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Sadhna of Humanity !

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In old times, absence of books and Internet forced a Sadhka to go to

a guru and learn about God from him. The Guru saw through the

pupil's character, understood his status of intelligence, his past

Karma and various other things, and then would guide him the

appropriate way to attain enlightenment.


With the information on all Upanishadas and other sacred books,

easily available, this knowledge is within reach of a common person.

Real gurus are difficult to find and there are chances that one may

be cheated by some impostor in the name of Yoga or Tantra.


However, this readily available information has created its problems

too. Many start their sadhna just by reading somewhere, without

understanding first the very basis of sadhna. Samadhi can not be

attained by reading from books/internet.


One may think himself to be very intelligent or clear minded or

Brahma Gyani but the Universal system can not be fooled by our ego.

It is said that Moksha is possible only in human body. Even gods are

not entitled to get Moksha and they have to get a human body to work

for their final journey. But there are some divisions of human too.

Not every human being is fit for attaining entitlement. Human have

further division of Deva-Human, Human-Human, Animal-Human and sub-

animal (Asura)-Human. Only Deva-Human is fit to attain Samadhi and

get enlightenment. Other three categories have to first rise to that



Deva-Human : These finest of the fine human being can be described

as the real human being what Nature and God want us to be. As per

our Shastra and Lord Krishna himself these type of human being have

the following qualities :-


Deva-human is full of Satoguna and they have full control over Raj

and Tam guna. One who is not jealous of anyone, who is friend of all

living beings, who is kind, who is away from proud and infatuation,

who is not moved/affected by joy and grief, who is pardoning,

satisfied and always joyful, whose mind and intelligence are

concentrated in God. The one who has no fear, who knows the working

of three gunas and who is not happy with appreciation and not angry

on insults. The one who takes pity on ill animals and sick people

and the one who has an ocean of love in his heart for all living

beings ARE A DEVA-HUMAN. They have a clear synchronised knowledge

about God and different paths of Sadhna . Such people, even if they

are not doing any Sadhna or not doing any Tapasya, attain Samadhi

eventually. If by stroke of luck such people do not get proper

instructions for Samadhi, they are re-born in the household of

gentle and not-so- poor parents and start their divine journey from

there (As confirmed by Shri Krishna in Geeta too).



Human-Human: These type of people of Rajasic vrittis and they have

feeble Sat and Tam in them. They lead a normal and comfortable life.

They are not free from greed, lust, proud etc. but they are normally

religious and are afraid of God. They normally live in their Dharma

and lead their life according to the social strictures and law. They

love their families and do charity as long as it does not disturb

their own plans. They are kind but may have fights on ego grounds.

They lead social life and do religious rituals too. They have faith

in their religion/path/sect, but are tolerant towards other faiths

and do not indulge in violent clashes with them. They are law-

abiding people and remain in some social or religious discipline. In

some very rare cases, due to some of their great good Karma, some

great soul may come to their life and help them cross the stages

early and take them to samadhi in this very life, otherwise they

continue their journey upward slowly and they undergo many cycles of

life and death thus attaining Deva-Human qualities one by one and

finally become a Deva-human.


Animal-Human: They are those Tamasic souls, who have recently

evolved to human from animal soul, or have been degraded from human-

human status due to some sin. Their chief Guna is Tamoguna and Sat

is subtle and Rajoguna increasing. Normally they are poor and

uneducated. They are the people who are under full control of Nature

and their Hunger, sex, fears etc. are controlled by mother Nature.

