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Unable to concieve - Pls help

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Respected astrologers,


My friend is unable to concieve - pls help.


She has tried all medical treatments but to no avail. Reports are normal.


Details :

Name : Seema

DOB : 26-apr-1976

Time : 1:50PM

Place : Mumbai


Husbands Details :

Name : Deepak

DOB : 26-aug-1972

Time : 4:15AM

Place : Mumbai


Date of Marriage : 23-mar-2004

Muhurth : 11.45AM

Place : Mumbai.



Thanks and Regards


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Dear Ships,


Looking at the Lady's chart - here's my analysis.


Mark the presence of Putrakaraka and 5L Jup well placed 9H, but with LL Sun and Ketu aspected by Sat(6L,7L). Rahu is aspecting this combination and also aspecting Mars the 9L signifying children in womens' chart.

But the 9H is subjected to subhakarthari yoga. Venus/Moon and Merc on the other. According to some dictums - it is said that Ascendant lord in 9H uses up the resources in that house - weakening that house - may be this is what is happening here - add to it many other influences.


In Navamsa

9L and putrakaraka Jup is again well placed in 5H but hemmed between Sun/Sat and Ketu and aspected by Mars from the 2H.

Sat is with 5L and Rahu is aspecting the 5L.


Venus and Saturn are in trines to each other in Rasi and Navamsa

- also signifying difficulties in childbirth.


In Saptamsa

Jup again (signifying the first child in this case) the 5L is hemmed between Sun-Ketu and aspected by Sat.

The first child should be a girl baby based on Saptamsa analysis.

Chara Putrakaraka Moon is in 8H MKS.


There are lot of malefics influences on Jupiter in Rasi, Navamsa and Saptamsa. Currently running Ketu/Sat until 2009-11-17. This period is not seem very promising. The antardasa of Merc (as 2L signifying family) having an argala on the 9H can give some results - but he is opposed by Venus and Moon in the 8H.


The next positive chance is in Venus/Venus between 2010-11-14 to 2014-03-13. Venus though is placed in 8H is very strong exalted or well placed in 5Vargas and Ashtakavarga bala of 6.

Venus/Venus bhoga falls in 2H from lagna of family.


In the meanwhile it is recommended that they strengthen Jup for improving their prospects by worshipping a form of Guru.


With Best Wishes.


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Dear Classic72,


Thank you so much for ur help. Ur explanations are very clear and elaborate. I helps a novice like me understand this subject with clarity. Hoping to have more of such discussions...If possible pls provide me ur email id as i have some points regarding the gajakeasri yoga to be clarified and ur perceptions wud help me understand it better.










Dear Ships,


Looking at the Lady's chart - here's my analysis.


Mark the presence of Putrakaraka and 5L Jup well placed 9H, but with LL Sun and Ketu aspected by Sat(6L,7L). Rahu is aspecting this combination and also aspecting Mars the 9L signifying children in womens' chart.

But the 9H is subjected to subhakarthari yoga. Venus/Moon and Merc on the other. According to some dictums - it is said that Ascendant lord in 9H uses up the resources in that house - weakening that house - may be this is what is happening here - add to it many other influences.


In Navamsa

9L and putrakaraka Jup is again well placed in 5H but hemmed between Sun/Sat and Ketu and aspected by Mars from the 2H.

Sat is with 5L and Rahu is aspecting the 5L.


Venus and Saturn are in trines to each other in Rasi and Navamsa

- also signifying difficulties in childbirth.


In Saptamsa

Jup again (signifying the first child in this case) the 5L is hemmed between Sun-Ketu and aspected by Sat.

The first child should be a girl baby based on Saptamsa analysis.

Chara Putrakaraka Moon is in 8H MKS.


There are lot of malefics influences on Jupiter in Rasi, Navamsa and Saptamsa. Currently running Ketu/Sat until 2009-11-17. This period is not seem very promising. The antardasa of Merc (as 2L signifying family) having an argala on the 9H can give some results - but he is opposed by Venus and Moon in the 8H.


The next positive chance is in Venus/Venus between 2010-11-14 to 2014-03-13. Venus though is placed in 8H is very strong exalted or well placed in 5Vargas and Ashtakavarga bala of 6.

Venus/Venus bhoga falls in 2H from lagna of family.


In the meanwhile it is recommended that they strengthen Jup for improving their prospects by worshipping a form of Guru.


With Best Wishes.


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