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Want help in my studies having financial problem

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I am facing some failure after stiff competition and good result inspite of all my efforts I am not able to bring results as desired and some how when I am in a position to have some out put my financial condition is such that I am not able to perform.


If some one can tell me some worship that can calm down my stressed mind or some mantra which will reduce my problem and help me to get higher education.

I am not very much aware of mantra etc and astrology either if some one is willing to help I am posting my details here.

DOB is 28 Nov 1982

Place Fatehgarh (UP) 27N22 79E38

Time 19:40

I am not exaggerating my situation but it is similar to that of Abhimanyu in Mahabharat and I feel alone here only almighty can help me to get out of this situation.

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I cast your horscope which shows you are undergoing Surya dasa and of which Budha sub period is going on.You can recite Sri.Vishnu sahsranamam and also Sri Adithya hrudaya stothra which will both help you attain your goals.Vishnu sahsranam is a hymn given in Mahabharath by Bhishma.It is available as C.D and cassette by Late .M.S.Subbulakshmi.You can try reciting that which will give you good results

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