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Sadhna of Humanity !

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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:



> What i meant was the persons horoscopically are termed based on

> nakshatra etc., into raksha gana, manusha gana, deva gana etc.,



Thanks dear sudhakar, ... earlier we discussed that position of

jupitor indicates spiritual progress.. do you have something to share

on this ?



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You are right Aradhana,


Manaha Devalayaha, Dehasya Devalayam Cha.


May be i am not able to realize this, my by his continued mercy, i

will be able to see him. i was just feeling irritated, tha tstill i

have to do worldly things to maintain this body, else i would have not

needed to eat, or sleep or even breathe.. this was my whole feeling my

dear sister.



thanks for guiding your brother.


-- bro


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit


in this body


> lol Sudhakar ji the wife can do nothing about it only Hari is the

> answer they say-love is a disease that has no cure -neither medicine

> works nor praying- only by seeing the beloved this pain can cease


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, satishvijayan <no_reply wrote:


Dear Satishvijayan,




Welcome to this forum. Regarding your posting on children from

what i have heard long time back is that during Satya Yuga many

rishis found that they stand no chance to gain moksha because life

span was quite long etc., etc., so they meditated and felt in

future when Kali Yuga starts the life span would be less and

additional new karma can be prevented by being born as a spastic

human. How far it is true i do not know but after reading your

write up i think they all might be rishis of the yore born to

redeem themselves.


With warm regards


HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)



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, deito01 <no_reply wrote:


> You are right Aradhana,



My dear Deito... pls tell me if Bhakti is a game of heart only?... or

logics have some role in Bhakti?



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My Dear and very Respected Aum,


i know how it feels, when you miss that Eternal , and know that he is

inside , outside and everywhere and when we know that we have fallen,

i just know that feeling. saliva flows, as if you are seeing tasty

food, after being hungry for many days, but there is no desire,

sometimes nostril needs, and both nostrils open up, and there is a

cool feeling of air going inside form both then holes, and tears flow,

not form the eye ends on the side of the nose, where it usually flows,

but the other end of the eyes, you desperately miss him, you feel your

nature which you have abandoned for false pleasure, and after this

turmoil, when you rest you see that imperishable nature inside your

heart... and during this i am not able to understand any logic, i feel

the whole logic and knowledge is created, not existing.


and i everywhere god shows mercy, i see after many days i come here,

and brothers like sudhakar get emotional, and my dear lotus, welcomes

me, makes me write something so close to my heart, scolds me for

mistake, like scolding her child, all mercy of hari, hari manifesting

through everything, and by pervading himself, effects the nature and

behaviors of everything in existence. So when hari pervades anything ,

that time the matter gets individuality, and it gets its own

properties. so That imperishable entity defines the property of

matter, and hence knowledge and hence that achyutha in his trance will

taht so and so shoudl be liek this and this, this animating force os

Achyutha makes nature fo anythign that is existing and this is the

knowledge that we learn, and when we compare two things to this

knowledge, the one which matches this knowledge more is relatively

logical and the other relatively not logical.. but nothign is ever

logical without hari, so i want to see Hari, see you are asking me

this question, means hari has scheduled this event, to make me aware

fo something, his mercy, he is spending his energy, for my mistakes..



so knowledge is nothgin but what he wants, so real logic is his

presence, and that is all we need to be happy, i need presence of this

achyutha, that keshava, that madhava, that adokshja , that sri hari,

that gadadhara, that sudarshana, that manohara..


but my experiecne is very limited as myself i am.. and in my

experience, bakthi is not a game, its a prayer, its a happiness, and

pain of not being able to get that happiness, its that anandha, which

was our part, and it is a constant regret, it is constant contemplation.




See for example when i saw your question,


I was in no way able to answer your question, and i wanted to tell you

that i am unable to answer,


when i was about to write taht i am unabel to answer this question

even without trying, when i was about to give up, I felt My Hari in

your question, and i falt everythign proceeds from My hari, and hence

this question also, so i wanted to answer this for his pleasure, so

even if my answer is wrong, i will make him laugh, and if my answer if

correct by his mercy, than i will make him happy, so i do anythign jus

to give pleasure to My father, my dearest and my life hari.



-- your brother Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.





, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> , deito01 <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > You are right Aradhana,



> My dear Deito... pls tell me if Bhakti is a game of heart only?... or

> logics have some role in Bhakti?


> Aum


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> > You are right Aradhana,



> My dear Deito... pls tell me if Bhakti is game


no logic... logic is dry and knows no madness .. bhakti is love alone


but if god wants his bhakta to follow any logic, he will have to.He

doesnt have a choice because he cant do without Hari and Hari demands

too much

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, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit


Hello Aradhanaji,



My wish, wife for deito, was I was comparing him to events in Saint

Tukaram's life in Maharashtra.

He also wanted exclusive time for his " VITTALA " so he gave up his

grocery shop and built a shed on the outskirt of where he lived and

spent whole day meditating oblivious to everything else.


His wife would prepare meal and walk down the rough path to feed

her husband. So I felt if Deito were to have this company he could

devote more time to his HARI carefree (Bindaas) and now, now you

may think what about the poor wife.


Well the story goes, a thorn pricked Saint Tukaram's wife and

she sat in agony on the way there and Vittala himself came in

person to nurse her and before Tukaram it was his wife who had

glimpse of Vittala and also his divine touch in nursing her.


Interesting isn't it? Without the tearful path of sadanaa she was

the lucky one than Saint Tukaram to have Vittala's darshan.


Well as they say in Tantra Yoga - what is shiva without shakti -

A SHAVA (corpse, dead body). Get the drift?



With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)

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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> Well as they say in Tantra Yoga - what is shiva without shakti -

> A SHAVA (corpse, dead body). Get the drift?




Dearest brothers & sisters


It is wonderful to see this site busy again! I have just spent almost

2 hours reading the posts over the past 48 hours. Really interesting,



Brother Deito - how lovely to see you back here again, but you are

not in a good place & it is worrying. I agree with our sister

Aradhana, your body is a temple Deito - are you treating your body

like a temple?! This is the body you have to live in & you must treat

it with love & respect, just as if it were a temple. Of course your

body needs food, air, sleep - this is the vehicle God has given you

to live in & you must look after it. Dont you think this is what he

wants? When he is ready for you to join him, he will make that

decision, but neglecting your body will not hasten this in any way.

So please do eat well & get enough sleep - as well as keeping up with

your meditation, pranayama & chanting. Are you doing any yoga asanas?

I was also thinking the same as our brother Sudhakar, why dont you

think about getting married? Keep talking to us Deito - dont



Brother Sudhakar - ha, ha! Do you think I would call you a male

chauvanist pig without very good reason?! :-) I wont call you that,

but I will call you something else (Im not sure quite what though.)

You have done exactly what Dear Aum did with his posts on chakras!!

Come one then - continue with what we can do to help set our

environment in proper order - we are interested, so do continue! What

did you say to Aum when he took ages to go through all the

chakras? " Its like asking a starving man if he wants more? " Ha ha!

So, my non-chauvanistic brother, this is like asking a starving man

OR WOMAN if they want more?! :-) We are waiting......


By the way, its always great to see new people on here, so welcome

dear Satishvijayan. Im glad you are enjoying this site as much as we

do & I hope many more new people will join in too. You will be made

very welcome.


With much love to you all



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> Well the story goes, a thorn pricked Saint Tukaram's wife and


Maybe Sudhakar ji


sOMETIMES YOU mention beautiful things just as one you said now.

I will tell you what I think

God's grace is much greater where there is innocence, purity and

selfless service.Because God wants what but pure love and feelings.

