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The Environment and End Times!

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Some versions of christianity teach that these are the end times? And that global signs are showing Christ's return is imminent.


Some hindu's teach that this is Kali Yuga, and that global degradation is inevitable.


Can these world views have a negative impact on the environment, by shaping the way we see the world? And the way we treat it?


Especially considering more than ever in modern history, we have the opportunity to discover that planet earth and its creatures are an inter-connected organism, dependant on each other. What to say of the spiritual inter-connection permeating all things.

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I was under the impression that in Hinduism that natural resources are governed by demigods and they supply plenty when the people are humble and pious but when the people are ignorant and in darkness then nature isn't as plentiful.


The world is just a big mass of material energy that is controlled by Krishna and we are just little tiny ants on this energy. If we concentrate on purifying our hearts than Krishna will supply all our needs through the demigods but if we don't then will be a bunch of ants at war with each other for limited supplies.

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