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Humble Obeisances to all! I have carefully and cautiously gone through this 1821

post. I am too junior to offer comments and rather I'll say as :-

All great souls who have taken Gita to westerners were great. Swami Vivekanada

was the first one to declare Gita, the best ever dialogue of Lord Himself with

his disciple and in turn benefitial philosophy to human race in the world. What

ever he has done, can not be done by anybody. Everybody has contributed as per

his/her ability and reach. There may be some who commented on others adversely

or negatively and abused / insulted in vulgur language. But it is all in the

past and today we need not dig up the long buried graves. We can just avoid

those comments and try not to use such language with those whose philosophy or

ways of worship are not agreeable to us. After all they were human only and with

available capital they have spread this divine philosophy in difficult times.

Out of malice in some corner of the heart, some bad outbursts may be there but

today we need not take it seriously. Better neglect and we are not authority to

avange past tense. Just bycot the

comments and adhere to the real nector of Gita. This will help us to save our

energy being drained out due to short temper and vidicative mood of our own

mind. Somebody may comment this as hiding the mistakes made by ancestors, but

tell me, what action can be taken when the things are already over and there is

considerable time gap. In present we should be more cautious about such comments

by present generation. I beg pardon of all you elders in advance, if I am out

context / place. Heartful regards. Keshav.

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Dear Keshav,Please Forgive me,for anything I might have said,I also Feel Like

Your Brother,and I was very Foolish To have Said,or answered to any

offence,thereby creating an Offence,So i Also Will Fall at Your Lotus Feet,And

and be happy that I am at My Brothers Feet,and Be Happy, to be the Servant ,of

the Servant,Of Krsna!,Hari Bol! I Give You My Prayer,That You always Sit,at

Krsna;s Lotus Feet,as such, I will Be there With You,Your Servant,Jaya Kesava



keshav daund

Monday, October 08, 2007 11:47 PM

Re: Your Message to



All great souls who have taken Gita to westerners were great. Swami Vivekanada

was the first one to declare Gita, the best ever dialogue of Lord Himself with

his disciple and in turn benefitial philosophy

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