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Please help with determining time for child birth

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I am expecting a daughter in February-march of this year. My doctor has decided to do a c-section due to medical reasons. She has given days between February 17-24 as possible dates. Birth will be in the morning between 8-10 am (central time zone). Place of birth will be Birmignham, AL(33N31, 86W48).


Is one day better than the rest. of course the final decision will be based on any medical need or emergency. Thank you for your help.

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Dear adtja,


Well normally we would let destiny do this for us - but with C Section even if we as parents don't want to intervene - doctors need a date and time for the procedure. So we'll do this for now. Again this is only a recommendation - please do get second opinions and make your own final decisions.


I would recommend Date/Time of Fri Feb 20, 2009 between 8:50 to 10:18am in the Aries Lagna. For better fine tuning use 10:00am as the time for a better Navamsa Lagna.

Ekadashi Tithi (Mars), Lagna (Mars) , Yoga (Siddhi Mars) Vaara - Friday (Venus), Nakshatra - Poorvashada (Venus), Karana - Balava Moon.

Good combination of malefics in the 10th and 11th house - upachayas.

Moon in 9th and AK Atmakaraka Sat in 5th.


There are few dates before and after Feb 20 that should preferably be avoided. Also the 8:00am (Pisces Lagna) times should also be avoided. Again when I use the word should (it is more a firmer version of can). Avoid Moola, Jyeshta, Moon debilitation, Moon getting stuck with 3 other malefics and then Moon getting into amavasya.


If things dont go as planned - It is advisable to let destiny take over and handle things as HE desires.


With Best Wishes


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