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HH Jayapataka Swami is in critical condition from a serious stroke, please pray

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Protection and RAYERS for JAYAPATAKA MAHARAJA om YouTube





Please Pray for HH JAYAPATAKA MAHARAJA who is seriously ill in Mumbai Hospital ICU..this is for You Guru Maharaja




<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD><!-- end vEntry -->

default.jpgpixel-vfl73.gifHH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja speaks on Goloka Retreats

default.jpgpixel-vfl73.gifISKCON - Tirupathi - Kirtan by HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja




Grand Opening Festivity at ISKCON Tirupathi. <!-- end vEntry -->

default.jpgpixel-vfl73.gifHarinama with HH Jayapataka Swami in Sydney

Harinama with HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja in Parramatta (Sydney). AMAZING DAY!!!! Spiritual Seekers. Part 1






</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft09cwqQtgY&NR=1 Part 2</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


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Jayapataka Maharaj wanted to speak today but in due to the effect of the stroke and cerebral aneurysm 17 days ago, it was not possible for him at this time.

We started to chant the Maha Mantra and he started to move. I could see that he also started to chant with us.


Monday, November 10:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Maharaja's consciousness is the same as yesterday. He is trying to

communicate by writing but is weak to write at the moment. The weaning from the ventilator is going to start today. Please continue to pray intensely.


Sunday, November 09 - Evening Report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:



Maharaja's consciousness in the evening is the same as morning. He is fully conscious and trying to talk. The other parameters are also stable.

Tomorrow the doctors will try to wean Maharaj off the ventilator. Please continue to pray intensely for this to be a success.


Sunday, November 09 - Report from His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja::


The other day, just before entering into Jayapataka Maharaja's room in the Hospital, Kavichandra Maharaja phoned me and asked me if I would like to speak to Maharaja. I was naturally excited and agreed.


Soon Kavi Candra Maharaja phoned me and arranged for me to speak to Jayapataka Maharaja through his speaker phone. I spoke to Maharaja for a few good minutes.


Later on Kavichandra Maharaja told me how Maharaja looked so happy to receive that call. Other devotees present there also gave some very exciting reports on how Maharaja gave visible indications of his appreciation of that phone call.


Upon hearing that I felt that if my phone call can give so much joy to Maharaja, then my personal presence could mean so much more to him and I decided to go to Mumbai immediately.


I came here three days ago. After dropping my luggage at the temple I went straight to the hospital. Maharaja's condition did not look good at all. He was unconscious and during the one and a half hour that I was there he did not open his eyes even once.


I just stood there by his bed praying to Srila Prabhupada and reading Sri Caitanya Caritamrita with a hope that he may be able to hear.


Yesterday I went to see him at mid-day. One of Maharaja's disciples who were there with him informed him about my arrival and immediately Maharaja opened his eyes.


The devotee told him again that I was there. Maharaja's eyes opened wider as if trying to see where I was. Since I was on the other side of the bed, he could not see me. So I walked to the other side of the bed for him to see me. He kept looking at me and opened his mouth trying to say something.


It was painful to see him in that condition. I asked him whether I should read the Caitanya Caritamrita out to him. He nodded his head in approval. I was reading and his eyes were fixed on me wide open.


At one point he lifted his left hand. We felt very excited and informed the nurse and she told us that he had been doing that few a times already and she indicated that it was a very good sign. Soon afterwards the doctor came to check him.


I was wondering whether I should stop reading the Caitanya Caritamrita.


The doctor noticed my hesitation and assured me to continue reading. He seemed quite pleased to see the reports on Maharaja's condition and noted his progress.


I told him how Maharaja was lifting his hand and he asked Maharaja to lift his right hand. Maharaja did. He asked him to lift his left hand and he did that too. Then he asked him if he could lift his legs. His legs, which were covered with a bed sheet, started to move. The doctor was visibly excited to see his progress. He told me that it is a very good sign.


All his limbs were working.


I went back to the temple and gave the good news to all the devotees. It seemed that all of a sudden the heavy atmosphere of uncertainty and gloom disappeared and the mood became so joyful. The lady disciples of Jayapataka Maharaja whom I saw crying in the morning their faces lit up with a beautiful smile. Everyone became so hopeful.


I would have written to you all earlier, but I did not because I had a strong feeling that today his condition would improve even further and I would be able to give you greater good news.


Today I went to see him in the morning. Kavichandra Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja, Brajahari Prabhu and I walked to his bed in the Critical Intensive Care area. He opened his eyes when I held his hand and spoke to him.


As I anticipated, his condition seemed to be much better than yesterday. I told him who all were present there. He acknowledged everyone. He was visibly excited to see us all.


He wanted to speak but in that condition it was not possible for him. We started to chant the Maha Mantra and he started to move. I could see that he also started to chant with us.


At one point Kavi Candra Maharaja started to chant quite loudly, Jayapataka Maharaja immediately turned his face to see who was that. It was a clear reflex reaction.


Madhavananda Prabhu, a doctor disciple of Radhanath Maharaja, who also is the doctor in-charge of the Bhaktivedanta Hospital came and when I informed Maharaja about his arrival he immediately looked at him and recognized him.


Madhavananda Prabhu told him about a dream he had the last night. He saw that Jayapataka Maharaja took off the ventilator himself and started to speak.


When he was told that it could be quite dangerous Maharaja did not pay any heed and continued to speak to the devotees and then started to sing and dance. He was indeed amazed at his improvement and felt that his dream was actually became a reality.


Although Maharaja is not able to speak but it is quite clear that he is fully conscious and he is also able to move his hands and legs which is a clear indication that there is no major brain damage or possibility of paralysis. Once again we are seeing how Krsna protects His devotees and makes impossible possible.


Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,

Bhakti Charu Swami


Sunday, November 09 - Report from His Holiness Bhaktisiddhandta Swami Maharaja:::

There is no doubt the decision has been made...HE IS BACK WITH US

At 10:45 am Bhakti Caru Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Braja Hari and myself went to see him and GM was awake chanting. He looked at each of us and Bhakti Caru Swami said, placing his hand on GM's chest..


"Wow you look great, just look at your fighting spirit...you really had us worried...we need you so much to guide us in service to Srila Prabhupada" Kavicandra Maharaja said"There are 24 hour kirtans going around the world for you".


GM was choked up with tears in his eyes and he tried to speak, Bhakti Caru Swami said


"Don't try to exert your self please relax..And we all chanted Hare Krnsa out loud to calm him. Kavicandra at the foot of the bed yelled out "Gauranga" and then GM had to shift his attention to the end of the bed.


Then BCS asked him would you like to hear from the CC?...how about the chapter Talks between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Caitanya? Gm made a slight affirmation.


During the reading Kavicandra Maharaja was giving him reiki around the leg area and noticed that when the description of Mahaprabhu dancing GM's right leg gave a small kick.


He then was able to feebly lift his left hand over his chest to hold Bhakti Caru Swami's hand.


For the first time he was moving his head from right to left, up and down to take in all the persons that were there...sometimes he would look over head as we spoke.


Doctor Madhavanada, the director of the Bhaktivedanta hospital arrived and GM recognized him motioning with his left hand and pointing at the ventilator system that is a plastic pipe that goes into his throat.


The doctor said "that we have to keep that in for a while to help you clear the mucus...just some more days. You are doing very very well, we are very happy at your progress".


Last night the doctor had a dream and he was with GM at his hospital bed and he was pulling the ventilator pipes from his chest saying "I don't need them any more".


The DM was amazed to see that he was pointing to the very pipes he pulled out in the dream. Again GM tried to talk and the doctor said you are doing fine in a few days you can write to us. A large card with the alphabet was brought over and he tried to point to a few letters but it was too strenuous...DM said don't worry you can do this later"


At the same time the local doctors had arrived and were watching, I think Doctor Ashok, the nuerologist, was there for the first time to see GM active, we were going to clear out but he motioned for us to stay saying" This is the best thing for him now".


Again we began to chant together and you could see how GM was trying to speak the mahamantra and say Gauranga...One could easily perceive that GM appeared to be restless...wanting to do more...Kavicandra jokingly quipped" He is probably thinking of an unused plane ticket that he hasn't used up yet" As we were leaving it was clear that GM, looking at Bhakti


Caru Swami, silently formed the words 'Thank you'.

Out in the hall DM said things are going well, he is stable and his

platelets are up to 70,000 in my opinion we should not move him until he is completely off the ventilator.


Two days ago I saw him and today I am amazed to see this. Kavicandra added "I could really see he has taking the reiki...I have not seen him like this since he arrived"


In conclusion...a strong indication has been made: This is such good news but we are still in the critical stage...all of the prayers and yajnas are being felt, and now we have to only increase and not let up. Kavicandra mentioned (because today is Ekadasi) that if everyone in the movement did nirjala just think how powerful that could be?


Krsna is reciprocating with the desires of his devotees...this is the most important cure. Now we have a lot of work to do to try to bring GM back to 100%...please please please continue....

Best wishes

Your servant

Bhaktisiddhanta Swami


Sunday, November 09:


HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital


Today mornings' Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaja is evidence of the power of prayers of all the devotees all over the world. By Srila Prabhupada’s and Krishna’s mercy Maharaja is completely conscious, recognizing everyone, trying to speak and chant (of course he can’t do that because of the tracheostomy tube) and moves all his limbs.


HH Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaja, HH Kavicandra Swami Maharaja, HH Bhakti Siddhanta Swami Maharaja were all reading from Caitanya Caritamrta and Maharaja could understand everything.


Maharaja wants to come out of the ventilator. His blood pressure and other parameters are stable. We are hoping that very soon he will be out of the ventilator as well but that remains unpredictable even at this moment.

Maharaja is also getting acupuncture. Yesterday the first sitting of acupuncture was done and it will continue as long as the hospital authorities allow us.


Please continue to pray very sincerely and enthusiastically.

Gauragopala dasa ACBSP

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So what are the medical facts of survival in Maharaj's case that we are all interested to know?

Although Spiritually it's all in the hands of Krsna and especially the PRAYERS of the Vaishnavas


The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially high when the injury occurs in the brain stem.


Early diagnosis and treatment are important. The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially high when the injury occurs in the brain stem. For spontaneous ICH seen on CT scan, the death rate (mortality) is 34–50% by 30 days after the insult.


What is a Cerebral Aneurysm?


A cerebral aneurysm is the dilation, bulging, or ballooning-out of part of the wall of an artery in the brain. Cerebral aneurysms can occur at any age, although they are more common in adults than in children and are slightly more common in women than in men.


The signs and symptoms of an unruptured cerebral aneurysm will partly depend on its size and rate of growth. For example, a small, unchanging aneurysm will generally produce no symptoms, whereas a larger aneurysm that is steadily growing may produce symptoms such as loss of feeling in the face or problems with the eyes.


Immediately after an aneurysm ruptures, an individual may experience such symptoms as a sudden and unusually severe headache, nausea, vision impairment, vomiting, and loss of consciousness.


Is there any treatment?


<DISORDER_TREATMENT>For unruptured aneurysms, treatment may be recommended for large or irregularly-shaped aneurysms or for those causing symptoms. Emergency treatment for individuals with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm may be required to restore deteriorating respiration and reduce abnormally high pressure within the brain.


Treatment is necessary to prevent the aneurysm from rupturing again. Surgical treatment prevents repeat aneurysm rupture by placing a metal clip at the base of the aneurysm.


Patients for whom surgery is considered too risky may be treated by inserting the tip of a catheter into an artery in the groin and advancing it through the blood stream to the site of the aneurysm, where it is used to insert metal coils that induce clot formation within the aneurysm.


What is the prognosis?

<DISORDER_PROGNOSIS>The prognosis for a patient with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm depends on the extent and location of the aneurysm, the person's age, general health, and neurological condition.


Early diagnosis and treatment are important. The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially high when the injury occurs in the brain stem.


Intraparenchymal bleeds within the medulla are almost always fatal, because they cause damage to cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve, which plays an important role in blood circulation and breathing.


This kind of hemorrhage can also occur in the cortex or subcortical areas, usually in the frontal or temporal lobes when due to head injury, and sometimes in the cerebellum.


For spontaneous ICH seen on CT scan, the death rate (mortality) is 34–50% by 30 days after the insult.


What research is being done?


<DISORDER_RESEARCH>The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) conducts research in its laboratories at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and also supports additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country.


