Him to be one frewheeler-dealer of a God

but then here you have a sagunA form of the Lord embedded while you

meditate,instead of a " vague-shakthi " and thus your mind tends to centre on

something and you feel temporarily some bliss and peace.


Here again you go into another comparision and power orbit:


You want to know whether Datta vajra without Beejas is as effective as

Dattavajra Kavacha with beejas.


Then you ask whether the Datta Kavacha without beejas as written by

Vasudevanandaji(Tembe Swami) is as effective as the Dattatreya Vajra

Kavacha?(When you recite a litany penned by a dear devotee of a particular deity

with respect, you get make the Lord doubly happy, because you are rspecting His

devotee and also chanting His name)


Then,You say whereas " we know of many bhakthas who had darshan of

deities... " ---How many do you know personally?


Here again, you are reading Balance sheets of " companies " and doing some

technical analysis.Unless you have some insider-information, you will

never know the true financial position of the company.


The " insider information " you must have in spirituality is the

information on your self and how your devious mind flows.


Do you know how hard it is to please Lord Vishnu and make Him appear

before you?


And do you know how easy it is with purity of mind,discipline and

emotional crying,ambA comes easily starting with dream experiences?


Many people in the group have had actual darshan of ambA without even a single

mantra-initiation.Many have narrated me their various



Have you heard of ambA devotee by name Abhirami Bhattar?


Have you heard of Devitanaya?


Have of you heard of scores of people who have had Devi darshana by

repeating the nAma of ambA?


What makes you think the people who are in other mArgas do not have

initiations,do not have Gurus,etc.


Even Bhaktha Meera had a Guru and used to serve Him to get a darshan of Lord

Krishna.She too had initiation into Gopala mantra from Her Guru and only upon

intense and regular sAdhana did She gain an experience of Lord Krishna.


Do you think mantra-japa of the Goddess and the nAma-japa are something



If a mantra of Goddess with or without beejas are given, do you think it is

something utterly different from Her name?


Say a mantra is given of the nature: Om Shree Rajarajeshwaryai

namaha...with or without beejas, do you think, this is different from

Her name? and would you say: " No rAjarAjeshari is the nAma-japa and when you add

om and namaha it becomes a mantrA! " Is it correct?


Would you dig one pit of 100 feet depth to get a more probabilistic

result of obtaining water




10 pits of 10 feet each for the same water?


If you don't like ambA, thats fine.Maybe it does not gel with you and so you

look at other deities, but to compare and contrast and deride ambA's greatness

by such subtle yet fallacious logic, is not good, you are inviting trouble for



My reply might sound a bit harsh, but do not care for nuances or

pleasing anyone.The moment I find a weed I pluck it out and throw it, be it

myself ,anyone else or in this Group.


Start with some simple name with faith with shraddha and cry your heart out to

that particular deity.Bhakthi ka maarg aasu ka maarg hain they say...do this

first...these tears ar the first true mantras which emnate form your heart and

soul and these tears will make the true Guru and mantras and initiations and

whatnot to follow you wherever you go.Trust me on this!


And yes, ambA does respond to a mere call...


May ambA bless you,





, " devraj.sandeep "

<devraj.sandeep wrote:


> how do u manage ur spiritual life with profession.u seem to be a

businessmen(i guess!).spiritual practices must be performed daily to

gradually progress.


> i am going to join into a job as software professional on 28 dec. i

request u to advice me on how to continue basic practices.


> currently i am doing nama japa on my own chanting " sri datta sharanam

mama " 1 0r 2 malas and reading gurucharitra,praying to ambaa with most

favourite praise " manikya veenam upalalayantheem.... " ,vajra kavacham of

datta 3-6 times a day.



> i tried to meditate on ambaa long back by chanting srimatre namah,but

somehow i was unable to as i felt it was difficult to meditate on shakti

directly without approaching guru so i started chanting datta nama which

is more peaceful and pleasent.i think nama japa is not effective in case

of ambaa/shakti where as we know many bhaktas who had darshan of deities

like rama,shiva,krishna,datta,narayana simply by chanting their names.


