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Astrologer ji please help, In very bad time..

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astrologer ji I am really tensed please help. It is regarding my son.

His dob is march, 29,1989

time 12:23Am night.

pob Ludhian punjab india.

He doesn't stay home always running out. He goes out of the house for weeks and months and don't come back. I am really very upset don't feel like eating doing anything. My house seems like a mess. I feel at this point of life i lost everythig i had. I currently reside in new york. I don't know what is going on. My mother in law thinks it's black magic i don't know. I am afraid that he might get into drugs and do illegal stuff out there. for some reason it is always a thursday that he steps out of the house. This time it has been 6 months already and still has not come back. Anything he starts never finishes off the way we would like it. Please help me, I cry each day and night and pray for things to get better but it just seems to get worse and worse. When will that day come when everything will go back to normal in our life. I am tired of my life. please please please help me.

I would really appreciate your help

thankyou for your time.

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