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Could entheogens like Cannabis, Hachis or Peyote

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Well.. I was talking with a friend of mine about entheogens, siddhis, enlightment and things like that.


It's supposed that Marihuana improve concentration and relax the body taking you to an altered consciousness state and aweking some siddhis (major or minors) and open chakras but just for a few moments.


That entheogens move your energy around your body and your mind.


Also you have to be very careful and have to know how to consume it.


Salvia divinorum it's supossed that awakes clairvoyance and remote viewing in you.


What do you think. ¿Some opinion?

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Thank you so much for the texts.


So, you can have siddhis (major, minor) for using herbs (magic plants if you want) because they expand your consciousness, move your energy through chakras.


You can get it faster with psychedelics but there are a lot of risks for you mind and you body, am I wrong?

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