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Sadhna of Humanity !

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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


Dear Aumji,




What i meant was the persons horoscopically are termed based on

nakshatra etc., into raksha gana, manusha gana, deva gana etc.,

Person in deva gana are never troubled by ghosts and ghost will

never be visible to him unlike other two ganas. Also deva gana

people are pious etc., e.g. Lord Rama was born in PUNARVASU

nakshatra so they say punarvasu nakshatra, pushya etc., come in

this category but i found not all people can have same quality

such as Lord Rama's or even close to that and they are many times

opposite in displaying their characters then the original ones as

mentioned in the shastras. Similarly those in rakasha gana are

genuinely good in character etc., which belies the actual facts

that as per their gana they are displaying opposite characteristics.

It this display is confusing.


Hope I made that clear.


With warm regards


HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)


> Dear sudhakar, this explanation is interesting...but is not very


> to me... can you further elaborate this important aspect??


> Aum


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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


Dear Shantnuji,




Thanks for the post but could you read the posting to Aumji on

that and see if that makes any sense, I shall be grateful for



With warm wishes,







> Sudhakarji, the astrological Devic/asura classification is for

> marriage only, & doesnt tell you anything about a persons normal

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Om Namah Shivaya.


> If X kills Y. In next life , what if Y forgives X- but X will still

> get justice- so who will kill X? Will nature use some other tool?


If X kills Y, it is not necessarly Y should Kill X, or Y should

forgive X, there may be hundreds of reasons behind this.


Why did x kill y?


Was this the first action or is this a continuation of some previous



Even if we take this as a initial one, i would say Y killing x or

forgiving x is a necessity,

then its like Tit for Tat situation,


rather x will have to suffer with some one killed whom he/she love

the most and should suffer the loss due to a murder.


Or X would Y would be born to X and Y will be killed by someone else

and X suffering that loss due to murder.


or X would be born to a person who would torture him throgh out his

life.... I would say Karmic cycle is not so simple involving only 2


it mixes and matches the whole bunch.


A sub-question arises " what will be the karmic effect on Y who was

killed, ignoring who killed? "



> Another question- if countries have Karma, then also should all of

> Earth, & also all of humans.


> Humans treat Mother Earth so badly- we have destroyed millions of

> species, animals are tortured for our entertainment, or to make

> cosmetics. So human beings have a Karma too- does that we will be

> wiped out, the way we have wiped out others?



Yes, this was my exact question in one of my earlier post, but i

didnot get any reply, let me wait for some answers on this. I would

say Mother is giving back in the form of Natural calamities like

earth quakes, tsunami, floods........


Our forefathers offered prayers when they destroy a place for mking

that as home asking permission from the nature,,,,, But we are hardly

following it, also will this prayers and rituals enough to controll

the damage done to the mother?????


Intersting topic Let us all continue discussing..


Shivaya Namah Aum.

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> Deito - where are you?


Dear Farah,


Some words form my heart for my dear sister.


That karma, which helps us dissolve all merits and demerits is

active karma. That knowledge which is not falsified by subsequent

knowledge is real knowledge. That existance which is everexistant

and blissfull if real existance.


Recent days, I am losing interest from everything. I am just asking

Hari to take me off, as i no more find the animating force of this

nature interesting , nor i find it desirable.


Indulgence that can be nullified by a higher indulgance is not a

indulgence at all in the first place. so we have to indulge in real



Dear sister, there is a stage when you see everythign in terms of

process, in erms of operating entities, I can clearly see time

operating at his will, so are the other operating entities, doing

there duty.


I am no more interested in all this yoga, dhyana or other things, i

am no more interested in the process and practices leading to

awakining of chakra, kundalini etc etc and so many other thigns..


People do many things, but for results. A kid leaves kiddishness for

higher education, a person leaves his job for a better job, everyone

does thigns for some results. some people practice meditation to egt

enlightened. some want to enjoy the supreme bliss, they want to

merge in Brahman and become one, soem want to know more about

siddis.. so you see, some want to gain knowledge, and soem want to

become famous, you see, every existing entity has the drive of its

own undifferentiated ego, in one way or the other..


btu what has happenned to em, is i am starting to develop intense

desire for desirelessness, i am aiming at the result of " no result " .