Now your story of Tukaram saint and his wife reminds me of the dear

bhakta of Viththal Janabai.Just as Jesus says-In Gods kingdom the last

will be the first


That is why we notice that women love and understand God better like



See Janabai maybe you know about her was an orphan.She was a very

simple woman whose guru was God's dear bhakta Naamdev.When Naamdev was

immersed in bhakti she would spend all time working hard and performing

household chores and serving and taking care of Naamdevs family

members. And still she would even serve in temple and worship Vithhal

there.See her pure and unflinching selfless love. So when Vithal came

to meet Naamdev he said that he wanted to meet Janabai and wont go

without meeting her.So Viththal went to Janabai and spent more time

with her and when he was going he gave somrthing to her.. what it was i

cant remember.. perhaps it was some cloth or something like that


Jaana bai wasnt a yogi, gyaani or something like that but her service

and her innocent pure love was that for which even Viththal could not

bear her seperation


Then the temple people saw her with that shawl(or maybe it was

something else; i cant really remember) they decided to punish her and

accused her of stealing .They refused to belive that Viththal had given

it to her.So finally when Janabai said she wanted to look at Viththal

before going the temple door flung open and Viththal was crying because

Janabai was going

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I agree with our sister

> Aradhana, your body is a temple Deito - are you treating your body


Dear Farah ji

I understand ur concern for Dieto but you have to understand that he

is in care of Hari.He needs not asan pranayam etc but his medicine is

Hari alone and his ailment is Hari's love which isnt ailment but

something that one who loves Hari has to go through.bro Dieto is a

vairagi lol so is useless to say to my pure brother that he marries or

do pranayama, his is the pain of love oir what they call bhakti.This

love is about madness to understand it one has to become mad himself.

And to deal with the madness one has to become more mad everyday in

Hari's love and the cure is Hari alone. And he doesnt participate in

discussions because he spends time with Hari.If we tell him to

participate here at the cost of his company with Hari then we arent

thinking good for him.

This is what divine love is about and thats why Dieto talks like this

and tats why such people are different from others for example Sudhakar

ji says -when we work people sleep

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, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit



his is the pain of love oir what they call bhakti.This

> love is about madness to understand it one has to become mad himself.


Dearest sister


I didnt think bhakti yoga was supposed to be painful, or detrimental to

the health. It just doesn't sound good to me when someone talks about

living without food, sleep or breathing. I can understand why Sudhakar

thought Deito was talking about death. Surely this isn't healthy for

the mind, body or the spirit...


With love



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, deito01 <no_reply wrote:



> My Dear and very Respected Aum,


> i know how it feels, when you miss that Eternal , and know that


Dear sandal-wood Deito, your answer made me happy as it was written

from the depths of your anthakarna.


A tear dropped for god is better than reading 100s books or doing

tapas for years.... lucky are those who can cry for god.


I remembered a bengali poet's words


Gyaner Agamya tumi...Prem ke Bhikhari

Dware dwarey mango prem....nayaney te bari


O god ! even the wisest of Gyanis can not know your truth

and can not find you !!

But you are begger of Love

You ask each person to Love you...

With tears in your eyes..

(as not many love you )



Hari Aum

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, " janfarah_strongspirit "

<janfarah_strongspirit wrote:



> I didnt think bhakti yoga was supposed to be painful, or detrimental


> the health. It just doesn't sound good to me when someone talks


Farah this is not Bhakti....this happens when someone falls in love

with God.


Falling in love with a human being is so painfully blissful..what to

talk of god..


Remember yr first love??...the pain of not seeing your

lover??...now multiply it with billions billions of times...:)That

would be divine love in the beginning...ask Mirabai... or Radha :)



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I never knew all of you would be so much concerned to your dear

brother. its all grace of Hari. i am very humble to all of you, all

are forms of my hari, all are proceeding form him.. my dear lotus, is

surely his energy , he is showing mercy on me, through all of you.



Hari, why so much mercy , why so much love and why so much

affection.... to this sinner, listen my dear sister by his grace, I

will try to convey you the reason behind my statement, which has

attracted the mercy of you all pious souls. please forgive your small

brother, if i have made any mistakes or i am unable to convey you.


You see, You are hari, and he has shown mercy through you, so its my

duty to explain this to you, to satisfy my Hari, to please him.. this

whole world is devoid of that whcih is in the heart of a devotee .. it

is not Hari, the world is not devoid of Hari, but it is love for that

imperishable, great Krishna.


and before i start a few words regarding my flower, please see the

thoughts of my lotus, as the thoughts flowing form the heart of a

baby, and because of her love and respect, sometimes she takes

pleasure in praising her brother, though i am not that worth it, so

.... all those praises go to Him alone.. because it is his mercy i have

been able to know aradhana, my dear sister.


This body is only for exhibition of the will of soul, when it is not

capable of realizing its real position. This body is made up of

matter, with different properties, as per the will of hari, and all

this is made so that a suitable playground may be given to fallen

souls like me, to play the game of my own will and ego.