The NINDS supports a broad range of basic and clinical research aimed at finding better ways to prevent and treat cerebrovascular disorders such as cerebral aneurysms.


Select this link to view a list of studies currently seeking patients.

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Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja so lovingly reguested - "But my humble request to all devotees around the world is that they kindly do not relax their prayers, chanting, and kirtans on hearing this news.


The doctors are giving no medicine, as there is nothing to give and no surgery is possible. That means the only improvement we see now is due ONLY to the medicine of prayers from the devotees around the world, and the chanting of the holy names.


Every little step towards improvement that Maharaja makes is fully dependent on how seriously devotees are chanting and praying. This is the only way he will recover".


<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->I find this statement by Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja very interesting, inspirimg and very, very personal. After nearly 40 years of aspiring to be a servant of Srila Prabhupada, I am now just beginning to understand PERSONALISM.


As the Supreme Personality of Godhead (the personification of Personalism), Krsna always tries to please His PURE devotees, just as His dear humble prideless devotees try to please Him.


Therefore, Krsna's discission is ALWAYS based on the reciprication with His dedicated sincere non-materialistic Devotees.


So this is why the prayers to Prabhupada and Krsna are so important from those truely aspiring to unconditionally serve Krsna's PURE devotees, because it is those wonderful selfless prayers that win the favour and attention of Krsna as the 'Nectar of Devotion' teaches.


Krsna is not impersonal as the foolish impersonal 'Swamis. yogis and Sanyasis portray, He does everything for His sincere devotees and NEVER makes a discission alone, Krsna is never alone.


We rightly say everything is in Krsna's hands, yes, that is true, but His discission is never made alone, it is always made in the association of His pure loving selfless devotees and frankly, that discision between Him and His devotees is really inconcievable to our small conditioned minds!! But Prayer to the Lord does work if we pray with the desire to bring a massive Krsna Conscious revolution to this mundane world dominated by exploitation and sense gratification.


Such prayers WILL help wonderful devotees like Jayapataka Maharaj heal and again preach EVERYWHERE.


We must always remember that Krsna can even put an elephant through the eye of a needle to please His dear sincere devotees. Krsna therefore, is always under the control of His pure selfless austere merciful devotees and rewards them accordingly.


Your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa ACBSP

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If you have some suggestion on how to help H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaj talk, as he has NOT been able to speak now for 22 days because of a brain stem stroke, you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


Latest update (13 Nov - Report)

By gopijana on Fri, 2008-10-24 18:29. mainwelcome.jpg


By Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai.

Maharaj's consciousness is the same. He is trying to communicate.We are trying to find ways by which we can understand what he wants to say. If you have some suggestion you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


Till yesterday, Maharaj was on minimal ventilatory support for a long time. Now he is back on normal ventilatory support. Doctors said weaning from the ventilator will take a longer time. Please continue to pray intensely.

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Jayapataka Maharaj now eating solid foods



Today Friday 14th November 2008, the doctors have allowed Jayapataka Maharaj to begin eating semi solid food, soups and an energy pudding.


The nurse would say -


“Swamiji please open…now swallow"


Sometimes Maharaj would not eat so but when Revati Raman implored saying -


“The doctors have seen improvement allowing you to eat…so you must take to get strong…please open”


He would then open his mouth and swallow.



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A realistic question, how long can this go on for?

The Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had a significant stroke in 2006, nearly three years ago and is still in hospital.

This means that there has been extensive damage done to the brain. However, this does not necessarily mean that there will be this lasting effect on Jayapataka Maharaj although it is not uncommon for stroke victims to be in a vegetative state for years after their stroke.

These are the straight forward facts and intense prayer to Krsna is so important to plead our case to Krsna that for ISKCON to survive as the bonafide leader of the Gaudiya tradition, we need REAL mercifil caring Vaishnava examples in this world.


We all need great devotees like Jayapataka Maharaj to preach amonst us, who is never judgemental, self righteous, arrogant, puffed-up and demanding respect, instead of commanding respect with his sweet loving humility

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Get well letters for Jayapataka Maharaja


Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am so happy to hear the news about the improvement of your health. I am sure that this miracle happened only because of the ardent prayers of the devotees all over the world. I prayed too, again and and again, as much as I could.


With a small group of devotees we went to Nathadwar, and there at the temple of Sri Nathaji I offered Him my prayers for your protection. I felt some relief after that because I felt that Sri Nathaji who has protected all the residents of Vrindavana and who gives shelter to all His sincere devotees will never forsake you.


All the devotees in Russia love you and have greatest regard for you. I spoke with many of them trying to encourage them and to give them some solace during these days. We all feel your loving care and concern. Please continue giving us all your association.


During these days I saw so many GBCmen and sannyasis crying because the very thought of your possible departure was unbearable for them. I cried too suddenly realizing how important role you play in my life.


Please, dear Maharaja, get better soon. The news of the improvement of your health is the best news we can all have these days.


Your servant, Bhakti Vijnana Goswami


Dear Godbrother Jayapataka Maharaja,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All of us are are feeling so much consternation and deep concern about your present condition. It is a sad feature of this world that we don’t really appreciate the true value of something until we are deprived of it.


That is what I now feel regarding your association. I have taken it for granted that you are there somewhere, safe-guarding ISKCON. Please get well soon so that I can have the opportunity to relish your association again.


Never have I known any devotee who does as much service as you, and is able to multi-task; preaching, managing, caring for devotees, attending meetings and other duties.


Certainly Mahaprabhu manifests through His devotees to provide vision for spreading the Sankirtan Movement. Many years ago when all of us were still in the temple mode, you began the Congregational Ministry, which is now the main beacon of hope, chalking out the direction for the future of ISKCON.


You diligently watch over ISKCON, knowing its laws, and always take great care to assure that Srila Prabhupada’s legacy is carefully preserved.


I hope that you can forgive all my offenses and return to your formal service, and allow me to try to serve you again. You have imbibed the intricacies of vaisnava behavior and etiquette, and I have learned many aspects of the same by being with you, and observing you in Mayapur. We need your presence and preaching.


Krsna has already reclaimed too many valuable generals in ISKCON’s ranks. Please stay with us for many more years, as you are one of the pillars that provide strength and guidance to Srila Prabhupada’s mission.


I fervently pray that your health better daily, and that you give us signs that you will stay with us for a long, long time.

Your servant,


Guru Prasad Swami


Dear Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Ever since I first heard about your difficult health situation, I went into a state of internal meditation and constantly begged Lord Krishna’s permission to let you stay on this planet for longer. Your presence is vital for the Sankirtan Movement.


We can all see how arduously you serve Iskcon so that devotees are aware of how important it is to fortify Prabhupada’s big family and foster the Congregation.


You carefully help all those who meet you, and assist the Iskcon members to understand the importance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Panca-Tattva and Sridhama Mayapur.


I have been reminiscing the moments we spent together in Navadvipa Parikramas. I recall one of my realizations while carrying Srila Prabhupada’s Deities during the Parikrama, and you were by my side. I realized how you are the very life and soul of Navadvipa Parikrama.


I carefully observed your concerns on the organization, speaking on the radio with the organizers, and painstakingly taking care of all the details. I thank Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for granting me the benediction to receive your especial association.


My only and constant request to Sri Gouranga is that you physically remain with us. It is too early for you to leave, and we all need your help. I have noticed in all the Temples of my zone that devotees are daily praying, chanting and begging for the Lord’s protection.


They ask the Lord for you to continue your marvellous service to Srila Prabhupada.

Sri Krsna, please attend our fervent prayers.


Your servant,

Param Gati Swami


Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We were most alarmed when we heard of your sudden health crises and then even more worried when hearing of the possible outcomes. We thought,


” What will happen to his disciples and projects?”


Hearing of your recent health improvement, we experienced great relief. We are most happy to hear that you are doing so well and that there is great hope and practical expectations that you will be able to carry on your services to our beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada!


We thank you for your service to Srila Prabhupada and how it has affected so many devotees. We also thank you for your personal attention and association.


May Lord Krishna, the eternal cowherd boy, continue to protect you and give you good health so you can once again go to the goshalla and drink fresh cow urine.


See you there soon!

Your servant, Balabhadra das ISKCON Minister for Cow Protection and Agriculture


Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am so happy to hear that your health is improving so strongly. Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda are blessing us by allowing us to have your association longer.


I am praying to Them to help you come completely back to normal and continue your service to Srila Prabhupada enthusiastically.

Please forgive me for all my offences.

I remain,


Your humble servant,

Bhakti Caitanya Swami


Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This is your spiritual nephew Praghosa writing to wish you well and offer you all my love during this difficult time.


I would be hard pushed to think of knowing a more friendly, sweet, kind and loving person in my lifetime than you. So for selfish reasons I dearly want you to return to full health because otherwise I will miss the full benefit of your warm association.


I have been fortunate to have had many opportunities to serve with you. Often we are involved in management together and while we sometimes have differing opinions, I have always been inspired by your detachment to those opinions and how all differences cease to exist once the discussion has ended.


That quality of yours is something that I am endeavoring to learn from and is yet another reason why I am looking forward to your complete recovery.


I know you have the best of care there in Mumbai and as a dear servant of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna, your recovery is definitely in the best of hands.


I will continue with my little humble prayers for your return to full health and hope it comes in time for the Gaura Purnima festival next year, as things would simply not be the same without you.


All my love Maharaja,

Your servant,

Praghosa dasa.


Dear Jayapataka Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Many devotees are praying for your recovery, and some are writing to you expressing their love and appreciation for you.


I myself would like to offer a few words from a particular angle, namely the foundations that enabled you to become one of the most prominent members of Iskcon and a world preacher: your obedience and menial service to Srila Prabhupada.


Back in the early seventies Sridhama Mayapur was very austere. You had been ordered by Srila Prabhupada to stay in Mayapur and develop it.

Many other sannyasis were travelling all over the world preaching and starting big projects, obtaining recognition by the Iskcon devotees at large and being honoured at the Mayapur Festival for their achievements.


You would silently, undemandingly, and tirelessly spend the whole year going to Krsnanagar with the Mahindra-Mahindra jeep to purchase iron rods or cement (and you were so tough in negotiating the prices !), or dealing with contractors like Golam mistry, Channad mistry for the construction, or trying to get through to Calcutta using our phone:


here Swarupganj 31 placing long distance call to Calcutta, operator it is urgent call ! And in the evening, after a whole day service, just some muri (puffed rice) and milk.


This year after year. An obedient glorious servant with no expectation of recognition, but capturing the Lotus Feet of Radha Madhava and Srila Prabhupada in his heart.


The devotees knew that you would protect them under any circumstance. If someone had gone to the Ganges and foolhardily swum a bit too far from the shore, better hope that Jayapataka Maharaja be nearby to jump in and save him.


I someone had a philosophical doubt, a problem with his service, or some stiff relationships, you would calmly sustain him and give him real help.


I recall one night when the Goshalla was being attaked, seeing you running bare foot in the fields, alone, going to help the devotees there at the risk of your life, without considering anything but the devotees welfare.


Such spontaneous caring attitude is rarely seen.


How pleased must Srila Prabhupada have been by such unmotivated service of yours.


You may be apparently lying down on a bed in an hospital, but I am confident that your heart is in Mayapur Dhama with Sri Sri Radha Madhava, the Panca-Tattva, and Srila Prabhupada.


Our earnest desire is that you may fully recover from this illness and come back as the great lion we have always admired.


Thanking Srila Prabhupada for having granted me your invaluable association, I remain Your humble servant, Madhusevita das.


My dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I have been praying intensely to my Deities every day for your health.

It is essential that you get well as quickly as possible.


I am saying this not only out of concern for our movement, but also for my own reasons.


When I came to the hospital and saw you in the intensive care unit, I had a number of realizations about you and Prabhupada’s great love for you.


Whenever I have been with you I have observed such an outpouring of love from your heart not only towards myself and other devotees but towards every other living entity that you come in contact with.


When I remember how you would greet me with such joy and affection, I am brought to tears. It is too painful for me to contemplate not having those interactions with you.


The compassion you radiate is evidence of your connection with Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda.


Because Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda’s mercy is shinning through you, you are able draw others to Their lotus feet like a strong magnet attracting pieces of iron.


I am begging you to remain with us for many many more years. We need your association.