Automatically, my senses are detached, no more pleasure is

derivable, from my senses. mostly i enjoy using some subtle senses,

but even they seems to be boring.. so i am at zone zero.. i am

unabel to explain my position..



But there is one new feelign whcih is responsible for all this. When

i listen to Hari, i feel pinch in heart, i feel that imperishable

entity inside, i feel that true nature inside. and after i am able

to feel that, nothign seems to be interesting.


i want to spend millions of years, coundtless time, seeing and

feeling that entity. taht imperishable by its nature, that vital

force, the unborn, that innocent layer, that what i see, how do i

describe you, that whcih is capable of pervading, that hari ..


I can feel that force, inside deep, and its very very satisfying. no

action of senses, i am perplexed as of from where am i gettign this

satisfaction, which is immense.


may be many of you wont be able to understand what i am trying to

tell, and many others may understand in the ways they want , and

many others may comprehend and still more may interpret, but to

really understand what is means, please only translate in your mind,

with the language of subtle mind, where you can undertsnd what is

being conveyed to you. Thisd language is not describable by letter

and symbols, it is the language of understanding.


Taht spotless, tranquil, that imperishable, that pleasant, that

satisfying entity inside me, i have interest in nothgin that is



-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

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> Yes, this was my exact question in one of my earlier post, but i

> didnot get any reply, let me wait for some answers on this. I would

> say Mother is giving back in the form of Natural calamities like

> earth quakes, tsunami, floods........


Sorry Senthilji, I must have missed the question.


Yes I think all these natural disasters are Mother Natures anger.


In the Gita Krishna says " One who takes from the Gods, & doesnt return

anything back, is a thief " .


The Vedas had many rituals to thank the higher Divine forces(Devas,

Yakshas etc) who provided us with food, rain, water etc. This way,

even if the Vedic society had to cut trees, or cause death of animals,

they would perform a Yagya, & offer the results to the appropiate

Deva. This way they werent stealing from Mother Nature, & as an added

bonus the Yagyas gave them lot of punya, by which they could get

either heaven, or birth in a highly religious family(which would

indirectly help them towards moksha).


But these rituals meaning were forgotten, & they became blind

tradition. Later monks like Buddha, Shankaracharya actually preached

against rituals, without themself knowing their meaning.


Nowdays it is fashionable to attack the old Vedic culture " They were a

backward, ritualistic society that did sacrifices for heaven, but

Buddhism/Vedant/XYZ philosophy has fixed that, as we only believe in

the Spirit " .


Its hard for the modern materialistic mind to understand the Vedic

mindset. They believed in living in total harmony with nature. Every

life- plants, trees, bird, animals was sacred. If something had to be

taken, they made sure they gave something back- Vedic Yagyas generated

lot of positive energies which pleased the Devas & made the

environment harmonious.


The modern society is like a vampire- when it needs something, it just

takes it, without caring what happens to the victim.

In these times, with bursting ozone layer, global warming, millions of

species vanishing everywhere, we need more of the old Vedic mindset.

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, deito01 <no_reply wrote:


Dear Deito,




I agree with all things you have said in the post to Faraji,


that I presume you mean death. That should be left to your HARI

only to decide unless like Bheesma you have the Vardaan-gift of

Ichamarni or like Dronacharya using yogic power to burn his body.

Since both ways are not possible your outpourings to Lord Hari is

understandable. If you read all saints of different religion they

have said in one voice. This is the path of the tears. We meditate

when world sleeps and we sleep when world works. Cry if you like

ask him to show his SWAROOP to you but asking for death is not



I sympathise and understand the pangs you are going through. This

is referred as VIREHA and it is a torture. You cannot explain it to

anybody that is why you rightly said some may understand some may

not. It is better not to talk of it. This is wrong. You should talk.

Agreed if you talk to your family members they will definitely say

you have gone mad so do all your outpourings on this site. We all

here are travellers on this same path so atleast we won't

misunderstand you but remember asking for death is not allowed.