They have to do manual labour to earn their livelihood and they

suffer from poverty and diseases. These types of people either do

not know about God or have faint or deformed ideas about God. If

they are religious, they are very fanatic about their

faith/path/sect and do not tolerate other paths/religions. They

behave in clan-mentality and anybody outside their clan is their

enemy. Their brain is not evolved enough to understand scriptures or

secrets of nature. They are just a little above animal. After many

cycles of life and deaths they slowly reach the status of human-



sub-Animal(Asura)-Humans: Well this the most dangerous species of

human! People with distorted Rajoguna and Tamoguna with Satoguna

shadowed with Raj and Tam. People in this category are those who

have been degraded from Deva-human, Human-human or demi-gods' status

due to some mistake done. The problem is that they are intelligent,

and evolved human beings. They may be very rich or may be senior

officers or great leaders. They may be amongst our bosses, our

relatives, our gurus or our friends. They enjoy social status,

intelligence and riches. Then why they are under sub-animal

category ? Because they do what even animals do not do! Animals do

not mate with a she-animal if she is not mature and if she is not in

heat. But these people may rape a 2 years old girl or a 70 years old

lady without remorse. The main three qualities of these people are

extreme selfishness, cruelty and hatred. They have lot of energies

and they use these energies to manipulate unsuspected innocents to

gain their goals. They love none but themselves. They are the ones

who arrange tools for mass massacres of innocent people in the name

of religion, caste or creed. They belong to none.


If they do charity, it will not be out of kindness, but a conspiracy

to gain something bigger. Religion and God have no meaning for them

and If they join a meditation group or a guru, their eyes are fixed

on the lucrative positions and they push others to reach there. They

are down to earth practical and affection, love, kindness charity,

etc. are not in their dictionary though they beat their drum on

these words to allure others. Because of their position in the

society, or their intelligence or their richness, they do get some

followers but they use their followers too for their gains, and do

not hesitate to manipulate their followers if needed. They may

become Spiritual Gurus, leaders, industrialists or officers, but

they use their powers to manipulate not to help.


They are below animal levels because animal is driven by instincts

or Mother Nature's plan. If an animal is angry he will show it

clearly he will not imitate to wag his tail to befool you. If an

animal is in need of sex or food or shelter, it will by its nature

try to get them but will not try to imitate that he does not need



But these types of people, are hypocrites. Their whole life is

hypocrisy. What they say they do not mean it…what they do they do

not mean it. They speak sweet words keeping poison in heart. They

help others keeping in view the benefit to be gained from this. They

appreciate for gains, they insult for gains, they live for gains and

they kill for gains. They hate everyone. They treat every one in

this world as their tool. They have over-confidence in their

capabilities and their energies, and since they easily reach higher

status, their ego is further nourished.


These people, have no hope for them in this birth. Because neither

god, nor a kind guru can help them. Their Ahankara is so big that do

not really listen to others' advises as they think everyone else is

less evolved than themselves. They generate so much negative

energies that any higher soul can not remain near them. These type

of people, after utilising their good karma of past, and after

utilising their energies, die and are re-born as either an animal or

an animal-human to compensate for the sins they have done.


NOW we can see clearly that a person of a particular category in

strict explanation above, is rare. Most of us are a mixture of

these. Hence before we do any sadhna, we should first start the

Sadhna of humanity. For this we should first analyse ourselves very

cruelly like an enemy. Our mind is the biggest cheater we have as

friend. It will re-assure us repeatedly that we are right and others

are wrong. But we have to take help of our real intelligence to

analyse ourselves. We may sit in a comfortable posture for some time

and start thinking over our qualities and recognise our deeds as per

the categories above. Those who are against us and speak ill of us,

may be of some use. Think carefully and see if any of their uttering

were right. And you will be surprised to note, if you analyse

honestly, that most of their ill talks about us had some basis.

So we should first recognise the sub-animal (asura) attributes in us

and remove them immediately because with them NO sadhna will work !


Keeping sub-animal qualities and doing sadhna is like burning a fire

and putting water on it simultaneously. We may not be an entirely

Asura personality, but we may have some Asura (dis)qualities in

milder forms in us. Our aim should be to reach Deva-human stage. But

I assure you, that the moment we remove the sub-animal qualities

from our character, Nature, God and Guru all will come forward to

help us in our journey. If we are not getting any progress in

Sadhna, analyse yourself carefully, honestly and cruelly. We may

find some sub-animal quality hidden in our mind stopping our

progress !



