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Please analysis my horoscope

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hye vijay though i am not a professional astrologer but only an astrologer lover.as per my view



your chiron is in house 12 in taurus indicating that you can do for others better than you can do something for yourself.chiron in 12th house also represents your nervous tensions perhaps picked up from a close family member.you have strong healing quality for others and on the other side you need to be emotionally strong.however,you are too fixed in nature and demands a lot of attention and at times you are quite arrogant and selfish.


saturn square venus:


at this time you are going through difficult time in relationships.upto june 2009 any close relationship/affair can break.you may loose interest in that affair and the other person is more likely to leave you.one of you consciously or unconsciously wants to withdraw from this relationship.



jupitor trine jupitor:mid 2009 april to mid dec 2009:

This is a time of psychological and physical equilibrium. If you have recently been ill in either body or mind, this influence will help tremendously with the healing process.

You can make great use of this time, but you have to take the initiative.


just my take,i hope professional astrolgers here will correct if i am wrong

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