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riazji,rishivtsyanji classic72ji,Atulji-- PLEASE ADVISE

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Dear All,

My details are: 26th Aug 1974, New Delhi, 11 AM.

My visa for permanent residency to canada was rejected on 18th march 2009 and i came to know on 20th April 2009.

By that time, I had sold my office and shut down my business in anticipation on 8th April 2009.

my queries are:

1. Will I reach Canada next year?

2. Should i use an agent for getting to canada, actually, i had used an agent for job and a immigration lawyer last time also. They are offering to help again. Should i trust them.

3. Will it be beneficial for me to reach Canada?

4. In India, since i am not employed anywhere, what shd I start with? I am disinterested in my past work and nothing new appeals me. I am very depressed.

5. I dont have friends and relatives to support me at this time. Should i ever venture into partnership business and what kind?

6. I am keen on learning astrology. Will i ever do it well? I understand that ASTROLOGY is an amazing science of ancient sages, i dont want to learn for materialistic benefits. For intellectual and spiritual attainment only. I have heard that not everyone can be an astrologer. Just let me know.




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Do not take help of that agent again.he is fake . consult some candian Govt and indian gov. register immigration lawyer/agent.

For hard working person, it is always benefic to go to Canada.

develop more executive communication skill and stay away form any intoxication.

Wear moonstone in silver ring-- index finger

Worship lord shiva--Must

Respect all women ---Must

if already not worn any gem, consider wearing Panna ---better in locket.

Fast on tuesday. visit to hanuman temple


You can learn astrology very easily only hard work,patience,do not jump to conclusion on one or two point, more analytical ability and company of saints.


God bless you


Rishi Vatsyayan

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Respected Rishi Vatsayan ji,

Thanks a lot for ur reply Sir.


The immigration lawyer has offices in Canada and in Delhi, they are registered, i have checked their credentials already.

I am wearing following gems:

1. little finger-- pearl

2. index-- white pukhraj

3. ring finger-- diamond

I am fasting on Fridays.

I visit temple regularly and light diya on tuesday, thursday and sat.

I am Shiva bhakt so i do regularly pray.


All i want to know:

1. If i have astrological combination of foreign travel then only i will give it a shot.

2. I am disinterested in doing anything at all. somehow lost my focus and my passion for work. What do i do now? Any possibility that i would get back to normal.



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