It amounts to less trust in Sri Hari. But you can ofcourse ask for

his darshan. Ofcourse at still higher level even this is not allowed

and all you have to do is remain in his will as they say in

Punjabi TERA BHANA MEETHA LAGE. I am happy in thy will. Place me

up or down but don't get out of my sight.


Personally i feel if you had a company of your wife that would have

eased your problem a little better but as they say HARI KNOWS BEST.


Cheer up and we all here are with you.


With warm regards



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)


> >

> > Deito - where are you?


> Dear Farah,


> Some words form my heart for my dear sister.

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


Dear Shantanu,




I agree with everything you have said in this post here.

Did you know when you have to pluck a root from a plant,

tree or shrub the ritual is first to find the good muhurta,

then day previous to that muhurta you have to go near that

tree/plant/shrub and invite it verbally and also seek its

permission for the next day to chop of its root/flower/leaf

or whatever. I think that vedic concept mindset in this kaliyuga

looks is not possible but there is a way. Interested???


Ok lets see how many of you are interested in doing your

contribution towards setting the environment is proper order

and then in the next post i will give a clue to that.


With warm regards



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)



















> > Yes, this was my exact question in one of my earlier post, but i

> > didnot get any reply, let me wait for some answers on this. I


> > say Mother is giving back in the form of Natural calamities like

> > earth quakes, tsunami, floods........


> Sorry Senthilji, I must have missed the question.


> Yes I think all these natural disasters are Mother Natures anger.


> In the Gita Krishna says " One who takes from the Gods, & doesnt


> anything back, is a thief " .


> The Vedas had many rituals to thank the higher Divine forces(Devas,

> Yakshas etc) who provided us with food, rain, water etc. This way,

> even if the Vedic society had to cut trees, or cause death of


> they would perform a Yagya, & offer the results to the appropiate

> Deva. This way they werent stealing from Mother Nature, & as an


> bonus the Yagyas gave them lot of punya, by which they could get

> either heaven, or birth in a highly religious family(which would

> indirectly help them towards moksha).


> But these rituals meaning were forgotten, & they became blind

> tradition. Later monks like Buddha, Shankaracharya actually preached

> against rituals, without themself knowing their meaning.


> Nowdays it is fashionable to attack the old Vedic culture " They

were a

> backward, ritualistic society that did sacrifices for heaven, but

> Buddhism/Vedant/XYZ philosophy has fixed that, as we only believe in

> the Spirit " .


> Its hard for the modern materialistic mind to understand the Vedic

> mindset. They believed in living in total harmony with nature. Every

> life- plants, trees, bird, animals was sacred. If something had to


> taken, they made sure they gave something back- Vedic Yagyas


> lot of positive energies which pleased the Devas & made the

> environment harmonious.


> The modern society is like a vampire- when it needs something, it


> takes it, without caring what happens to the victim.

> In these times, with bursting ozone layer, global warming, millions


> species vanishing everywhere, we need more of the old Vedic mindset.


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Dear devotees ,The whole discussion assumes that both X and Y get human form in

the next birth also or X and Y were humans in previous birth.

Also this one to one conclusion is unsatisfactory.

In a war declared by one country a number of soldiers were killed. They

reached " veer swarg " the heaven " reserved for warriors "

How will the erring war monger get punished ?

The topic isperplexing.

Thank you all in advance.

yours devotedly



Senthil <senthil_sym wrote:

Om Namah Shivaya.

If X kills Y, it is not necessarly Y should Kill X, or Y should

forgive X, there may be hundreds of reasons behind this.


Why did x kill y?

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>> Oh bro Dieto u have come !! and along with your deeply devotional

posts :)I am very happy to read devotional posts of yours again always

full of praises of Hari and wisdom.


