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Quuery related to BAV points and Indu lagna

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Namaskar to all astrologers.


I would like to know effects of BAV points in various houses. If more number of BAV points in 2nd and 6th house than in 10th and 11th house.




2nd house- 37 points (exalted saturn)

6th house- 35 points (sign aquarious and exalted mars in 5th house)

1st house- 34 points

10th house- 29 points

11th house- 29 points


i want to know if BAV points in 10th and 11th house are lesser than those in 2nd and 6th house will the person dont gain more through his efforts than inherited property or investments. or what is the meaning of such a combination.


Also if a malefic happens to be exalted in indu lagna. will his mahadasha will make native millionare or wealthy irrespective of other factors.



Also 6th house is having aquarious sign whose lord saturn is exalted in 2nd house. But sir if exalted rahu placed in 10th house will it not protect that person from work troubles as rahu aspects 6th house from 10th and aquarious lord saturn happens to be friend to rahu.

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