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How to get rid of bad effect of Black Magic.

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I am working in US as a software engineer... I have been interested in spirituality from long back (10/12 years)..

I used to do a lot of Pujas / chant Mantras (Ganesh/Shiva/Durga..)..

From last 1 year we were experiencing that some bad things started happeing to our family…

Relationship with my family and in office got abolished… me and my wife started having physical problems……..I lost my job.

We couldn’t figure out, what is happeing……..

Then I called someone in India who is expert in Reikhi healing & AURA scanning…

He scanned the pics of my home & our effected body parts & told us that we were under the bad influence of Black Magic…..

One other Siddh guy told us that my old friend & one guy whom I used to called as a Guru, they did black magic on us & wanted to transfer the marriage problem of his sister. They misused of our trust.

We are undergoing with treatments & trying to recover from that bad stage……

I want to know from you guys, is there any way in spirituality, we can make a shield on us to protect from all the evil effects and give a lesson to responsible person………..



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  • 3 years later...

Hello. I am new to this site and this whole world in general. I have gone to a few people who have informed me of someone performing black magic on someone I care about and because there is a connection between us, I am effected as well. If I have no practiced anything before what should i do? I am also very low on funds otherwise I would have someone help me. Some one please suggestions??

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