Hari Om Tat Sat

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Thanks for the posting


so many things could be learned from that topic




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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


They have a clear synchronised knowledge

> about God and different paths of Sadhna . Such people, even if they

> are not doing any Sadhna or not doing any Tapasya, attain Samadhi

> eventually.


Dear Aum


Thankyou, this is very interesting to read about. I have a question

about the 'deva human.' Is it possible for such a human to be a

christian, or muslim, or buddhist? I know a deeply spiritual woman in

Edinburgh who fits this profile very well, but she is a church

minister & definitely not a hindu. She is a christian & follows that

tradition, but is also incredibly open minded & welcoming of many

faiths. She goes on Buddhist retreats & has done workshops with

muslim sufi masters. I wouldn't say her whole life is christianity,

rather that her whole life is God & doing good for God & humanity.

She's quite an amazing woman. Is she a 'deva human?' Do you think she

will attain Samadhi?


With much love



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, " janfarah_strongspirit "

<janfarah_strongspirit wrote:


> about the 'deva human.' Is it possible for such a human to be a

> christian, or muslim, or buddhist? I know a deeply spiritual woman


> Edinburgh who fits this profile very well, but she is a church


Dear Farah, the essay i wrote on Humanity is certainly out of all

religions... all irrespective of their faith/religions may fall into

any category of deva, asura or animals.


Most of the people are a mixture of these qualities... so by

knowing the definition of different types of humans we can identify

the negative traits in us, and rise above the lower entities.


Deva-humans are the most fit for spiritual progress,

irrespective of their religion. Mother Terressa was a good example




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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> sub-Animal(Asura)-Humans: Well this the most dangerous species of

> human!

Because they do what even animals do not do!



Dear Aum


A question now about these Asura humans. It may seem like a strange

question & it may be a slight diversion from the topic, but please

just go with it.


If I hurt any human, I will have some karma as a result of this. If

this person is an 'asura human' will my karma be any less? Is

slapping Hitler the same as slapping Mother Theresa?


With love



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, " janfarah_strongspirit "

<janfarah_strongspirit wrote:


> If I hurt any human, I will have some karma as a result of this.


> this person is an 'asura human' will my karma be any less? Is

> slapping Hitler the same as slapping Mother Theresa?



Dear Farah, let us not see " slapping " from an angle of deva or

asura. For a common man everything is decided by Karma...but for

sadhaka it is a little different.


A sadhaka must stop using negative karma, and present positive

karma to God. So for a sadhaka there is no question of punishing



Otherwise, punishing a lower soul is not so sinful. insulting a

higher soul cerainly earns more negative energies.


when i was reading astrology, there it said if you insult or

talk ill of a saint..Jupitor will become negative and will start

giving bad results.


So even if the highersoul look like doing wrong...we have no

right to insult them.


Even if our karma force us to slap...mother teressa, we

should avoid it with our free will and with our Sat guna....as this

may lead to disasters.


did i make any head n tail of the explanation ? LOL



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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


....but for

> sadhaka it is a little different.



> Otherwise, punishing a lower soul is not so sinful. insulting

> higher soul cerainly earns more negative energies.


> So even if the highersoul look like doing wrong...we

have no

> right to insult them.




Dear Aum


Ha ha - you have got me thinking away again!


So, my first question is who are the 'sadhakas?' Am I a sadhaka? What

about my friend in Edinburgh? Are sadhakas just the ones who follow



It sounds to me as if you are saying there IS a difference between

slapping Hitler & slapping Mother Theresa then? Maybe slapping was a

bad example - I would never slap anyone - but I think what Im hearing

is there would be a difference.


Im interested in the concept of 'higher souls.' I wouldn't insult any

of these people, any more than I would insult anyone considered to be

a 'lower soul.' I find this difficult to accept - aren't we all

supposed to treat eachother with love & respect regardless of who we

are? How can we talk about being sadhakas & not dishing out

punishments, but then in the next breath talk about higher souls &

lower souls? Who are we to judge?


