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AstroGuruji, Please Guide me

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Hello All,


I have a peculiar problem. With sincere apologies & deep regret, please allow me. Whenever I see a girl or woman, my mind thinks of sex. At the bus, at the station, at the office, I always try to undress the girl I see mentally & fantasize about her. Many times, I even have tried to take them to bed.


But, honestly speaking, I want to get rid of this ill habit. I sincerely want to do so. Because, I know if I do not correct my ways, I would be cheating on my wife even after marriage.


I think the above character is written in my horoscope. But, I want to get rid of this character. Please help me to get rid of this habit.


My details are:

DOB: 22 December 1978

Time: 6:25 AM

Place of Birth: Dibrugarh (Assam)

Gender: Male

Profession: Engineer


I want be ever grateful to all of you.

Best Regards,



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Dear Probeen,


Being sincerely aware of your problem/condition is the first step to finding a solution. Good that you have now taken a right step in this direction.


I will try to keep my comments short and practical.


Lust is a Shadripu (6 enemies) just like any other emotion like anger, greed, jealousy, obsessiveness.

You are probably bordering between obsessiveness and lust.


Any addiction (if I can use the word here) is difficult to get rid of with forcefulness. Addiction takes its roots very slowly and grows inside of you over years, because we feed it everyday. We basically nurture it inside of us. Though we are fully aware of its negativity , We cannot rid it

because the pain involved and strength needed in ridding it is very high.

We do not possess that kind of strength. So we continue short term measures of prolonging it. . .living with it. The more we resists it, The more it becomes resolute.


Especially for obsession and lust - I would say that it prolongs its life due to your half measures. There is some minor gratification associated with it and we kind of relish it. When the sweetness subsides the bitterness surfaces and we go back to step 1.


The best way to overcome this is to use full measures.

When such emotions arise -

Without any sense of guilt, shame or fear - Be 100% with your emotion.

Dont resist or push it away - embrace it. Meditate and Contemplate on it.

Observe the sensations in the physical body, thoughts in the

mind, breathing patterns with 100% awareness.

"See" what the emotion is doing inside your system. How it is manifesting!.


After meditating - you should temporarily be clear of that emotion.

Now if you have any creative talents like painting/drawing/crafts/creative writing/ etc., Do that with full enjoyment. This will help channelize that energy better.


I will not say this is a one time solution or a magic bullet. But this will help you be with the emotion and better understand it. For all We can say is could be your innate Nature.

Try this sincerely and should help you.


Feel free to email me back if you have any questions.


With Best Wishes


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