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Kaala Amrita Yoga

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Dear Friends,

I was told by a revered person that I have Kaala Amrita Yoga in my natal chart and that venus should be able to break it. I went through the information given by several astrologers about the ways in which KAY can break. But I'm already married and don't know if there is anybody who can help me break this yoga or not.


What if I'm unable to break the yoga? How will my future be? Will I renounce the world or will lead an immoral life?


I'm leading a stunted life academically and professionally for quite sometime. Please go through my chart and let me know how all this will end.


My details:



p.o.b-Guntur, AP,India

time: 3.51 (might vary by a minute i guess.not sure)


Any help in this regard will be appreciated. thank you.

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