With love



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, " janfarah_strongspirit "

<janfarah_strongspirit wrote:

>How can we talk about being sadhakas & not dishing out

> punishments, but then in the next breath talk about higher souls &

> lower souls? Who are we to judge?



Farah you not confused but trying to confuse me ....LOL


Sadhaka : anyone who is trying to find the truth...who knows this

world is not final destination and there is truth beyond the

physical...and the one who is consciously trying to find truth..is a


So yes you are a sadhaka.....and a sadhaka need not be a hindu.

Anyone who tries to become Deva-human, or trying to find Truth is a

sadhaka. A person following his religion/faith may not necessarily

be a sadhaka.... that will make all jehadis also sadhaka.


A sadhaka has no right to use negative karma of insulting

anyone.....either on higher or lower soul.


I wrote abt common non-sadhakas that if they insult a saint it will

have more negativity..


Higher soul/lower soul : souls are all equal but it is a relative

word used for those who are either Deva-human or Asura human.

Judging ... is a christian word and does not fit here.... if you see

someone having a Deva human qualities and you say yes he is higher

soul... is not judging it ...u r just telling a truth.


similarly if some one has attributes of asuras....and u find him to be

a Asura human..and say he is lower soul.. is not judging him


Lower and higher here is used by me depending upon the length of

one's spiritual journey.



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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:



Here punishing also mean karmik duty... Like if a police man

punishes a thief, he does not sin... he is just doing his duty. Or if

a soldier kills enemy, he is not sinner as he is simply doing his


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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> , " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba@> wrote:



> Here punishing also mean karmik duty...



Ha ha! You beat me to it - I was going to ask questions about

punishment! So, I will have to pick your brains on something else

then. :-)


Leave me to do some yoga & think up more questions....


And WHERE is everyone else???


I feel like its just you & me in a dark tunnel - I can hear our

voices echo....


Deito, Ansuya, Aradhana, Bala, Shantnu, Sudhakar, Mr Kumar... where

are you???


With love, searching around in the dark with Mr Aum & a torch....



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> a 'lower soul.' I find this difficult to accept - aren't we all

> supposed to treat eachother with love & respect regardless of who we

> are? How can we talk about being sadhakas & not dishing out

> punishments, but then in the next breath talk about higher souls &

> lower souls? Who are we to judge?


Farahji, the concept of judgement does not arise, as we dont judge

higher/lower souls on some mental rules we found in some scripture.


The Universe is not communist- not everyone is equal. People differ in

physical strength, intelligence, & spiritual progress. God loves all

equally, but treats each according to the progress they have made.

Gods love isnt blind- it discriminates, & it does so with wisdom.


A higher soul is one whose conciousness is more in touch with the

Divine Conciousness. Such a person identifies not with his limited

body, but the Universal Divine conciousness. The more you do so, the

more higher soul you are.


Insulting such a person, even harboring bad thoughts about them, is

equal to insulting the Divine. Thats why the Karma is worse. You cant

claim you didnt know this person is a higher soul than you- as the

Soul always knows this, & besides, ignorance is punished more than any



A hindu/christian who goes to temple/church everyday may still be a

lower soul, but another person, an atheist, maybe a higher soul. An

atheist who lives his life in harmony with nature, who respects all

creatures( & not just humans), whose mind is silent, is a higher soul

than someone who just blindly follows what his prophet/scripture told him.


A story might help. Yudhishtra was a just king. Once 4 prisoners were

brought to him- all had robbed a house & killed the inhabitants. One

was a cleaners son, other son of businessman, 3rd from royal family,

4th son of a priest.