What you just said reminds me Of Krishna saying: " I am vibhu " and

also " these bhavas of the jeeva are because of me only "


o.k this is for you and devotees since only Hari stuti makes devotees

happy and nothing else


Om shantakaram bhujgushaynam padmanabham suresham

Vishvadharan Gagansadrisham Meghavarna Shubhangam

Lakshmi kantam Kamalnayanam yogibhirdhyaanagamayam

Vande Vishnu Bhavahayaharam Sarvatrilokikenatham


Om Hare Ram Hare Ram Siya Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Shri Radha Krishna Hare Hare


Om Hari sharnam Guru sharanam swami sharnam brahm mahesh

Tulsidas Raguvaran ji ki sharni more katyo sakal kalesh


Siyavar Ramchandra ki jai

Pavansuta Hanuman ki jai

Sab santan ki jai

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Om Namah Shivaya.




> Ok lets see how many of you are interested in doing your

> contribution towards setting the environment is proper order

> and then in the next post i will give a clue to that.


Iam Interested and waiting for your Clue.


Shivaya Namah Aum.

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Om Namah Shivaya.


Rightly said ShantnuJi. Let us wait for sudhakarJi give the clue how

the old vedic approach can be had suitable for this kaliyug.




Shivaya Namah Aum.

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> or whatever. I think that vedic concept mindset in this kaliyuga

> looks is not possible but there is a way. Interested???


It is possible, & its even done.


I was reading a book about shamans of South America, who can treat

rare diseases even normal medicine cant. When asked how, they say they

just ask the plants(in a trance). The plants then tell them, how to

use them or other plants in special ways to treat people.


For the plants help, some sacrifice is required, which is as simple as

leaving fruits/coins in the jungle, as an offering to the plants, &

also thanking the Spirits of the forest. It doesnt matter what you

offer, as long as its done in a spirit of humility.


When I told someone I know this, they said this is how it was done in

Vedic times too- ancients books say the Rishis just asked the plants

how to use them (again in Samadhi), & wrote down all the information.


So its still possible to live in harmony with nature, provided we are

willing to give up our selfish, materialistic attitude.




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> Recent days, I am losing interest from everything

> I am no more interested in all this yoga, dhyana or other things,


Bro your words are dearest to my heart and i am sure to Farah's too

and to every person who knows love of Hari.You are like Hari's

effulgence I sincerely mean that snce you know that your sister

speaks nothing but truth.You have had his darshana just sometime back

it seems and he gives his darshana only to those who offer him pure

unconditional unadelterated love.You are like Hari's effulgence you

reminded me something exteemely precious and revived the memory of a

mind full of darkness ad sin. Now I am also going to Hari.You are

really a god sennt brother

May Haris grace and love be with you always nd so also that your

devotional words keep touching the soul of some bewildered and

straying ones like me

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Blessed i am,


This word is example of deergha Hridaya Shruthi.


> yogibhirdhyaanagamayam.


One who is presents him (gamyam), in the heart ( hrid ) during deep

contemplation on him ( Dyaana ) by Yogi.


I have always loved such words, and get immense satisfaction

listening to these. They go deep into my heart. So i wanted to

compose some more, at that divine Hari, the unborn, the one who

pervades me to protect me.


> Yogihriyekiwaakarshanam.


The only one ( Ekiwa) which is attracted ( aakarshanam ) by the

heart (Hridya ) of an Yogi


> Yogihridyekiwachetanam.


The only (ekiwa) inspiritation/life ( Chetanam ) for the heart

(Hridya) of a Yogi.


So combining these words let me compose a small sloka, which i can

offer at his feet like a lotus.




Yo Harihi, yogibhirdhyaanagamayam,

Yo Harihi, Yogihriyekiwaakarshanam,

Yo Harihi, Yogihridyekiwachetanam,

Tad vishnu, tad naabhya-pankaje, tad netraaya-pankaje, tad aghraya-

pankaje, Pankaja-Mala-Dharine,

Tad Harim, Mama Hridyaansham, Mama Hridyaakshatam,

yad Vishnum, Mama Hridyaam Vasayati, Tad Acyutam, Tad harihim, Mama

sarvaswam samarpayami. Tad harim Bhajami, Tad harim smarami, Tad

harim drishyami, Tad harim Bhajami.


Sarvam Vyapyathi Harihi,Tat Harihi Vyapyathi Mama Hridayam Cha.

