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1) shri vishnu sahasranaam 2) sanskrit pronunciation course in chennai, anyone?

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Dina Anukampana Das <dinaanu (at)="" gmail="" (dot)="" com="">



Re: 1) shri vishnu sahasranaam

2) sanskrit pronunciation course in chennai, anyone?


samskritabharatichennai (at)

Cc: Gaurav Verma <xxxx @="" xxx="">




dear gauravji


hare krsna!


(I refer to your below msg requesting a simplified form of the Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram)


By the grace of sri guru and sri krishna, i have discovered 3 things that could, in my humble opinion, revolutionize the propagation of sanskrit to the masses and can help anyone easily enter into the joy of chanting slokas accurately.....


1) Simplified Romanized Sanskrit (SRS) text format


2) simplified way of singing basic slokas (like gita) bhajan style instead of chanting them with chandha (which requires much more expertise and is frustrating for beginners) - sample of my singing - www</xxxx></dinaanu>(dot)gitasingalong(dot)on(dot)to

<dinaanu (at)="" gmail="" (dot)="" com=""><xxxx @="" xxx="">

& 3) special teaching methods [ described briefly here - shortcut URL www</xxxx></dinaanu>(dot)dina-gj(dot)on(dot)to ]<dinaanu (at)="" gmail="" (dot)="" com=""><xxxx @="" xxx=""> - crash course in perfect sanskrit pronunciation using phonetics and accelerated learning techniques (which makes the class very interactive and enjoyable) - within just 4 lessons of 2 hrs each we are able to help anyone, foreigners or even sanskrit professors (!!), to identify their pronunciation defects and begin SELF-correcting! Quite amazing, but as it is often prayed ' mUkam karoti vaacaalam....' by the grace of sri guru and sri krsna, even a mute(dumb person) can speak poetry!... and here is what some sanskrit professors have had to say about my startling discoveries - www</xxxx></dinaanu>(dot)dina(dot)on(dot)to<dinaanu (at)="" gmail="" (dot)="" com=""><xxxx @="" xxx=""> )


(Please see the attached sample of Sri Vishu Sahasranaama Stotram in SRS format* which i have just completed having been inspired by your request for the vishnu sahasranam in simpler form) - it is quite sublime, how this SRS format works... Let me try to explain a little.... there is [what i call] a 'break' in the sound after long vowels which makes the pronunciation different from if it were short - eg. English words 'sit' and 'seat' - the first case is a short vowel, which 'touches' the consonant after it; but the second case is a looong vowel, and its sound must not 'touch' the next vowel - that's the difference between short and long - it's easy to recognize for words we already know, but with sanskrt, beginners' worst mistake is jumbling the short and the long - often because the same word may appear with various combinations of long and short vowels and we may subconsciously associate it with those other sounds and thus mis pronounce it. the RED SLASHES added in the attached text not only highlight all the long vowels but subconsciously induce us to stress those sounds and keep them from 'touching' the next sound!)


[i hope that makes some kind of sense to you..... it's easier to understand if you attend one of my Sanskrit pronunciation workshops one day, lord willing! - but you can see some explanation of it at this shortcut URL www</xxxx></dinaanu>(dot)dina-gj(dot)on(dot)to<dinaanu (at)="" gmail="" (dot)="" com=""><xxxx @="" xxx=""> where i explain a little about my teaching methods in an interview done recently on television in New Zealand. ] {I have also just attached a visual explanation of breaks which I recently published in the book Vraja Riti Cintamani in SRS format}


[* I just tried to upload it to our files area, but i can't - only the moderator can - Moderator, pls upload the attached files as I believe beginners and the English-speaking will find them very useful. Thank you.]

Please feel free to share the attached SRS Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram with anyone and everyone and I am very confident that many who thought they'll NEVER be able to chant the sacred Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram in this lifetime WILL BE ABLE TO! I would love to have their feedback...




I hope all the sanskrt lovers here may also realize how vitally important it is to simplify this entry level teaching of sanskrt (this point was mentioned by Rick Briggs in his attached article when he predicted that very soon Sanskrit would again become a global language), coz once masses get hooked to it, then real momentum will arise in reviving this sacred language! I hope i may conduct some SRS pronunciation courses in chennai soon.... if there is sufficient interest and if a local person takes the initiative to organize it properly, i would be able to do it in chennai during the next two weeks.... do let me know... i'd be thrilled to share my discoveries...



yours sincerely,





0 93199 06672

dina (at) on (dot) to



PS If you like the Simplified Romanized Sanskrit, you can get a PDF version of my Gita Slokas Book for Daily Recitation now at: :smash: www</xxxx></dinaanu>(dot)dinasgitabook(dot)on(dot)to<dinaanu (at)="" gmail="" (dot)="" com=""><xxxx @="" xxx=""> Happy Chanting! Hare Krishna!




2009/2/11 Gaurav Verma <xxxxx @="" xxxx=""> posted to </xxxxx></xxxx></dinaanu>samskritabharatichennai(at)(d0t)com

<dinaanu (at)="" gmail="" (dot)="" com=""><xxxx @="" xxx=""><xxxxx @="" xxxx=""> :


Dear all, is it possible to get Shri vishnu sahasranam strotram without complex sandhis, so that it may be easier to pronounce the words?









Dina-Anukampana Das

dinaanu (at) gmail (dot) com

India - Vrindavana, Dist. Mathura

Mob. + 91 - 93199 06672 + 91 - 99271 97171</xxxxx></xxxx></dinaanu>

Dina's Pronunciation Guide & Concept of Breaks SML.pdf

VSS-SRS vers 2009-Mar-16.pdf

VSS-SRS Hybrid vers 2009-Mar-16.pdf

Sanskrit NASA report.PDF

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