Your servant, Bir Krishna das Goswami


<!-- / message -->If we pray to Krsna sincerely, then such sincere selfless non-judgemental desires to help spread the REAL KRSNA Conscious Movement or ISKCON, will not only help heal Jatapataka Maharaj, but also attract so many great devotees to take birth here and help spread Lord Caitanya's mission.


Prayer to the Lord does work, if we pray with the desire to bring a massive Krsna Conscious revolution to this mundane world dominated by exploitation, materialism, thinking we are the biological body, immature, juvenile so called Krsna devotees and sense gratification.

Such prayers WILL help wonderful devotees like Jayapataka Maharaj heal so he can again preach EVERYWHERE on this planet.

The fact is, if we prove to Krsna our sincere selfless non-judgemental desires are to spread the REAL KRSNA Consciousness or ISKCON, then Krsna will not only heal Jayapataka Maharaj, but also send so many great devotees to help spread Lord Caitanya's mission who are presently lined up ready to take birth, just waiting for REAL Vaishnavas to bring them up as devotees rather than glorified karmis.


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1 1847.jpg Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja so lovingly reguested - “But my humble request to all devotees around the world is that they kindly do not relax their prayers, chanting, and kirtans on hearing this news.


The doctors are giving no medicine, as there is nothing to give and no surgery is possible. That means the only improvement we see now is due ONLY to the medicine of prayers from the devotees around the world, and the chanting of the holy names.


Every little step towards improvement that Maharaja makes is fully dependent on how seriously devotees are chanting and praying. This is the only way he will recover”.


I find this statement by Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja very interesting, inspirimg and very, very personal. After nearly 40 years of aspiring to be a servant of Srila Prabhupada, I am now just beginning to understand PERSONALISM.


As the Supreme Personality of Godhead (the personification of Personalism), Krsna always tries to please His PURE devotees, just as His dear humble prideless devotees try to please Him.


Therefore, Krsna’s discission is ALWAYS based on the reciprication with His dedicated sincere non-materialistic Devotees. So this is why the prayers to Prabhupada and Krsna are so important from those truely aspiring to unconditionally serve Krsna’s PURE devotees, because it is those wonderful selfless prayers that win the favour and attention of Krsna as the ‘Nectar of Devotion’ teaches.


Krsna is not impersonal as the foolish impersonal ‘Swamis. yogis and Sanyasis portray, He does everything for His sincere devotees and NEVER makes a discission alone, Krsna is never alone.


We rightly say everything is in Krsna’s hands, yes, that is true, but His discission is never made alone, it is always made in the association of His pure loving selfless devotees and frankly, that discision between Him and His devotees is really inconcievable to our small conditioned minds!!


But Prayer to the Lord does work if we pray with the desire to bring a massive Krsna Conscious revolution to this mundane world dominated by exploitation and sense gratification. Such prayers WILL help wonderful devotees like Jayapataka Maharaj heal and again preach EVERYWHERE.


We must always remember that Krsna can even put an elephant through the eye of a needle to please His dear sincere devotees. Krsna therefore, is always under the control of His pure selfless austere merciful devotees and rewards them accordingly.


Your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa

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A realistic question, how long can this go on for?

The Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had a significant stroke in 2006, nearly three years ago and is still in hospital.

This means that there has been extensive damage done to the brain. However, this does not necessarily mean that there will be this lasting effect on Jayapataka Maharaj although it is not uncommon for stroke victims to be in a vegetative state for years after their stroke.

These are the straight forward facts and intense prayer to Krsna is so important to plead our case to Krsna that for ISKCON to survive as the bonafide leader of the Gaudiya tradition, we need REAL mercifil caring Vaishnava examples in this world.


We all need great devotees like Jayapataka Maharaj to preach amonst us, who is never judgemental, self righteous, arrogant, puffed-up and demanding respect, instead of commanding respect with his sweet loving humility


Saturday, November 15 - Evening Report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Maharaja was off the ventilator support for two hours. Now he is back on the ventilatory support because he was breathless and tired.


The trials for weaning him off the ventilator will continue. Other parameters are stable. Maharaja remains critical because he is still on the ventilator. Please continue to pray intensely.:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Wednesday, November 19 - Report from HG Ekanath Gaura Prabhu:

18th Nov, 7 pm - 11 pm


7 pm: We were today on the night shift of care givers and when we arrived HH Lokanath Swami Maharaja was with Guru Maharaja holding his hand and gently touching his head.


Since visiting hours is only between 5 to 7 pm, he told me he will leave, and I told him that Guru Maharaja will eat now. He said "Oh, then I would love to feed him." HH Lokanath Swami Maharaj in a very humble and caring way fed Guru Maharaja for around 30 min.


This time Guru Maharaja ate a little more!!! Then Maharaja took Guru Maharaja's hand and placed it on his head asking for blessings and then Maharaja left.


After Lokanath Swami Maharaja went Guru Maharaja was trying to communicate with us during the night.


Guru Maharaja was very active and conscious. Whenever he sees a person he asks who he is. He wants to know everything that is happening around him. His eyes are very active and as soon as he recognizes someone, he starts calling him and moves his hands and head doing signals asking him different questions.


Sometimes he points his head, sometimes his stomach, sometimes he moves his tongue like he is talking, sometimes he wants to write and other times he moves his whole body. Like that Guru Maharaja is interacting with us in different ways.


When we cannot understand him, he points out the alphabetic board and he tries to indicate us the letters. It is like playing charades and guessing what Guru Maharaja wants.


At 10:30 pm, the nurses told me to leave, because it is time to sleep. We went to ICCU waiting room, and around 11 pm the nurses call out in the speaker, "bed number 20, bed number 20!!!". So we rush to Guru Maharaja's bed, and I saw like 3 nurses with the alphabetic board, trying to guess what he wanted, jejeje.


Finally they gave up and told us Swamiji want something. We asked Guru Maharaja and he wanted us to turn off the lights and to scratch his face. Guru Maharaja did not want to sleep.


So I told him, "Please it is 11 pm, it's time to sleep." Like always his nitya lila. But no hope. So we started to read softly Caitanya Caritamrita, and to do massage on his legs. Slowly he started to close his eyes and finally sleep.

19th Nov


4:30 am: We went for the morning program, and Guru Maharaja was already awake asking questions to the nurses.


We tried to guess what he wanted and finally I told him that it is mangal arotik time. We took the picture of Radha Madhava and Panca Tattva and started singing. He remained silent and in a praying mood, finally we brought the picture of Lord Nrsimha, and sang Namas Te prayers.


After the prayers I started explaining to Guru Maharaja the whole history of what had happened from the beginning when he was admitted in the hospital until now how he is improving a lot.


Guru Maharaja was listening carefully as he always wants to know what was happening to him. Finally I told him that we are in trouble now, because all his Godbrothers wanted to go to Europe, USA, Oz, etc!


We would like to thank all the devotees who are caring for Guru Maharaja, especially Braja Hari prabhu and HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami Maharaja who is leading the whole team so nicely.


All the Bhaktivedanta Hospital doctors lead by Madhavananda prabhu, Pundarik Govinda Prabhu who is the supervisor and the devotees who are behind the screen like Madhava Kanta Prabhu, Ratnavali dd, Sarva Sakti dd, Madhuri Yamuna dd and Vasudevatmaja prabhu who are acting as facilitators.


Also special thanks to the Mayapur Brahmacaris who are standing outside the hospital guarding 24hrs a day.

Your servants,

JPS Caregivers


Wednesday, November 19 - Message from HG Ekanath Gaura Prabhu:

17 Nov afternoon shift:


Guru Maharaja was most conscious today. Asraya, Bhadra Balaram and I were in the hospital together with Damodar Pandit Prabhu (the Bhaktivedanta Hospital Spiritual Counsellor).


7 pm: I went to the ICCU room, and Guru Maharaja was with his eyes open, and he was observing to see who has come to see him. One of the duties of the secretaries is to ask Guru Maharaja how he feels, etc, so we ask him and he nodded his head to say he is ok.


Sometimes when we ask him how he is, he moves his fingers, or limbs to show he is feeling better.


I explained to him that we have a new system for communication, which is called Camera mouse. It is a software that needs a webcam.


The webcam is used to select a part of your body which will work as a mouse. Guru Maharaja can use his eyes or his head, or a finger as a mouse, and he can indicate the alphabets on the computer or use any program on the computer normally.


He was happy about it. At this moment he is weak to use it but we will try it when he gets little stronger. Damodara Pandit prabhu also explained to Guru Maharaja about the program and some other details.


Guru Maharaja pointed me his stomach. I asked him if he would like to eat and he replied yes. Vasudevatmaja prabhu had prepared some prasadam for Guru Maharaja. Since the ventilator was on a full mode we were not allowed to feed orally any food to Guru Maharaja.


The fact that Guru Maharaja is asking for food is a good symptom. It means that his body has started to work properly.


Later on, I came back and I told Guru Maharaja that many of his Godbrothers and well wishers came to see him, like HH Sacinandana Swami Maharaja, HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj, HH Radha Govinda Swami Maharaja, HH Kavicandra Swami Maharaja, HH Gopal Krsna Goswami, Tirtharaj Prabu, Gauragopala Prabhu etc.


I asked Guru Maharaja, "Did you see HH Sacinandana Swami Maharaja in the morning?" He was very happy and he inquired with his head if Maharaja was there. I said, "No, he came in the morning to tell you about the dream he had with you." Guru Maharaja wanted to know about the dream. I told him that Maharaja will be coming personally to tell the dream. I also said Tirtharaj Prabhu came in the morning with his wife.


Guru Maharaja moved his head and hands asking me if they were here too, “unfortunately no” I replied, but they send their love to you. I said Tirtharaja Prabhu inviting you to OZ and HH Bir Krishna Goswami to USA and he opened his eyes very big, and was filled with tears.


At 7:50 pm I explained him that we have 4 shifts, Maha Varaha, Bhadra Balarama, Vaikuntha Pati and Dharesh... Guru Maharaja moved his mouth and said, "Dharesh?" I said yes. Guru Maharaja wanted to know if Dharesh was there. I said he would be coming tomorrow.


Guru Maharaja was happy to see that all his servants were there with him. I took his hand and I told him, "Guru Maharaja we are all here in the hospital with you. Not only us, all the devotees around the world are here with you. We love you so much, and his eyes again filled with tears."


Damodara Pandit Prabhu suggested that we should have a whole day program for Guru Maharaja with devotees taking turns to read, to chant with him, to feed him and to visit him.


8 pm: Guru Maharaja started moving his hand towards all the tubes asking me why he has all these tubes.


I told him that one is for ventilator. He pointed the other and I said for removing the mucus and like this we went through each one of them. Finally he moved his left hand like he wanted to chant.


So I asked him if he wanted his clicker. He nodded no. I asked if he wanted Black berry. He nodded no. I became confused and kept asking if he wants to chant but that's not what he wanted. Finally I realised he was talking about a special device that he has on his left finger and a tube connecting to it to measure the blood.


Wednesay, November 19 - Evening Report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


The neurologist was happy to see Maharaja fully alert and conscious. Maharaja feels hungry and asks to be fed. He takes a few teaspoons of semisolid food 2-3 times a day.


The weaning from the ventilator is going on. Today they weaned him off the ventilatory support at 2.30 pm. We are waiting and watching for how long he can sustain respiration without the ventilatory support.


The progress he is making is very heartening to see and the neurologist and intensivist are happy with this positive outcome and feel that very soon he will be able to pull through without ventilatory support.


Maharaja is much less critical as compared to the first 10 days of his

admission in ICU.


Please continue to pray intensely.


Wednesday, November 19 - Additional Information:

While Ekanatha Gaura prabhu was making the bowl ready to feed the soup to Guru Maharaja, HH Lokanath Swami Maharaja wanted to feed Guru Maharaja personally.


He took the bowl from Ekanath Gaura prabhu and fed few spoons of soup to Guru Maharaja. What a nice loving reciprocation!!!


Yesterday Asraya Govinda prabhu mentioned to Guru Maharaja that he is going back to Mayapur. Guru Maharaja through the sign language expressed his desire to also go to Mayapur.


Asraya Govinda prabhu replied once Guru Maharaja gets better and comes out of the hospital will be taken to Mayapur. Guru Maharaja's heart is always in Mayapur!


Through the sign language Guru Maharaja wanted to know in which hospital he was, who were the doctors treating him and who was paying for his expenses.


