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new memeber ;Nadi Shastra is it correct

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Dear All :

I am a new memeber ,my name is Sandhya.I need your help ,i have done my Nadi reading last year I was told that I have a Raj You which wll start when I will be 32/33 yeas . before that also few peole told my parents the same thing RAj Yog. I am 32 year old and am struggling with my career . I have a secure job with amultibnational . There is not too much work ,that is why end of the day there is no wark satisfaction . Can the learned peole on this forum can tell me whether I have raj Yog ,if yes then when will it start ?

My details are as follws :


D.O.B. 08-02-1977

Time of birth 0500 HR

Place Pratapgarh (U.P.) it is near Amethi

Please help


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