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Sat Kriya+Adi Shakti

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Sat Naam,


I have question regarding the purpose of raising kundalini.


From what I have heard Kundalini Shakti(Divine Mother) wants to reunite with Lord Shiva(Divine Father). Is this like aiding (uniting Shakti+Shiva) Mother Earth in her Ascension Process, like letting out some steam so to speak?


How does this aid Mother Earth in her ascension?


I do Sat Kriya almost everyday and I love it, but my doubt is that shouldn´t we be giving Mother Earth energy and not "taking" it....this is confusing for me, my intuition tells me that that raising kundalini is what Adi Shakti wants but my intellect is doubting this, e.g. "Mother Earth needs to be given energy", i.e. Energy from Shiva to Shakti...can someone please clarify this, or give me a another "view point" of this matter...


If we successfully raise kundalini, can we give Mother Earth more Love and Light?


Thank You


Love to All, Life to All, Peace to All

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