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Chakras - keeping them clear.

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> Are you saying that the chakras are not linked to certain physical

> parts of the body? For example, it was my understanding that >

>mooladhara was associated with the spine, the adrenal glands, the >

>Is this just not the case as far as you're concerned?


Dear Farah,


I think Ive answered this. This Spiritual Chakras, that yoga talks

about, have nothing directly to do with physical body. They bring

energy of Kundalni to Mind, which affects Pran(life force) which then

affects the physical body.


The Chakras new agers talk about are on the Life Force body(Pranmaya

body)- which is lower than even Mental body(manomaya) which the

Chakras effect. These are very indireclt affected by the real chakras,

but to assume they are the real thing is a mistake.


The chakras are centers of Spiritual conciousness, not yet another

" organ " that effects the body. Another myth the " new agers " spread is

Kundalni is the sex energy. The Kundalni is the power of conciousness,

& chakras are centers of conciousness. As the Kundalni rises, so does

our awareness, till when it reaches Crown chakra, our conciousness

includes the whole universe as well as the unmanifest. This is as

briefly as I can put it,


> You also say that you acknowledge this is what most of the books say -

> bar a notable few - can you tell me what those books are so I can check

> them out? I'd be interested to read what they have to say.



For a start, read this article(this website is an excellent source on

real Tantra, not what goes on in its name):




Check out the link to chakras in the article too.


If you like what she is saying( & you might not), then the following

books will help(note: all are by westerners):


1. Ayurveda & Yoga and Tantric Yoga by Dr David Frawley

2. Pran by Atreya

3. Many of the books by Robert Svoboda, including his Aghora series, &

one of his books on Ayureveda(cant remember which).




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" Other aspects of Tantra have come to the West and can be found in

modern India as well, but not without distortions either. The chakras

are a common New Age topic, though these are often portrayed quite

differently than in classical Yoga. The chakras, which are originally

energy centers in the subtle body, are often reduced to a physical

formula. They are not looked upon so much as centers of spiritual

experience but as places of physical and emotional healing. Such

chakra healing is common in many New Age approaches, including various

forms of massage, body work, energy work and pranic healing. While

these practices may have their health benefits, they do not unfold the

deeper aspects of chakra energy in Yoga practice, which require

intense sadhana, mantra, pranayama and meditation. "


This is from an extract from an article by David Frawley- a real

master. Read it

at:http://www.vedanet.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=1 & Itemid=2


If you can, read his books, esp 2 I recommended in last post

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


Dear Shantnu,




Your posting on chakras made informative reading. Regarding book

on Ayurveda by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda which you could not remember

is " PRAKRUTI " - your ayurvedic constitution.





HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


then the following

> books will help(note: all are by westerners):



Dear brother


Thankyou for this - very helpful indeed. Ive looked at the links & I'll

definitely check out the books, in time. I would still be interested to

hear what you think of the Deepak Chopra chakra balancing, just

interested in your opinion.


Thanks Shantnu


With love



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> on Ayurveda by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda which you could not remember

> is " PRAKRUTI " - your ayurvedic constitution.


> Regards

> Sudhakar



" Prakruti " doesnt talk about Chakras. I think theres a book called "

Ayurveda: Life, Health and Longevity " that briefly talks about them.

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> You talked about 'new age' books/authors etc - can you tell me where


> corresponding mantra - lam, vam, ram, yam, ham, sham, om. (So, for


Farahji, this is one of ways of cleaning chakras. I havent read

Chopras book on Chakras, so I cant comment.


Its not the techniques of New agers I disagree with(which are not

theirs anyway, but borrowed from Hindus/Buddhists)- its their aim or



Rather than using Chakras/Kundalni for spiritual advancement & growth

of conciousness, it has become a fad for physical/emotional support.


You dont do Chakras Yoga to heal kidney or liver(though that might

happen as side effect).


I read such things as " If you have a headache, work on Agya(brow

chakra) " .


No wonder sceptics make fun of us. The Agya chakra gives us Wisdom,

power to control our other chakras( & hence desires), powers like

telepathy, telekinesis, power to see & talk to Higher beings(when

Krishna gives Arjun Divine eyes, he temporarily opened his Agya

Chakra). Hardly useful for fixing headaches!


By concentrating on chakra, you send Pran there- which can fix

temporary Pranic distrubances there(which is why most diseases are

caused acc to Ayurveda). But make this the whole aim of Kundalni Yoga-

everytime you have a headache, concentrate on Agya Chakra, is highly



Take another example- Heart chakra. All new agey type books say its to

do with love. But whats love? They take it as normal romantic love. If

you werent loved a a child, your heart " chakra " is closed, & you have

to open it, so you love & be loved, & be in a relationship.


But thats not the love Indian Yogis were talking about. The heart

chakra is seat of Ishwar- the Deity that creates, maintains &

destroys the world(its only 1 person- so Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh arent

separate- thats in answer to Kumars question).


Since Ishwar creates the whole Universe, he feels immense love for

everything in it- including demons, rocks, animals, plants,

everything. Thats the love Heart chakra gives you, not the reduced

romantic/sexual version of it people confuse it with.


So read the new age books- but read them with a slightly skeptical

mind. Some of the stuff there is so obviously made up- as I said, most

people, especially so called " healers " , confuse the Life force centers

with Chakras, which are Centers of spiritual growth.





PS- I forgot to add " Kundalni Tantra " by Swami Satyanand Saraswati, a

classic. Unlike other 2 books, this gives lot of practical excersises


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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:



> PS- I forgot to add " Kundalni Tantra " by Swami Satyanand Saraswati, a

> classic. Unlike other 2 books, this gives lot of practical excersises

> too.


Thankyou brother - very interesting. I think I may have this book on my

wish list with Amazon already, I'll check later.


With love



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Deepak chopra is brought up in America. Although I am a fan of his

books, but i must say he wrote the books for Western readers and not

for Indian spiritual seekers.


And to satiate the westerners, he has obviously used the techniques

appreciated by them, not for those who are real spiritual seekers.


After you have read Patanjali Yoga....chopra will clearly be seen

expanding Patanjali for the westerner audience.


I am sure he knows more than what he writes... as i always get high

spiritual energies from his writings



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