> i am sorry if i am ignorant,but can u mention any great bhakta who got

darshan of devi by chanting just her name?


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yes may be i'm going in a wrong path.but i can frankly tell u that i'm often getting confused with my ishta devatha.sometimes i feel like worshipping ambaa while sometimes i like to worship dattatreya.actually i was devoted to ambaa only from my childhood that too when i had darshan of kanakadurga at vijayawada at age of 9/10 yrs.since then i used to love chanting mahishasura mardinini sotram.then when i grew up little say 16 yrs or so i saw my mother chanting LS and got intersted and started chanting.i then thought of"how nice it would be if i had darshan of mother?" so i took interest and bought a small book of devi bhagavtam in telugu, read it.this happened long back and 3 yrs back one day i went near sringeri shankarmutt in hyd for some other work and just casually i wanted 2 have darshan of

sharadamba.it was already afternoon 3:00pm i guess!.by the time temple was closed but i sat there on the floor for some time when one brahmin lady dressed in a ritualistic waycalled me to take lunch.i said i already had it.but she told it was datta jayanthi that day and anyone who comes must have datta prasad.forcefully i went into a hall where datta puja,homa was done and food being served,ate datta prasad and came.till then i dont even know who dattatreya was,nor anyone worships datta in our family.after 2 days i went to my mama's house near ongole and there in a book shelf i saw many devotional books and out of curiosity i just removed one book and was shocked to see dattatreya photo on that book.the book was gurucharitra.i understood it as command of devi to worship datta,so i started reading gurucharitra.after 2 parayanas i had darshan of sreepada vallabh(i think, i am not sure,but some saintly person appeared) in dream and

i bowed to his feet and he touched my head and vanished immediately,out of happiness i was telling to my parents that i had darshan of datta prabhu.(in dream)this is how i started worshipping datta.yet i was interseted in devi worship also,and as i have known that he is guru for many srividya sampradaya's ,i was more interested and started praying to show me the right guru.i don't mean to say only particular nama is effective and others r not.but before i could link with datta swami,i tried out many meditations on lalitha form of devi chanting names like srimatre namah etc,but was always getting irritated,frustrated , not being able to concentrate (may be because of female form,as i was getting wrong ideas,emotions on these forms)etc but after linking with datta swami i stopped meditations on devi & only read LS every friday.my mind was calmed and better than before.that's what i mean to say!

i think my mind does not suit for meditation on devi yet!--- On Sun, 20/12/09, para_anuloma <para_anuloma wrote:para_anuloma <para_anuloma Re: advice Date: Sunday, 20 December, 2009, 4:14 PM



Hello Sir,


This is a single reply to your 2 emails.Please make one email and direct it to the proper group or to my personal email ID.


This group is meant for ambA discussions

mainly,sometimes, I give a common posting to both groups.


You have to join,the other group too,just like how you have joined this group to be able to access the messages.


Your guess is wrong,Im not a businessman as of now.I finished my MBA in USA recently and am doing a few more courses in s/w.This is my current statu-quo.Maybe, in the future,I might go into some business somewhere,there is nothing wrong in being a man of spirituality in business and making business spiritual.I have no embarrasment about it like some youngsters do in India.


Only a busy man finds time for everything and a lazy man does not find time to lift even his finger!


Yes, anything done incrementally, daily,would yield results,than doing it once in a blue moon for a marathon session.


Vajrakavacham when done with or without beejas has power and yes,with

beejas,it has more power.But everything has a catch,and comes with a

price.So, intiation is the price one pays to get the power channalised

into one's system.And this needs the prop of an authentic guru.


You have to decide which deity you like and then focus on that.I focus on ambA and am clear on that.I have opened datta Group because we come from such a sAmpradAya and also because my birth is due to one datta upAsaka.But Im very clear that my line is ambA.


