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Dear friends, first of thanks for shanracer, jitu, swami, sudhakar

Farah and all other sadhakas for keeping the satsang alive.


I am finally in Delhi trying to attune myself with the scorching heat,

rude bikers, egoist car owners and admant Rikshawalas. :)


Had some great pilgrimages in deep himalayan jungles about which i

will write separately.


great discussion going on .... pls keep it up





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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> Had some great pilgrimages in deep himalayan jungles about which i

> will write separately.



Dearest Aum


How wonderful to hear from you after so long. You sound like you're

having an interesting time out there & we're all looking forward to

hearing your stories, insights & wisdom as always.


Take good care & keep in touch


With much love



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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


Dear Aumji,




Wow! nice to read your posting after a long time. If you find time

do visit MANSAOVAR. You keep hearing so many strange things going on

there. Also heard in the Himalayas there is an ashram called

SIDDHA ASHRAM where i am told are yogis who have seen both Ramayan

and Mahabharath war. It seems once in a year they come out of their

caves sit outside for a while taking few deep breaths and return

back to their caves. Meantime mere coming out and breathing in and

out without talking they clear the doubts of the inmates of the



Look forward to your posting about your journey to India. This time



With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)


> Dear friends, first of thanks for shanracer, jitu, swami, sudhakar

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> Dear friends, first of thanks for shanracer, jitu, swami, sudhakar

> Farah and all other sadhakas for keeping the satsang alive.


AUM Baba Sir ji


aapka kuch aisa jnan jo mere jnan sharir ki aankhon ka ahem hissa ban

gaya , aakhir koi apni ankhon ko jagne par kaise band kar ke hamesa

reh sakta hai . bas itna hai ki ab jab o aankhein dekhengi to ek vises

ras ka anubhav karengi . hey Ishwar is samay ke liye aapka lakh lakh

sukra hai .




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Wow Aumji I am really happy to have you back. Please share your

experiences in Himalayas. Your descriptions are so lively i feel that

i am there.


Also if you (or shanracer or sudhakarji) could tell me something about

the 3 Granthhis. I have heard about them but know nothing about them


love always

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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


Thanks dear sadhakas for the warm welcome. Tomorrow I am going to

another shakti temple of Garhwal Himalaya (Chandrabadni DevI0.


I will surely write about these temples once i am settled.


let the nectar flow in our dear group

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, ansuya80 <no_reply wrote:

Hi ansuyaji,




Re your query on granthis well they are the locks purposefully

placed by nature so that you cannot play around with Kundalini

Shakti. It is very tempting to exploit so it is like a valve to

control upward rise of the Kundalini Shakti.


The granthis are mainly three in number. There could be other

sub-granthis but the emphasis on three main granthis which is

referred in yogic texts as (1) Brahma Granthi (2) Vishnu Granthi

and (3) Shiv Granthi


To open, purify and strengthen Brahma granthi we need to perform

Ashwini Mudra or Mula Bandha or both. This should not be confused

with KEGEL exercise which isolates urinary tract and you then

contract it. In ashwini mudra you simply contract your anal hole

and pull it up as high as you can and then gently release it. This

amounts to one count. Do ten counts daily in the morning and ten

in the evening. Daily increase by ten counts to reach a target of

60 and then stop. Now continue doing 60 counts in the morning and

60 in the evening. Mula Bandha consists in contracting and holding

it as much as you can comfortably do and then gently release it.

Usually i avoid my students from performing it because if you over

do it, it leads to increase in high BP. Ashwini mudra is safe.

Ofcourse once you get a hang of it you can syncronise contraction

while breathing in and as you relax breathe out.


To open, purify and strengthen Vishnu granthi we need to perform

Uddiyana Bandha and Agnisara. I prefer teaching both as i never

allow my students to cross a count of 9 while yogis and others do

it for a count of 500 etc., I would prefer my students do more sets

of repetitions. Remember this is done in breath held out state so

for Aam Admi (layman) i prefer 3 sets of 9 repetitions of

Uddiyan Bandha and 3 sets of 9 repetitions of Agnisara.

Uddiyan bandha means flying upward lock. It simply means reigning

in unstrained emotions moving upward in the stomach. Though it is

usually performed standing by bending in your knees i prefer to

teach it in Vajrasana. Take a slow deep breath then consciously

breathe out and let the breathe stay out which is referred as

BHAYYA KUMBAK. In antari kumbak you breathe in and hold the breath

inside your body while here you breathe out and hold out. Count upto

slow count of 9 and then breathe in again. This amounts to one set of

9 held out breath. Do two more sets of 9 held out breath.