Vyapyathi manas, That harihi , Pranava Swarupam, Tad Harihi Jiva

Swarupam, Tad harihi, Prema Swarupam, Tad Harihi Viraha Swarupam,

Tad harihi Karuna Swaropam, Tad Harihi Vinaya Swarupam, Tad Harihi

Chinta swarupam, Tad hari tena Swarupam, eko hari sarwam Dharayathi.




Hope you like it aradhana, this is composed of the choicest words of

my heart. I have purposely not written the meaning, i want you to

read and make it out, i have written it to be very straight forward.

I will post its meaning after some time.


and one more clue, you are also in this verse, composed by my

heartfelt feelings.


My dear sister, you always give pleasure to my heart. yes only

topics of that imperishable can give me pleasure. and hence, his

pure hearted devotees like you.


with heartfelt regards.


-- bro


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.





, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit


> >> Oh bro Dieto u have come !! and along with your deeply

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I am a newcomer to this forum and truly enjoy reading the journal as

part of my morning routine. Its been a source of inspiration to me.

Whenever I feel a bit uncertain about the direction in my life, all I

need to do is look up the older posts, and inspiration strikes!


I do agree that karma is as complex and hard to understand as maya

itself. But I think the purpose of Karma is not retribution but

evolution of the soul. Think of it as the goad in the shepherds hands.

Karma attaches itself to the soul - as a result of our own desires and

wants. Beyond that, we need to see it in the context of our own lives,

each individual has a slightly different application.


One beautiful application of Karma had to do with children that were

mentally challenged. Someone told me that they're evolved souls that

still have some Karma left over - a desire to enjoy a mother's love

perhaps. As a mentally challenged person, no Karma attaches to them,

but they are able to use up any residual Karma and move beyond the

cycle of rebirth.



, " Senthil " <senthil_sym wrote:


> Om Namah Shivaya.

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:

>> Vedic times too- ancients books say the Rishis just asked the plants

> how to use them (again in Samadhi), & wrote down all the information.



I have read somewhere that the whole Ayurveda was written in this

manner only.


Jai Gurudev

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Dear Sudhakar,


I see compassion flowing from your heart, but i did not ask him for

death, i asked to make me independent form need of food, air and other

things. i asked him make me free from the need of external energy, So

that i don't need to worry about these things, as i feel that

extremely useless and senseless to do all these things.


What use is all this of, which has no other purpose than maintaining

this body, made up of some earthly elements, because of which i am not

able to dedicate all time to hari.


If i am made free form the duty of maintaining this body, than all

that time i can invest in the very pleasurable meditation on that

imperishable Keshava, that Krishna, seated on the lotus in my heart.


He is the lotus eyed one, sitting on the heart lotus, with a slight

depression on his Nabha, looking liek a lotus, that padmanabha.


always sitting there and waiting that his son, may see towards him now

, then later and in this way he is energizing the whole manifest of

the soul and still continuously waiting that sometime i may take off

time form my material desires and look at him, that father of mine,

who has been putting all his hard work and strength, his energy, to

maintain me, is continuously waiting for me, thinking that i will look

at him now, or then, and that father of mine, that imperishable one,

that achyutha, is always waiting for us.


So i asked him , to make me free of all this nonsense i had chosen

once upon a time, being senseless, so that at least now i can show

uninterrupted love towards him, as till now i have not done anything

worthy for such great father of mine.


Isn't it brother, he is waiting there, keeping his hands open and

craving that his son will come and hug him now.. and i am here fallen

to such a state, and not able to rise to the state where i can really

go and touch his feet and tell him how much i love him, tell him and

beg him for forgiving me for my ignorance, and not recognizing his

great compassion and love.



i want to continuously derive the sight , that is deep in my heart,

which i was able to see a glimpse of. that glimpse changed my whole

life and my whole nature.


-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> I agree with all things you have said in the post to Faraji,


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Dear Aradhana,


I am not that great aradhana, i have always been in ignorance, and

have never been able to see that my father has been waiting all this

time, holding his arms open.


its souls like yours who give pleasure to heart, else there is not

much in this world, actually there is nothign in this world that is

desirable. when pious souls like you meet me, i feel the piousness

that exists in the eternal sky.. so you all good hearts are like

windows form where i can peek the eternal. Hari bless you my dear

Lotus, and yes Farah is dear to my heart.