There is my hari sleeping and constantly spending energy to maintain

this and to keep me thinking that i am the lord, This is his mercy.

now i am regretful for my fault, please end this affliction which is

not real and not existing, and give me my righteous position at you

Lotus feet.


But you all donno what a sinner i am, i am that soul who rebelled and

when i saw Hari as the real enjoyer of nature, i was desirous of

enjoying Prakrithi, and in this desire, i forgot that i myself am

part of this Prakrithi and being the enjoyer is not in my nature



but My great Lord, being so graceful, even for such illicit desire of

mine, created a virtual environment, where i can play this role and

may satisfy my soul. All this pain and affliction if because of the

deviation form my original nature, and what i am begging my Hari, is

to get me out of this affliction , thats all my dear sister Farah.

Nothing else form this. .. . and now only the owner and creator of

this playground , that eternal imperishable Hari can take me out of

this affliction.


see we can fall in well easily, by our own, but to come up we will

need help. loll .. while falling well we will not know the pain inside..


I have become very emotional and humble seeing you all caring for me

so much, in fact it is all the caring shown by Hari himself, in so

many ways, taking care of his small baby. But why are you all so

worried for something whcih needs no worry, this body is nishkara, and

so is this food and air..


neither it belonged to me, and neither will it ever belong to me, This

is not " I " hand, this is " My " Hand, and the understanding that " This

is My hand " is an illusion, when i don't have anything that is mine.


See this is MY Heart, this is MY Head and this is MY Legs and this is

ME Stomach.


See i cannot tell, this is I Heart, this is I Head, This is I legs and

this is I stomach. because I am not this stomach, but this is my

stomach. this is initial understanding.



than later, this is " My " Stomach and i am not this Stomach, is further

understanding, but nothing is mine, and " This is My stomach " and " This

is My Hand " is foolish as there is nothign that is mine, on whcih i

have control by myself.



Than after further grace and mercy of Hari, we will recognize this as

" Stomach " " Head " " Hand " and understand that i have been allocated

these by Hari for a particular span of time, to Participate in

activity. So we start searchign, is " This is not I Stomach " , is this

is not " I " Hand, than if all these things are also not " My "


than where am " I " and what is " My " .. the answer of THIS I is my real

nature and the answer of THIS FINAL " MY " is real belonging.



So i am asking Hari to show me this " I " and " MY " . My dear sister, " I =

my true nature " and " My = Hari " .


I do not know if i am able to convey and make sense what i really

wanted to make, but hope you are able to understand.


this is the reason why we have to surrender ourselves. Hari is not

demanding Aradhana, HE is Demanding only to his pure devotees, because

he knows that that is the only way to make there devotees realize the

truth and make them free of Affliction and pain, and this is the sole

reason, why he becomes demanding to his devotees, Because his devotees

are his personal property and he cant see them in pain. Just like you

are, i am and every devotee of that great illustrious Lord are.



Aradhana, we have to do the following my dear sister :


Kaye na vacha manase indriyair va

Budhyathma nava prakruthai swabhavat.

Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai ,

Narayana yethi samarpayami


but the real truth is we will be able to do this only if his grace is

on us.. so in reality we have only one refuge.


Neither air is required to breathe, nor Food is required for energy,

neither Sleep is required to Survive, for we are imperishable by our

very nature.


We do all nuances to prevent us form destruction, when we are



our destruction is a big illusion, as big as saying that we need food

and air to survive. Hari makes us believe this by placing us in his

LAB setup and maintained by one of his energy called MahaMaya, and

hence makes ourselves execute our will, by doing many material

activities, in reality none of them are really performed and none of

them have ever been performed.


Its is in the will of Hari that we keep ourselves alluded until we

become eligible to understand our true nature, and more than that, the

importance of this true nature. I am begging Hari to Elevate me, and

make me capable of understanding this true nature, which i have felt

for a minute moment, and firmly know is present inside all this

covering of illusion.


Body is separate form Nature. Nature is superior energy of Hari, and

Body is manifested energy of Hari, created just to keep this soul

entertained and give it a chance to acquire lordship and individuality

as it had asked for.


Mind is separate form Intelligence. Intelligence is Superior Energy of

Lord, and Mind is a partly manifestation of this superior energy, for

the restriction imposed on the infinite intelligence.


