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Hare Rama, Hare Krishna

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hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare

hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare

Eat a little, drink a little;

talk a little, sleep a little.

Mix a little, move a little;

serve a little, give a little;

Work a little, rest a little;

study a little, worship a little.

Do asana a little, pranayama a little;

reflect a little, meditate a little,

Do japa a little, do kirtan a little,

write mantra a little, have satsanga a little.

Do all these, little, little. You will have time for all.


Swami Shivananda

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one little proviso --you may drop dead at any moment, sometimes, even with pleasent people to keep you company.


Any way, no reason to be grim about life --just make sure you are preforming your dutie(s) while providence heads down the highway without the headslight on, on the wrong side of the road medium.


Constantly remembering Krishna via:


The preventative measure fo constantly Chanting God's names, hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare

hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare


May cause you to remember Krishna reflexably when, with very short-notice, the soul becomes seperated from the body.


There is plenty of time in each epoch to repeat the same pursuits until one century now or later a soul gets it right.

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hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare

hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare

Eat a little, drink a little;

talk a little, sleep a little.

Mix a little, move a little;

serve a little, give a little;

Work a little, rest a little;

study a little, worship a little.

Do asana a little, pranayama a little;

reflect a little, meditate a little,

Do japa a little, do kirtan a little,

write mantra a little, have satsanga a little.

Do all these, little, little. You will have time for all.


Swami Shivananda




I like that advice a lot. The whole notion of having too chant for so much per day or you are gonna burn in karmic hell approach is uninspiring to me personally but whatever works I guess.

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