He is not talking yet but through the alphabetical board, some hand movements and face expressions communicating with the devotees. The devotees asked Guru Maharaja not to worry of the medical expenses as it has been taken care of.


Right now the real hurdle is for Guru Maharaja to come out of the ICCU and the ventilator. His lungs are little weak. We need another miracle to happen so that with Lord Krishna's mercy Guru Maharaja can successfully come out of the ventilator. The most merciful Lordships seem to be reciprocating lovingly with devotees' prayers and we beg Them to continue so that Guru Maharaja can fully recover.


In conclusion, devotees please remember that Guru Maharaja's situation is still critical and sincere prayers are the only medicine.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


Wednesday, November 19 - Message from HG Mahavaraha Prabhu:

Yesterday around 6pm HH Lokanath Swami Maharaja came to visit Guru Maharaja at Hinduja Hospital. Maharaja is coming after the one month Vraja Mandala Parikrama and 3 days Puri Parikrama. Maharaja was with Guru Maharaja for almost 1 hour 15 mins.


He was explaning about the Vraja Mandala Parikrama and also the Puri Parikrama. According to Maharaja about 5000 Puri Parikrama participants offered each of their sankalpa in the name of Guru Maharaja in front of the Simha Dwara (Lion Gate) of Lord Jaganatha Temple.


He went on explaining in detail about the success of the parikrama and how the devotees were missing his transcendental association. Before HH Lokanath Swami Maharaja left the ICCU ward he asked Guru Maharaja if there is any message for the devotees? Guru Maharaja pointed out the word 'Gauranga' & 'Haribol' on the alphabetical board.


NOTE - As I am in India, my reports will be every third day unless something big happens Hare Krsna - Sarva

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After thirty days Jayapataka Maharaj speaks for the first time!!

'How many times have we heard,


'Well, saving the fallen souls is up to Krishna?'


Actually, it is NOT up to Krishna to save the most fallen souls of Kali-yuga and give them chances to attain devotional attachment and service to the devotees of Lord Krishna Caitanya Maha Prabhu, it is up to his selfless pure non judgemental prideless non materialistic devotees like Srila Prabhupada to bring the forgetful souls (by force if need be if they are initiated) Back Home Back to Godhead (Goloka).


Krishna does not personally save anyone to begin with, His Pure devotees do that. This is a very important realization and I thank JPM for his kind blessings on me' - Gauragopala dasa ACBSP


Saturday, November 22 - Report from HG Maha Varaha Prabhu:

22nd Nov 2008 - Morning Shift 6am to 2pm


HG Revati Raman Prabhu and myself was on morning duty today. Dr. Shiromani mataji from the Bhaktivedanta Hospital told us that GM (Guru Maharaj) has been breathing without the ventilator support for the last 24 hours. He was exhausted. At 8am doctor asked GM whether he needs ventilator support. GM said,




Doctor asked him again,


"Are you ok?" GM replied,"OK."


Though he was exhausted due to breathing for such a long hours he was very determined and maintained his will power which he always does. He strongly wanted to carry on breathing without the support of ventilator. Last evening GM spoke for the first time with the help of speech valve.


But this morning he spoke the above mentioned two words 'No & Ok' without the speech valve. Though it was not so clear but could be understood at close range.


At 9.30am before we fed breakfast for GM the nurses did suction of secretions which was accumulated inside in the trachea through a tube. This is quite a painful and a tiring process.


GM became more tired after that. His face turned reddish with tears welling up in his eyes. Then HG Revati Raman Prabhu started feeding breakfast (oats) to GM. While he was feeding Dr. Ashok came for his morning routine check up.


Dr. Ashok asked GM,


"Are you ok?"


GM stretched out his tongue little longer asking to feed him more. Dr. Ashok with smile on his face said,


"Hmmm! Good! Good!"


At 10am HG Janmasthami Prabhu, the Chairman of MIHE visited GM. At

12.30 in the afternoon when we were getting ready to feed lunch for GM, HH Devamrita Swami Maharaja came to visit GM. HH Devamrita Swami Maharaja said,


"Maharaja Thank you for staying with us."


GM replied,


"Thank you!"


Then GM started to speak more to maharaja but rest of the words could not be heard. Then Dr. Hegde came for his routine check up.


After the routine check up HG Revati Raman Prabhu fed lunch for GM. After the lunch and with the permission of Dr. Hegde the nurses fixed speech valve for GM.


Following is the summary of the conversation that took place between HH Devamrita Swami Maharaja (DMS) and GM after the speech valve was fixed. Conversation was noted by HG Revati Raman Prabhu.


DMS: Maharaja, thank you for staying with us. I came directly from the airport to see you.


JPS (Jayapataka Swami): Thank you for coming. How are you?


DMS: I am doing fine, you are also doing fine.


JPS: I don't know how long the Lord will keep me here.


DMS: Your breathing is so nice like sankirtana, Mahaprabhu's sankirtana. Recover nicely and perfectly, no hurry.


JPS: Nodded his head.


DMS: You should come out fast and dance in front of Their Lordships Radha Madhava and Panca Tattva though no doubt you are already doing that in your heart. This is a best time for you to stay in Mayapur and write commentary on sastras.


JPS: Any idea?


DMS: Caitanya Bhagavata. You know Bengali, translate and comment according to modern people. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswathi Thakur's commentary is too technical and modern people do not understand. You should write in the line of Brihad Bhagavatamrta by Gopiparanadhana Prabhu. Till now I haven't read Caitanya Bhagavata, only Caitanya Caritamrta, the moment you complete I will read your Caitanya Bhagavata.


JPS: How long you will stay?


DMS: Four Days

End of the conversation


GM's speech valve was removed after the conversation. Reading reports like this may give a picture that GM is doing very well. But please keep in mind that GM is not out of danger hundred percent and he is gradually coming out of it. According to doctors, GM is in crucial point of recovery, coming out of the ventilator. He still has a long way to go for full recovery and by Lord Krishna's mercy he will acheive that. So please keep praying until GM recovers completely.

Yours in the service of GM,

JPS Servants


Saturday, November 22 - Report from HG Ekanath Gaura Prabhu:

21st Nov 2008


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First of all, I would like to offer my most respectful obeisances to our very beloved GM, whose compassion has no limit.


Who although was in a extreme difficult situation, his breathing was reduced to minimum, his body was totally wiped out, he wanted to speak and interact with the devotees as he always does. I want to offer my most deep obeisances to him, who never stops preaching even when he is tired, sick, thirsty, etc!!!


2:40 pm: As we arrived at the hospital, we asked Shiromani mataji about GM's condition. She said that GM is without the ventilator since morning time.


We went inside the ICCU to see GM. He was very tired, but he was better than other times when ventilator was switched off. We asked the nurses to remove his socks and machine for massaging his legs. His feet were totally dry and therefore we applied the cream to his feet.


GM wanted to tell us something but we told him to keep his energy saved for breathing.


GM was hungry. I asked the nurses if we could feed him. They asked me if I received the permission to give our temple food and I said yes. HG Nitai Prasad prabhu, the General Manager of Sridham Mayapur was with us. We explained to him how to feed Guru Maharaja and he fed Guru Maharaja nicely. GM took 14 spoons of soup and 3 pieces of dhosas.


Around 4 pm, HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami Maharaja, HG Braja Hari prabhu came to the hospital. HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami Maharaja brought many wonderful things from Jagannath Puri.


He had Maha oil which the priests use to massage on the transcendental body of Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra Devi when they get sick after Snana yatra pastime.


He also brought Caranamrta, camphor, sandalwood paste, a piece of kusa grass that is used to bless the Lord and wish Him good luck, even he got a piece of Lord's Body (from Nava-kalevaram -- the festive procedure of changing Lord Jagannatha's body), and of course Jagannath Maha Prasad which has been taken from the Lord's plate directly. For many, many years, Maharaja had not gone inside the temple!


They went inside the ICCU to see Guru Maharaja. After 5 min, HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja came and the nurses placed a special device for enabling GM to talk.


This transcendental conversation is available on the web and the link has been sent on a separate text. I just want to mention it was a very sweet pastime to see. The devotees were very affectionate, gave a massage to GM, chanted for him and encouraged him.


In front of GM one old person was almost dying. During the sweet kirtan of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja the old person passed away. The kirtan was meant for GM, but everyone got the benefit. What a great fortune!!!


After everyone left, GM was wiped out. They made him to sit on a sofa to increase his blood circulation, and then they put him to sleep.


Many of you might have already heard GM's conversation. His voice is not so audible. I mean to say he was exhausted just from breathing. I know many of you are already praying, but we need to increase the prayers to get GM out of the ventilator.


One devotee told me, he prayed during the Damodara month as follows: ¨ My dear Mother Yasoda, Krishna might not listen to my prayer, but you are his mother. He will listen to you. So kindly tell him to help my GM to come out of the ventilator."


Please keep praying. GM wants to go to Mayapur.

Your servants,

JPS caregivers


Saturday, November 22 - Guru Mukha Padma Vakya:

recorded conversation on 21-Nov-08:


Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.


Yesterday Guru Maharaja for the first time spoke few words with great difficulty. The speech was recorded by Ekanath Gaura prabhu with his team members.


HH Radhanatha Swami Maharaja, HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami Maharaja, HG Braja Hari prabhu and Ananda Tirtha Prabhu went to see Guru Maharaja. The doctors placed the speaking valve to enable him to speak.

guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete koriya aikya,

ar na koriho mane asa


"My only wish is to have my consciousness purified by the words emanating from his lotus mouth."


The recorded speech is in the following url:


Hearing the above one can understand how Krsna Conscious Guru Maharaja is. He is setting the best example for all us to follow.


Note: Certain part of the speech is not audible.


JPS: 24hrs ...I can say a few words on this contraption. I can speak a few words on this contraption...


RNS: You are making great progress!


JPS: All by your mercy.


RNS: All the doctors are amazed by the miracle how you are making progress.

I think after a few days they can take all these machines off of you.


JPS: I was literally leaving and lying ...I was sleeping... it's all your good association.


RNS: I have been feeling so much of separation from your association, Maharaja.


JPS: I want to stand up. I want to try to stand up.


EGD: You want to stand up?


RNS: Maharaja, after few days you will dance, after few days you will stand up and after sometime you will be dancing.


JPS: Doctor told you? ... the other doctor.. that doctor...


EGD: Ya, doctor said you will be able to walk. Walking no problem he said.


BHD: Doctor told today to Gopal Krsna Maharaja that you will become a very, very normal person. Don't worry.


JPS: I have so much pain. I have to lye flat or I can walk?


EGD: He said you can walk.


JPS: ....


BHD: If we press do you feel much better?


BPS: Guru Maharaja, can you move your legs?


BHD: Can you move your legs Guru Maharaja, little bit? We want to see whether you can move your legs.


JPS: Leg is flat.... otherwise i can walk.


BHD: You will be alright, Guru Maharaja. Don't worry, you will be very much alright. In two days you will come to temple.


JPS: I go to Juhu. When I go to Mayapur? Am I in Juhu or in Chowpatty?


BHD: We are in the Hindhuja hospital ICU.


EGD: You are going to be very soon out of the ICU the doctor said may be in one day or a two. One or two days may be you will be out of the ICU, Guru Maharaja. Bhakti Purushottam Maharaja and Radhanath Maharaja they came to take you to Mayapur very soon.


JPS: ...I couldn't hear.


BHD: He was telling, that Bhakti Purushottam Maharaja and Radhanath Maharaja after few days they will take you to Mayapur.


JPS: I want to extend...


BHD: You want to take it off? Is it alright?


JPS: How is breathing?


RNS: Your breathing is excellent. Everything is very good. We are all happy to see that you are recovering.


BHD: Maharaja you just tell all Vrndavana things, you prayed there and the devotees.. Radhanatha Maharaja is saying something, please listen.


RNS: We were in Vrndavana for almost 3 weeks. We had 4000 devotees from different parts of the world on our yatra and we dedicated the yatra to you.

Every lecture we began by speaking about you and we had all the 4000 devoteees praying for your recovery and for your good health.


JPS: I don't deserve it.


RNS: Every holy place that we went, we were also at Govardhan parikrama, we were all praying for you. All thousands and thousands of devotees we were in Vrndavan meditating on our love and gratitude to you and praying to Sri Radha and Krsna to help you to recover.