Soul is separate form Matter. Soul is Superior Energy of the Lord, and

Matter is inferior created just to give suitable surrounding to this

soul , who wants to see itself as lord, though it is not in its real



All superior energies are part and parcel of ever existing Hari, and

all inferior energies are created by Hari himself, using his own

energy, to service his Children, I mean All this superior energy, with

there desires, which is not part of there true nature.


A droplet is a constituent of Ocean, but when a droplet itself wants

to get an importance as that of whole ocean, than the ocean of Hari,

by his own mercy, Creates a separate place ( Matter ) where a drop can

be alluded that it is as big as an ocean, but this drop in reality can

never be made a ocean, because it is not in its nature.



Now, what i begged My Dear Hari, my life, my soul, who is form a large

span of time, just investing his energy to create the illusionary

environment, so that i can enjoy my desires which can never be a

reality ..


so i am Begging my Hari, that make me understand my real nature, and

take me off from this illusion. Give me my rightful place, at your

Lotus feet and i Don't want to be.


Dear Aum , your prayer is very beautiful, and i am a very big begger,

and i beg for his mercy.


-- your humble brother, Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:

> i know how it feels, when you miss that Eternal , and know that


> Dear sandal-wood Deito, your answer made me happy as it was written

> from the depths of your anthakarna.

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, " janfarah_strongspirit "

> It is wonderful to see this site busy again! I have just spent


Hello Farahji,




Good observation and memory re my comments to Aum's posting on



Regarding environment purification - the cauldron is on fire and

as soon as it heats up the dish will be served but i don't see

the burning desire except three people including you.


Just some more time and i will disclose it.


With warm wishes



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)














> Brother Sudhakar - ha, ha! Do you think I would call you a male

> chauvanist pig without very good reason?! :-) I wont call you that,

> but I will call you something else (Im not sure quite what though.)

> You have done exactly what Dear Aum did with his posts on chakras!!

> Come one then - continue with what we can do to help set our

> environment in proper order - we are interested, so do continue!


> did you say to Aum when he took ages to go through all the

> chakras? " Its like asking a starving man if he wants more? " Ha ha!

> So, my non-chauvanistic brother, this is like asking a starving man

> OR WOMAN if they want more?! :-) We are waiting......


> By the way, its always great to see new people on here, so welcome

> dear Satishvijayan. Im glad you are enjoying this site as much as


> do & I hope many more new people will join in too. You will be made

> very welcome.


> With much love to you all


> Farah


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, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit


>Hello Aradhanaji,




Yeah, i have read Janabai's story. It is a shame like her so many

of god's devotee go through hell for seeking god's love.

I am sure you must have heard of Mansur being stoned for saying

Anal Haq - I am god - something like Aham Brahmasmi. What a price

god seeks from his bhaktas to purify them. It is mind boggling.

I can understand path of tears but path of torture is something

i cannot seem to fathom - can you?


With warm wishes



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)




> Maybe Sudhakar ji


> sOMETIMES YOU mention beautiful things just as one you said now.

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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:



> Farah this is not Bhakti....this happens when someone falls in love

> with God.

Remember yr first love??...the pain of not seeing your

> lover??...now multiply it with billions billions of times...:)That

> would be divine love in the beginning...ask Mirabai... or Radha :)


> Aum


Dearest Aum


I was asking about Bhakti because Aradhana made reference to it in

her post.


Dont get me wrong, I think it is wonderful to have deep love for God.

And yes, I can just about remember my first love as a pale

comparison! :-) But surely God doesn't want us to suffer & talk about

going without food, air or sleep does he? There are people who

starve, or hit themselves until they bleed in the name of God. Each

to his own, but I don't believe God wants us to go to such extreme

measures. Aradhana used the word 'madness.'


So who are Mirabai & Radha? Do tell....... you just knew I would

ask! :-)


With love



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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> but i don't see

> the burning desire except three people including you.




Sudhakar - honestly you're worse than Aum!


Come on everyone, please ask this man to serve the dish....