So, have clarity and have no fear.Fearlessness will alone give success

in anything.Sometimes, the position or situations might be damning.I

have faced so many problems in my life,right from fighting street

rowdies to being scathed in football matches and being kicked out of

house in cold Canada and living underneath a staircase but my resolve

would not die.


You need a resolve and carefree attitude.However, this should be not be confused for brashness or carelessness.


I might be brave but if I take that and apply it to do mantras from

books, its most assinine.


If you chant "Om shree Mathre' namaha" you must be clear which form of

ambA you are orienting to best.You must know the attributes of such a

Mother.Forget the BS which modern spiritual gurus and other

"enlightened" people say about all Mothers being one,all Gods beign

one...blah blah....they say that to fill their coffers with power and

pelf and know not what they talk.


I know what it is to see ambA but as dramatically eulogized in cinemas, it means nothing except that I had the greatest good fortune of interaction with Her.I still have to work out my karmAs,albeit with Her protection and guidance.


------------ -


If you have then centered yourself on one particular deity.Be clear

about the concepts.This is not for somebody but for yourself.Your

subconscious mind needs some form,initially, some saguna

form.Shakthi. ..what do you mean?


Even Vishnu is a Shakthi! Even Shiva is a Shakthi....


So, by Shakthi if you mean Parvathy Devi, youm then decide whether you

want to worship Her in that form or some other form.


Who says ambA is not a peaceful nAma? These are just games your mind plays with you.


And who says DattamargA is bereft of a Guru? DattamArga is the epitome

of guru-tatwa and thus you have to get this grooved in your mind that

datta-mArga without guru is of no use.Forget people who say there is no need for guru.


There might be a 10000 charlatans on the street each claiming to be an

avatar or a great Guru, but this does not mean an authentic guru does

not exist! This is a game played by Mother Maya to just take the right

people to the right gurus and leave others to their karmAs to be washed out with such fraudsters.


And who says amba's darshan cannot be had by a mere chant of the name?

Try chanting the name"Rajarajeshwari amma" or even "Amma"(forget Om

shree Mathre namaha) with full faith and devotion and She would come to



You are just being a businessman here:


You are weighing pros and cons here and debating the relative strengths instead of going with the flow and listening to your heart here:


Hmm, let me try chanting "Om shree mathre' namaha" and see if ambA

appears before me...


<After a few months>


You say: Ok, this is not working...and I read from popular (shitty

litreature in the market which people write for power and pelf as I

said) that the nAmAs of other Gods would work.


So, let me choose the most powerful God....Hmm, I see Dattatreya with 3 heads(Narayana, Shiva and Vishnu) so 3 times the power and benefit--a

Good bargain....so let me try His nama...(Any deity when properly activated becomes a puissant force,the be all and end all, for the upAsaka, REMEMBER THIS!)


The name and naamas are there in the market books published by many

over-enthusiastic people considering Him to be one frewheeler-dealer of a God but then here you have a sagunA form of the Lord embedded while you meditate,instead of a "vague-shakthi" and thus your mind tends to centre on something and you feel temporarily some bliss and peace.


Here again you go into another comparision and power orbit:


You want to know whether Datta vajra without Beejas is as effective as Dattavajra Kavacha with beejas.


Then you ask whether the Datta Kavacha without beejas as written by Vasudevanandaji( Tembe Swami) is as effective as the Dattatreya Vajra Kavacha?(When you recite a litany penned by a dear devotee of a particular deity with respect, you get make the Lord doubly happy, because you are rspecting His devotee and also chanting His name)


Then,You say whereas "we know of many bhakthas who had darshan of

deities..."- --How many do you know personally?


Here again, you are reading Balance sheets of "companies" and doing some

technical analysis.Unless you have some insider-information , you will

never know the true financial position of the company.


The "insider information" you must have in spirituality is the

information on your self and how your devious mind flows.


Do you know how hard it is to please Lord Vishnu and make Him appear

before you?


And do you know how easy it is with purity of mind,discipline and

emotional crying,ambA comes easily starting with dream experiences?


