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Help Me Please - Stress and more

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Dear All,

I am a 23 year old guy pursuing my Master's in United States of America.

I will walk through my life and symptoms. I am highly emotional, anxious person. When in India I was always distractive in the class and often used to feel sleepy whenever I try to concentrate. I learned after coming here that I might have Attention Disorder Deficiency. I sleep for 10 hours a day minimum and if I open a book and try to read then I feel sleepy again. Just reading for a while or listening a lecture I sleep for a bit and I get the feeling that I am extremely exhausted. I kind of have pain/headache inside my brain (right side precisely). I am seriously pissed off at it and I want to get rid of the crap. I want to study happily and enjoy. I tried taking anti-depressants twice (for less than 3 weeks) but I do not want to take them as they are not good for health. I want to have ayurvedic medication for it. I need some herbal medication to drink and lead a happy life like everyone. I feel I have chemical imbalances because I carry all the symptoms that I said from my mom.

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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="textgreen9bold" width="77%">Action</td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top" width="23%">




</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="texdarktgrey9" width="77%"> Mentat improves mental functions by a modulation of the cholinergic and GABAergic neurotransmission. By restoring the frontal cortical muscarinic and cholinergic receptor activities, Mentat improves the mental quotient, memory span, concentration ability and stress threshold. Mentat helps reduce the level of tribulin, an endogenous Mono Amine Oxidase inhibitor, that is elevated in various levels of anxiety. Mentat also ameliorates attention fluctuations and behavioral disorders. Mentat exhibits significant anti-parkinsonian activity by enhancing the dopamine post-synaptic receptor activity. The sedative and tranquilizing effects of Mentat offer protection against convulsions and are beneficial in insomnia. Mentat improves articulation and corrects speech defects.


Indications Mentat syrup is useful when the following symptoms are displayed:

  1. Memory disturbances:

    1. Attention fluctuations
    2. Concentration impairment
    3. Language and learning disability
    4. Alcohol addiction

[*]Behavioral disorders:

  1. Hyperkinetic states
  2. Asocial behavior
  3. Temper tantrums
  4. Aggressive behavior
  5. Enuresis

[*]Anxiety and stress-related anxiety disorders

[*]Mental fatigue

[*]Speech defects

[*]Supportive therapy in mild to moderate mental retardation

[*]As an adjuvant in epilepsy, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease




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Thanks a lot bija for your quick reply. I have one concern about this medication. I sleep like a log for more than 12 hrs. If this is a sedative which makes me more sleepy then it is counter acting the issue. I might be wrong with this. I feel horribly sleepy,exhausted and pain inside my brain even though I do not do anything.

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Maybe by some energetic and natural therapies, so the brain function can be bought to a better balance (mentat is good for the apparently), then symptoms like tiredness and headache may ease. Subtle things often lead to gross manifestation and physical disease.


I am no professional so can't really suggest too much. But sleeping less, maybe 8-9 hrs a day would alleviate some of that lethargy in due course. And some light walking during the day is always helpful to gain more energy.


Some people need 6 hrs sleep some need 8 hrs to feel refreshed. Anything over 9 or 10 usually leaves me sluggish for the whole day.


Hope you feel good soon, so that you can study well.


All the best.

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