All over the world the devotees are united in doing kirtan and praying for your good health. It was beautiful before each evening lecture all the 4000 devotees were together and we would began by hearing an update and the report of your health condition and then we would speak about you and then we would all take some minutes in prayer for you and kirtan for you.


It is beautiful to see how much devotees love you from their heart and hearts with such deep gratitude for your compassion and a lifetime of devotional service. Even non devotee doctors and nurses are developing faith by seeing how miraculuosly Krsna is healing you.


Even in this condition you are preaching, uniting devotees hearts, giving people faith. There is nothing that can be done to keep you from being an empowered preacher. You're seriously affecting devotees hearts.


It brings us joy to see this. Especially brings us joy to see how miraculuosly you are recovering.

RNS and devotees: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.


JPS: Hare Krsna. I want my walking stick.

Devotees: Walking stick. We have. We have.


JPS: I have.


EGD: I have in the temple. Tomorrow we will bring your walking stick for you.


JPS: ...I am very tired.


BHD: You can take rest now. We will go and you take rest, Guru Maharaja. We will sit outside, you take rest. You want to take rest now. Right?


JPS: I want association.

Devotees: want association.


BHD: Maharaja will be here. We are all very happy to see your progress. So nicely you are improving. Guru Maharaja, do you feel hurt... Are you feeling hurt?

Devotees: ya, little bit.


JPS: ...you sit down and I walk.

Devotees: you will walk. (laughter)


BHD: As soon as you come out of the bed you will walk. Right now you have to take rest and you will walk when you come out of the bed. It will take sometime. Just wait for a day. Be patient.


RNS: .Previously they put him on a chair...


JPS: Have a lift in Mayapur?


BPS: We are preparing the lift. Construction going on there. The lift construction is going on in Mayapur.


JPS: Good to cough?

Devotees: Ya, good to cough.


BHD: Doctor said that if you are coughing it is good for you.


RNS: It is auspicious.


BHD: Sign of improvement.


RNS: It is auspicious.


BHD: Guru Maharaja here is Ananda Tirtha.


ATD: Arguments are going on. ...arguments started yesterday.


JPS: In the Higher Court?


ATD: No, in the Lower Court only, still. December 2nd week we should be getting a judgement, hopefully in our favor. Once you will be alright, you can come back.


JPS: I think it is ....


RNS: ....will come back to see you after sometime. Please rest.


ATD: So many devotees are praying for you Guru Maharaja. Because we want you back.


JPS: I heard that you're ... (unclear)

Ekanath Gaura: It's okay Guru Maharaja...We can finish this conversation later....


Special thanks to Ekanath Gaura prabhu and Acintya Nitai prabhu for having the MP3 recorder at the right moment and recording the talk; for Tirthatma Nitai prabhu who did audio editing and to provide the url link so everyone could hear the transcendental conversation; and for Braja Sevaki Mataji who assisted in the transcription.


Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


Saturday, November 22 - Report from HG Maha Varaha Prabhu:



I was on a night shift today with Madhava Kanta Prabhu. When we reached the hospital, Dr.Sagar from the Bhaktivedanta Hospital told us that GM is sleeping now as he is little tired of breathing on his own from 11.30am.

I asked Dr.Sagar to find out if it is possible to feed GM now.


He said we can feed GM as soon as he wakes up. 30 minutes later GM woke up. I went inside the ICCU and asked him whether he would like to have his dinner now? GM didn't reply anything.


The nurses who were beside GM asked him the same question; still we didn't get any reply. I told GM that he must eat something so that he can build up his strength to walk, speak etc.


At around 9pm I and Madhava Kanta Prabhu fed GM with chickpea and vegetable mixed soup. He ate about 8 spoons.


At one point he started to cough and then he stopped taking the prasadam. Dr.Anamika who was on duty insisted GM to eat more. GM shook his head in disagreement. Finally I gave some water for him to drink.


After drinking the water he was trying to say something. But Doctor told him to relax since he is breathing without the support of ventilator. GM fell asleep 20 minutes later.


I went inside the ICCU at 5am to check GM's condition. The nurse told me GM is back on ventilator at 4.15am.


I rubbed his hand gently and he opened his eye. I put Sri Sri Radha Madhava picture in front him for his morning darshan. After 10 seconds he closed his eyes.


I understood that he is exhausted of breathing on his own the whole night.


Saturday, November 22 - Morning Report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das,

of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Maharaja has been off the ventilator for 24 hrs. He's maintaining oxygen saturation. Doctors are continuing to give encouraging reports. The oral feeds are going on. Please continue to pray intensely.

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Maharaja is recovering well. He has been off the ventilator for 72 hours now. He is fully conscious and alert.


Monday, November 24 - Evening Report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:

Maharaja is recovering well. He has been off the ventilator for 72 hours now. He is fully conscious and alert.

Maharaja will be shifted out of the ICU into the ward in the next few days. You may have read that he would be shifted out in the afternoon or tomorrow, but that is not the fact.

Additional note by Dr. Shiromani devi dasi: In the morning, the neurologist Dr. P.P. Ashok merely suggested shifting Maharaja out of the ICU but this news was not put out by the Bhaktivedanta doctors because the decision to shift him out of the ICU had to be made by the intensivist Dr Hegde. In the afternoon when Dr. Hegde came, he did not agree to shift Maharaja out of the ICU today, but in the next few days.

To send get well cards for Guru Maharaja:

If anyone interested to send artistic and devotional get well cards for Guru Maharaja, Do not send them by email as it would be difficult to get them printed. You can send it to the below mentioned postal address:

Ratnavali dd

C/O P Govinda das

Room 185, Hare Krsna Land,

Juhu, Mumbai - 400049


Monday, November 24 - Report from HG Maha Varaha Prabhu:

23rd Nov 2008 2pm - 7pm

Today HG Nitai Prasad Prabhu joined me in the afternoon shift. We reached the hospital at 2.30pm. Guru Maharaja was resting when we reached there. Dr. Sagar told me that the nurses just shifted Guru Maharaja from the sofa to his bed. Once or twice in a day Guru Maharaja is made to sit on a special sofa.

At 4.45 pm we woke up Guru Maharaja and prepared 3 pieces of mashed kiwi fruits to feed Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja ate all of them. I asked him if he wanted more. Guru Maharaja shook his head to say no.

After the fruit feeding, we gave him physiotherapy massage on all the joints of Guru Maharaja's legs and hands. This was taught to us by the Bhaktivedanta Hospital doctors. We are regularly do it twice a day besides the physiotherapy doctors from the Hinduja Hospital.

After the physiotherapy massage, I read 6 get well letters to Guru Maharaja. At the end of the sixth letter Guru Maharaja fell asleep.


Maha Varaha Das

Monday, November 24 - Report from HG Ekanath Gaura Prabhu:

22rd Nov 2008, Night shift 7pm - 6am

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

7.15pm Acintya Caitanya prabhu and myself went inside to see Guru Maharaja. Acintya Caitanya prabhu asked Guru Maharaja if he wanted to take prasadam for which Guru Maharaja agreed. Guru Maharaja was very tired so we did not disturb him. At 8.20pm we fed Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja took 10 spoons of soup very slowly. We mentioned Guru Maharaja that doctor suggested him to eat 18 spoons to get more energy and Guru Maharaja kindly agreed and took 18 spoons of soup. Since he was exhausted he went to sleep immediately after he

took prasad.

5am: Guru Maharaja is mostly awake at 4.30 am. Even in this situation he follows his sadhana! He was wide-awake today and wanted to speak. First we did Samsara prayers and Guru Maharaja touched the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Madhava and Panca Tattva to take Their blessings. He offered his prayers to Their Lordships and it also appeared to me that he was speaking to Them!

After the morning program, Guru Maharaja spoke following words:

Here is Jayapataka Swami.

I need to be clean.


agua (water in spanish)

Guru Maharaja wanted to speak more but we asked him to save his energy for the senior Vaisnavas who might visit him.

Guru Maharaja looked more fresh than yesterday. His breathing is not fully normal. He is still tired but he is improving.

Your servants,

JPS caregivers

Monday, November 24 - Morning Report:

Ekanath Gaura prabhu is in the hospital today for the morning shift. Dr. PP Ashok visited Guru Maharaja and he said Guru Maharaja can move out of the ICCU today. Dr. Hegde has to decide yet.

Ekanath Gaura prabhu asked Guru Maharaja if he has any message to all the devotees and Guru Maharaja dictated the following:

"Hello. Hello. Hare Krsna! 30 days I am here. I am very tired. Doctor says I am out of danger. GAURANGA!!

Ekanath Gaura prabhu passed on this message to me through the mobile so it can be immediately posted to all of you.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd

Sunday, November 23 - Morning Report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:

Maharaj has been off the ventilator for 48 hours now and is doing well. The reports are encouraging. His oral intake of prasadam is increasing


Please continue to pray intensely.


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This is amazing and proof of the power of prayer, listen for yourself

For those who have not heard Jayapataka Maharaj speaking, you can listen here

Guru Maharaja for the first time spoke

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD class=gbNavigatorPhoto><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD align=left width="20%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD align=left width="20%">This has greatly moved my friends and I to tears :crying2: because all the devotees and aspiring devotees are focused and are raising the consciousness of ISKCON and the planet with their prayers. It is the selfless prayers :pray: that are so important. The devotee speaking with JPM is very very inspiring</TD><TD align=middle><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD align=right width="20%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD><TD>











</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD align=middle><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD align=right width="20%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD><TD>









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Dr. Ashok asked GM,


"Are you ok?"


GM (Jayapataka Swami) stretched out his tongue little longer asking to feed him more. Dr. Ashok with smile on his face said,


"Hmmm! Good! Good!"


At 10am HG Janmasthami Prabhu, the Chairman of MIHE visited GM. At

12.30 in the afternoon when we were getting ready to feed lunch for GM, HH Devamrita Swami Maharaja came to visit GM. HH Devamrita Swami Maharaja said,


"Maharaja Thank you for staying with us."


GM replied,


"Thank you!"


Then GM started to speak more to maharaja but rest of the words could not be heard.


The following is the summary of the conversation that took place between HH Devamrita Swami Maharaja (DMS) and GM after the speech valve was fixed. Conversation was noted by HG Revati Raman Prabhu.


DMS: Maharaja, thank you for staying with us. I came directly from the airport to see you.


JPS (Jayapataka Swami): Thank you for coming. How are you?


DMS: I am doing fine, you are also doing fine.


JPS: I don't know how long the Lord will keep me here.


DMS: Your breathing is so nice like sankirtana, Mahaprabhu's sankirtana. Recover nicely and perfectly, no hurry.


JPS: Nodded his head.


DMS: You should come out fast and dance in front of Their Lordships Radha Madhava and Panca Tattva though no doubt you are already doing that in your heart. This is a best time for you to stay in Mayapur and write commentary on sastras.


JPS: Any idea?


DMS: Caitanya Bhagavata. You know Bengali, translate and comment according to modern people. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswathi Thakur's commentary is too technical and modern people do not understand. You should write in the line of Brihad Bhagavatamrta by Gopiparanadhana Prabhu. Till now I haven't read Caitanya Bhagavata, only Caitanya Caritamrta, the moment you complete I will read your Caitanya Bhagavata.


JPS: How long you will stay?


DMS: Four Days

End of the conversation


GM's speech valve was removed after the conversation. Reading reports like this may give a picture that GM is doing very well.


But please keep in mind that GM is not out of danger hundred percent and he is gradually coming out of it.


According to doctors, GM is in crucial point of recovery, coming out of the ventilator. He still has a long way to go for full recovery and by Lord Krishna's mercy he will acheive that.


So please keep praying until GM recovers completely.

Yours in the service of GM,

JPS Servants


Note: Certain part of the speech is not audible.


JPS: 24hrs ...I can say a few words on this contraption. I can speak a few words on this contraption...


RNS: You are making great progress!


JPS: All by your mercy.


RNS: All the doctors are amazed by the miracle how you are making progress.

I think after a few days they can take all these machines off of you.


JPS: I was literally leaving and lying ...I was sleeping... it's all your good association.


RNS: I have been feeling so much of separation from your association, Maharaja.


JPS: I want to stand up. I want to try to stand up.


EGD: You want to stand up?


RNS: Maharaja, after few days you will dance, after few days you will stand up and after sometime you will be dancing.


JPS: Doctor told you? ... the other doctor.. that doctor...


EGD: Ya, doctor said you will be able to walk. Walking no problem he said.