Many people in the group have had actual darshan of ambA without even a single mantra-initiation. Many have narrated me their various



Have you heard of ambA devotee by name Abhirami Bhattar?


Have you heard of Devitanaya?


Have of you heard of scores of people who have had Devi darshana by

repeating the nAma of ambA?


What makes you think the people who are in other mArgas do not have

initiations, do not have Gurus,etc.


Even Bhaktha Meera had a Guru and used to serve Him to get a darshan of Lord Krishna.She too had initiation into Gopala mantra from Her Guru and only upon intense and regular sAdhana did She gain an experience of Lord Krishna.


Do you think mantra-japa of the Goddess and the nAma-japa are something different?


If a mantra of Goddess with or without beejas are given, do you think it is something utterly different from Her name?


Say a mantra is given of the nature: Om Shree Rajarajeshwaryai

namaha...with or without beejas, do you think, this is different from

Her name? and would you say: "No rAjarAjeshari is the nAma-japa and when you add om and namaha it becomes a mantrA!" Is it correct?


Would you dig one pit of 100 feet depth to get a more probabilistic

result of obtaining water




10 pits of 10 feet each for the same water?


If you don't like ambA, thats fine.Maybe it does not gel with you and so you look at other deities, but to compare and contrast and deride ambA's greatness by such subtle yet fallacious logic, is not good, you are inviting trouble for yourself.


My reply might sound a bit harsh, but do not care for nuances or

pleasing anyone.The moment I find a weed I pluck it out and throw it, be it myself ,anyone else or in this Group.


Start with some simple name with faith with shraddha and cry your heart out to that particular deity.Bhakthi ka maarg aasu ka maarg hain they say...do this first...these tears ar the first true mantras which emnate form your heart and soul and these tears will make the true Guru and mantras and initiations and whatnot to follow you wherever you go.Trust me on this!


And yes, ambA does respond to a mere call...


May ambA bless you,




, "devraj.sandeep"

<devraj.sandeep@ ...> wrote:


> how do u manage ur spiritual life with profession.u seem to be a

businessmen( i guess!).spiritual practices must be performed daily to

gradually progress.


> i am going to join into a job as software professional on 28 dec. i

request u to advice me on how to continue basic practices.


> currently i am doing nama japa on my own chanting "sri datta sharanam

mama" 1 0r 2 malas and reading gurucharitra, praying to ambaa with most

favourite praise "manikya veenam upalalayantheem. ...",vajra kavacham of

datta 3-6 times a day.



> i tried to meditate on ambaa long back by chanting srimatre namah,but

somehow i was unable to as i felt it was difficult to meditate on shakti

directly without approaching guru so i started chanting datta nama which

is more peaceful and pleasent.i think nama japa is not effective in case

of ambaa/shakti where as we know many bhaktas who had darshan of deities

like rama,shiva,krishna, datta,narayana simply by chanting their names.


> i am sorry if i am ignorant,but can u mention any great bhakta who got

darshan of devi by chanting just her name?






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Dear Sandeep,


Im glad you have taken my email reply in the right spirit.


Your problem here is the lack of initiation and a proper Guru(even if

there was some perfunctory initiation).


Lalitha Sahasranama chanting needs proper initiation into panchadasi by

a srividhya adept and also correct way of chanting it.


Else, such problems come about.You will feel erotic feelings for

ambA,naturally! But then this is our human fraility and it can be

overcome only by proper bhAva of a Mother.Thanking Her for your very

existence alone would cure this malady.There is nothing to be afraid of

and have passed through such stages too often feeling really guilty of

myself.But as always, my gurunAthar saved me at every turn.


If Datta is your calling, then go into that full-fledged.


Consider Him to be your Mother,Father,Guru and Guide.However, pray for a

Good Guru to guide you in the Datta-marga too.