With love



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> Hari, why so much mercy , why so much love and why so much

> affection.... to this sinner, listen my dear sister by his grace, I

> will try to convey you the reason behind my statement

> You see, You are hari, and he has shown mercy through you, so its my

> duty to explain this to you, to satisfy my Hari, to please him.. t


sometimes you think dieto that you need to explain to me things but I

always fully understand even much more than you do anything you feel

and say of Hari because I dont think of this gyaana but i sense the

emotions, feelings and reasons

so be carefree from my side.You never need to explain anything to me

in this regard atleast I always understmd through your expressions

very well




> see we can fall in well easily, by our own, but to come up we will

> need help. loll .. while falling well we will not know the pain


> u have explained nicely to Farah ji and I am sure this time she

will be satisfied..i hope so lol




> Hari is not

> demanding Aradhana, HE is Demanding only to his pure devotees,


> he knows that that is the only way to make there devotees realize


> truth and make them free of Affliction and pain, and this is the


> reason, why he becomes demanding to his devotees, Because his


> are his personal property and he cant see them in pain.


> thanks Dieto i know all this but i have the right to say to Hari my

thoughts because he is my dearest ...He is not achyuta etc etc for

me as you know so I always say to him anything i feel like so if I

dont speak of him like this who will I speak of, so I can complain,

be displeased also ..I cant percieve him as someone who is away n

doing game of maya etc etc he is my Hari always there here itself for

me you see.And he understands what I say and why




> Aradhana, we have to do the following my dear sister :


> Kaye na vacha manase indriyair va

> Budhyathma nava prakruthai swabhavat.

> Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai ,

> Narayana yethi samarpayami


> I didnt understand this verse!! THIS YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN

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> Namaste!


> Yeah, i have read Janabai's story. It is a shame like her so many

> of god's devotee go through hell for seeking god's love.

> I am sure you must have heard of Mansur being stoned for saying

> Anal Haq - I am god - something like Aham Brahmasmi. What a price

> god seeks from his bhaktas to purify them. It is mind boggling.

> I can understand path of tears but path of torture is something

> i cannot seem to fathom - can you?









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& #2731; & #2763; & #2752; & #2711; & #2738; & #2730; & #2711;

& #2698; & #2763; & #2754; & #2696; & #2763;

& #2710; & #2763; & #2724; & #2763; & #2730; & #2763; & #2744; & #2739; & #2763;

& #2763; & #2759; & #2754; & #2730; & #2711;




& #2736; & #2736; & #2752; & #2709; & #2750;


, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> , " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit@>

> wrote:

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> Yo Harihi, yogibhirdhyaanagamayam,

> Yo Harihi, Yogihriyekiwaakarshanam,

> Yo Harihi, Yogihridyekiwachetanam,



Blessed i Am mahanubhava, I have spent all this time, IN the

service, I have read so many scriptures, and I have made many

numerous Abhisekha, But i never went to the detail of your heart..



Your this poetic composition, has compelled me to to come here and

offer my respects to the one, who is the property of Keshava.


He manahanubhava, Please accept my humble pramanas, As soon as i

read this sloka, i immediately went to Archa Murthi ,or the deity in

the temple, where i am and feel at his feet, Dandavtaswarupam.


I never even imagined, IN kaliyuga, some one may compose the poetic

quotes that too for the supreme Keshava, which is comparable to the

past glory in quality. Your emotions and devotion si comparable to

some of the great devotees, and yoru sloks make the environment

pious, i feel a similar vibration of positiveness, when i sung you

sloka , as when reading other great stotras of Keshava..


Ths is your true hridaya geetha, and yes i am now convinced taht

that inconceivable lord, and devotion to him can be bron in any

circumstances and any age.. the one without brith is ever present in

the heart of the devotee.


Your devotion sanctifies all , like the name of hari removes all



Please accept my humble Obeisances, and please accpept my heartfull

of respects to you, oh ray of Keshava, oh Hari Baktha, There is

nothign comparable to Hari-bakthi, this place is srestha, I think

yoru sister is also too similar, blessed is that one, for whom such

great sloka of imperishable hari was authored, blessed you are ,

aradhana, blessed i am ... by the mercy of lord, who has shown us

the devotion os a devotee like this.



Vimochana Murthy.

Kerala, India.

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My Dear Drithii , if i am not wrong i have already felt you day

before yesterday, but keeping that aside, i am not capable of

communicating with you. it is my incapability.