BHD: Doctor told today to Gopal Krsna Maharaja that you will become a very, very normal person. Don't worry.


JPS: I have so much pain. I have to lye flat or I can walk?


EGD: He said you can walk.


JPS: ....


BHD: If we press do you feel much better?


BPS: Guru Maharaja, can you move your legs?


BHD: Can you move your legs Guru Maharaja, little bit? We want to see whether you can move your legs.


JPS: Leg is flat.... otherwise i can walk.


BHD: You will be alright, Guru Maharaja. Don't worry, you will be very much alright. In two days you will come to temple.


JPS: I go to Juhu. When I go to Mayapur? Am I in Juhu or in Chowpatty?


BHD: We are in the Hindhuja hospital ICU.


EGD: You are going to be very soon out of the ICU the doctor said may be in one day or a two. One or two days may be you will be out of the ICU, Guru Maharaja. Bhakti Purushottam Maharaja and Radhanath Maharaja they came to take you to Mayapur very soon.


JPS: ...I couldn't hear.


BHD: He was telling, that Bhakti Purushottam Maharaja and Radhanath Maharaja after few days they will take you to Mayapur.


JPS: I want to extend...


BHD: You want to take it off? Is it alright?


JPS: How is breathing?


RNS: Your breathing is excellent. Everything is very good. We are all happy to see that you are recovering.


BHD: Maharaja you just tell all Vrndavana things, you prayed there and the devotees.. Radhanatha Maharaja is saying something, please listen.


RNS: We were in Vrndavana for almost 3 weeks. We had 4000 devotees from different parts of the world on our yatra and we dedicated the yatra to you.

Every lecture we began by speaking about you and we had all the 4000 devoteees praying for your recovery and for your good health.


JPS: I don't deserve it.


RNS: Every holy place that we went, we were also at Govardhan parikrama, we were all praying for you. All thousands and thousands of devotees we were in Vrndavan meditating on our love and gratitude to you and praying to Sri Radha and Krsna to help you to recover.


All over the world the devotees are united in doing kirtan and praying for your good health. It was beautiful before each evening lecture all the 4000 devotees were together and we would began by hearing an update and the report of your health condition and then we would speak about you and then we would all take some minutes in prayer for you and kirtan for you.


It is beautiful to see how much devotees love you from their heart and hearts with such deep gratitude for your compassion and a lifetime of devotional service. Even non devotee doctors and nurses are developing faith by seeing how miraculuosly Krsna is healing you.


Even in this condition you are preaching, uniting devotees hearts, giving people faith. There is nothing that can be done to keep you from being an empowered preacher. You're seriously affecting devotees hearts.


It brings us joy to see this. Especially brings us joy to see how miraculuosly you are recovering.


RNS and devotees: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.


JPS: Hare Krsna. I want my walking stick.


Devotees: Walking stick. We have. We have.


JPS: I have.


EGD: I have in the temple. Tomorrow we will bring your walking stick for you.


JPS: ...I am very tired.


BHD: You can take rest now. We will go and you take rest, Guru Maharaja. We will sit outside, you take rest. You want to take rest now. Right?


JPS: I want association.


Devotees: want association.


BHD: Maharaja will be here. We are all very happy to see your progress. So nicely you are improving. Guru Maharaja, do you feel hurt... Are you feeling hurt?


Devotees: ya, little bit.


JPS: ...you sit down and I walk.


Devotees: you will walk. (laughter)


BHD: As soon as you come out of the bed you will walk. Right now you have to take rest and you will walk when you come out of the bed. It will take sometime. Just wait for a day. Be patient.


RNS: .Previously they put him on a chair...


JPS: Have a lift in Mayapur?


BPS: We are preparing the lift. Construction going on there. The lift construction is going on in Mayapur.


JPS: Good to cough?


Devotees: Ya, good to cough.


BHD: Doctor said that if you are coughing it is good for you.


RNS: It is auspicious.


BHD: Sign of improvement.


RNS: It is auspicious.


BHD: Guru Maharaja here is Ananda Tirtha.


ATD: Arguments are going on. ...arguments started yesterday.


JPS: In the Higher Court?


ATD: No, in the Lower Court only, still. December 2nd week we should be getting a judgement, hopefully in our favor. Once you will be alright, you can come back.


JPS: I think it is ....


RNS: ....will come back to see you after sometime. Please rest.


ATD: So many devotees are praying for you Guru Maharaja. Because we want you back.


JPS: I heard that you're ... (unclear)

Ekanath Gaura: It's okay Guru Maharaja...We can finish this conversation later....


Wow, I read this and then hear this again and again, it is all so moving that even a cold hearted nonsense like me can even sheed a tear.


What in the hell are we all doing in this selfish material world, with our modern tehnological comforts and the Holleywood movie favorites, we are like dumb sheep that follow other nonsense sheep to the slaughter house

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<!-- message -->The situation at Jayapataka Maharaj's hospital APPEARS ALRIGHT HOWEVER hOSPITALS HAVE ALSO BEEN BOMBED


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 valign="top"><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 9px; MARGIN-LEFT: 3px" vAlign=top width="58%" colSpan=2><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 6px" vAlign=top align=middle width=80>smh-mumbai.jpg

Sydney Morning Herald</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>'At least 80 dead, gunmen take hostages'

Melbourne Herald Sun - <NOBR>34 minutes ago</NOBR>

A GROUP of Australians are hiding in a restaurant in Mumbai in India after a series of gun and bomb attacks against Westerners killed as many as 80 people.

Terror attacks in Mumbai; 80 dead, over 900 injured <NOBR>Times of India</NOBR>

Gunmen kill at least 78 in 7 attacks in Mumbai <NOBR>The Associated Press</NOBR>

<NOBR>Sydney Morning Herald</NOBR> - <NOBR>AFP</NOBR> - <NOBR>New York Times</NOBR> - <NOBR>Radio Australia</NOBR>

<NOBR>all 810 news articles »</NOBR>


The situation at Jayapataka Maharaj's hospital APPEARS ALRIGHT HOWEVER hOSPITALS HAVE ALSO BEEN BOMBED AND THIS ATTACK IS STILL GOING ON, the muslim fundalmentalists are killing anyone with American or English passports


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Due to Mumbai terrorist attacks, our ISKCON temple has tightened the security. Many new security measures were applied.

Also, today Guru Maharaja had difficulties due to the secretions. When he feels like coughing, he is trying hard but is still he is not able to cough them out through his mouth. So the nurses had to do suction. Right after the suction he became very tired.

One of it is temple vehicles are not allowed to go out of the temple premises and outside vehicles also cannot enter inside the temple.

Temple security officer told us, Mumbai is quiet today because many people are afraid to come out. So do not take risk.

Due to this uncertainty, we told one mataji who is staying next to the hospital to prepare prasadam for Guru Maharaja. Marici Prabhu, Nitai Prasad Prabhu, Srivas Pran Prabhu and I still went ahead to the hospital by taxi.

Today we reached the hospital within 20 minutes time. Streets are very quiet.

Many shops are closed. Even the hospital was very quiet. Not many people during the visiting hours. Usually it looks like a bazaar. Security at the Hinduja Hospital was tightened up too.

When we went into ICCU, Guru Maharaja had just finished his lunch and was resting on the chair.

He looked very tired. 20 minutes later he was put on the bed for resting. He rested till 5.30pm.


When he woke up he asked for herbal tea and kiwi fruits. He took one and a half kiwi fruit and few sips of camomile herbal tea.

Today Guru Maharaja had difficulties due to the secretions. When he feels like coughing, he is trying hard but is still he is not able to cough them out through his mouth. So the nurses had to do suction. Right after the suction he became very tired.

JPS Servants

Friday, November 28 - Report:

28-Nov-08, Report

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:

Maharaja's consciousness is the same- normal. Today the urinary catheter was removed.

The power in his limbs is gradually improving.


Friday, November 28 - 2nd Audio message from HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja:

Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.

The 2nd audio message was recorded by Ekanath Gaura prabhu on 24-Nov-08 and edited by Tirthatma Nitai prabhu. This message is posted on the url:


The transcription of the above message is:

"Hello. Jayapataka Swami here. Hello. Hello. Hare Krsna! 30 days. I am so tired. Recuperating. Doctor said today, I am out of danger. GAURANGA!!

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd

Friday, November 28 - Report from HG Mahavaraha Prabhu:

27th Nov 2008 Afternoon Shift 2pm - 7pm

I was on the afternoon shift today.

Friday, November 28 - Report from HG Mahavaraha Prabhu:

26th Nov 2008 - Morning Shift 6 am - 2 pm

7am: I went into the ICCU to see Guru Maharaja. He looked very fresh with clean shaven face and was relaxing on his bed. When he saw me next to him, he asked, "Were you here since last night?"

I said,

"No. Bhadra Balaram Prabhu was here and I just came in for my morning shift."

I called Srivas Pran Prabhu to come in and read from Caitanya Caritamrta for Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja is still without the speech valve. Sometimes his voice is not audible and sometimes it is fairly audible.

8am: Dr. Shiromani and Dr. Acyutananda went in to see Guru Maharaja. Dr. Shiromani was showing Guru Maharaja all the get-well cards she had received. As you all know from the yesterday's report Guru Maharaja was told HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja was supposed to come and visit him but he didn't make it because he was not feeling well.

Dr. Acyutananda is an official doctor who looks after Maharaja's health. So this morning Guru Maharaja asked Dr. Acyutananda Prabhu, "How is Maharaja's health?" Dr. Acyutananda commented on HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja's health. He then continued,

"Today is HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja's Tithi Vyasa puja. But he has cancelled the vyasa puja celebration because of your health condition." Guru Maharaja with his eyes wide open said,

"He should celebrate it. It is one day per year for the disciples." Dr. Shiromani immediately passed on this message to Dr. Madhavananda at Bhaktivedanta Hospital. Guru Maharaja also commented about some defects on his eyesight. Dr. Shiromani said she will inform the ophthalmologist regarding this.

8.30am: We fed Guru Maharaja with 3 mashed kiwi fruits mixed with almond powders. He ate all of them.

9.15am: Dr. Ashok came in for his routine check up. He told Guru Maharaja, "You are doing too good. "Guru Maharaja asked Dr. Ashok, "How are you doctor?" Dr. Ashok said, "Oh I am fine."

10am: While I was chanting in the relative's waiting room, Dr. Shiromani said the physiotherapist is calling you to come in. When I went in, the physiotherapist explained to me that today for the first time they are going to make Guru Maharaja to sit on the bed with legs hanging down without any support on the back to lean.

Two nurses, Miss Priya and Miss Vanita, the physiotherapist and myself lifted Guru Maharaja. We made him to sit on the bed. Although it was very difficult to lift him up I noticed that Guru Maharaja has lost his weight. Muscles below his both upper part of the arms was hanging down.

The physiotherapist was addressing Guru Maharaja, "Guru Maharaj! Guru Maharaj! Keep your head straight up and sit straight." Guru Maharaja tried but he kept falling sideward and was not able to sit on his own without the support for the back. I realised how weak his body is.

The bed was lowered down to help Guru Maharaja put his feet on the floor. Physiotherapist told Guru Maharaja to put his feet firm on the floor and hold the side railings of the bed. Even then Guru Maharaja kept falling sideward. Then 2 male attendants came in to help holding Guru Maharaja.

The physiotherapist also introduced few other therapies today especially to strengthen Guru Maharaja's arms. She said when Guru Maharaja's arms become strong enough then he will be given a walker to practice walking.

Then I noticed Guru Maharaja's sikha was matted and tangled because of his constantly lying on the bed. We combed his sikha only once or twice in the last 32 days of him being in the hospital.

I told Miss Priya that we should comb the sikha to make it look neat. I brought Guru Maharaja's comb and hair oil. While the male attendants were holding Guru Maharaja I started applying oil on Guru Maharaja's hair. I did it very gently. Miss Priya and Miss Vanita became uncomfortable.

They told me, "We can only hold him on this position for 10 minutes and you have to finish combing his hairs by then."

Two minutes later one of them grabbed the comb from my hand and the other one brought a bigger comb-to-comb Guru Maharaja's sikha. I was applying oil wherever needed especially on the matted part meanwhile they kept combing. I told them try not to loose a single hair. Guru Maharaja heard what I was saying, he said, "Dont cut my sikha."