Now Agnisara means stoking the fire. Now you may question where is

the fire to stoke? This actually refers to " hunger fire " usually

provoked by Dilute Hydrochloric Acid and Bile Juice. So in agnisara

you breathe in and then breathe out and let the breathe stay out as

in uddiyana bandha and now you should churn your stomach in and out

(remember this is done in breath held out state) to a count of 9

only. Ofcourse yogis and other strong people do upto 500 and 1000.

My aim is for layman who is obese and sick. If he or she can reach

9 count i consider it as a blessing because with a paunch you can

hardly move it around.

The balance Shiva granthi will be discussed in my next instalment

as i am getting late for my yoga class.


With warm wishes,


HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)



> Also if you (or shanracer or sudhakarji) could tell me something


> the 3 Granthhis. I have heard about them but know nothing about

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AUM ji Namaskarams. Warmest welcome from my side ..I have been missing you

for a long time and waiting for your mail and learned counsel.I join all

other Sadhaka in celebraing your return..

Thrilled and delighted





Thanks dear sadhakas for the warm welcome. Tomorrow I am going to

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, ansuya80 <no_reply wrote:


> Also if you (or shanracer or sudhakarji) could tell me something

>about > the 3 Granthhis. I have heard about them but know nothing



The 3 granthis are 3 knots, that stop us from attaining full enlightenment


1. Brahm Granthi is attachment to physical body & desires. It ties us

to this physical world. We identify with our Karma & desires, the

strongest of which is the sex desire, which doesnt allow our energy to

rise. Piercing the Brahm granthi is breaking attachment to physical

body & its desires, as well as realising our Karma is actually done by

God. It is Brahma who creates the world & runs it, yet we think we are

running the world. Our sex desire is a lower form of Brahmas desire to

create the world. Realising this pierces Brahma granthi.


2. Vishnu Granthi is attachment to our emotions, & not loving everyone

equally. It may also mean attachment to astral world. Vishnu, the

cosmic spirit that lives in the heart of all, loves everyone equally &

without any conditions, yet our love is petty & conditional(you must

love me as Im your father, husband, wife, daughter etc). Realising

the true state of the universe, which is one of immense love, is

piercing Vishnu granthi. Vishnu runs the Universe- he does so out of

Pure Love for the creatures that live in it. When we reach this state,

we also go beyond Vishnu Granthi.


3. Rudra granthi is the most difficult. It relates to our mental

ideas- we think God is such & such. That there is actually some called

Brahm-Vishnu-Shiv sitting somewhere running the world. Or that there

was a Christ who suffered for our sins. All these things are ok in the

beginning, but later on they stop us from achieving full

enlightenment. To reach the final state, we must dissolve all our

mental ideas about what God, spirit, moksha is. The Chit(mind stuff)

must be completely pure, only reflecting light of God, & having no

thoughts of its own.


In Hinduism, it is said this state cannot be achieved without grace of

God. Hence it is called Rudra granthi, after Shiv who seems like a

difficult God(as is breaking our attachment to our thought, which is

what Rudra granthi is), but Shiv is actually very kind inside, if we

worship him with love.


A thing to make clear is just because Brahma granthi comes before

Vishnu/Rudra, doesnt mean Brahma is inferior to them, or vishnu to

Shiv. These are just words to explain difficult concepts.


To break these granthis is to go beyond human into the Divine. Hatha

Yoga identifies these granthis with psychic knots in the spine(Sushmna

Nadi) but that is not strictly correct, as these granthis are not just

Pranic knots that can be broken by Yoga, but require change of our

whole attitude to life.


with love


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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


Hi Ansuyaji,




Here is the balance instalment of Shivgranthi.


To open, purify and strengthen shivgranthi one has to do Brahmamudra

which can be done sitting or standing. You have to gently lower your

chin to rest on the jugular notch near the collar-bone. Be careful

otherwise you could get a muscular catch in the neck region. Now

slowly breathe in and simultaneously raise your chin so that your

back of head turns towards your back and you try to gaze in the

direction your face has moved. As you breathe out gently again lower

your chin to rest on your jugular notch. Start with three repetitions

only and then increase to a total of ten only. Meantime after

finishing front and back stretching of the neck muscles, turn your

neck gently to right and left 3 times and then increase to a total of

ten only. Next lower your chin to your chest i.e. jugular notch and

gently turn your neck clockwise for 3 rounds and anticlockwise for

3 rounds. Slowly increase to a count of ten which should be in about

two to three weeks time and not at once please. Now the last

neck exercise is referred as " lateral twist " wherein you gently

try to lower your right ear to touch right shoulder which is not

possible at all to majority of human beings-but attempting to do this

exercise nicely twists the neck to a different angle. Do like wise

on the left side too. As usual gently start with 3 rounds to

ultimately reach 10 rounds.

