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Alert Chemical Mystery! --Any Ideas?

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<TABLE class=Box_35033240_Tb cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" border=0><TBODY><TR align=left><TD class=Box_35033240_Td width="100%">THIS IS NOT A HOAX!!!


January 6th 2009


Mysterious Maple Syrup Smell Returns to Manhattan

</TD></TR><TR align=left><TD class=Box_35033240_Td width="100%">In New York City a mysterious sweet smell is back!

The city received more than 30 calls in a few hours on Monday night, with callers reporting a maple syrup-like odor in the air.


Most of the calls came from Manhattan.

The strange scent has been smelled before. It wafted through at least twice in 2005, with officials unable to pinpoint the source.


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