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About my child

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Hi members,

Birth details of my son is as follows.


POB :Kochi,Kerala,India.

TOB :12.05 pm

Can anybody tell about the good and bad yogas in his chart?

His lagnadhipathi Mercury is combust and debilitated in 10th house.

The moon in the 9th house is waning and conjunct with rahu.How these will affect him?

His saturn is retrograde and positioned in Leo with ketu in the third house.How saturn mahadasha will affect him? Also the mutual aspect of guru and kuja is benefic?

Also what about his education,career and health?Any remedy is needed for his good future?

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Dear pai77


The child has Gemini(Mithuna) lagna, with lagna lord Mercury debilitated in Pisces with Venus and Sun. Mercury though seemingly debilitated is well cancelled.


Mercury is in a quadrant and so is capable of providing cancellation himself. Also Venus is exalted and in a quadrant. Dispositor of Mercury, Jupiter is in a quadrant. Above all Mercury is exalted in Navamsa - which in itself is considered divine blessing showered upon the native.

Mercury's debilitation is fully cancelled.

Combination of 4th and 5th lords is a Rajayoga.


Jup and Mars in Sama saptaka will confer Guru Mangala yoga - providing a good combination for level headed thinking and wisdom and good actions with restraint.


Sat and Ketu in the 3rd house is actually good for the 3rd house related matters. He may end up being the youngest one in the family - but good for initiative and boldness.


Health wise - with Mars in the lagna also being a functional malefic owning 6 and 11 - will indicate a weak constitution. There will be minor health issues. Mars in the lagna should result in excessive heat related problems, hot and dry conditions should be avoided - keep the body cooler and moister.


Education should also be fine - with Rasi itself showing good prospects for the 4th house matters. Siddhamsa D24 is also very promising Jup as the 4L in 9H (upachaya from the 4th) - indicates long and continued education.


In general, worship of Ganesha - will be highly beneficial for general wellness and prosperity of the child.

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