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Madness in the American dream!! Learn from Australia and BAN those firearms

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Sarva gattah

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Eight year old boy shot to death in gun show 'accident'

00:07 AEST Tue Oct 28 2008

49 minutes ago


An eight-year-old boy died after accidentally shooting himself in the head while firing an Uzi submachine gun under adult supervision at a gun fair.


The boy lost control of the weapon while firing it at the Machine Gun Shoot and Firearms Expo at the Westfield Sportsman's Club, police Lieutenant Lawrence Valliere said.


The boy was with a certified instructor and "was shooting the weapon down range when the force of the weapon made it travel up and back toward his head, where he suffered the injury", a police statement said.

Police called it a "self-inflicted accidental shooting".


The victim was taken to Baystate Medical Centre where he died. His name was not released.


Although the death appears to be an accident, police and the Hampden district attorney's office were investigating, officials said.

The club said on its website that the event, run in conjunction with COP Firearms and Training, is "all legal and fun".


People were allowed to fire weapons at vehicles, pumpkins and other targets, it said.


The sportsman's club was founded in 1949 and describes itself on its internet site as an organisation that promotes "the interest of legal sport with rod, gun, and bow and arrow, both directly and through training".


Anyways Chant Hare Krishna and vote for the one who will ban ALL automatic and semi-automatic firearms in next weeks U.S Presidental Elections

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The only problem with your scenario is that the world is currently run by social darwinist atheist corporate globalist that want to eradicate all things associated with religion and individuality. So when you take away peoples right to defend themselves from tyrants you end up like the Jews being fed into ovens at the hands of atheistic social darwinists.


My view is that God wants us to fight these atheists and if guns on some level help keep them at bay then so be it. What is desperatly needed in the Kali-yuga is a true Ajuna like warrior class to defend the people from the government officials etc. that are exploiting them in every way imaginable. The current military structure is that they are trained attack dog operatives of the social darwinist atheistic elite.

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Australia To Enforce Mandatory Chinese-Style Internet Censorship



Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet

Wednesday, October 29, 2008




The Australian government is set to impose Chinese-style Internet censorship by enforcing a universal national filter that will block websites deemed “controversial,” as part of a wider agenda to regulate the Internet according to free speech advocates.


A provision whereby Internet users could opt out of the filter by contacting their ISP has been stripped from the legislation, meaning the filter will be universal and mandatory.


The System Administrators Guild of Australia and Electronic Frontiers Australia have attacked the proposal, saying it will restrict web access, raise prices and slow internet traffic speeds.





The plan was first created as a way to combat child pornography and adult content, but could be extended to include controversial websites on euthanasia or anorexia,” reports the



Communications minister Stephen Conroy revealed the mandatory censorship to the Senate estimates committee as the Global Network Initiative, bringing together leading companies, human rights organisations, academics and investors, committed the technology firms to “protect the freedom of expression and privacy rights of their users”. (
Complete black is white, up is down, double talk


Human Rights Watch has condemned internet censorship, and argued to the US Senate “there is a real danger of a Virtual Curtain dividing the internet, much as the Iron Curtain did during the Cold War, because some governments fear the potential of the internet, (and) want to control it.”



Speaking from personal experience, not only are “controversial” websites blocked in China, meaning any website that is critical of the state, but every website the user attempts to visit first has to pass through the “great firewall,” causing the browser to hang and delay while it is checked against a government blacklist.


This causes excruciating delays, and the user experience is akin to being on a bad dial-up connection in the mid 1990’s. Even in the center of Shanghai with a fixed ethernet connection, the user experience is barely tolerable.

Not only are websites in China blocked, but e mails too are scanned for “controversial” words and blocked from being sent if they contain phrases related to politics or obscenities.




Googling for information on certain topics is also heavily restricted. While in China I tried to google “Bush Taiwan,” which resulted in Google.com ceasing to be accessible and my Internet connection was immediately terminated thereafter.



The Australian government will no doubt insist that their filter is in our best interests and is only designed to block child pornography, snuff films and other horrors, yet the system is completely pointless because it will not affect file sharing networks, which is the medium through which the vast majority of such material is distributed.


If we allow Australia to become the first “free” nation to impose Internet censorship, the snowball effect will only accelerate - the U.S. and the UK are next.


Indeed, Prime Minister Tony Blair called for Internet censorship last year.