Very nice to see that you tried to tell me somethign here, and i

dint know that your post came like this and it previously got

rejected, but i can see your nature here,


But, i am not at all able to comprehend or understand what is the

message ion that image is it some sloka you are tryign to convey.

which language it is in, it is not sanskrit as i know, though it

seems similar..



Please communicate in a way i can understand, I am sorry for not

being able to catch you, but this is not by my intention, but it is

because of my incapability. I am sorry , but yes true i felt your

nature, and initially i thought it is Aradhana ... lol .. but later

i was able to make out it was not her..



Wherer are you , and which language are you tryign to communicate

with me. i am here, and also otherwise i will know if you are trying

to communicate.. but i am not able to understand..


But know one this, everythign proceeds form hari, and so everythign

what happenns is as per his will, there is no other energy apart

form his, and there is no existance different form him.


So whatever happenned happenned because it was the only thing that

was possible, thew supreme will.


Please take humble obeissances form a Devotee, and also please

forgive me for my unability for understanding you ..



See Aradhana, i told you, i feel that same nature in this post .. it

is written by the same person .. i am feeling extremely sad as i am

not able to understand what she is writing.


-- Brother Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.



, drithii <no_reply wrote:


> From Moderators: Drithii your earlier message was rejected as it

came garbled. this msg again is garbled. Please dont use local

language as only accept English. Still this msg is

approved for you to see how garbled are your messages



> & #2733; & #2763; & #2754; & #2752; & #2763;

& #2731; & #2763; & #2752; & #2711; & #2738; & #2730; & #2711;

& #2698; & #2763; & #2754; & #2696; & #2763;

& #2710; & #2763; & #2724; & #2763; & #2730; & #2763; & #2744; & #2739; & #2763;

& #2763; & #2759; & #2754; & #2730; & #2711;


> http://aycu31.webshots.com/image/30070/2001417586993944051_rs.jpg


> & #2736; & #2736; & #2752; & #2709; & #2750;


> , " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9@> wrote:

> >

> > , " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit@>

> > wrote:


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God to knwo i was able to bring happiness to a devotee, it seems you

are a priest in a Tempel of Hari.


Even i am the priest and i do Prayer in my temple of Hari, only

difference is you can see it with naked eyes, but my temple cannot

be seen with naked eyes materially.


I am just a humble devotee, and i am actually blessed to come in

contact with such great devotees like you. i am no where, like they

tell i am smaller than blade of grass, and i have very high esteems

for Hari and his " Property " ..


this was very nice, you addressed me, as " Property of Keshava " .. i

am blessed, what a mercy towards this small jiva..



Also, yes initially i wrote the sloka for Aradhana, because she is a

baby hearted and she always resides in him.. whenever i see her, i

see her as a proceeding form Hari, just like you and also all other

thigns.. she is god sent lotus.. this is how i call her, she will

address you Sir, shortly. You seem to be very elderly by your




Accpet my respects and please dont offer me obeissances, it is the

other way, we are small kids..



--Hari Baktha Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.



, " vimochana.murthy "

<vimochana.murthy wrote:


> Blessed i Am mahanubhava, I have spent all this time, IN the

> service, I have read so many scriptures, and I have made many

> numerous Abhisekha, But i never went to the detail of your heart..


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> Accpet my respects and please dont offer me obeissances

> , " vimochana.murthy "

> <vimochana.murthy@> wrote:

> Blessed i Am mahanubhava, I have spent all this time, IN the



namaste Vimochana sir

yes sir you are so wise

My brother also thinks this and so I say too -anything devoid of

Hari's name is like an artificial flower

The life devoid of Hari's service is like fish without water


So by grace of the ever merciful Hari whose mercy is such that even

the seven oceans of the world are nothing at all as compared to his

love, a wanderng, sinful and unworthy soul realises the beauty of his

name and service.So Hari will surely free such a wretched one too

from the clutches of darkness and sin.With the name of Hari we can

call him and so he come surely. He relieved the suffering of the old

woman and got her back everything she had lost- even her dead kith

and kin in a time like kali he showed his wonderful leela. But the

force that brought her was his simran and name and the unflinching

faith in the old woman that none but Narayana was her friend


So let us spend all time remembering and serving Narayana and so he

will put life into dead hearts too



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