They had committed the same crime, so should have gotten same

punishment. But Yudhistra sentenced cleaner to 100 lashings,

businessmans son to 50 lashings & a huge fine, the royal family boy to

life in prison, & death to the priests son. When people asked why, he



" The cleaners son has no education, he doesnt no any better. The

lashings will teach him to behave in future. The businessman should

have known better, but just lashings wont do. Since he is attached to

money, both taking his money & lashing him will teach him not to

repeat this. For the Royal familys son, his job is to protect the

innocent, he has gone against his Dharma, so he should be sentenced to

life. As for the priests son, the job of priests is to teach others

how to live(priets were also teachers), & if they break the law, then

who will follow it? So he should be sentenced to death. "

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


Dear Farhaji, I am here and like a true lower soul listening to the

wise discourse of two higher souls :)


Aum said if a soldier kills enemy he will not be punished. It means

even killing is not sin ? Who will get sin for that innocent death?


I can ask 100 questions on this, but dont wish to confuse you. also

tell me how can we get out of karma chain. suppose i kill you in a

birth, in next birth you kill me, and in next to next i kill you and

this will continue for ages. Which type of karma dont bind us ?


Karma is very complex. Can someone make it little simpler ?



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, " janfarah_strongspirit "

<janfarah_strongspirit wrote:


Der Farah



LOL.....so you find only me and u in dark tunnel now ? :)


do some more meditation and u will find there was no farah...only

Aummmmmmm and the dark tunnel will be filled with vibrant lights...and

you dancing..keeping aum and farah shan, bala, aradhna all in yr womb



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Om Namah Shivaya.

Wonderfull explanation Babaji.


Can a Sadhak treat the festivals as a celebration they kill thier

Asuric or animal or human - hunam natures to progress in the path of



Like Vijayadhasami - getting rid of Ravanic nature - Lust, so a

budding sadhak can celebrate Vijayadhasami getting rid of Lust to

proceed in Sadhna.

Like Diwali - Killing the food habits - getting rid of Naragasur


Like Vijayadhasami - Getting rid of Mahisasur nature - Power and


Like Gita/Krsna guides Arjuna to kill Kauravas with various animal &

sub animal characters.


Festivals are celebrated for the killing of Asuric characters in us,

the lesser the qualities killed need no celebration as it is an

automatic progress in Sadhna.


i took your explanations as to kill the asura,animal,human natures to

progress in the path of sadhna, to merge with the supreme.


Correct me if i understood wrong.


Shivya Namah Aum.

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:

son to 50 lashings & a huge fine, the royal family boy to

> life in prison, & death to the priests son. When people asked why, he

> replied


Very beautiful story. Thanks Shantnu


It clears the Karma and results theory. Different Karmas, good/bad,

have different results for different people.


Jai Gurudev

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, " Senthil " <senthil_sym wrote:


> Om Namah Shivaya.

> Wonderfull explanation Babaji.


> Can a Sadhak treat the festivals as a celebration they kill thier

> Asuric or animal or human - hunam natures to progress in the path


> Sadhna.



I also think the festivals are meant for the purpose you wrote.

But, unfortunately, we forget the main purpose, let me say SOUL OF

THE FESTIVALS, and pay attention only to their physical part.


It is, just like that we have forgotten the main purpose of various

IDOLS/FORMS of GOD (have been discussed many times in this group) but

are stick to the forms only.


So, the real way to celebrate a fetival is to understand its secret

meaning and follow that.


Jai Gurudev

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Om Namah Shivaya.


Dear AnusyaJi and FarahJi,


Nice Questions " tell me how can we get out of karma chain. suppose i

kill you in a > birth, in next birth you kill me, and in next to next

if kill you and> this will continue for ages. "


when we had a discussion, we felt when some bad deed is done giving,

it has return in consequent births as suffering and not by returing.

Means, i " X " kills " Y " , its not that " Y " will kill " x " in consquent

birth, but rather will suffer due to the killing( by some one) of

his/her beloved one during that birth. Its the suffering which is a

reward for the killing done in the previous birth!.


Its a complex system still unexplored " CHIDAMBARA RAHASYAM " and that

is the reason even cloning can be a sucessfull one but the prior to

it Artificial Intellegence is still unsucessfull.