And maybe after your marriage and getting purified in the datta-maarga

and transmuting your sexual desires with your ardhAngini,you may

continue in the path of ambA with a calm-mind.That is why some upAsakas

seeing some people ask them to get initiated after their marriage, as

they know such feelings would arise in them and would make them a bit



Initially everyone experiments with various paths and mantras.And

sometimes, even I too do some mantras which is not connected with my

path for some graha or some minor problems or for someone AND it is not



But having clarity in what you do is very important.Ficklemindedness is

the first sin in spirituality.


Be strong in mind and pray for this first, be it Devi or Datta.When the

mind is steady, the inner-lamp is steady and unflickering, if it keeps

flickering,the luminosity would get affected.


Mythreya Sreeraam Bhallyjayappalle





, Sandeep Devraj <devraj.sandeep



> yes may be i'm going in a wrong path.but i can frankly tell u that i'm

often getting confused with my ishta devatha.sometimes i feel like

worshipping ambaa while sometimes i like to worship dattatreya.actually

i was devoted to ambaa only from my childhood that too when i had

darshan of kanakadurga at vijayawada at age of 9/10 yrs.

> since then i used to love chanting mahishasura mardinini sotram.then

when i grew up little say 16 yrs or so i saw my mother chanting LS and

got intersted and started chanting.i then thought of " how nice it would

be if i had darshan of mother? " so i took interest and bought a small

book of devi bhagavtam in telugu, read it

> ..this happened long back and 3 yrs back  one day i went near

sringeri shankarmutt in hyd  for some other work and just casually

 i wanted 2 have darshan of sharadamba.it was already afternoon

3:00pm i guess!.by the time temple was closed but i sat there on the

floor for some time when one brahmin lady dressed in a ritualistic way

> called me to take lunch.i said i already had it.but she told it was

datta jayanthi that day and anyone who comes must have datta

prasad.forcefully i went into a hall where datta puja,homa was done and

food being served,ate datta prasad and came.till then i dont even know

who dattatreya was,nor anyone worships datta in our family.

> after 2 days i went to my mama's house near ongole and there in a book

shelf i saw many devotional books and out of curiosity i just removed

one book and was shocked to see dattatreya photo on that book.the book

was gurucharitra.i understood it as command of devi to worship datta,so

i started reading gurucharitra.after 2 parayanas i had darshan of

sreepada vallabh(i think, i am not sure,but some saintly person

appeared) in dream and i bowed to his feet and he touched my head and

vanished immediately,out of happiness i was telling to my parents that i

had darshan of datta prabhu.(in dream)

> this is how i started worshipping datta.yet i was interseted in devi

worship also,and as i have known that he is guru for many srividya

sampradaya's ,i was more interested and started praying to show me the

right guru.

> i don't mean to say only particular nama is effective and others r

not.but before i could link with datta swami,i tried out many

meditations on lalitha form of devi chanting names like srimatre namah

etc,but was always getting irritated,frustrated , not being able to

concentrate (may be because of  female form,as i was getting wrong

ideas,emotions on these forms)etc but after linking with datta swami i

stopped meditations on devi & only read LS every friday.my mind was

calmed and better than before.that's what i mean to say! i think my mind

does not suit for meditation on devi yet!

> --- On Sun, 20/12/09, para_anuloma para_anuloma wrote:


> para_anuloma para_anuloma

> Re: advice


> Sunday, 20 December, 2009, 4:14 PM















Hello Sir,




> This is a single reply to your 2 emails.Please make one email and

direct it to the proper group or to my personal email ID.




> This group is meant for ambA discussions


> mainly,sometimes, I give a common posting to both groups.




> You have to join,the other group too,just like how you have joined

this group to be able to access the messages.




> Your guess is wrong,Im not a businessman as of now.I finished my MBA

in USA recently and am doing a few more courses in s/w.This is my

current statu-quo.Maybe, in the future,I might go into some business

somewhere,there is nothing wrong in being a man of spirituality in

business and making business spiritual.I have no embarrasment about it

like some youngsters do in India.




> Only a busy man finds time for everything and a lazy man does not find

time to lift even his finger!




