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Srila Prabhupada’s Presentation of Srimati Radharani - by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami

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I can remember Srila Prabhupada speaking about Srimati Radharani in the summer of 1966 at <st1:street w:st="on"><st1:address w:st="on">26 Second Ave.</st1:address></st1:street> in <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">New York City</st1:place></st1:city>.


I always remember Prabhupada on Radhastami because I received first initiation from Prabhupada on this day, September 23rd, 1966.


Prabhupada’s qualifications for initiation were very easy in those days and so I could have been initiated at the first initiation in ISKCON which was on Janmastami day 1966. But I didn’t feel ready for the surrender of my so-called free activities. It seemed too much to give up and so I passed up the initiation.

But a few days after that I began to regret that I didn’t get initiated. Then I heard from one of the devotees that Prabhupada was planning to hold another initiation in two weeks on the occasion of the appearance day of Srimati Radharani. So then Prabhupada began to explain to us something about Srimati Radharani.

He said that on Janmastami we had to fast all day until midnight because Krishna is very strong and hard. But on Radhastami we would only have to fast until noon because Radharani is soft and kind.

I therefore decided that I would ask Prabhupada if I could get initiated on Radharani’s appearance day. What had seemed too hard two weeks previously on Krishna’s birthday now seemed easier under the protection of Srimati Radharani.

Prabhupada’s first explanation of Radharani is an unforgettable sutra. Prabhupada said that Srimati Radharani is the best devotee of Krishna. Because She loves Him the most.

Prabhupada then explained that Srimati Radharani was interested in the welfare of all devotees and that we could pray to Her. He said you can’t go directly to Krishna but if Krishna’s devotee is pleased with you then he or she will recommend you to Krishna and Krishna will be obliged to give you His mercy. This is especially true if you get the mercy of Srimati Radharani.

Prabhupada put knowledge of Radharani in the very first books that he translated in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">America</st1:place></st1:country-region>, Teachings of Lord Caitanya 1967, Krishna Book 1968, and Nectar of Devotion in 1969. In the Nectar of Devotion, under the category of “Attracting Krishna”, the characteristics of pure devotional service, Prabhupada explained the principle of approaching Krishna through Radha:

To perform devotional service means to follow in the footsteps of Radharani, and the devotees in Vrndavana put themselves under the care of Radharani in order to achieve perfection in their devotional service. In other words, devotional service is not an activity of the material world; it is directly under the control of Radharani. In Bhagavad Gita it is confirmed that the mahatmas or great souls, are under the protection of daivi prakrti, the internal energy—Radharani. So, being directly under the control of the internal potency of Krishna, devotional service attracts even Krishna Himself.” (NOD pg. 16)

Prabhupada’s remark that Krishna was hard and Radharani was soft and kind, is collaborated by a statement he made in the Nectar of Devotion under Krishna’s quality of “compassionate”:

<dl><dd>“Instead of offering obeisances to Krishna, devotees offer obeisances to His compassionate nature. Actually , because Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is very difficult to approach Him. But the devotees, taking advantage of His compassionate nature, which is represented by Radharani, always pray to Radharani for Krishna’s compassion.” (NOD pg. 176) </dd></dl> Prabhupada sometimes described Radharani as Krishna’s tenderhearted female counter part.

And for praying to Radharani, the easiest way is to address Her in Hare Krishna Mantra which is made up of names of Radha and Krishna. :o Energy of the Lord (Hara) O Lord, please engage me in Your service.”

Prabhupada did not broadcast explicitly the glories of Radharani as much as he did those of Lord Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And yet he does inform us that, according to Gaudiya Vaisnava siddhanta, Srimati Radharani is the Queen of Vrndavana. She has the power to attract even Krishna. As stated by Prabhupada in the Nectar of Devotion:

<dl><dd>“Krishna attracts everyone, but devotional service attracts Krishna. The symbol of devotional service in the highest degree is Radharani. Krishna is called Madana Mohana, which means He is so attractive that He can defeat the attraction of thousands of Cupids. But Radharani is still more attractive, for She can attract Krishna. Therefore devotees call Her Madana Mohana Mohini, the attractor of the attractor of Cupid.” (NOD 16)</dd><dt>

</dt><dt>from:</dt><dt>Srila Prabhupada’s Presentation of Srimati Radharani


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SDG From Tachycardia25: published - 12 September 2008



Giriraja Maharaja told me of a conversation he had last December with H.H. Radhanatha Maharaja. Radhanatha Maharaja was apprehensive about the proliferation of pictures of Krishna in the mood of subservience to Srimati Radharani. He said that this was a very, very confidential pastime and not meant to be widely broadcast. The first painting of this pastime, done by Yadurani under the direction of Srila Narayana Maharaja, appeared some years ago. That painting appeared in Back to Godhead magazine and has now become very famous. Apparently since then, there have appeared many paintings done by Eastern European artists of Krishna in subordination to Radharani. Radhanatha Maharaja thought it was a disservice to show this pastime too cheaply. Giriraja Maharaja remarked that even such an exalted soul as Jayadeva Goswami hesitated to write the words in his poem that Krishna surrendered to Radharani. Anyway, I’m happy that I compiled Srila Prabhupada’s quotes from his books and lectures about the topic of presenting Srimati Radharani and would like to share it with my Godbrothers and Godsisters.

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