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Free MP3 voice message on Divine Knowledge

Mp3 voice message Divine Knoweldge of His Holiness Shri Dattaswami

Please double click the link below or paste it into your browser for the divine knowledge of Swami in voice message form. An excellent collection of divine knowledge


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The real aim of the marriage function

The actual aim of the function is also lost and other unnecessary aims are linked. The real aim of the marriage function is that the priest (Acharya) called as Brahma or Vasishtha explains the couple through the Vedic hymns, the co-operation between the husband and wife to succeed in the materialistic life, which is the basis for their spiritual effort. The main goal is the co-operation between the husband and wife in the spiritual effort to achieve the grace of God before the end of this human life. The explanation of this concept through Vedic statements makes the ritual a class of preaching (Jnana Yajna). But, today neither the priest nor any one there is aware of the meaning of Vedic hymns. The priest reads the Vedic hymns like a tape recorder and nobody there is bothered about the Vedic meaning. Since, the main goal is lost, unnecessary goals have taken over the charge of function. The unnecessary goals are: exhibition of egoistic show of the crowd, exhibition of financial status through the level of expenditure, receiving gifts for giving feast as a reciprocating business, finding faults with each other (both the parties of bride and bridegroom) etc.



The parents and the couple become interested in the crowd of people surrounding them with praise and greetings, since they never had such opportunity in their life by way of some special achievement. They satisfy their psychological interest for fame by this way! They are unaware of their own weakness due to lack of self analysis! You must do some great work for the society and the people should surround you with greetings in spontaneous way.


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Veda says that even a single particle of the food should not be wasted

Donation is very dangerous like double edged knife. Donating to undeserving persons is very big sin and not mere wastage. Today, if you see the feast of a marriage function, you will find most of the plates after feast are full of food items leftover. When you throw this food, it becomes a source for bacteria and virus, which may harm even good people in the society. Thus, the people, who have thrown the food, become sinners. The owner of feast, who gave this expensive food to them is also another sinner and will be punished by the divine law. Both doer and promoter are equally punished (Kartha karaiyitaa chaiva...). Finally the married couple is also affected.



Veda says that even a single particle of the food should not be wasted (Annamna parichakshita...). Once, in a function, the people were wasting food and the beggars on the other side were searching for the food in the leaves thrown away after the feast. One devotee asked Bhagavan Shri Satya Sai Baba like this, “O Swami! What is this! In your creation I find people throwing food on one side and people searching for the thrown food on the other side”.



Bhagavan Baba replied “Those beggars were also rich in the previous birth and threw the food like these rich people. They are now born as beggars and are searching for the food thrown by them in the past”. Therefore, the minimum eligibility of the receiver of food is: not to throw even an iota of food.


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