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Akarshan mantra question?

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Akarshan Mantra =>Aakarshay Mahadevi Ram Mam Priyam Hey Tripure Devdeveshi Tubhyam Dasyami Yanchitam


Which word do I replace with the name of the person I want to attract to me in the Akarshan mantra I have posted above?


Is it the word Ram or Mam that I replace the name of the person within the Akarshan mantra?


How many times do I need to chant this mantra to see the successful sidhi I need to achieve my goal with this mantra? Do I chant it for 40 days for a 108 times a day will that be enough to manifest my goal in attracting the specific person I have in mind. I will use this mantra no matter what so please don't even think of detering me cause I used the Vashikaran mantra with sweet success and I was very responsible in chanting it with care. I know these mantras are use to attract situations and specific person you want to attract in your life. I already know that, I just need to know how to use it correctly.


Also, where can I get a clear audio file on how to recite/promounce this mantra so I don't mess up the pronunciation.



Thank you so much for helping me out if you can. I've googled this mantra & its proper way of using it with no instructions just the mantra itself and I want to make sure I have the correct words up there in the Akarshan mantra..... thank you so much.

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