Reg " which bad deed will escape bad Karma?? " - beautifully asked, let

me try to explain, if a king orders the soldier to fight for a good

cause then this will excape from bad Karma ( But not Karmic cycle as

good deeds will come since you killed some one for a good cause ),

but if the same king asks his soldiers to fight for a wrong cause to

capture for the sake of showing supremacy ... then the killing bad

karma will not be on account of the soldier, but it will be on the

kings side, but again being under such bad king may be due to your

bad karma in the previous birth. oh! oh! Yes AnusuyaJi this goes on

and on and on...... sorry i too end up with so many questions.


I would say rather than thinking of this, let us meditate, do sadhna

and realize GOD instead of analysing the almighty's system!!!! BUT MY

HUMAN MIND SAYS LET US ANALZYE!!! still not good enough in the path

of sadhna!!!!!


Shivaya Namah Aum.

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> If I hurt any human, I will have some karma as a result of this. If

> this person is an 'asura human' will my karma be any less? Is

> slapping Hitler the same as slapping Mother Theresa?


>Dear Farah ji,

our scriptures stress again and again on not hurting, tolerance etc.

Even a non vegetarian is a sinner because he has killed and eaten an

animal.Violence is violence. Its not justified in any way. But our

scriptures say again and again that offence against any higher soul

has much grave consequences.

For example it is said- " je Guru san irisha karhi raurav narak koti

jug parhi "

The one who is malicious or jealous of the Guru or spiritual master

suffers in hell for a million years


Doing any wrong to a higher soul like even a brahmin results in much

more reaction than sin against other.The gravest the fault the more

grave are results.For example killing a priest is much bigger a sin

than killing a bird for obvious reasons such as the priest are the

one who supervise the vedic activities .That doesnt mean killing an

innocent creature like a bird is a " lesser " sin. Law of karma is

relative.For example giving death sentence to a killer is not the

same thing as giving death sentence to someone who has just slapped

another person

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, " janfarah_strongspirit "


Hello farahji,




As you can see practically everyone is here but when the

conversation between you and aum was going on everyone myself

included were savouring the essence of your talks. Why interfere

unless we or atleast i didn't feel the necessity to poke my dirty

nose in the middle. Rest assured if there needed any clarification

i atleast would have certainly joined the talk.

So please do not feel only you two are there, everyone is here.

Now since i commented let me tell you i agree with everything aum

has said. Only thing i feel is that horoscopically one can also

make out if the person is asuric, human, deva/human. But i have

also noticed that person whose horoscope states he is of deva/human

behaves in asuric manner and one whose horoscope states asuric

nature behaves in deva/human fashion. This is confusing. Maybe as



With kind regards



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)



<janfarah_strongspirit wrote:


> And WHERE is everyone else???


> I feel like its just you & me in a dark tunnel - I can hear our

> voices echo....


> Deito, Ansuya, Aradhana, Bala, Shantnu, Sudhakar, Mr Kumar... where

> are you???


> With love, searching around in the dark with Mr Aum & a torch....


> Farah


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, ansuya80 <no_reply wrote:

> Aum said if a soldier kills enemy he will not be punished. It


> even killing is not sin ? Who will get sin for that innocent




, ansuya80 <no_reply wrote:

> Aum said if a soldier kills enemy he will not be punished. It


> even killing is not sin ? Who will get sin for that innocent




Great Question indeed ! Best question of the week i can say.


The mathematical precision of physical nature's action and reaction

cannot be expected from higher consciousness or god. the subtler

the consciousness, the more complex is its reaction...


For example we get a disease...our body and mind weeps...but our

soul is enjoying that disease as it knows its subtler effects on our



AT times in the individual's life the rebound of this kind of Karma

is decisively, often terribly clear and penal justice is done,

although it may come to him in an unexpected manner, long delayed

and from strange quarters.


Nature's ways are sometimes more torturous, subtle, onobstrusive and

indeciperable. Often it is a nation that pays in this way for past

crimes and mistakes and the sign manual of the law of the Nature is

there to point the lesson, but individually it is the innocent who



A commercially minded king of Belgium is moved to make a good thing

of the nation's rubber estate and human cattle farm in Africa and

his agents murder and mutilate and immolate 1000s of cheap negro

lives to hasten the yield and swell king's coffers.


