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Its just a very private matter. I am a catholic and It so happened that one day a lady happened to meet me. And she has no idea of hinduism as she is from a different country and follows Islamic traditions.


It so happend that she said that I was possessed by a Goddess. And she sat and read my whole face and described in detail that it was a very beautiful lady adorned with many jewels and is sitting crossed leg on a lotus with four hands. She is wearing a red sari with golden border and has two white elephants at the side and a many hooded snake above her head. She told me that the Goddess name was Maharani and she calls me by the name of Kumar. She has four hands with two holding lotuses.


I did ask if the Goddess wanted anything in particular and she said that she was there to protect me and she came from the heavens. And also I have been having dreams about her. I have even visited the temples of devi. Could she be Mahalakshmi or Shakti form. Also the lady said that she cannot help me as she does not know a thing about hinduism. can anyone help me and please tell me what can this mean and what should I do please?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it sounds like a good thing. The Devi sounds like a form of Mother Gaja-Lakshmi. You should ask the Devi from your dreams to send you a sign if she is Mother Lakshmi.

Also, Maharani is a common name of the Devi. It means Great Queen. And Kumari, the name the psychic called you by, means a young girl. It is also a name of the Devi.

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