> Yes, anything done incrementally, daily,would yield results,than doing

it once in a blue moon for a marathon session.




> Vajrakavacham when done with or without beejas has power and yes,with


> beejas,it has more power.But everything has a catch,and comes with a


> price.So, intiation is the price one pays to get the power channalised


> into one's system.And this needs the prop of an authentic guru.




> You have to decide which deity you like and then focus on that.I focus

on ambA and am clear on that.I have opened datta Group because we come

from such a sAmpradAya and also because my birth is due to one datta

upAsaka.But Im very clear that my line is ambA.




> So, have clarity and have no fear.Fearlessness will alone give success


> in anything.Sometimes, the position or situations might be damning.I


> have faced so many problems in my life,right from fighting street


> rowdies to being scathed in football matches and being kicked out of


> house in cold Canada and living underneath a staircase but my resolve


> would not die.




> You need a resolve and carefree attitude.However, this should be not

be confused for brashness or carelessness.




> I might be brave but if I take that and apply it to do mantras from


> books, its most assinine.




> If you chant " Om shree Mathre' namaha " you must be clear which form of


> ambA you are orienting to best.You must know the attributes of such a


> Mother.Forget the BS which modern spiritual gurus and other


> " enlightened " people say about all Mothers being one,all Gods beign


> one...blah blah....they say that to fill their coffers with power and


> pelf and know not what they talk.




> I know what it is to see ambA but as dramatically eulogized in

cinemas, it means nothing except that I had the greatest good fortune of

interaction with Her.I still have to work out my karmAs,albeit with Her

protection and guidance.




> ------------ -




> If you have then centered yourself on one particular deity.Be clear


> about the concepts.This is not for somebody but for yourself.Your


> subconscious mind needs some form,initially, some saguna


> form.Shakthi. ..what do you mean?




> Even Vishnu is a Shakthi! Even Shiva is a Shakthi....




> So, by Shakthi if you mean Parvathy Devi, youm then decide whether you


> want to worship Her in that form or some other form.




> Who says ambA is not a peaceful nAma? These are just games your mind

plays with you.




> And who says DattamargA is bereft of a Guru? DattamArga is the epitome


> of guru-tatwa and thus you have to get this grooved in your mind that


> datta-mArga without guru is of no use.Forget people who say there is

no need for guru.




> There might be a 10000 charlatans on the street each claiming to be an


> avatar or a great Guru, but this does not mean an authentic guru does


> not exist! This is a game played by Mother Maya to just take the right


> people to the right gurus and leave others to their karmAs to be

washed out with such fraudsters.




> And who says amba's darshan cannot be had by a mere chant of the name?


> Try chanting the name " Rajarajeshwari amma " or even " Amma " (forget Om


> shree Mathre namaha) with full faith and devotion and She would come



> you.




> You are just being a businessman here:




> You are weighing pros and cons here and debating the relative

strengths instead of going with the flow and listening to your heart





> Hmm, let me try chanting " Om shree mathre' namaha " and see if ambA


> appears before me...




> <After a few months>




> You say: Ok, this is not working...and I read from popular (shitty


> litreature in the market which people write for power and pelf as I


> said) that the nAmAs of other Gods would work.




> So, let me choose the most powerful God....Hmm, I see Dattatreya with

3 heads(Narayana, Shiva and Vishnu) so 3 times the power and benefit--a


> Good bargain...so let me try His nama...(Any deity when properly

activated becomes a puissant force,the be all and end all, for the





> The name and naamas are there in the market books published by many


> over-enthusiastic people considering Him to be one frewheeler-dealer

of a God but then here you have a sagunA form of the Lord embedded while

you meditate,instead of a " vague-shakthi " and thus your mind tends to

centre on something and you feel temporarily some bliss and peace.




> Here again you go into another comparision and power orbit:




> You want to know whether Datta vajra without Beejas is as effective as

Dattavajra Kavacha with beejas.