These four exercise represents four faces of Lord Brahma and we

imitate this by doing above exercise hence it is called

BRAHMAMUDRA. This exercise stimulates your thyroid gland as well

as strengthens the neck muscles and cervical bones and lastly

beautifies your neck region. It also helps to get rid off double



These 3 granthis exercise come under the asana section. But while

doing Pranayama the adept combines the three granthi exercise together

and is referred as Triyambak Pranayama. It is wrought with danger

unless you have strengthened your physical body and then personally

guided by your teacher.


Hope this satisfies your need to know about granthis. Ofcourse as

i said in the beginning it is purposefully kept by nature to

thwart a human from fiddling with Kundalini Shakti. Best to

approach a live teacher to know further.


With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)

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Dear Anupamji,




Thanks for giving link on Siddhashram though i cannot say anything

positive above the workings of TANTRA MANTRA AND YANTRA magazine

whose founder in Swamiji Nikhileshwarandaji alias Narayan Dutt



With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)



> More about SIDDHASHRAM (also known as GYANGUNJ) here...


> http://www.siddhashram.org/siddhashram.shtml

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Dear Sudhakarji,


My indication on giving the link is only to provide some informative reading

to those Sadhaks who aspire to know more about SIDDHASHRAM. There are more





So, far as the working of the MANTRA-TANTRA-YANTRA VIGYAN magazine is

concerned, each Sadhak is capabale of making his/her indipendent decision based

on their inner thirst and investigations.


My personal experiences could differ from yours....which I think is Normal;

having met and been blessed with the companionship of many elevated

Sadhaks/Gurus from the same lineage. So........its Okay.


TRUTH is ALWAYS, What we EXPERIENCE. I am not detailing any more coz I

believe that this is a fantastic group of Sadhaks on their keyboards .

And Sadhaks only need SUTRAS...rest they can Dechipher .






spbyoga9 <spbyoga9 wrote:

Dear Anupamji,




Thanks for giving link on Siddhashram though i cannot say anything


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Places like Siddhashram are neither as rare or as special as people

would have us believe....there are quiet a few spread over the world.

They allow us entry to the subtle realm(astral world). But most normal

people, even if they could reach them, would only see rocks & trees.

Thats because you have to be in a special state of mind to enter these



But normal people wouldnt get within miles of such " power " places-

there are magical protections. Divine beings like ghosts, low level

demons, snakes protect such places & would scare away most people.

Even if you could cross them, you would have to face powerful entities

called Aakramani Yakshinis(Aakramini = Ready to battle, Yakshini=minor

Goddess. As always, since these beings are female, they are stronger &

hence more dangerous. :-) ).


But you dont need such power places to travel to astral worlds or meet

high level Yogis/Siddhas. A good Yogi can do so sitting at home. Its

only if he doesnt have enough power, or is he is to recieve

initiation, would he be invited to places like Siddhashram.


with love


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> Thanks for giving link on Siddhashram though i cannot say anything

> positive above the workings of TANTRA MANTRA AND YANTRA magazine

> whose founder in Swamiji Nikhileshwarandaji alias Narayan Dutt

> Shrimali.


Perhaps Sudhakarji would like to share his reasons why he isnt

impressed with Shrimali & his magazine? :-)




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Dear Shantanu,




I was subscribing to Mr. Shrimali's hindi magazine of tantra mantra

and yantra. About format and contents of the magazine were ofcourse

good but the cheating or lack of supervision on Mr. Shrimali's part

was what i am angry about. In the said magazine they advertised that

back issues of tmy magazines were available so I chose one group of

magazines i wanted and sent them the money and guess what instead of

sending 12 different issues i was sent 12 magazines of the same

month. When i complained there was no reply. When i sent a reminder

it was also not replied. At this i sent a registered A.D. on Mr.

Shrimali's name and this was also not replied. This was about 12 to 15

years back. Next during the same period they announced tmy magazines

would now be available in English so I d to it paying one

years subscription cost. I received the introductory issue and then

no magazines followed. When I complained they said that english

edition of the magazine have been stopped so i wrote back to refund

my subscription amount and to this date they have refrained from

replying though i again sent regd. A.D. letter addressed personally

to Mr. Shrimali both in English and in Hindi and absolutely no

reply. Only alternative was to go to Jaipur and personally confront

him but that would unnecessarily incur additional expense of

travelling and staying and who knows whether i would get my money

back or not.


After these two episodes i decided not to have any dealings with

the magazines. Tell me what would you have done at such callousness

on Mr. Shrimali's part.


