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kalki avatar is already on earth

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Will He be born on 22nd June 2009 of this kali yuga? Kali yuga is only 5000 years old and we have lots to go..


Before Kalki takes form, probably humans will be destroying themselves before that with their own inventions of different kinds...


Kalki may not have any work by the time he appears...other than creating a big tsunami and cover the earth with water finally..

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  • 4 years later...
Guest jyoti prakash

Kalki avatar is already on the earth.he has takaen birth at the river bank of baitarani, near to biraja temple, jajpur town, odisha. All the details are according to odia malika.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest krishna

By the time Kalki will be born.  There will be only very few people who believe in God.  That time is not near.  It may take lakhs of years.


He will come in white horse.  He will have his name written on the forehead, may be a tilak etc are his descriptions.



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