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RayofPurana seeking the help of anyone willing to help:)

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I am a 25-yr-old male currently living in the USA. My parents moved here from India when I was 3.5 yrs of age. My life has been a combination of momentary happiness and constant depression. I am always in a state of momentary happiness because I am never satisfied. Furthermore, being happy is far from apparent as I find myself more in a state of depression than I do in a state of happiness.


I haven't really accomplished anything in my life. All of my family friend's children(kids of my age now) have done well for them selves with respect to academics and careers. I, however, have not excelled in academics or career at all. In fact, quite the opposite, I have done very poorly. I have a great appreciation for the sciences and the mystic, but I don't enjoy being told what to do in a school/lecture format. Moreover, I want to do something great. I want to be revered and remembered as someone who made a difference in this world. But I don't know what to do. I know it is selfish, but it is truly what I want. I want to make a difference in this world.


I have become very spiritual as of late. Learning the intertwining relationships between karma and dharma have been my interest these past few weeks. I want to do something that can relate science and the mystic nature of spirituality, however, I am always sucked back into a world of greed, status and arrogance. I feel I am incapable of fighting these apparent evils. I feel I am lost, and the more I study these things, the more lost I become. Please help me and guide me.


Here is the information required to do my reading: Date of Birth: December 02, 1983 Place of birth: Jullundur, Punjab Time of birth: 20:23:22 (8:23 pm)


I really appreciate all of your help in advance, and admire your willingness to help people through your jyotish vidya. Guiding people to do the right thing in life is a great characteristic which very few posses. I don't want know the gory details of life because I feel I don't need to know them. Just some basic guidance in terms of life path and purpose would be great. I want give back to society ten fold.


I have tried some of the free automated online readings and learned that I am Gemini As and of Vargottam Lagna. I look forward to all responses.






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