With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)


> Perhaps Sudhakarji would like to share his reasons why he isnt

> impressed with Shrimali & his magazine? :-)

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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> I was subscribing to Mr. Shrimali's hindi magazine of tantra mantra


Im not surprised Sudhakarji- Tantra mantra cant be learnt from

magazines, & most of these magazines teach cheap Siddhis, for example

they all contain Karan Pichashini Siddhi. Karan Pisachani is the

lowest level spirit, & all she can do is, when someone comes to visit

you, she can tell you why they came. This is used by fake astrologers

to impress clients(now that you know this, be warned! :D). However,

Karan Pishacani is a very jealous spirit, & allows a man/woman to have

relations with no one else. This seems like a big sacrifice for such a

small thing.


But all these " tantra " magazines & books dont warn you about such

things, & leave you to find out the hard way. Its easy to attract such

low spirits, then very hard to get rid of them! In a way you are lucky

you never got a chance to become " siddhi " master.


Regarding Shrimalis website, they say that Tantra has gotten a bad

reputation due to misuse- which I agree with. Then they go ahead &

tell people about such cheap siddhis(which they offer to teach), which

is exactly the reason that Tantra has a bad name!


Tantra is not black(or even white) magic or sex magic. In this manner,

people who claim to be real " Tantrics " & trying to " help " Tantra are

its worst enemies, as they continually spread the same misinformation

that gave Tantra a bad name in the 1st place.


Regards Shrimali, I have read a few of his books, & I admit he was a

great psychic man, with occult powers(which he used often to help

others). But whether this made him a spiritual person- I cannot say.

Perhaps other members have some idea about this.


I do know that just having occult powers doesnt make one a Yogi, in

the same way that many great Yogis have no occult powers.


with love


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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


Dear Shantanuji,




Thanks for your postings on tmy mag. I really do not know but i have

always shied away from these mlecha siddhis. I do know about these

karna pisacha siddhi which can be acquired easily by chanting

simple mantra few thousand times. Anyway thanks for all the write up

and i am sure it will help other readers just in case they get lured

by cheap siddhi attraction.


With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)


> Im not surprised Sudhakarji- Tantra mantra cant be learnt from

> magazines, & most of these magazines teach cheap Siddhis, for

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Regarding mismanagement, I understand ur point Sudhakarji. Noone can defend it,

its an organizational limitation (btw...the magazine operates from Jodhpur).

Regarding My One-to-One Sadhana related reflections, I have already

shared...Nothing can be more TRUTHFUL than a " Personal Experience " .

Regards & Happy Chanting to All :-)



spbyoga9 <spbyoga9 wrote:

Dear Shantanu,




I was subscribing to Mr. Shrimali's hindi magazine of tantra mantra

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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> , shanracer <no_reply@> wrote:


> Dear Shantanuji,


> Namaste!


Well that is true that these lower siddhis deviate the sadhaka

from the true path. BUT.... this is also true that on the path of

sadhna one surely gets siddhis, even if these are not desired. Now

some yogis use the siddhis and some do not.


If siddhis are so bad and they deviate you from the true path,

what is the reason that God gives those siddhis to a yogi, if these

siddhis are not to be enjoyed ??


What is the true purpose of these siddhis ??


sudhakar, shantnu ??

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> If siddhis are so bad and they deviate you from the true path,

> what is the reason that God gives those siddhis to a yogi, if these

> siddhis are not to be enjoyed ??


Babaji, its not the Siddhis that are bad, but their misuse.


As our conciousness grows beyond the physical body, we start getting

powers also beyond the body. so telepathy or telekinesis(moving

objects by thought alone) maybe supernatural powers to us, but for

beings of the mental plane, they are normal. Thats just like being

able to see different colors maybe normal for us, but may appear

supernatural or magical to an amoeba.


But to use these powers in the physical world, for physical enjoyment

or for the physical ego, means we lose the higher state of awareness

that gave us the powers in the 1st place.


Until our growth into the higher awareness state is complete, these

powers should not be used.


But then all these powers may not be spiritual. The mind can do many

things that may seem supernatural to us, but are normal for the mind

itself, like I mentioned telepathy. But there is nothing spiritual

about them: learning to move objects may or may not be spiritual. Just

like the mind can be trained to solve quadratic equations, it can be

trained to talk by telepathy- but how spiritual this is depends on how

the knowledge is applied.


with love


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<jiragavarapu wrote:


> AUM ji Namaskarams. Warmest welcome from my side ..I have been

missing you for a long time and waiting for your mail and learned

counsel.I join all other Sadhaka in celebraing your return..

> Thrilled and delighted

> yours

> ijswmy


Thanks swamiji, I too missed this sacred place and learned friends

here in sadhna. I have been going through old posts (too many of them

in 5 months).. and enjoying your, shan sudhakra and others msgs


thanks for keeping satsang alive

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