Heartfelt Respects to you.


-- bro


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.



, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit


> Bro your words are dearest to my heart and i am sure to Farah's too


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> >

Om Namah Shivaya.


Welcome SathisVijayanJi.


Nicely said.


One beautiful application of Karma had to do with children that were

> mentally challenged. Someone told me that they're evolved souls


> still have some Karma left over - a desire to enjoy a mother's love

> perhaps. As a mentally challenged person, no Karma attaches to


> but they are able to use up any residual Karma and move beyond the

> cycle of rebirth.


Yes think about the new born child dies in few days/years, who do no

bad karma just born and die, as you said its the leftover -



But there is a linked question to it,


Why does that parent suffer with the loss of their child in early age

or why does they have to have a Mentally challenged child. Its their

karmic debits i suppose! By giving birth to such children the karmic

debts of the parents too get reduce? ........


Thanks and Welcome.

Shivaya Namah Aum.

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> One beautiful application of Karma had to do with children that were

> mentally challenged. Someone told me that they're evolved souls that



This is a wonderful point Satishji- as it shows everything in new

light. By being mentally challenged, they remain children, & hence

never become cunning or evil. This means they dont do any more bad

karma, but their previous life bad karma is still burnt out.



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> Why does that parent suffer with the loss of their child in early age

> or why does they have to have a Mentally challenged child. Its their

> karmic debits i suppose! By giving birth to such children the karmic

> debts of the parents too get reduce? ........

>Yes it is all karmic debt. Someone has to suffer as a destitute

according to his past karma and another has to suffer as a result of

his past karma that he will suffer because of his children or that he

will not have the happiness from his child. So maybe because of this

the two get together in this life or maybe there is something that they

had to suffer and is a consequence of relationship and karmas of both

these in past life.All this is very complicated. God alone knows what

the truth is. One need not dwell upon all this and understand that all

is happening for a reason and that God's great plan is simultaneously

working which makes each situation the best

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Here si the meanig for you lotus, and all other true hearted ones ,

and my dear sister Farah, and everyone else for whom this souls

credible and can derive pleasure out of these few lines of my small

pious manas.



> Yo Harihi, yogibhirdhyaanagamayam,

> Yo Harihi, Yogihriyekiwaakarshanam,

> Yo Harihi, Yogihridyekiwachetanam,


Yo Harihi = That Hari, yogib-hird<~>hyaana-gamayam = who gets present

in the heart of the deeply contemplating Yogi.


Yo Harihi = That Hari, Yogi-hrid-yekiwa-akarshanam = Who is the only

attraction to the Heart (Hrid )of the deeply contemplating Yogi


Yo Harihi = That Hari, Yogi-hrid-yekiwa-chetanam = who is the only one

who can bring the heart of a deeply contemplating Devotee/Yogi to Life

( chetana mean lively force )


> Tad vishnu, tad naabhya-pankaje, tad netraaya-pankaje, tad aghraya-

> pankaje, Pankaja-Mala-Dharine,


Tad vishnu = that vishnu , tad naabhya-pankaje = that one whose

stomach is lotus ( personified ) , tad netraaya-pankaje = that one

whose is lotus eyed ( eye is personified to lotus ), tad

aghraya-pankaje = whose feet is lotus ( feet personified ).

Pankaja-Mala-Dharine = the one wearign a garland of lotuses ( lotus

personified )



> Tad Harim, Mama Hridyaansham, Mama Hridyaakshatam,


Tad Harim = That Hari, Mama Hridyaansham = who is the constituent of

which my heart is made up of ( Hridaya Ansha ), Mama-Hridya-akshatam =

who is the blessing to my heart.


> yad Vishnum, Mama Hridyaam Vasayati, Tad Acyutam, Tad harihim, Mama

> sarvaswam samarpayami.


