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Dear Visa,


This chart needs some special attention.


With regard to marital life, here is my analysis.


Strong benefics Merc and Venus in the lagna unafflicted indicated a strong personality.


UL in Cancer and 2nd from UL (in 3H) has Jupiter along with Sat,Mars, Rahu.


Jup in Marana Karaka Sthana owning 7 and 10 in 3rd house afflicted by multiple malefics is not good.


In Navamsa - 7th lord Venus is in 2nd house along with Sat and Merc 8th lord exchanging position with maraka lord Jupiter in 8th house.

Basically the 7th lord, house and 8th lord, house are under 2nd house maraka influence. Prospects of survival of first marriage are very weak.


The native is currently running Moon dasa - Moon is UL lord in the 7th house in Rasi. Jup antardasa will start in Jun 2009 is in 2nd from UL in Rasi and is in 8th house in Navamsa.


There is a good possibility of this native getting married between Jun 2009 to Oct 2010 - But it is advisable to take enough precautions for ensuring the life of the spouse and marriage.


With Best wishes.


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thank u classic 72 for ur reply... the native doesnt show any interest in marriage... fighting with her parents regarding this issue... when her parents enquired an astrologer they have been told that she will marry person of her choice and her marriage life will be good... every one is worried abt her future life.. except her... she is doing her higher studies now... even after completing that she is not ready to get married... she is stubborn in her decisions...

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