That king died in splendour....and none of his agents suffered any



But suddenly comes Germany trampling her armed way towards a dream

of military and commercial empire through prosperous Belgium and

massacred men and women and mutilated children startingly remind us

of Karma and illustrate some obscure and capricious law of the the



Taliban and Al-Queda hijacked Indian plane to Afghanistan and

brutally butchered the husband of a newly wed bride....America

advises us to be patient and keep cool and rejcts this as internal

problems of Kashmir..... in next years they hijack their planes and

killed thier people on their own land...And america cries

Jehadis... terrorists....


Nature wakes us up using our karmas as tools..... Karma rules of

good and bad are for common herds... not for a sadhaka.


In spirituality two & two do not make four... they can make one, 100

or even infinity


Hari Aum

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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:

> Only thing i feel is that horoscopically one can also

> make out if the person is asuric, human, deva/human. But i have

> also noticed that person whose horoscope states he is of deva/human

> behaves in asuric manner and one whose horoscope states asuric

> nature behaves in deva/human fashion. This is confusing. Maybe as




Dear sudhakar, this explanation is interesting...but is not very clear

to me... can you further elaborate this important aspect??



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> Now since i commented let me tell you i agree with everything aum

> has said. Only thing i feel is that horoscopically one can also

> make out if the person is asuric, human, deva/human. But i have

> also noticed that person whose horoscope states he is of deva/human

> behaves in asuric manner and one whose horoscope states asuric

> nature behaves in deva/human fashion. This is confusing. Maybe as



Sudhakarji, the astrological Devic/asura classification is for

marriage only, & doesnt tell you anything about a persons normal

character. Some astrologers try to make a big deal out of it, but I

have found it unreliable.




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, " Aum " <beirut_ka_baba wrote:


> you dancing..keeping aum and farah shan, bala, aradhna all in yr womb


> Aum



Dear spiritual brothers & sisters


How wonderful to see everyone busily chatting away whilst Im in my dark

tunnel, dancing, chanting Aaaaaauuuuuummmmmm (with my grandson of

course) & wondering how I can hold you all in my womb!


Yes Sudhakar, Im sure there are many out there.... but its so nice to

hear from you all & read your posts, otherwise its like walking the

desert some days. I dont like it when its quiet on here - when there is

so much to discuss & so much to learn!!


(I still haven't compiled my extra questions on chakras & granthis for

Mr Aum... but don't tell him yet... I'll give him a rest for today &

start again tomorrow!!)


With much love to you all


Deito - where are you?



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This is a good chain that has started. A question arises:


If X kills Y. In next life , what if Y forgives X- but X will still

get justice- so who will kill X? Will nature use some other tool?


Another question- if countries have Karma, then also should all of

Earth, & also all of humans.


Humans treat Mother Earth so badly- we have destroyed millions of

species, animals are tortured for our entertainment, or to make

cosmetics. So human beings have a Karma too- does that we will be

wiped out, the way we have wiped out others?




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> This is a good chain that has started. A question arises:

> If X kills Y. In next life , what if Y forgives X- but X will still



Neither anything is killed by, nor anyone can kill. How the justice

is done, depends the extend of understanding of the above quoted

statement, by individual undifferentiable ego.


The word kill makes no meaning, when tried to understood results in

a stance of event, that is not existing.


The ones indulging in taking pleasure by the nature of unlimited

conciousness or even aiming st sucha high potential destination, i

guided not to spend time and thoughts ignited in such topics, which

do not exist in reality.


just one question to this above realization is " what are the things

in nature that can really be destroyed, and who does that, or rather

who is capable of "


i am still not able to decide whether my words are easily

comprehendable or whether i made sense by writing the above, at this

time. I am doing this against my will, because , neither i am

capable of conveyign my message to anyone, until willed by the only

will existing.


-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.

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