I explained to Guru Maharaja about the condition of his sikha hairs and what are we trying to do for him. He nodded yes. At one point, while they were combing, Guru Maharaja shouted, "Ahh! Uhh!" I told the nurses, "Careful! Comb slowly!" Both the Marathi nurses with smile on their face asked Guru Maharaja, "Swamiji, paining, no? Paining, no?"

They were very personal and caring towards Guru Maharaja. Most of these nurses in ICCU are very caring and always address Guru Maharaja as 'Guru Maharaj' and 'Swamiji'. In twenty minutes we finished working on his sikha. Though we lost some of his hairs they did a good job.

His hair was tied and plaited (braided). I was explaining to Guru Maharaja of what they were doing to his sikha. He said, "Roll it up and put band." I said we are doing that. After that Guru Maharaja was put back into his original position on the bed but he was asking the nurses to put him on the chair. They did that after 15 minutes.

11am: Guru Maharaja was asking for water since he was feeling very thirsty. He asked for Tata Himlayan water. His latest favorite brand. Then I fed breakfast for him. While I was feeding breakfast to Guru Maharaja, Marici Prabhu came in to see Guru Maharaja.

Guru Maharaja asked him how he was and about his South American Tour. Marici Prabhu explained to Guru Maharaja about his tour to South America. Even with this kind of health conditions Guru Maharaja's interaction with Marici Prabhu appeared to be normal. Later, ophthalmologist came in to check Guru Maharaja.

They advised Guru Maharaja to blink his eyes very often to avoid dryness which can cause infection. Right now he is not able to do that because of weak muscles.

Then Marici Prabhu was showing about the get-well painting sent from Santiago, Chile. Then a collection of beautiful get-well cards put together in a single folder from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They were very attractive.

2.30pm - Lunch was served. All the food items were cooked soft to suit according to Guru Maharaja's diet.

We served basmati rice, dhal, spinach sabji, beans, etc. We mixed them well and was feeding him little by little by spoon. Guru Maharaja commented prasadam was great. At the end Marici asked him what else he wanted. Guru Maharaja said, "cake" Of course jokingly!

Yours in the service of Guru Maharaja,

JPS servants

Friday, November 28 - Report from HG Marici Prabhu:


Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This is small a report of my association with Gurudeva today.

I arrived at the Hinduja Hospital at 11am and took about one hour of waiting outside the hospital to be able to get the pass.

When I entered into the ICCU room Guru Maharaja called me and I noticed a natural happy expression on His face.

He asked me, "How are you? How was your trip to South America?" I started relating about our tour to Chile and Argentina and I was amazed how Gurudeva interacted so well during the conversation. Often he asked me a few technical questions about the devotees in Santiago, Chile and also about the farm of Mukunda Hari prabhu.

Guru Maharaja has many of his facial muscles and nerves, which are not working properly. For instance he has modulation difficulties to pronounce certain syllables especially those with B, P and O.

Also there are certain weaknesses on the muscles of his eyes facing difficulties to move them right or left but now he can move nicely his eyes up and down. Like that, he is experiencing the same difficulties in other different parts of his body but doctors are very positive and happy about Gurudeva because every single day they can see a significant progress.

For instance, just a few days ago, Guru Maharaja started eating just 1 spoon of food a day and today I had a chance to feed him oats at 11:30am, lunch at 2pm and dinner at 8PM and he ate so well like any other normal person which is a very good progress. I was feeding him like feeding a baby.

In today's lunch Guru Maharaja particularly liked the sabji with vegetables, peas, tomatoes, etc.and asked me who cook it? It was done by Vasudeva prabhu. Everyday he is cooking prasadam for Gurudeva with a team of Mayapur devotees according to the prescriptions given by the doctors. He also liked very much the spinach subjee. Also asked which kind of rice he uses (basmati).

I helped Guru Maharaja to do some exercise moving his hands, arms, feet and legs and he did well. The doctor said it is a good exercise for Guru Maharaja to talk so I made him to repeat Gauranga and the full Pancatatva mantra. His speech is getting better. At different times of the day I asked him to speak more.

I told Guru Maharaja that today was Ekanath Gaura prabhu's birthday. He was happy to know and he wanted to know where he was and what time he would come. Then we made a "secret plan".

When Ekanath came at 8pm Guru Maharaja pointed to him something hidden by the window. It took about 2 minutes for Ekanath to understand and he saw a surprise gift that Guru Maharaja had for him. He opened the gift and it was a Maha Cake from Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Rasabihari and everybody was so happy!

Some short stories from today:

I asked Guru Maharaja who did for you this beautiful tilak? Guru Maharaja reply: "Bhadra Balaram". Where is Bhadra Balaram? What time he will come?" (he is a very dear disciple of Gurudeva)

I brought 2 anti stress Chinese metal balls for Guru Maharaja to exercise his hands. It is a kind of physiotherapy work and he liked them but he needed a lot of my help to be able to use them.

I showed to Guru Maharaja a beautiful drawing that a Mataji from Chile did for Him. He was so happy with it! (Please see the drawing, which is attached with this text). I described the whole drawing to Him.

Guru Maharaja is in the hospital bed and his walking stick is hidden bellow his pillow, and I described each of those devotees depicted on the drawing (Ekanath, Atmananda, Sarva Sakti, Divya Priya, Seva Swarupa, Maha Varaha and myself) and he was so happy and started calling the nurses and requested me to show the drawing to them.

He asked me who did it? It is Bhaktin Monica from Chile. Thank you Monica to give Gurudeva a few minutes of happiness!

Gurudeva was very happy to see Ikshvaku prabhu from Ecuador. He lives in Perth, Australia and came here to serve Guru Maharaja for a week.

Tusti Mohan Krsna das was with Guru Maharaja for 40 minutes. He was amazed of Guru Maharaja's capacity to remember. What more impacted him was when he arrived Guru Maharaja immediately recognized him and asked him, "You are still here? I thought you left to Mayapur."

Guru Maharaja was informed 2 days before that Tusti Mohan Krsna das was going to represent him for the world interfaith conference held at Sri Mayapur Dham till December 6th. He says that Guru Maharaja's sugar level was tested by a nurse and it was perfect (in 120).

I told Gurudeva that devotees from Safari sent me a lot of lovely letters and tomorrow I will read them to Him. I also got very nice letters for him from many other devotees and well-wishers from around the world.

Today it was the first day that doctors declared that Guru Maharaja is "out of danger". They also say that latest by early next week Guru Maharaja will be transfered out of the ICCU to a private room.

10pm I was leaving the hospital and Guru Maharaja called me and he held my hand saying, "I want you to send a message to the web. Please request the devotees to pray so I will be able to talk and walk so I can be able to preach." So please I beg all the Vaishnava community to please pray to the Lord to fulfill this humble desire of Gurudeva, Srila Jayapataka Swami.

Thank you.

Your servant,

Marici das




Jayapataka Maharaja's Spiritual Master and merciful guide who JPM considers as Jagat Guru


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Jayapataka Swami Out of Danger

Monday, December 1st 2008







<!--paging_filter-->Doctors say that ISKCON guru and GBC Jayapataka Swami, who has been recovering from a brain hemorrhage in Mumbai’s Hinduja hospital since late October, will be moved out of the Intensive Care Unit early next week.


He was taken off ventilator support on November 21, after which he had an alert and coherent conversation with several godbrothers and other devotees including Radhanatha Swami and Bhakti Purushottam Swami. Speech was painful, however, and he had to use a “speaking valve” provided by doctors.


The situation continued to grow more positive as Jayapataka Swami continued to breathe without ventilator support throughout the week. His food intake also increased, and he remained fully conscious and alert.

He is currently receiving limb physiotherapy, and at last notice has been breathing comfortably without the ventilator for five days. Devotees around the world, while continuing to pray for his swift recovery, are breathing sighs of relief and thanking Krishna.


This message, dictated to Ekanatha Gaura Dasa by Jayapakta Swami on November 24, says it all: “Hare Krishna! Thirty days I am here. I am very tired. Doctor says I am out of danger. GAURANGA!!”


Monday, December 1st 2008 - Report:

HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Maharaja is continuing to show steady improvement. Yesterday he was made to sit on the edge of the bed with legs hanging down and support at the back. He's also made to sit on a chair (with support) daily for 4 to 5 hours during which he does hand and leg exercises. He is being fed soft solids orally.


Maharaja had fever this morning. The doctors have sent his blood and urine cultures to find the source of infection and have started him on antibiotics. By evening his fever had settled.


Please continue your prayers.

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A word of caution from Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Maharaja is still in the ICU. Even though he's not critical, infection may set in and that will delay his recovery and create some complications. That should be borne in mind.





Urgent request regarding HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's health:

Dear Devotees,


Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As you all know from the Doctor's report that HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja got an infection yesterday. His moving out of the ICCU to the special ward is delayed because of this. The doctors are annoyed with the devotees for allowing many visitors. And hence, we are writing this urgent message.


NO VISITORS will be allowed even the SENIOR DEVOTEES OR THE LEADERS for a week, starting from tomorrow the 2nd until the 10th of December. HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja wants to come out of the ICCU soon so we need everyone's cooperation.


Instead of your coming you can write get well letters or send get well cards to Ratnavali Mataji at rdd@pamho.net and the letters will be read to Maharaja. Also any positive temple reports could be sent for his pleasure.

Your servants,


Bhakti Purushottama Swami and Braja Hari Das

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Tuesay, December 02 - Night report:


HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Maharaja is recovering gradually. The physiotherapist is teaching him exercises to strengthen his trunk muscles so that he can sit up on his own gradually. The power in his limbs is getting better everyday. His oral feeds are going on. Blood pressure is under control with medication. Other parameters are stable.


Tuesay, December 02 - A message from HH Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja:

Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.


One of the duties of the JPS care givers is to read letters written to Guru Maharaja. Apart from the other devotional and rehabilitation program, Guru Maharaja also likes to listen to the devotees’ letters. Whatever letters we receive, we print them and send it for reading.


Today while Iksvaku prabhu was reading letters, Guru Maharaja stopped him and said he wants a message to be posted on the web! His message is as follows:


"I want to walk. I am not strong. Please pray for me to become strong so I can walk in 10 days."


Although medically they say it might take a longer period of time, by Guru Maharaja's message we can understand his desire to walk soon. Let us keep continuously praying to Krsna.


It seems that the Lord is enjoying the devotees’ intense prayers to Him.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


Tuesay, December 02 - Report from HG Isvara Puri prabhu:



Today I had the good fortune to hear Guru Maharaja speak for the first time in the Hindhuja hospital. I was doing my security services at the entrance in the ground floor outside the lobby.


After waiting patiently outside the hospital for 5 hours, Dharesh prabhu asked me to come up to the floor where Guru Maharaja was. When I went to the ICCU Guru Maharaja was resting. I just took a brief darshan and came out of the ICCU.


When Guru Maharaja woke up after a while, Dr. Shiromani Mataji went to see him. Later she came out and said Guru Maharaja is trying to say something.


So I went inside and when Guru Maharaja saw me, he cried out... "GAURANGAAA" (of course to the best of his capability) Then, the nurse told me that I could go near him. When I went nearby him, he told me, "HARE KRISHNA". It took Guru Maharaja a lot of effort, but I saw it as a child begin to say his first words.


I began to massage his lotus feet and to do some physiotherapy exercises that a devotee had taught us. Dharesh prabhu came in to check and asked Guru Maharaja if I was doing it properly. Guru Maharaja lifted up his right hand and showed his thumb up, confirming it was good. I felt happy to please Guru Maharaja.


Click here to go to the History page to read the previous health updates of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.


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Maharaja had a slight fever today. His white cell counts are low. This may be a hurdle to his recovery. Please pray intensely for Maharaja's recovery.

Thursday, December 04 - Night report:


HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavanada das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai


Maharaja's consciousness is normal. He is taking both soft solids and liquids orally. The physiotherapist is teaching him exercises to strengthen his muscles to help him sit without support and later stand with support. She said he is doing well in terms of physiotherapy.


Maharaja had a slight fever today. His white cell counts are low. This may be a hurdle to his recovery. Please pray intensely for Maharaja's recovery.


Thursday, December 04 - Report from HG Ekanath Gaura Prabhu:

3-Dec-08 - Afternoon shift: 12noon to 6pm


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

At 1 pm we arrived at Hinduja hospital with the prasadam. Hinduja security is very high because of the past terrorist attack. By Krishna's mercy we are all safe.