> Then you ask whether the Datta Kavacha without beejas as written by

Vasudevanandaji( Tembe Swami) is as effective as the Dattatreya Vajra

Kavacha?(When you recite a litany penned by a dear devotee of a

particular deity with respect, you get make the Lord doubly happy,

because you are rspecting His devotee and also chanting His name)




> Then,You say whereas " we know of many bhakthas who had darshan of


> deities... " - --How many do you know personally?




> Here again, you are reading Balance sheets of " companies " and doing



> technical analysis.Unless you have some insider-information , you will


> never know the true financial position of the company.




> The " insider information " you must have in spirituality is the


> information on your self and how your devious mind flows.




> Do you know how hard it is to please Lord Vishnu and make Him appear


> before you?




> And do you know how easy it is with purity of mind,discipline and


> emotional crying,ambA comes easily starting with dream experiences?




> Many people in the group have had actual darshan of ambA without even

a single mantra-initiation. Many have narrated me their various


> experiences.




> Have you heard of ambA devotee by name Abhirami Bhattar?




> Have you heard of Devitanaya?




> Have of you heard of scores of people who have had Devi darshana by


> repeating the nAma of ambA?




> What makes you think the people who are in other mArgas do not have


> initiations, do not have Gurus,etc.




> Even Bhaktha Meera had a Guru and used to serve Him to get a darshan

of Lord Krishna.She too had initiation into Gopala mantra from Her Guru

and only upon intense and regular sAdhana did She gain an experience of

Lord Krishna.




> Do you think mantra-japa of the Goddess and the nAma-japa are

something different?




> If a mantra of Goddess with or without beejas are given, do you think

it is something utterly different from Her name?




> Say a mantra is given of the nature: Om Shree Rajarajeshwaryai


> namaha...with or without beejas, do you think, this is different from


> Her name? and would you say: " No rAjarAjeshari is the nAma-japa and

when you add om and namaha it becomes a mantrA! " Is it correct?




> Would you dig one pit of 100 feet depth to get a more probabilistic


> result of obtaining water




> or




> 10 pits of 10 feet each for the same water?




> If you don't like ambA, thats fine.Maybe it does not gel with you and

so you look at other deities, but to compare and contrast and deride

ambA's greatness by such subtle yet fallacious logic, is not good, you

are inviting trouble for yourself.




> My reply might sound a bit harsh, but do not care for nuances or


> pleasing anyone.The moment I find a weed I pluck it out and throw it,

be it myself ,anyone else or in this Group.




> Start with some simple name with faith with shraddha and cry your

heart out to that particular deity.Bhakthi ka maarg aasu ka maarg hain

they say....do this first...these tears ar the first true mantras which

emnate form your heart and soul and these tears will make the true Guru

and mantras and initiations and whatnot to follow you wherever you

go.Trust me on this!




> And yes, ambA does respond to a mere call...




> May ambA bless you,




> Mythreya




> , " devraj.sandeep "


> <devraj.sandeep@ ...> wrote:


> >


> > how do u manage ur spiritual life with profession.u seem to be a


> businessmen( i guess!).spiritual practices must be performed daily to


> gradually progress.


> >


> > i am going to join into a job as software professional on 28 dec. i


> request u to advice me on how to continue basic practices.


> >


> > currently i am doing nama japa on my own chanting " sri datta



> mama " 1 0r 2 malas and reading gurucharitra, praying to ambaa with



> favourite praise " manikya veenam upalalayantheem. ... " ,vajra kavacham



> datta 3-6 times a day.


> >


> >


> > i tried to meditate on ambaa long back by chanting srimatre



> somehow i was unable to as i felt it was difficult to meditate on



> directly without approaching guru so i started chanting datta nama



> is more peaceful and pleasent.i think nama japa is not effective in



> of ambaa/shakti where as we know many bhaktas who had darshan of



> like rama,shiva,krishna, datta,narayana simply by chanting their



> >


> > i am sorry if i am ignorant,but can u mention any great bhakta who



> darshan of devi by chanting just her name?


> >























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