In April 2007, Time magazine reported that researchers funded by the federal government want to shut down the internet and start over, citing the fact that at the moment there are loopholes in the system whereby users cannot be tracked and traced all the time. The projects echo moves we have previously reported on to clamp down on internet neutrality and even to designate a new form of the internet known as Internet 2.


Moves to regulate the web have increased over the last two years.

- In a display of bi-partisanship, there have been calls for all out mandatory ISP snooping on all US citizens by both Democrats and Republicans alike.


- In December 2006, Republican Senator John McCain tabled a proposal to introduce legislation that would fine blogs up to $300,000 for offensive statements, photos and videos posted by visitors on comment boards. It is well known that McCain has a distaste for his blogosphere critics, causing a definite conflict of interest where any proposal to restrict blogs on his part is concerned.


- During an appearance with his wife Barbara on Fox News in November 2006, George Bush senior slammed Internet bloggers for creating an “adversarial and ugly climate.”


- The White House’s own de-classified strategy for “winning the war on terror” targets Internet conspiracy theories as a recruiting ground for terrorists and threatens to “diminish” their influence.


- The Pentagon has also announced its effort to infiltrate the Internet and propagandize for the war on terror.


- In an October 2006 speech, Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff identified the web as a “terror training camp,” through which “disaffected people living in the United States” are developing “radical ideologies and potentially violent skills.” His solution is “intelligence fusion centers,” staffed by Homeland Security personnel which will are already in operation.


- The U.S. Government wants to force bloggers and online grassroots activists to register and regularly report their activities to Congress. Criminal charges including a possible jail term of up to one year could be the punishment for non-compliance.


- A landmark November 2006 legal case on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of America and other global trade organizations sought to criminalize all Internet file sharing of any kind as copyright infringement, effectively shutting down the world wide web - and their argument was supported by the U.S. government.


- A landmark legal ruling in Sydney goes further than ever before in setting the trap door for the destruction of the Internet as we know it and the end of alternative news websites and blogs by creating the precedent that simply linking to other websites is breach of copyright and piracy.


- The European Union, led by former Stalinist John Reid, has also vowed to shut down “terrorists” who use the Internet to spread propaganda.


- The EU data retention bill, passed after much controversy and implemented in 2007, obliges telephone operators and internet service providers to store information on who called who and who emailed who for at least six months. Under this law, investigators in any EU country, and most bizarrely even in the US, can access EU citizens’ data on phone calls, sms’, emails and instant messaging services.


- The EU also proposed legislation that would prevent users from uploading any form of video without a license.


- The US government is also funding research into social networking sites and how to gather and store personal data published on them, according to the New Scientist magazine. “At the same time, US lawmakers are attempting to force the social networking sites themselves to control the amount and kind of information that people, particularly children, can put on the sites.”


Governments are furious that their ceaseless lies are being exposed in real time on the World Wide Web and have resolved to stifle, regulate and control what truly is the last outpost of real free speech in the world. Internet censorship is perhaps the most pertinent issue that freedom advocates should rally to combat over the course of the next few years, lest we allow a cyber-gag to be placed over our mouths and say goodbye to our last medium of free and open communication.


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The only problem with your scenario is that the world is currently run by social darwinist atheist corporate globalist that want to eradicate all things associated with religion and individuality. So when you take away peoples right to defend themselves from tyrants you end up like the Jews being fed into ovens at the hands of atheistic social darwinists.


My view is that God wants us to fight these atheists and if guns on some level help keep them at bay then so be it. What is desperatly needed in the Kali-yuga is a true Ajuna like warrior class to defend the people from the government officials etc. that are exploiting them in every way imaginable. The current military structure is that they are trained attack dog operatives of the social darwinist atheistic elite.


That’s a good point that I have really not over looked.

Many friends of mine avoided the gun buy back here in Australia and kept their semi-automatic rifles like M-14, mini-14s, H.K-93s and 91s, AR-15s, AK-47s and my favourite, the Velmet Hunter etc because no one knows what the future holds, my point is giving a fully automatic weapon to an eight year old kid, is ridicules.

I'm aware 8 year olds in Africa carry AK-47 however; such training of kids is out of desperation although in some cases, it IS sadly necessary to protect their families in this way.

I see your point about prohibition and actually agree with you, lets put it this way, just because firearms are banned really means nothing, people will just stash them. Australia is a big place with a big coastline. I certainly do not trust the Government and on this matter however, I certainly also do not trust the present immature Australian version of ISKCON either.


Yeah I agree, hide your toys for the big storm that is coming.


No, it is not an AK, it is a Velmet Hunter 308 with 30 round mag.



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