Today the Speech Therapist came from Bhaktivedanta Hospital to teach us few systems and movements for Guru Maharaja's face muscles. Guru Maharaja was very attentively listening and he is totally surrendered to whatever the doctors or devotees advice him.


Guru Maharaja's mood is very humble, patient and tolerant. I would say extremely or even very extremely!!!! He is in the hospital already for one month and eleven days in ICCU.


At 1:30 pm Guru Maharaja took his lunch. While he was eating, Dr Syamalal prabhu spoke to him about changing Guru Maharaja to ICU room in the second floor. We are right now in the ICCU which is for the patients who need to be on ventilator support.


Guru Maharaja although has so many tubes he is very tolerant. Sometimes the other patients in similar situation are very distressed and their hands have to be tied so that they don't pull out the tubes. But Guru Maharaja is very cooperative with the doctors, nurses and devotees.


Since Guru Maharaja's speech is not yet fully clear it is difficult to understand what he says sometimes. If he wants us to scratch, we would ask him, if he wants to drink water or other things. He doesn't get frustrated, but always remains calm.


At 2:30 pm After Guru Maharaja finished his lunch he was moved from the sofa to the bed for chest physiotherapy. He was sitting on the sofa since 7am.


At 3:30 pm Guru Maharaja took some rest until 4pm. Guru Maharaja was waiting for a very important guest. I told Guru Maharaja that one devotee from Russia that used to help Mayapur a lot will come to visit him and he immediately asked me, "Brahmananda?" and I replied, "Yes".


At 4 pm Vidvan Gauranga Prabhu, one of Guru Maharaja's pandit (scholarly) disciple came to read few letters to Guru Maharaja and do some massage to his legs.


At 5 pm HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja came with HG Brahmananda Prabhu, a Russian devotee that used to help and support Mayapur project with big donations. He is very well known to Guru Maharaja and he loves him a lot.


Before HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja went inside I applied tilaka to Guru Maharaja as he always likes to have tilaka on his face.


HG Brahmananda Prabhu took Guru Maharaja's hand and HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja started speaking to Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja asked Brahmananda Prabhu, "Kakdila?"


It means, how are you in Russian. He also asked few other words in Russian. Guru Maharaja always kindly enquires everyone who comes to see him, how they are, where they are staying and for how many days.


HG Brahmananda Prabhu specifically came to see Guru Maharaja from Russia! He was very pleased to see Guru Maharaja and Guru Maharaja's special concern for him.


Even in this condition of lying down on the ICCU bed he is always concerned about our welfare if we ate, if we are ok, etc, Amazing!!! Seeing Guru Maharaja's dealings with the devotees, HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja was enjoying and admiring his care and concern.


Guru Maharaja started to glorify HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja and then HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja glorified. Like this they were glorifying each other. It was such a pleasure to watch their loving exchanges.


HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja narrated the incident of how Guru Maharaja met HG Acyutananda Prabhu after a long time of separation.


Guru Maharaja and HG Acyutananda Prabhu were preaching together in India for many years. 30 years ago.


They were very nice friends. During the New York Ratha Yatra Guru Maharaja met HG Acyutananda Prabhu surprisingly. In the beginning he could not recognize him as they haven't seen each other for so many years.


HG Acyutananda Prabhu saw Guru Maharaja and said, "I am your godbrother, Acyutananda Prabhu." Guru Maharaja looked at him and had tears in his eyes.


Guru Maharaja embraced him and HG Acyutananda prabhu also started crying. HG Acyutananda Prabhu called HG Yogesvara prabhu and informed him about his meeting with Guru Maharaja and how both of them cried.


After HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja spoke Guru Maharaja told us how they used to preach together and also he asked HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja to send a message to HG Acyutananda prabhu saying he loves him.


Guru Maharaja also asked about HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja's travel to America. He asked in which airline he was flying. Maharaja replied British Airways. Guru Maharaja said, "In BA they have flat bed."


We all started laughing. Guru Maharaja asked if HG Brahamanada Prabhu knows what flat bed means, and he didn't. I explained to him that in business class one can make the seat flat.


Then Guru Maharaja asked HH Radhanatha Swami Maharaja if he was flying on a business class. Maharaja replied, "I don't know what kind of ticket they bought for me."


HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja is a very simple sadhu and a powerful spiritual master. He is very caring and loving towards all of us. He just came to see Guru Maharaja before going to America.


He travelled so many hours to just come and see Guru Maharaja, to exchange few words with him and to encourage us. We are really grateful to His Holiness for all his love and care for our Guru Maharaja and for all of us.


He even cancelled his Vyasa puja just because Guru Maharaja was in hospital in a serious situation. We conveyed the message to Maharaja saying Guru Maharaja is not happy that he had cancelled his Vyasa Puja.


But he didn't want to celebrate at this moment when Guru Maharaja was on ventilator and he said he will celebrate his Vyasa puja another day during the year.


HG Brahmananda Prabhu and Maharaja were telling Guru Maharaja how the devotees are praying for him and how they all love him. Guru Maharaja said, "That's why I am still here."


Guru Maharaja asked HG Brahmananda Prabhu about the Moscow temple and he said that it is going to be built only if Guru Maharaja will give class. Guru Maharaja said he will go as soon as he can play his kartals.

Guru Maharaja asked if we had any Balaji's Laddu (Mahaprasad from Tirupati Balaji).


Guru Maharaja wanted to give to HG Brahmananda prabhu. Since we didn't have we gave them some Jagannath Maha Oil.


Nurses told us to go out, to change Guru Maharaja's position. After I went again inside to discuss with Guru Maharaja, what present to give to HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja. Guru Maharaja chose a nice pavitram from Lord Narasimhadeva and he personally gave to Maharaja and said,


"Happy Vyasa Puja". Maharaja was happy to receive the gift from Guru Maharaja.


There were many loving exchanges amongst HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja, Guru Maharaja and HG Brahmananda prabhu. Once we tried to guess what Guru Maharaja was saying for 15 min, until we realized that he was speaking in Russian to HG Brahmananda Prabhu's wife.


At 6:45 pm After Maharaja and HG Brahmanada Prabhu left, HG Braja Hari Prabhu came to see Guru Maharaja.


I would like to say few words about HG Braja Hari Prabhu. He is Guru Maharaja's disciple more than 25 years now, a brahmacari and a very simple and pure hearted devotee. He is the Temple President of Juhu, Mumbai. He has dedicated his life in the service of Sri Sri Radha Rasabihariji.


He is one of the key person in Guru Maharaja's hospital lila. He arranged everything for us and Guru Maharaja. Whenever he comes to see Guru Maharaja he gets the best fruits for him. He is also like a father to me.


Your servant

JPS caregivers


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H.H. Jayapataka Maharaj has been moved to a less intensive care ICU, HE amazingly sat in a normal chair and was able to support his back and neck by himself.

Later in the day he sat in a wheelchair and taken for a spin around the ICU with the care devotees joyfully chanting Hare Krishna..



Friday, December 05 - Night report:


HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


Yesterday evening Maharaja was shifted to another ICU which is less intense and is for patients who do not need a ventilator. It is quieter here and Maharaja finds it more comfortable.


Today Maharaja was given a walker to try to stand but he was unable to support his weight. Nevertheless he was made to sit in a normal chair and was able to support his back and neck by himself. Later in the day he was made to sit in a wheelchair and taken around the ICU.


The physiotherapy is going on intensely and Maharaja is eager to be able to walk soon.


His swallowing is also improving daily. He was able to eat and drink more easily today.


Please continue your intense prayers.

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Maharaja is steadily recovering!! Hari Bol!





Sunday, December 07 - Evening report:


HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananada das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai


Maharaja is steadily recovering.


His lungs are much better now. He is able to cough out mucous from his mouth on his own which is again a step towards removing the tracheostomy tube in a few days.


The physiotherapy is going on intensely and is sometimes tiring for Maharaja. But he takes rest for a short time and then continues.


He has to practice sitting on the bed on his own with minimal support from his hands. Maharaja is very alert about doing these exercises daily and more than once in a day


Maharaja's appetite is improving.

Please continue to pray intensely.


Sunday, December 07 - Report from HG Maha Varaha Prabhu:

6th and 7th Dec 2008 - Night shift, 6 pm – 6 am


This evening we reached the hospital at 8pm. It took exactly two hours to reach the hospital.


There was a big gathering of people close to the area where the hospital is located. Roads leading to Hinduja Hospital were closed. Roads, streets, buses and trucks were filled up with people.


Today people were celebrating the death anniversary of B.R. Ambedkar, who is also known as "Father of Indian Constitution"


When I went inside the ICU Bhadra Balaram Prabhu was doing physiotherapy for Guru Maharaja. I noticed the nasogastric feeding tube was removed from Guru Maharaja's nose. The clarity of his speech has improved further. We started feeding the dinner at 8.35pm.


While we were feeding dinner Guru Maharaja was squeezing his fingers of his right hand. Then he said, "My right hand is weak...." I explained,


"Guru Maharaja, in the beginning there was not a slight movement on your right hand but now you are able to lift the hand up to your chest! You are progressing nicely.


After few more days of exercise you will be able to lift high enough to call out Gaurangaaaaa!!!" As soon as I said this, Guru Maharaja tried his best lifting his right hand while calling out


"Gauranga!!!" He managed to lift it up to his ear then dropped it immediately.


Guru Maharaja is very alert about his surroundings too. Whenever the machines at the side of his bed beep he would immediately ask us to check on them.


Each time when the hospital staff or doctors walk into his room he will ask them questions of what they are doing and what are they talking.


His memory is still very sharp. He remembers all the doctors’ names who are attending him.


At 10.15 pm we did the face and speech therapy for Guru Maharaja. Before Guru Maharaja went to sleep Madhavakanta Prabhu brought in the pictures of Their Lordships Sri Radha Rasabihari and Hanuman Ji.


Guru Maharaja told him to touch the pictures on his forehead and requested him to put Hanuman picture within his sight.


Next day morning at 6 am after applying tilaka on his forehead we started the morning program with mangala arati song. Guru Maharaja was trying to sing along with us until we finished the whole program. We noticed he was moving his lips accordingly from the beginning to the end of all songs.


Though this report appears to be very positive, please remember that Guru Maharaja's bodily immune system is very low and chances for infections are high. Therefore we have to keep praying intensely until Guru Maharaja recovers completely.


5th December 2008 - Afternoon shift, 12 noon till 6 pm:


I was on afternoon shift today. Bhadra Balaram Prabhu, who was in the morning shift stayed back with me to learn physiotherapy which was supposed to take place after the lunch. We finished feeding the lunch at 3.30 pm.


When Guru Maharaja was about to take his pear pudding the physiotherapist came in. Though Guru Maharaja appeared little tired after the morning session of physiotherapy and lunch, Guru Maharaja still agreed to go for the next session of exercises.


Guru Maharaja's enthusiasm is ever high and he is always very keen to gain strength and walk as soon as possible especially after seeing some improvements on his bodily movement due to exercises.


At the end of the session, the therapist told us that tomorrow they may take Guru Maharaja to the physiotherapy department by wheelchair to try to make Guru Maharaja stand with the help of some instruments.


So today around 4.30pm he was made to sit on a wheelchair and we took him around the ICU ward. In the beginning Guru Maharaja was not able to balance himself up while being on the sitting position.


He kept falling towards sideways. Gradually, after we kept reminding him couple of times to keep his back straight up he did quite well. While touring around the ward we introduced the staffs, we also showed him his altar at the back of his bed and we told him his bed number too.


He was looking around by turning his head from one side to another side very slowly. Then we took him close to a window and showed him the Arabian Sea. He was looking at it for a while.


After about ten rounds inside the ICU ward he became quite tired. We made him to take rest on his bed.


Guru Maharaja rested for 45 minutes. Then we heard an announcement, 'Bed no.51.' I rushed inside the ICU. Guru Maharaja was awake and he asked for his evening fruit. We also had HG Braja Hari Prabhu who came to checkout the ICU. He was with Guru Maharaja for about 15 minutes.


While Guru Maharaja was having his fruit he told Braja Hari Prabhu, "I didn’t see Radha Rasa Bihari picture here. Please bring them and also Hanuman." I think he noticed it when we he was on the wheelchair tour.


At 7.45 pm after doing the face therapy for Guru Maharaja we handed over our duty and left the hospital.

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