Yad Vishnu = which Vishnu, Mama Hridyaam Vasayati = resides in my

heart, Tad Achyutam = that Achyutha, Tad Harihim = That great Harihi (

great is implicit by added Hi at end of Hari), Mama Sarwaswam

Samarpayami = To that Hari i sacrifice my Sarwaswa ( Everything )


> Tad harim Bhajami, Tad harim smarami, Tad harim drishyami, Tad harim

> Bhajami.


Tad Harim Bajami = I Chant glories of That Hari, Tad harim smarami = I

memorise/or constantly Remember ( smarami means not just remember but

remember strongly or continuously ), Tad harim drishyami = I always

see the sight of that Hari, Tad Harim Bajami = I Chant glories of That



> Sarvam Vyapyathi Harihi,Tat Harihi Vyapyathi Mama Hridayam Cha.


Sarvam Vyapyathi Harihi = That Hari, who pervades everything existing,

Harihi Vyapyathi Mama Hridayam Cha = That same Hari Pervades My

Hridaya(heart) Also.


> Vyapyathi manas, That harihi , Pranava Swarupam, Tad Harihi Jiva

> Swarupam, Tad harihi, Prema Swarupam, Tad Harihi Viraha Swarupam,



Vyapyathi manas, That harihi = The same Hari also Pervades my subtle

mind, Pranava Swarupam = as the life air of undifferentiated ego, Tad

Harihi Viraha Swarupam = That hari is also the present as the Pain of



> Tad harihi Karuna Swaropam, Tad Harihi Vinaya Swarupam, Tad Harihi

> Chinta swarupam, Tad hari tena Swarupam, eko hari sarwam Dharayathi.


Tad harihi Karuna Swaropam = Again the Same Hari is also the form of

Mercy, Tad Harihi Vinaya Swarupam = once again the same hari is also

present as the kindness, Tad Harihi Chinta swarupam = That Hari also

occoupies me as my thoughts, Tad hari tena Swarupam = That hari is

also whom i see in You ( tena swarupam = Your Form , My dear Lotus),


eko hari sarwam Dharayathi. = That one Hari, Take himself the Form of

everything. ( not is the master of everything, this line is important,

Sarwam Dharayathi , means he becomes everything )





May that mukundha bless you all and bestow me mercy so that i can see

and meditate on that imperishable continuously, who is seen only in

deep contemplation,


Hope you liked this verse, my lotus. I am blessed , because of you, by

the shower of mercy, of my father, through you, i am inspired to

compose this, whcih makes me read again and again and makes me happy,

and makes me feel these are some of the most beautiful lines i have

written till date.


--Your Brother


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.




, deito01 <no_reply wrote:


> Blessed i am,


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they reach hari easily, if they don't do anymore bad karmas in there

next life, if there are restored back with senses.


instead of suffering and wandering like me and others for long long time.


-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


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> What use is all this of, which has no other purpose than maintaining

> this body, made up of some earthly elements, because of which i am not

> able to dedicate all time to hari.


> I agree with Sudhakar ji here . How can you say that his body is

useless ????.It is through this body you will reach Hari, it is through

this body and mind alone that you speak and remember Hari and his name

which you love so much!! This body is a temple. Isnt it sacred if Hari

resides there and you connect to him through this very body.It is your

eyes through which you see Hari and Hari gave you all this to love him

then how come you say that this is bad etc?I have told you that you

have t see Hari here and in this body and then your love will be

complete and you willl be free. So dont speak such things . you will be

free from external energy in this body


lol Sudhakar ji the wife can do nothing about it only Hari is the

answer they say-love is a disease that has no cure -neither medicine

works nor praying- only by seeing the beloved this pain can cease

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, satishvijayan <no_reply wrote:



> One beautiful application of Karma had to do with children that were

> mentally challenged. Someone told me that they're evolved souls


Thanks Satish ji, this is really a wonderful explanation given by you

about mentally challenged children.


I have seen horoscope of at least 3 such children and i was amazed to

see very high placing of planets....sometimes equal to a yogi or a

king. Yr explanation gives ample explanation for this planetary



Please continue sharing



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